Raising Miro on the Road of Life 2: Lainie Liberti


This week I am bringing you the second half of my conversation with Lainie Liberti and her son Miro who are living in Peru at the moment on their way slowly around the world.  Lainie, with some help from Miro, authors a blog and podcast Raising Miro on the Road of Life and she invites you to join them on their fascinating journey.  As we heard last week their ever changing world has been transformed into a compelling classroom for both of them and Lainie is an advocate for “life learning” at any age.  The pair have taken this philosophy to heart and are producing a family and teen oriented unschooling retreat in Peru called Project Unschool Peru.  

They are in their fifth year of travelling and are living inspired, possession-free-lifestyles, experiencing the history & culture of foreign lands, encountering amazing people, interacting as global citizens, serving as volunteers, and naturally learning along the way. Join me on Friday to hear more about the way they spend stress free quality time together every day 24/7.  Pass the biscuits why don’t you and make yourself comfortable.  


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