Recent Episodes and Interviews

Grounded in Nature: Sacred Search for Spiritual Awakening with Dr. John Philip Newell PhD

Nature offers a profound secular and sacred sanctuary that presents a landscape of opportunities for spiritual awakening beyond traditional walls. The divine exists within the cathedral of the earth, sea, and sky. It is at the core of every human soul. It is not confined to the walls of a physical structure, nor does it exist under the guise of any specific religion. The divine is everywhere—around us and within us. Spending time in nature offers a sacred path to individual and collective healing, but are we curious enough to discover its solace when we need it most?

For a deeper understanding of how to ground ourselves in nature, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Celtic teacher and author Dr. John Philip Newell.

Dr. John Philip Newell describes humanity’s spiritual yearnings and offers insights into the quest for spiritual awakening through Celtic wisdom. In his book, The Great Search, he thoughtfully draws upon the teachings of revered prophets of the past, gently leading us towards a deeper connection with the Earth and, ultimately, the sacred divine that resides within us.

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Mastering Motivation and Productivity: Exploring the Roots of Procrastination with Dr. Patricia Zurita Ona PsyD

Benjamin Franklin's "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today" sounds simple, yet for many, it's a monumental challenge. Well-intentioned individuals often find their to-do lists perpetually lingering, not from laziness or a lack of motivation, but from a more complex, underlying struggle. This persistent inaction isn't a matter of willpower; it often stems from deeper issues like fear of failure, perfectionism, or an overwhelming sense of responsibility.

To better understand what lies at the core of procrastination and how to overcome it, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with psychologist, coach, and author Dr. Patricia Zurita Ona, aka Dr. Z.

Dr. Z’s research goes beyond the surface of procrastination and perfectionist behaviors. In her book, Acceptance and Commitment Skills for Perfectionism and High-Achieving Behaviors, she lifts the veil of procrastination demonstrating that it is not laziness but the fear of failure that inhibits people from completing tasks.

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Positive Perspective and Habit Breaking: How to Positively Change Your Mind with Nicole Vignola, MSc

Humans inherently have a negativity bias. Our brains prioritize negative stimuli as compared to positive stimuli. And while it may have served us well in the past, today, it only serves to increase anxiety and worry. Research shows that we can rewire our brains to acknowledge the negative and change our perception of it, but it takes practice.

To guide us through the practice of positively changing our minds, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Neuroscientist and organizational consultant Nicole Vignola.

Nicole shares strategies for transforming negative habits into positive perspectives from her book, Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts, and Create Lasting Change. She describes the benefits of a growth mindset and the importance of emotions and gratitude.

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Navigating Next Steps: A Journey of Soul Discernment with Emily P. Freeman

Sometimes, navigating our next steps can be complicated, and discernment is not always easy. Approaching problems from a different perspective can help us to gain clarity on a situation and when done so with intention, can become a sacred journey of self-discovery. Through discernment, we listen to the desires of the soul, allowing them to guide us toward choices that resonate with our authentic selves. This inner listening is crucial for identifying our true needs and values, ensuring that our next steps are not merely practical but deeply aligned with our core being, ultimately honoring the integrity of our whole self.

To guide us through navigating decisions and discerning the next steps of our journey, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a Wall Street Journal best-selling author of six books and podcast host, Emily P. Freeman.

Emily describes the journey of discernment that allows our inner guidance system to separate our decision-making process from external influences. She offers a transformative practice that allows us to honor ourselves, slow down the assessment process, and weed out red flags.

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Decoding Fear and Doubt: The Science Behind Procrastination and Productivity with Britt Frank LCSW

The weight of mounting tasks and looming responsibilities of modern life often leave us feeling overwhelmed and under-equipped. Many of us put burdensome chores on the back burner and choose instead to do nothing because the task seems so big that we don’t know where to begin. This avoidance, however, only serves to amplify the feelings of overwhelm, creating a vicious cycle of procrastination and stress.

To help us decode the fear of procrastination and apply the science of productivity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with trauma specialist, author, and speaker Britt Frank.

Britt highlights her journey as an example of how we all can fall prey to procrastination in its various forms, and she shares the three-step process included in her newest work, The Getting Unstuck Workbook: Practical Tools for Overcoming Fear and Doubt - and Moving Forward with Your Life.

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Healing Loneliness: Learn to Love Yourself with Dr. Margaret Paul PhD

Healing the loneliness epidemic requires much more than bringing humans together. It is likely that you have felt disconnected from others even when in a crowded place. That disconnection comes from within ourselves. By nurturing our inner world we can create a strong foundation for building meaningful connections with others, and help us find contentment and love within ourselves.

To discover a clear pathway to love yourself, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with bestselling author, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing process, Dr. Margaret Paul.
Margaret discusses how her 6-step Inner Bonding process leads to healing the soul and creates deeper bonds with ourselves and within our closest relationships.

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Self-Confident Modern Love: Romance, Connection, and Well-Being with Amanda Gesselman PhD

In our increasingly isolated world, online dating has become a prevalent avenue for finding romance. While self-confident individuals often leverage these platforms to strategically navigate potential partnerships, others may use them, and related platforms such as cam sites, as a means to develop the emotional and social skills necessary for offline relationships and well-being.

* This episode explores human sexuality and is intended for mature listeners.

To get the down-and-dirty details of the impact of technology on modern love, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Head of Research Analytics at the famous Kinsey Institute, Dr. Amanda Gesselman.

Amanda discusses statistics and research data about the intersection of humanity and technology in matters of the heart and mind. She also offers her unique insights about the healing power of electronically-driven connections.

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The Happiness Tuneup: Recipes for the Good Life with Stephanie Harrison MA

Consider that everything you’ve been told about happiness is wrong. Happiness isn’t a new car, changing an insurance provider, or a crystal clear cellphone connection. Those are marketing messages designed to make us feel the choices we’ve made aren’t good enough. There is no one-size-fits-all for happiness. Happiness is about living our truth and accepting ourselves as we are.

Happiness is available to us regardless of external circumstances.

To find out how to get a happiness tuneup for life, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an expert in the science of happiness and the creator of the New Happy philosophy, Stephanie Harrison.

Stephanie shares the three big lies Western society tells us about our ability to obtain happiness, why she preaches happiness to everyone she meets, and how being happy doesn’t mean being perfect.

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Sorcery of Scapegoating: The Hocus Pocus of Human Nature and Xenophobia with Phillips Stevens Jr PhD

Magic and witchcraft are integral aspects of the human nature. Cultural beliefs are rooted in human cognition and psychology and shape our social behaviors. By acknowledging the inherent power of nature and seeking similarities within it, humans attempt to gain a sense of control and meaning in an unpredictable world.

For a clearer understanding of how magical thinking shapes human culture and impacts everything including religion and politics, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with cultural anthropologist and author, Phillips Stevens Jr.

Phillips shares his research on the roots of religion and spiritualism in human culture. His latest book is titled Rethinking the Anthropology of Magic and Witchcraft: Inherently Human.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Listening: The Art of Peacemaking and Diplomacy with The Nobel Peace Center

Listening to diverse perspectives offers a medium for us to learn from each other and work towards a more inclusive and harmonious world. From a young age, many people are frustrated because they feel their voices are not seen, heard, or understood. It has become a common practice to defend a position before truly understanding another’s point of view. How can we use listening to enhance our relationships?

For insights on how to hone our peacemaking abilities, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Executive Director of the Nobel Peace Center, Kjersti Fløgstad.

