Ten Minute Writer: Katharine Grubb



This week I am welcoming to my show Katharine Grubb.  Katharine was born in northeastern Oklahoma. She was raised in the Tulsa suburbs, attended the University of Oklahoma, taught school, wrote stories and then shocked everyone by moving to Boston, Massachusetts to be with a man she had been e-mailing for nine months. She married that man, and with him had five boisterous children ages 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16.

Nowadays, she still lives in Massachusetts, homeschools her children, bakes bread, does ridiculous amounts of laundry and sets her timer to write stories in ten minute increments. She loves homeschooling and just completed her 12th year.

Katharine blogs at www.10minutewriter.com and is on Twitter @10MinuteWriter where she talks about writing fiction and nonfiction.  Join us on Friday with your tea and be prepared to laugh!!

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