Window to the Wild: Simon & Lindsey McNeny


This week I am delighted to bring you a conversation I had with Simon and Lindsey McNeny who reflected with me on their past year and talked about the hard work they have been doing to get their company off the ground.  Simon is my son and a graduate from Wildflower Academy where he homeschooled under the tutelage of me!  I encouraged him to spend many hours at the local animal shelter assisting with routine vaccinations, bottle feeding orphaned raccoons, squirrels and opossums and bringing many of them home thus fuelling his passion for animals.  He also spent nine years volunteering at the local community theatre on stage and behind-the-scenes performing many musicals, plays and operas which prepared him to give educational talks to the public at local schools and co-ops.  Simon has a Bachelor’s Degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Science from Texas A&M. university and was a keeper at The Dallas Zoo where he looked after the hoofed stock, notably Okapi, Gemsbok, Bongo and Zebra. Lindsey is my daughter-in-law and was formerly a Supervisor for Natural Encounters, Inc., where she produced, choreographed, and performed animal shows all across the country at zoos including the San Diego Zoo (which won an award for Best Overall Production at IAAPA), Toledo, Philadelphia, Dallas Zoo and a free-flight bird show at the State Fair of Texas.   She also worked as a trainer and performed animal shows for the L.A. Zoo, Birds and Animals Unlimited “Animal Planet Live” show at Universal Studios Hollywood, and the Phoenix Zoo.   She has a Bachelor of Science degree from Siena Heights University.  Together they have founded a non-profit company called Window to the Wild and their goal is to increase awareness about wildlife and raise money to donate to conservation projects helping animals and the environment all around the world.   Bring your tea and join us this Friday to hear how the world is treating this young couple and particularly my graduated homeschooling son who is holding his own and hanging on to his dreams with his lovely wife!  Tune in to Toginet at 12 noon CT.

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