Kjersti shares the inspiration behind the “Power of Dialogue Project” and the book that was born from it, Those Who Listen, Change the World. Kjersti also offers timely tips on how to convert discourse into dialogue.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Aging Boomers Pursuing Lust, Love, and Relationships with Dr Regina Koepp PsyD

With increasing divorce rates among older adults, many are rediscovering their sexuality and seeking new romantic and sexual experiences. Sex can offer comfort, joy, and a renewed sense of intimacy, regardless of age. It is time to acknowledge the diverse sexual experiences of older adults. Why is this important aspect of aging so often overlooked in our conversations?

*This conversation includes mature content that may not be suitable for all audiences.

For revealing insights on how aging boomers are pursuing lust, love, and relationships, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with clinical psychologist, clinical geropsychologist, and founder of the Center for Mental Health & Aging, Dr. Regina Koepp.

Regina offers research and statistics about intimacy and sexuality during aging and tips for newly single mature adults who desire, desire.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Freedom of Thought: Emotional Sanity Amidst Chaos with Andy Norman PhD

The widespread adoption of smartphones over the past two decades has created new avenues for remote influence and manipulation, reducing freedoms many took for granted. The extent of the emotional chaos this causes may only be partially understood. Is it possible to restore equanimity during chaos?

For tips on finding inner peace and calm amidst turmoil and disorder, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, researcher, and founder of the Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE), Dr. Andy Norman.

Andy offers his experienced insights on consumer culture, the goal of those who dehumanize others, and the benefits of emotional self-regulation for achieving sanity and mental immunity.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Get Grounded: Peacemaking for Stressed People in a Crazy World with Danny Penman PhD

The fast pace of today’s world can make people feel frantic and disconnected from experiences. It has become too easy to focus on the expectations of others and succumb to fear-based motivations. Do simple tools exist to make us feel grounded and bring us back to peace-of-mind? Or, does everything have to be a struggle?

To understand how people can reclaim calm in this tumultuous world, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with meditation teacher and award-winning writer and journalist, Dr. Danny Penman.

Danny shares the latest neuroscience research findings and the meditations in his latest book, Deeper Mindfulness: The New Way to Rediscover Calm in a Chaotic World, which he co-authored with Dr. Mark Williams. He describes Feeling Tone tools that help reduce stress, anger, and depression and increase our peacemaking abilities.

*This show originally aired in December 2023.

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Healing Trauma and Building a Legacy of Resilience with Dr Mariel Buqué PhD

What some people consider minor stressors can trigger and overwhelm those whose biological and psychological makeup is foundationally built upon intergenerational traumas. These are familial events inherited by generations, affecting their descendants like second-hand smoke.

Those with intergenerational traumas can be predisposed to heightened emotions that may not be widely understood by their societal circles. If you have witnessed someone’s reaction to a circumstance that didn’t appear to warrant it, their response could be based on the person’s unique heritage and ancestry without them being aware of the factors at play.

To discover ways to break the transcending cycle of intergenerational trauma and begin the healing process, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Columbia University-trained Psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert Dr. Mariel Buqué.

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Civic Engagement: Empowered Citizens Shaping a Better Government with Dan Jasper

With the elimination of civics courses in schools and the rise of fear-driven political campaigns, many U.S. citizens may be left in a constant state of anxiety about the nation's direction. This anxiety can lead to impulsive decision-making and focusing on short-term solutions, undermining the pursuit of meaningful, long-term change. Advocacy and civic engagement are crucial for overcoming these challenges.

For tips on how to drive change through civic engagement, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the founder of Street Civics, Dan Jasper.

Dan explores the civic transformation of the U.S. in recent decades, highlighting how these shifts influence the political landscape, citizen advocacy, and the importance of self-care in civic engagement.

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Human Connection: The Soul of Our Social Architecture with Allison Pugh PhD

The media paints AI as a universal solution,but the spark of human connection,our life force or soul,defies machine replication.As we navigate this new era,the question of human-machine coexistence looms.

For a deeper dive into the soul of our social architecture,Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a Professor of Sociology at Johns Hopkins University and the 2024-25 Vice President of the American Sociological Association,Dr.Allison Pugh.

Allison discusses the research that led to her latest book,The Last Human Job,and the dilemma of human connective labor when data collection is prioritized.

This episode is a bonus special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Nutrafol— Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth.Get $10 off any order and free shipping when you subscribe at with promo code HAPPINESS GIFT.

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Psychology of Healthy Attachment: Satisfying Relationships in an Uncertain World with Ann Kelley PhD

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to understanding our individual attachment styles. However, becoming self-aware of what is at the core of our disconnection can provide us with valuable insights into relationship patterns and help us build healthier connections and more satisfying relationships.

For deeper insights into the psychology of attachment, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and licensed psychologist, Ann Kelley.

Ann discusses the fundamental learnings about attachment and self-regulation gleaned from the book she co-authored, Secure Relating: Holding Your Own in an Insecure World, and offers tools for building awareness of individual attachment styles.

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Healing Relationships Through Love, Connection, and Communication with Harville Hendrix PhD and Helen LaKelly Hunt PhD

The type of love we receive in childhood is imprinted in our brains. Early feelings and emotions color every single action we take in our adult lives unless we rewire our neural pathways. The way we communicate and the quality of our relationships can be improved. When we understand that we deserve love, we can be our fully vulnerable, beautiful selves with our partners to create long-lasting, happy, fulfilling relationships.

To discover how to transform relationships through love and connection, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a couple who have done the work toward creating better relationships for themselves and others, Doctors Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt.

Harville and Helen met 42 years ago and have since created Imago Relationship Therapy and written the eternal book, Get the Love You Want. They serve as guides for those who want to heal and transform their relationships through love and communication.

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Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit and get 20% off sitewide from November 26 to December 2 when you enter promo codeHH.

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Real World Well-Being: LGTBQ+ Sexuality, Gender Identity, and Development with Myeshia Price PhD

While statistics about young people identifying as LGBTQ+ are increasing, social media may be a catalyst in empowering those who previously couldn't safely express their identity. How can society shift from bullying to allyship?

*This episode explores human sexuality and is intended for mature listeners.

To glean guidance from a researcher studying real-world experiences, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Associate Research Scientist with the Kinsey Institute, Dr. Mayeshia Price.

Dr. Price describes the stages of identity development throughout the human life cycle with a focus on adolescence and offers guidance on how parents can accept and support the well-being of young people.

This episode is a bonus special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

This episode is proudly sponsored by:

Nutrafol— Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off any order and free shipping when you subscribe at with promo code HAPPINESS GIFT.

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Quantitative Reasoning: Deconstructing Political Data with Anthony Fowler PhD

The whole world knows the outcome of the recent US election. Many are shocked that Americans chose the leader they chose. What data offered a glimpse into the concerns of everyday Americans that could have predicted the outcome? And, was the data that political scientists studied selective or transparent?

To better understand what drives public opinion and political reasoning, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Anthony Fowler, a professor at the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago where he conducts quantitative research on elections and politics.

Anthony deconstructs public opinion and political data to offer a quantitative analysis on the reasoning behind why people think, and vote, the way they do.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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A Philosophical Discourse on Disappointment with Samir Chopra PhD

As major elections unfold globally, uncertainty grips the world. Family members, neighbors, and friends who may have previously tolerated differences of opinion have become increasingly divisive and less accepting of alternative perspectives. Contests of this magnitude ensure that certain groups must grapple with disappointment. How can we unburden ourselves and others during these significant events?

For a bit of philosophical discourse about disappointment, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, philosophical counselor, and professor emeritus of philosophy at Brooklyn College, Samir Chopra.

