My guest from a couple of weeks ago and I had so much fun together she decided to interview me for her Radio Show, Raising Playful Tots, and that’s what we’re getting this week! Melitsa Avila puts me in the hotspot and asks some interesting questions to get a view of motherhood from the other side! I give some sage advice and encouragement for women just starting out on their motherhood journeys. I am proof that there is life at the other end of the tunnel. I had fun with my children intentionally and my blue eyed cowboy and I played and wrestled with them from the time they were born to now, although with young adults the games are taking on a different shape! Stop mopping up the milk for a moment and come and listen to my show this Friday where I am asked to put my money where my mouth is and tell a few secrets as to how raising a young family worked for me!
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