This week I am thrilled to have my very creative and artistic friend, Marcia Washburn, back on my show. Marcia holds a Master’s in Music Education and taught public school music for eight years prior to the birth of the oldest of her five sons, whom she and her husband homeschooled in rural Colorado for nineteen years.
On past shows Marcia has talked about the Shuar Indians of Ecuador and her fabulous music book called, Beethoven Who?
Today she is going to be introducing us to one of her e-books from her series, Management for Moms, competently covering topics such as obedience and discipline as well as housework and car mechanics not to mention the day-to-day parenting, educational, financial, and spiritual challenges we face as we keep our focus on God and his plan for our family’s legacy.
Marcia is going to be focusing on Encouragement and has a special offer for anyone who orders the Management for Moms bundle for $9.98. A free copy of Encouragement for Homeschooling Moms. That’s four books for under $10.
You can view the special at
Join us on Friday with a hot drink and find out how to keep on going even when you think God has forgotten you!
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