Samir shares insights about how acting in service to others can reduce the sting of our disappointment, how life is an exercise of peaks and valleys, and how self-care can ease anxiety and restore sanity.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Existential Flexibility: Brain Food for a Resilient and Healthy Mind with Shai Tubali PhD

Compared to the chronological aging of our physical bodies, our minds can remain ageless. With enough healthy servings of brain food, the mind continues its existential flexibility and resiliency. But what happens when we allow our minds to become rigid and there is no additional room for more data?

For a healthy serving of brain food, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Shai Tubali, an award-winning author and leading authority on mental flexibility and self-development.

Shai shares his insights about how we can cultivate critical thinking by truly listening to others during conversations, and how we can maintain flexible and resilient minds.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off any product.

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Food for Thought: Nutrition for Mental Health and Stress Management with Sarah Ballantyne PhD

This just in … you won't go to diet jail if you eat soul-soothing ice cream. And, what a shame it would be if you judged yourself nibbling on a slice of decadent chocolate cake. Food for thought: Studies show that as long as you nourish yourself with high-quality food rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, you can feed your cravings and build resilience against the never-ending supply of daily stressors

To gain some food for thought, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD. Sarah founded and is the New York Times best-selling author of Nutrivore: The Radical New Science for Getting the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat.

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne studies the effects of nutrients on our body chemistry and which foods contain the highest levels of nutrients relative to the daily value per calorie. Her Nutrivore scoring system focuses on the joy of eating as much as it does creating healthier meals.

This episode is a bonus special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

This episode is proudly sponsored by:

Nutrafol— Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month’s subscription and free shipping at Visit with promo code HH.

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Psychology of Political Groupthink: Cognitive Bias and Infowar with Stephan Lewandowsky PhD

The primary goal of most media sources is to make money by pushing a political agenda and influencing the psychology of those who ingest the content. In order to achieve their goals, people use data, misinformation, and deliberate disinformation as weapons, creating what is often called Infowar. This can lead to groupthink, which causes public fear, doubt, and cognitive bias. False stories are exaggerated to make more money from advertising, influence people's beliefs, or disrupt democratic institutions, as was seen in the 2016 election cycle.

To discover how to build resiliency against disinformation and groupthink, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with cognitive scientist and CIRCE researcher Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky.

Stephan shares his research on how alternative facts gain acceptance, how technology and Infowars can undermine the democratic process, and tips on discerning fact from fiction when consuming media.

This episode is a bonus special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Endorsing Civic Engagement, Social Responsibility, and Media Literacy with the League of Women Voters

Social responsibility is an ethical concept that endorses civil engagement for the good of all. Civic engagement, in all its forms, strengthens communities by involving citizens in the democratic process. No act is more significant in emboldening democracy than exercising one’s right to vote. With the spread of misinformation and disinformation in this election cycle, it is paramount to have access to correct and trusted information.

To learn how to fulfill your social responsibility, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Chief of Staff for the League of Women Voters of the United States, Kelly McFarland Stratman.

Kelly offers information about the history of the League of Women Voters, its mission, its partnerships, and how to access resources that help constituents directly connect to their government representatives.

This episode is a bonus special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

This episode is proudly sponsored by:

Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription + free shipping. Visit and use promo code HH.

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Civic Engagement: Citizens Advocating for Change with Dan Jasper

With the elimination of civics courses in schools and the rise of fear-driven political campaigns, many U.S. citizens may be left in a constant state of anxiety about the nation's direction. This anxiety can lead to impulsive decision-making and focusing on short-term solutions, undermining the pursuit of meaningful, long-term change. Advocacy and civic engagement are crucial for overcoming these challenges.

For tips on how to drive change through civic engagement, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the founder of Street Civics, Dan Jasper.

Dan explores the civic transformation of the U.S. in recent decades, highlighting how these shifts influence the political landscape, citizen advocacy, and the importance of self-care in civic engagement.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

This episode is proudly sponsored by:

Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off any product.

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Intimacy, Sexuality, and Relationships for a Lifetime with Dr Cynthia Graham PhD

Lifelong stigmas and myths abound about human sexual expression have been as we age. Cultural differences notwithstanding, older males and females are more likely to rate communication as the highest form of arousal in their relationships. Why then does the media portray sexuality and intimacy after mid-life as a less than pleasurable experience?

*This episode explores human sexuality and is intended for mature listeners.

To discover how we can improve intimacy, sexuality, and relationships for a lifetime, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the renowned clinical psychologist, and senior scientist at the Kinsey Institute, Dr. Cynthia Graham.

Cynthia shares fascinating data from decades of the Kinsey Institute’s research about the differences, and more often than not, the similarities between male and female sexual arousal, expression, and satisfaction. This special episode aims to enlighten you about maintaining relationships that last a lifetime.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

This episode is proudly sponsored by:

BIOptimizers — Offers health and fitness supplements for optimal well-being and performance. Visit and use code HAPPINESS to get 10% off at checkout.

Beducated — Offers online shame-free, pleasure-based sex education for everyone. Spice up your sex life today and get 40% off the yearly pass. Visit and use code HAPPINESS.

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Fear, Mind Bugs, and Witch Hunts That Undermine Common Sense with Steije Hofhuis PhD

Fear and doubt serve as powerful tools in the political landscape, and disinformation is used by politicians to manipulate public perception and sow confusion. By labeling legitimate investigations or criticisms as witch hunts, these leaders attempt to delegitimize the concerns raised against them. This tactic not only deflects attention from the actual issues at hand but also erodes trust in the democratic process. Using common sense when evaluating information can help counteract these manipulative strategies.

To discover how we can inoculate ourselves against fear and cultural viruses, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a lecturer of cultural history at the Department of History and Art History at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, Steije Hofhuis PhD.

Steije shares historical information about how witch hunts spread and how ideas about witchcraft adapted in new ways that stimulated more witch prosecutions. His research shows that cultural viruses, or mindbugs, adapted and evolved in a Darwinian manner throughout certain geographical areas and periods.

This episode is a bonus special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world…

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Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription + free shipping. Visit and use promo code HH.

EveryPlate — Offers dependable, delicious, and affordable meal kits delivered right to your door. Visit hh299 (remember to attribute this show).

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Philosophy of Critical Thinking, Anxiety, and Mental Health with Samir Chopra PhD

Maintaining a philosophical approach rooted in critical thinking can help us make sense of the barrage of information we experience during election cycles. Our natural anxieties are often preyed upon by masters of persuasion. We must enlist our powers of discernment to protect our mental health during this important election season. br />
To discover how to protect our mental health with a philosophical approach, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen welcomes author, counselor, and professor Samir Chopra back to the podcast.

Samir discusses the central tenet of his book, Anxiety: A Philosophical Guide, and relates it to the election cycle and how we can manage anxiety, fear, and uncertainty in relationship to others. He offers tips for reality testing what we will see and hear during this unique period of time.

This episode is proudly sponsored by:

BIOptimizers — Offers health and fitness supplements for optimal well-being and performance. Visit and use code HAPPINESS to get 10% off at checkout.

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Satisfying Civic Duty: Fueling the Pursuit of Happiness with Doug Linkhart

Large media outlets often highlight the extreme sides of our nation, amplifying polarized perspectives that distort the bigger picture. This coverage can create a sense of isolation, especially when reality doesn't align with our expectations. It is only when we perform our civic duty and get involved in our local communities that we feel a sense of control over our lives and the personal pursuit of happiness.

