Dr. Lynn Hellerstein of Vision Beyond Sight speaks with Julie Skolnick, M.A., J.D., author and founder of With Understanding Comes Calm LLC, to talk about 2e (twice-exceptional) children and adults, how to identify gifted learners and their transitions and struggles in the current school system, and how her book Gifted and Distractible provides strategies to help teachers and parents (including 2e parents) to understand, support, advocate and bring out the best in neurodiverse students.
๐ Click here and tune in to the show now to explore:
- What is 2e?
- Identifying twice-exceptional children
- How is the school system for neurodiverse students?
- Specific indicators
- Transitions for 2e learners
- How to help parents (including 2e parents) with their 2e kids
- Julie’s book Gifted and Distractible - understanding, strategies and advocacy
- Issues with laws aiming to change the moniker of “gifted”
- Strategies for parents and teachers to support and empower 2e kids
- Teachers “make deposits in the trust bank account”
- Parents “make deposits in the positive perspective bank account”
- How to contact Julie
About Julie Rosnick, M.A., J.D.:
Julie F. Rosenbaum Skolnick, M.A., J.D., Founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC, passionately guides parents of gifted and distractible children, mentors 2e adults, trains educators and advises professionals on how to bring out the best and raise self-confidence in their 2e students and clients.
Julie’s studies at Colgate University, Boston College and Cornell Law School allowed her to take a deep dive into sociology and why people do what they do. Her advocacy focus orients her toward seeking what someone needs based on who they are and how they show up in the world.
Her community involvement mirrors her passion for the gifted and twice exceptional community serving as Secretary to the Maryland Superintendent’s Gifted and Talented Advisory Council, Advisor for the Masters of Education Program for the Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity, Maryland liaison for Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG), Committee member for the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and as an advisor to “The G Word” feature documentary currently in production.
Julie produces Let’s Talk 2e! virtual conferences, hosts Let’s Talk 2e! Empowerment Groups, and publishes “Gifted & Distractible,” a free weekly newsletter.
Julie and her husband are parents of three twice exceptional children who keep them on their toes and uproariously laughing. Julie’s therapist is a red standard poodle named Tigger.
Order Gifted & Distractible (Published October 2023) at www.GiftedandDistractible.com.
Connect with Julie Rosnick, M.A., J.D. and With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube
Check out Julie's book: Gifted and Distractible
“For teachers, you’re depositing in the trust bank account. That means, you have our kids all day long so we need you to let us know as often as possible about the things our kid does that are actually magnificent. We need to hear when our kid is at their best. If teachers don’t offer up this information, I always recommend your first question at parents-teacher conference is, ‘Tell me when you see my kid shine. When is my kid their best self?” And if the teacher is like, ‘Hmm, never,’ then we have an issue and we need to figure out what’s happening within that toxic environment.” – Julie Skolnick, M.A., J.D.
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Dr. Lynn Hellerstein, Developmental Optometrist, co-owner of Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center, P.C., award-winning author and international speaker, holds powerful and inspiring conversations with her guests in the areas of health, wellness, education, sports and psychology. They share their inspirational stories of healing and transformation through their vision expansion. Vision Beyond Sight Podcast will help you see with clarity, gain courage and confidence. Welcome to Vision Beyond Sight!
Dr. Lynn’s books are available at Amazon.com and www.lynnhellerstein.com/shop.
Dr. Lynn is available for speaking engagements and consulting. For more information, visit www.lynnhellerstein.com.
To learn more about vision therapy or to find a doctor providing vision therapy in your area, visit COVD.org.
To learn more about vision and the impact in concussion/brain injury, visit Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association.
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