To discover how we can better fulfill our civic duty, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks to the President of the National Civic League, Doug Linkhart.

Doug describes how decisions made at the local level of government are foundational for the pursuit of happiness in America. And how citizens who express their needs are at the intersection of personal civic duty and government effectiveness.

This episode is a special edition of the Good Citizens Election Season Survival Guide which is designed to help restore common sense and sanity in a crazy world… Remember, civic duty plays a role here.

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Building Well-Being: Resilience, Personal Growth, and Relationships with Mark Nepo

When we experience fear, we often instinctively push things away, which only amplifies that fear and tests our resilience. However, by embracing awareness and leaning into our relationships, we create a pathway for personal growth. By staying fully present and avoiding the urge to build emotional walls, we enhance our well-being and lay the foundation for spreading love and positivity in the world, thereby strengthening our resilience.

To discover the secret to building better relationships with ourselves and others, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, poet, and storyteller, Mark Nepo .

Mark Nepo discusses how to build well-being by reducing the impact of fear on our lives, how resilience can be enhanced by reaching out to others, and explains the personal growth that occurs when we are in service to others. Mark’s book, The Book of Soul: 52 Paths to Living What Matters, can be used as a guide to enhance relationships.

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Mastering Pleasure: Desire, Intimacy, and Sexual Sovereignty with Saida Desilets PhD

* This episode explores human sexuality and is intended for mature listeners.

Desire and intimacy are words often associated with the pleasures of the physical body, but human desire is the foundation of our deepest motivations, driving our pursuit of connection, purpose, and personal fulfillment. Therefore, we must question the societal forces that shame us for our desires, compelling us to suppress or deny them rather than embrace their role in our growth and well-being.

To discover the secret of mastering pleasure through desire and sexual sovereignty, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an expert on women's sensuality and transpersonal psychology, Dr. Saida Désilets.

In her book Desire, Saida explores how individuals can cultivate their well-being and fulfillment, shedding light on the essence of intimacy and its influence on our lives. She emphasizes that when women embrace and marinate in their own essence, they enhance their ability to experience pleasure and build deeper intimacy in their relationships..

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Beducated — Offers online shame-free, pleasure-based sex education for everyone. Spice up your sex life today and get 50% off the yearly pass. Visit and use code HAPPINESS.

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Adulting: Leaving the Nest and Transitioning to Independence with Julie Lythcott-Haims

If bumper stickers were still a thing Adulting is Hard would be a bestseller. It's not that the challenges of adulthood have intensified, but rather, the parenting landscape has shifted. Overprotective tendencies now seem to outweigh the absenteeism of past generations. Is it possible for parents to empower their children to become independent adults?

To discover how parents can support young adults leaving the nest, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with mentor, activist, and author Julie Lythcott-Haims.

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Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription + free shipping. Visit and use promo code HH.

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Unlocking Happiness: The Power of Lifelong Learning and Curiosity with Zena Hitz PhD

Think for a second briefly about the excitement of learning something new as a child. That sense of wonder and accomplishment when you first figured out how to write a bike, solve a puzzle, or read a book. That joy doesn't have to end with childhood, and in fact, lifelong learning is the secret to maintaining that spark of happiness throughout our lifetime.

To find out the art of unlocking happiness, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the founder and president of the Catherine Project, Dr. Zena Hitz.

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Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription + free shipping. Visit and use promo code HH.

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Absorbent Minds: Human Cognition in a Digital World with Leslie Valiant PhD

The learning mechanism in the human brain is not yet equipped to deal with information meant to deceive or manipulate. Armed with a computational approach to civilization but lacking the ability to discern fact from fiction, we find ourselves at the precipice of a new digital world for which we may not be prepared.

To reveal how human cognition processes information, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the T. Jefferson Coolidge Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University, Dr. Leslie Valiant.

Leslie discusses a human’s predisposition to accept the information we ingest as truth and explains the central tenet of his newest book, The Importance of Being Educable: A New Theory of Human Uniqueness.

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Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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Enhancing Happiness: Mind-Body Connection to Sexual Health and Well-Being with Dr. Greg Lewis PhD

*This episode explores human sexuality and is intended for mature listeners.

Sexual arousal can mean many different things to many different people. A quick walk through the local ‘adult’ store can be an eye-opening experience for some and offer a giggle for others. No matter what turns you on, the root of a healthy sexual experience is psychological safety. Our minds and bodies work together when it comes to enhancing happiness.

To expose the mind-body connection to sexual health and well-being, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Assistant Professor at the Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering at Indiana University and an Assistant Research Scientist at the Kinsey Institute, Dr. Greg Lewis.

Greg offers a spin on the way we look at our sexuality, how we express it, and how it is connected to psychological safety.

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Beducated— Offers online shame-free pleasure-based sex education for everyone. Spice up your sex life today and get 40% off the yearly pass. Visit and use code HAPPINESS.

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Nutritionally Dense Food Wisdom for Health and Well-Being with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne PhD

Nutritional Science is a fairly new field of study relative to human existence. In the past, humans grew much of their food in and around where they lived, incorporating a variety of nutritionally dense plants and animals into their diet. Fast forward to today, when industrialization has changed how we feed ourselves, humans more often use satiation above nutrition to gauge our feeding needs.

To gain nuggets of nourishment about nutrients, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD. Sarah founded and is the New York Times best-selling author of Nutrivore:The Radical New Science for Getting the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat.

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne studies the effects of nutrients on our body chemistry and which foods contain the highest levels of nutrients relative to the daily value per calorie. Her Nutrivore scoring system offers simple food swap items and additions to create healthier meals for healthier humans.

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Nutrafol— Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month’s subscription and free shipping at with promo code HH.

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Transcending Incarceration: Healing Journeys within a Broken System with Dr. Stephanie S. Covington PhD

For many women, rising above trauma can feel unattainable in public life and utterly impossible when under the restraints of incarceration. But, women, being who they are, build mutual support systems behind bars that foster resilience, and community, and underpin transformations not often correlated with stories of life in prison.

To discover ways of transcending incarceration, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an internationally recognized clinician, author, organizational consultant, lecturer, and a pioneer in addiction, trauma, and recovery, Dr. Stephanie Covington.

Dr. Covington shares findings from her decades of experience working with institutions, and her latest book, Hidden Healers: The Unexpected Ways Women in Prison Help Each Other Survive. She talks about the healing journeys within our broken prison systems and describes the community that develops between incarcerated women.

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Anxiously Awaiting Relief: A Philosophical Approach to the Human Condition with Samir Chopra PhD

Anxiety is a natural response to the uncertainties and challenges we face in life. When we are anxious, relief can seem a world away. But, through cultivating self-awareness and practicing mindfulness, anxiety can be managed, transforming it from a source of suffering into an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

To discover the philosophical approach to treating anxiety, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a philosophical counselor, author, and professor emeritus of philosophy at Brooklyn College, Samir Chopra PhD.

Samir shares the fears that are at the core of our anxieties and philosophical strategies for managing anxiety in his book, Anxiety: A Philosophical Guide. He asserts that the world is constructed in such a way that the choices we have to make, make us especially anxious.

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Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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Regret-Less: Lead with Clarity, Creativity, and Courage with Bonnie Wan

If you could reimagine the time of your life, what would it look like? Would you continue to be trapped by your calendar? Or, would you dial into what is sacrosanct and transform your relationship with time so it played by your rules and worked itself into your schedule?

To get a template for living a regret-less life, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and keynote speaker, Bonnie Wan about how to lead with clarity, creativity, and courage.

In Bonnie’s book, The Life Brief: A Playbook for No-Regrets Living, she offers the clarity she gleaned from her deep dive into what wasn’t working in her life, how she leaned into aggravation to reframe her relationship with time and transform her life.

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Nutrafol— Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month’s subscription and free shipping at with promo code HH.

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Maximizing Change Management Through Kindness with James Rhee

In business, financial gain is often the basis for change, when in reality the lessons gleaned from the process are just as valuable as the change itself. For it is usually in hindsight we realize that the journey of any endeavor is more important than the end result. Taking a kindness plus math approach to business decisions means valuing empathy and human connections alongside financial metrics.

To discover how to use kindness to maximize change, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the inspirational teacher, author, and leader James Rhee. In James Rhee’s book red helicopter — a parable for our times: lead change with kindness plus a little math, he shares a story of how his life was forever changed when he walked away from his former identity to embrace an ailing business. His journey led to financial success but, more importantly, connectedness, joy, and friendship.

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Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month’s subscription and free shipping at with promo code HH.

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Human Rewilding: Nurturing Ourselves in Nature with Craig Foster

Modern life is filled with many kinds of pollution. From the audible and visual pollution of our cities to the garbage we let leak into our natural world, humans are separating themselves from nature at a faster rate than ever before in our history. The flora and fauna so graciously given by our earth mother have been all but forgotten in many human environments. Observing, reconnecting, listening to ecopsychology, and exposing ourselves to the natural world can increase our health and well-being.

To unearth essential information about how we join the human rewilding project and get back in tune with nature, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the co-founder of the Sea Change Project, documentary filmmaker, and naturalist Craig Foster. Craig shares his rewilding and tracking techniques that instinctively regulate our bodies’ natural rhythm and release health and well-being chemicals into our system. He also offers an Ecopsychology toolkit for being with nature from his newest project, the book Amphibious Soul: Finding the Wild in a Tame World.

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Cognition: The Psychology of Thinking and How it Affects Everything with Emily Martin PhD

Social pressures often influence an individual's decision-making process. The algorithms behind social media platforms can shape perceptions by showing content tailored to behavior, reinforcing or promoting specific ideas to further financial or political causes. It is proof that understanding human cognition can significantly influence our decisions, from the products we buy to the beliefs we hold.

To reveal how cognitive psychology affects everything we do, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with prolific author and Professor Emerita of Anthropology at New York University, Dr. Emily Martin. As part of an experimental cognitive psychology lab, Dr. Martin studies the psychology of thinking and how it affects everything. She offers a glimpse into how humans process information and how the data collected has the opportunity to be used for the greater good or commoditized and sold to the highest bidder.

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Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month’s subscription and free shipping at with promo code HH.

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Beyond Words: What We Say Without Talking with Stephen Furlich PhD

Remember when you flirted just enough with a person to let them know you were interested but not too much that you risked rejection? Then, you were surprised when the other person had no clue what had happened. If you are a man reading this, it's understandable — you likely had no idea this scenario even unfolded. If you are a woman, it wasn't his fault; he's simply emotionally, physiologically, and genetically inclined to miss subtle hints!

To reveal what we say without talking, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and associate professor at Texas A&M, Dr. Stephen Furlich about the principles of non-verbal communication.

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Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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Labors of Life: Thrive and Flourish no Matter What with Brandi Sellerz-Jackson

The path to joy is often obstructed with obstacles, setbacks, and grief. From expectant mothers who are just one intense push away from delivering a new lifeforce to adult children caring for their aging parents, many times the pain we endure is the seed that blossoms into the flower of happiness.

To find out more about cultivating the labors of life into personal fulfillment, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, doula, and co-founder of Moms in Color, Brandi Sellerz-Jackson about her toolkit for thriving.

Brandi reveals that sometimes the best times in life are when the shadows of darkness recede. In her book, On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life's Great Labors, she imparts the benefits of kindness, how to move beyond surviving and into thriving, and the nuances of co-regulation and codependency.

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Hot Flashes and Cool Conversation: Navigating Menopausal Hijinks with Dr Marie Claire Haver MD

Scientific understanding of the hormonal changes women undergo during menopause is limited. Historically, women were excluded from major health studies prior to 1996 due to the belief that their fluctuating hormone levels were too complex to study. Today, women are changing the game by conducting their own research.

To better understand how women can improve their quality of life during the aging process, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a menopause expert, Dr. Mary Claire Haver. Dr. Haver is a certified OB/GYN, author, and founder of The Galveston Diet and Mary Claire Wellness Clinic.

Dr. Haver offers guidance about how women can navigate menopause and aging. She shares the top complaints of women who experience menopausal symptoms, and the impact nutrition can have on managing those symptoms through her menopause toolkit and books, The New Menopause: Navigating Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts and The Galveston Diet: The Doctor-Developed, Patient-Proven Plan to Burn Fat and Tame Your Hormonal Symptoms.

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Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping at with promo code HARVESTING.

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Getting It On: Sexual Expression at Any Age and Stage of Life with Dr. Justin Garcia

From the blush of first loves to the seasoned affections of later years, intimacy adapts to our changing bodies, shifting priorities, and the various life stages we traverse. Whether it's rediscovering a partner in a long-term relationship or embracing new experiences, sexual expression should be free of judgment and have no expiration date.

To expose how to foster a fulfilling sexual life at any age, by oneself or with a partner, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Executive Director of The Kinsey Institute and award-winning researcher and educator, Dr. Justin Garcia about the joys of sexual expression.

Justin delves into statistical insights from the Kinsey Institute concerning the impact of COVID on sexual behaviors, highlights pivotal discoveries from the 'Sex After Sixty' collaborative study by the Kinsey Institute and Cosmopolitan magazine, discusses emerging trends in sexuality, and explores the relationship between happiness and intimacy.

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Beducated— Offers online shame-free pleasure-based sex education for everyone. Spice up your sex life today and get 50% off the yearly pass. Visit and use code HAPPINESS.

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Constant Cravings: Contemporary Solutions for Addiction Management with Dr. Joshua Lee

Humans are driven to seek pleasure and avoid pain. It is a tendency deeply embedded in our biological makeup. However, there are times when this pursuit can lead to excess. Due to societal stigma, many individuals delay seeking help until their quest for pleasure turns into a source of pain and their lives begin to unravel.

To explore the driving force behind constant cravings and the contemporary solutions that can turn lives around, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with primary care physician and professor at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Dr. Joshua Lee.

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Ouai — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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Timeless Wisdom: Longevity, Elderhood, and The Good Life with Ben Meyers

Individuals who embrace positivity are more likely to approach challenges with resilience and adaptability, thus enhancing their ability to overcome adversity and thrive. Research shows that a positive attitude serves as a powerful catalyst for not only extending lifespan but also enhancing quality of life, and in certain cases is a better predictor of longevity than genetics, or life choices.

To explore the timeless wisdom behind longevity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with history buff and the Founder of LongeviQuest, Ben Meyers.

A demand for longevity and healthspan data led Ben to create a business to certify and learn from the world’s oldest people. Ben shares his findings about the most common attributes of supercentenarians, what supercentenarians say is the key to a long life, and the future role of AI in caring for us as we age.

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Nutrafol — Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription + free shipping. Visit and use promo code HARVESTING.

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Cultural Identity, Healing, and Belonging with Soo Jin Lee LMFT and Linda Yoon LCSW

Children of immigrants must navigate multiple cultures. The culture they know predominantly from their parents and the culture in which they live. Finding a sense of belonging and identity can be especially challenging for Asian Americans, who tend to be the group that is the least likely to talk about their feelings and seek out mental health services.

To explore a path for healing cultural identity hurdles, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two licensed therapists, authors, and co-founders of the Yellow Chair Collective, Soo Jin Lee, and Linda Yoon.

Soo Jin and Linda explain the mission of the Yellow Chair Collective and the premise of Where I Belong: Healing Trauma and Embracing Asian-American Identity, their book based on members’ stories and cultural experiences.

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Tune-In: Sound Therapy for Ear and Brain Vitality with Rafaele Joudry MSC

Studies indicate that listening to music not only reduces anxiety and enhances overall well-being but also triggers activity in ten distinct brain centers. And, among the twelve cranial nerves connecting our brain to our sensory systems, ten are linked to auditory perception, making the ears a gateway to the brain.

Learn how to fine-tune and revitalize brain function through sound. Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the co-developer of a home-based Sound Therapy system and best-selling author Rafaele Joudry.

Rafaele explains the concept of sound therapy, its treatment process, and the benefits of its use to heal the brain, increase well-being, and fight depression and anxiety.

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Out of Sorts and on the Edge with Dr. Meg Arroll

Have you ever been frustrated while driving? There was no major accident, and no one walked out in front of you, but the driver ahead of you kept changing speed for no reason, and you wonder why this has to happen every day. Agh! Research shows that these chronic irritations or tiny traumas can build up in our system and cause more disruption than a major life trauma.

To discover how to recover and repair from chronic stressors, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with psychologist, scientist, and author specializing in health and well-being, Dr. Meg Arroll.

From her book, Tiny Traumas: When You Don’t Know What’s Wrong, But Nothing Feels Quite Right, Dr. Arroll shares her three-step process for building a strong psychological immune system by resetting and rebooting when we feel out of sorts.

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Nutrafol—Offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping with promo code HARVESTING.

OUAI— Offers beauty boosting head to toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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Trauma Healing: Cycle-Breaking and Resilience-Building with Dr. Mariel Buqué PhD

What some people consider small stressors can trigger and overwhelm those whose biological and psychological makeup is foundationally built upon intergenerational traumas. Those with intergenerational traumas can be predisposed to heightened emotions that may not be widely understood by their societal circles. If you have witnessed someone’s reaction to a circumstance that didn’t appear to warrant it, it could be based on the person’s unique heritage and ancestry without them being aware of the factors at play.

To discover ways to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma and begin the healing process, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Columbia University-trained Psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert, Dr. Mariel Buqué.

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Zen in the Chaos: Nurturing Inner Peace Amid Modern Turbulence with Oren Jay Sofer

The bells and whistles of modern life take a toll on humans mentally, physically, and emotionally. These burdens are exacerbated by the compulsion to resist and control the chaos because self-protection and the protection of our children are key motivators. But how do we create a sustainable, lasting transformation to quell modern turbulence?

To more deeply understand how we can realize zen in the chaos, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Oren Jay Sofer, a Certified Trainer of Nonviolent Communication and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

Oren’s book, Your Heart Was Made for This: Contemplative Practices for Meeting a World in Crisis with Courage, Integrity, and Love is a guidebook for a year’s worth of contemplative practices. Oren highlights the twenty-six beautiful capacities humans have, the main themes of his book, and how to nurture inner peace amid the chaos.

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Unveiling Narcissism: Navigating Relationships with Self-Absorbed Personalities with Dr. Karyl McBride PhD, LMFT

Understanding and navigating interpersonal dynamics is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. As an example, in a family where one or both parents are narcissists, it can be difficult for children to achieve a sense of self. Children growing up in this unhealthy environment tend to take on particular roles that fit within the confines of the narcissist’s point of view.

To discover best practices for navigating relationships with self-absorbed personalities, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has forty years in public and private practice, Dr. Karyl McBride.

Dr. McBride has focused on private research regarding parental narcissism and the debilitating effects of narcissism in relationships. She describes the 5-step recovery process from her book, Will the Drama Ever End? Untangling and Healing from the Harmful Effects of Parental Narcissism and shares stories of clients who are on the road to recovery.

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Nutrafol— offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping at promo code HARVESTING.

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Psychonautics: Cosmic Exploration for Skeptics and Seekers with Matt Zemon

With access to mental health care in the United States out of reach or ineffective for some people, alternative treatments and medicines that alleviate symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD are sought after. Treatment seekers are more and more often finding ceremonies that feature doses of psychedelic medicine valuable in shifting their mental state.

To gain more information with a healthy dose of skepticism, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, psychonaut, and explorer of the inner world, Matt Zemon about his psychedelic experiences, resources, and books.

Matt shares statistics about the efficacy and legality of different psychedelics, information about the manner in which they are used, and how people can find out more about deciding if psychedelics are right for their healing journey.

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Think and Behave Better: Summarizing the Science of Mental Immunity with Andy Norman, PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

In the last 20 years, humans have developed a set of mental challenges for themselves unlike any other in human history. The internet age has created a vast array of complications that our minds have not yet adapted to or evolved to process. Bad actors and those who wish to hijack the human mind and spirit have designed methodologies that manipulate traditional cognitive functions to push their agendas.

To learn more about how can we protect ourselves and strengthen our mental immunity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the award-winning author of Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think and founder of the Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE) about the science of mental immunity.

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Truth Be Told: Disinformation, Denialism, and Protecting Precious Democracy with Lee McIntyre PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

As the 2024 election cycle begins, the amount of memes for and against political candidates in social media feeds will increase exponentially. Most of which will have been created by AI and will contain subtle influences designed to create polarization within the American voting public. Can you discern between a meme created for entertainment purposes and one created by a disinformation campaign?

To discover how to recognize the truth from fiction, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science at Boston University and an Instructor in Ethics at Harvard Extension School, Dr. Lee McIntyre. Lee talks about the inspiration for his book, On Disinformation: How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy, and shares common practices and dissemination techniques of disinformation campaigns.

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Truth Recipe: Critical Thinking and Vaccination Against Multi-Media Nonsense with Barry Mauer PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

Mind viruses spread in the same manner as viruses in the body. Something is passed from one person to another. The person's belief system or mental immune system processes the content of the information and either overcomes it and discards it or the virus takes over and causes an illness.

To discover tips for mental vaccinations and truth recipes, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an associate professor of English at the University of Central Florida and the author of Deadly Delusions: Right-Wing Death Cult and The Cognitive Immune System: The Mind's Ability to Dispel Pathological Beliefs, Dr. Barry Mauer. Barry shares ways we can fortify our thinking to be more productive and healthy.

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Power-Thinking: Teaching Information Literacy and Mental Immunity with Melanie Trecek-King MA

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

The reliability of the information we ingest is paramount in today’s world of misinformation. Because once we decide that we believe something our minds become much less malleable when it comes to adopting a new belief.

To learn how information literacy and power-thinking can be taught, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Associate Professor of Biology at Massasoit Community College, and Education Director for the Mental Immunity Project and CIRCE, Melanie Trecek-King. Melanie shares classroom examples of the scenarios she poses to her students and the common thinking errors most humans make.

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Streetwise: A Rationally Philosophical Road to Reason and Accountability with Anthony Magnabosco

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

In the US, as the election season approaches many people will have the opportunity to have conversations at home, work, or on social media where their beliefs differ vastly. Without curiosity, kindness, or a sound tool for assessing reasoning some conversations could turn into disputes.

To discover communication tools that make us more streetwise and rationally philosophical, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Anthony Magnabosco, the current Executive Director of Street Epistemology International (SEI), a nonprofit educational organization committed to addressing dysfunction in public and private discourse by encouraging rationality through civil conversation. Anthony shares the Street Epistemology process, examples of how it can be used, and the societal benefits of using it.

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OUAI— Offers beauty boosting head to toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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Examining Cultural Evolution and Critical Blindness with Steije Hofhuis PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

Fear and doubt serve as powerful tools in the political landscape, allowing politicians to manipulate public perception and sow confusion. By labeling legitimate investigations or criticisms as "witch hunts," these leaders attempt to delegitimize the concerns raised against them. This tactic not only deflects attention from the actual issues at hand but also erodes trust in the democratic process. To discover how we can inoculate ourselves against cultural viruses, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a lecturer of cultural history at the Department of History and Art History at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, Steije Hofhuis PhD.

Steije shares historical information about how witch hunts spread and how ideas about witchcraft adapted in new ways that stimulated more witch prosecutions. His research shows that cultural viruses, or mindbugs, adapted and evolved in a Darwinian manner throughout certain geographical areas and time periods.

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Architecture of Honesty: Fact, Fiction, and the Technology Trap with Stephan Lewandowsky PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

The primary goal of most media sources is to make money by pushing an agenda. They may create false stories designed to increase advertising revenue, influence opinion, or in the case of the 2016 election cycle, upend the democratic institutions of the United States. To discover how to build resiliency against misinformation, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with cognitive scientist and CIRCE researcher Professor Stephan Lewandowsky.

Stephan shares his research on how alternative facts gain acceptance, how technology can undermine the democratic process, and tips on how to discern fact from fiction when consuming media.

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Tribe Drive: Examining Human Instincts, Beliefs, and Behaviors with David Samson PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

Social isolation, technology, and environmental changes are responsible for many of today’s mental health problems including depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Historical research suggests that humans perform better in communities and are not meant to go it alone. To discover the impact of social networks on human evolutionary history, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with evolutionary anthropologist, Dr. David Samson.

David introduces the key findings from his book, Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good. He offers historical examples and six core reasons why face-to-face social networks and community interactions increase mental well-being, happiness, and purpose.

This episode is proudly sponsored by:

Nutrafol— offers a drug-free whole-body health approach to hair wellness and growth. Get $10 off your 1st month's subscription and free shipping at promo code HARVESTING.

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Cognitive Immunity: Protection and Preservation of Humanity through Better Thinking with Andy Norman PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).

This episode is part of a series exploring disinformation, media literacy, and the emerging science of cognitive immunology.

The media has already begun priming the pump for the 2024 election cycle in the US. Swaying the average American to believe one thing over another will be the target of billions of dollars of advertising spending. Will all of the information we are exposed to be true? Probably not, but how do we know? What can we do to build our mental immunity and critical thinking skills? To discover how we can protect and preserve humanity when faced with misinformation, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, researcher, and founder of the Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE), Dr. Andy Norman.

Andy and Lisa delve into what to expect from their new collaborative effort to tone our mental muscles through the Mental Immunity Project. They also discuss how to discern false narratives, how to have open and compassionate conversations, and ten rules of thumb to make the mind less susceptible to misinformation, all just in time for the deluge of political rhetoric on the horizon. This episode is proudly sponsored by:

OUAI — Offers beauty-boosting head-to-toe self-care rituals. Visit

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A Favorite Theme Revisited: Making Space for Joy: Declutter and Flourish with Tracy McCubbin

When you look around your space, what do you see? Is there a corner that seems a bit overcrowded? Is there a pile you’ve been meaning to tackle but can’t find the right time? Would you perhaps enjoy parking your car in the garage for extra comfort on cold, rainy days? To discover how we can all make space for joy, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with declutter queen, Tracy McCubbin.

Tracy is the founder of dClutterly, a business that helps people find joy in removing all the ‘stuff’ that no longer brings them joy. She shares the 5-minute decluttering challenge and how she helps people save money, organize, and flourish.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited: Grit, Grace, and the Power Tools of Courage with Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

What drives some people to take on circumstances they wouldn't choose for themselves to help those in need, speak for those who don't have a voice, or follow integrity toward the righteous path? Where does the spark of courage come from?

To illuminate what gives us inner grit, grace, and the power of courage, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the bishop and spiritual leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., Mariann Edgar Budde.

Bishop Mariann reflects on the inspiration behind the writing of her book, How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith, and shares words of encouragement for those who remain sturdy and resilient when faced with circumstances beyond their control.

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Reclaim Your Calm in a Tumultuous World with Danny Penman PhD

The fast pace of today’s world can make us feel frantic and disconnected from our experiences. It has become too easy to focus on the expectations of others and succumb to fear-based motivations. Do simple tools exist to bring us back to peace-of-mind? Or, does everything have to be a struggle?

To understand how we can reclaim calm in this tumultuous world, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with meditation teacher and award-winning writer and journalist, Dr. Danny Penman.

Danny shares the latest neuroscience research findings and the meditations in his latest book, Deeper Mindfulness: The New Way to Rediscover Calm in a Chaotic World, which he co-authored with Dr. Mark Williams. He describes Feeling Tone mindfulness tools that help reduce stress, anger, and depression.

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Putting Off Procrastination: Overcoming the Art of Delay with Patricia Zurita Ona PsyD

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”. But, for some people, it is not that easy. Despite their best intentions, projects and tasks may have a perpetual completion date. Is it a lack of motivation, or sheer laziness that keeps some in a state of inaction? Neither. It is something much deeper.

To better understand what lies at the core of procrastination and how to overcome it, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with psychologist, coach, and author Dr. Patricia Zurita Ona, aka Dr. Z.

Dr. Z’s research goes beyond the surface of procrastination and perfectionist behaviors. In her book, Acceptance and Commitment Skills for Perfectionism and High-Achieving Behaviors, she lifts the veil of procrastination demonstrating that it is not laziness but the fear of failure that inhibits people from completing tasks.

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Entangled: Neurodynamics & Technology with Carl D Marci MD

Study after study suggests that human brain development is greatly diminished by the use of digital media. One such study shows that for every hour of media a child consumes per day under the age of three, the risk of ADHD at age seven goes up by 10%. As new technologies, including AI, emerge, what can be done to protect mental health and brain development against them?

For insights about the effect of technology on neurodynamics, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a leader in the fields of social and consumer neuroscience, Psychiatrist Dr. Carl D. Marci.

Dr. Marci shares research about the effects of social media and new technologies on a developing brain and unpacks the central tenets of his newest book, REWIRED: Protecting Your Brain in the Digital Age.

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Achieve a Clearer Mind and Better Life in 3 Minutes a Day with Richard Dixey PhD

The practice of meditation was developed in Asia by monks over two and a half thousand years ago. Their practices offered them an understanding of their own consciousness en route to enlightenment. Today amidst a barrage of technological distractions and uncertainty about the practice, meditation is elusive for many.

If there was a streamlined process for the practice of meditation that took people out of their mind maps could we better understand our personal experiences? For tips on how to achieve a clearer mind and a better life, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Richard Dixey, a biophysicist, lifelong student of Buddhism, and author. He shares his philosophy and asserts that meditation is a basic life skill that should be practiced in schools. Richard’s book, Three Minutes a Day: A Fourteen-Week Course to Learn Meditation and Transform Your Life, offers a new way of understanding the age-old practice of meditation.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Mentally Muscular Couples with Amy Morin LCSW

Long-term partnerships can be one of life’s greatest achievements. But couples who have been together for many years, may succumb to bad habits that inhibit the growth of a healthy relationship. These bad habits, with some awareness and problem resolution skills, can alter the trajectory of a relationship and increase the joy derived from it for both partners.

To discover the do’s and don’ts of mentally muscular couples, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with psychotherapist, and international bestselling author of six books on mental strength, Amy Morin.

Amy shares the research and findings collected for her book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do: Fix What's Broken, Develop Healthier Patterns, and Grow Stronger Together.

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HelloFresh—Offers farm-fresh meal kits designed to make life easier and happier. Get 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months at

OUAI— Offers beauty boosting head to toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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Psychedelia: Tales of Mind Trips & Healing with Andy Mitchell

Psychedelic compounds have been used for thousands of years in spiritual and healing rituals. Today, the experiences induced by the compounds produce an opportunity for modern healers to guide patients into releasing trauma and building a new mindset. But how qualified are the current shamans and guides to lead trauma therapy sessions with non-regulated psychedelic drugs?

And are the drugs essential to healing trauma, or can healing be achieved solely through enlightenment? To gather information from someone who in the name of scientific research, has first-hand knowledge of multiple psychedelics, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with clinical neuropsychologist and author Andy Mitchell.

After meeting a stranger who recommended a mind trip, Andy set out on a journey of using psychedelics for scientific research. The details of his forty trips in sixty days became the foundation of his book, Ten Trips: The New Reality of Psychedelics. Andy shares the elements of his most powerful trip and some of the mind-blowing experiences psychedelics have gifted him during his journey..

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Skims— Offers the next generation of underwear, loungewear, and shapewear for every body. Get free shipping on orders over $75 all at

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Capitalizing Your Value: Know Your Worth and Flourish with Nicole Walters

Happiness is a by-product of our life journey, not a destination. When we are able to acknowledge happiness in simple moments, we release life’s pressure valve and allow ourselves to be the best we can be without self-judgment.

But how much of our true nature gets lost as we fabricate our amalgamated identities?Our value lies not in our ability to achieve goals or quotas. Our value is inherent. We wake up every day worthy of living the life we want. To hear from someone who has capitalized on her value, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with podcast host, speaker, and author Nicole Walters about inherent worthiness.

Nicole shares the core principles from her book, Nothing is Missing: A Memoir of Living Boldly, how young people can capitalize on their value, and the beauty of finding happiness in moments.

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Paying Attention: The Art of Observation with Christian Madsbjerg

When we are truly curious about why things happen and why others do what they do, our judgment is suspended. We begin to gain empathy for the plight of others which opens our own lives up to deeper experiences, textured understandings, and richer lives. But paying attention in a world full of distractions is becoming a lost art.

To discover the many ways expanding our observation can serve humanity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the co-founder of the consulting firm ReD Associates, Christian Madsbjerg.

Christian is a speaker and author of the book, Look: How to Pay Attention in a Distracted World. He describes the beauty of hyper-reflection, provides tips for regaining our ever-decreasing skill of observation, and shares how stepping away from digital devices can revitalize our senses.

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Toxic Workplace Culture: Cultivating The Courage to Rise Up with Jamie Fiore Higgins

Many women have succumbed to the belief that they need to be everything to everybody. Being the best parent, the best spouse and the best corporate employee is how many of us keep score with ourselves.

But how much of our true nature gets lost as we fabricate our amalgamated identities? How much of our self-worth depends on the approval and judgment of others?

To get an honest take from someone who has tackled both sides of the equation, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and former managing director at Goldman Sachs, Jamie Fiore Higgins..

Jamie shares the transformational story which is the heart of her book, Bully Market: My Story of Money and Misogyny at Goldman Sachs.

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Mischief and Mayhem: How Irrational Things Become Alternative Facts with Dan Ariely PhD

We are all vulnerable to the irrational beliefs or misbeliefs that permeate social networks, our social circles, and family dinner tables. Even the most level-headed skeptics can get drawn into baseless claims and alternative facts due to compounded stress, fear of not belonging, and the human need to tell a good story.

To discover the social and cultural elements that form the funnel of misbelief and how to rebuild trust after a breach, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University, Dan Ariely.

Dan shares the core tenets of his newest book, Misbelief: What Makes Rational People Believe Irrational Things and offers an explanation for why we have an unjustifiable amount of confidence in knowing more about a subject than we truly do.

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HelloFresh—Offers farm-fresh meal kits designed to make life easier and happier. Get 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months at

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Decluttering The Nooks and Crannies of Our Lives with Tracy McCubbin

In the US, people are exposed to hundreds of product advertisements each day. Advertisers know how to trigger us into buying things we don’t need using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model. With many houses already bursting with clutter, how can we get rid of what no longer serves us and curb our buying of things we don’t need?

To discover how to declutter the nooks and crannies of our lives, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with declutter queen, Tracy McCubbin.

Tracy is the founder of dClutterly, a business that helps people find joy in removing all the ‘stuff’ that no longer brings them joy. She shares the 5-minute decluttering challenge, the emotional pull of stuff, and how she helps people save money, organize, and flourish.

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Sex-pectations: Getting It On At Any Age with Dr. Regina Koepp

*This conversation includes mature content that may not be suitable for all audiences.

It is a common misconception that older adults are no longer interested in or capable of having sex. But sexual activity is a primary drive that offers connection and intimacy to those of any age. Sex can offer older adults comfort and enhance well-being, so why isn’t everyone talking about it?

To discover how to shift our sex-pectations and enjoy this important aspect of the human experience, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the founder of the Center for Mental Health & Aging, Dr. Regina Koepp. Regina shares research and statistics about how mental and physical conditions can impact sexual function, why we should be talking more about our sex-pectations, and ways to increase sexual satisfaction as we age.

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Life Satisfaction: The Next Frontier of Happiness with Dr. Jennifer Guttman

In the world today, happiness is more elusive than ever. It may be that our understanding of happiness is based on the belief that happiness is sustainable, but it is not. Happiness is a fleeting emotion. Our ability to bounce back after adversity and to complete mundane tasks may be the true measure of contentment. To discover the secrets to achieving life satisfaction, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Jennifer Guttman ,a clinical psychologist who combines cognitive-behavioral therapy with her core methodology. She details the six secrets to life satisfaction taken from her book, Beyond Happiness: The 6 Secrets of Lifetime Satisfaction, offers insights into how her clients put the strategies to work and describes her concept of defiant resilience.

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A Caregiver’s Story: When Life Does Not Cooperate with Plans with Emma Nadler

Unexpected events can seem insurmountable at the onset, but as time passes those events may change our lives for the better. Maintaining an understanding that what happens to us is out of our control may help us appreciate the love, and humor, hiding under the surface of a situation.

To discover how one family adapted to one of life’s unexpected curveballs, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with psychotherapist and author Emma Nadler.

Emma Nadler Emma discusses her book, The Unlikely Village of Eden: A Memoir. She shares the details of her daughter’s diagnosis, how she learned to ask for help, and how telling her family’s story created a support network more robust than she ever imagined.

This episode is proudly sponsored by HelloFresh— Offers farm-fresh meal kits designed to make life easier and happier. Get 50% off plus 15% off the next 2 months at and use code 50hh.

Magic Mind— Offers the world's first productivity drink. Get up to 56% off at and use code HARVESTING 20.

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Mother Mindfulness Speaks: The Mind-Body Connection to Health and Well-Being with Ellen J. Langer PhD

The extraordinary amount of control we have over our well-being is proven again and again in mindfulness research. Studies that include placebos are a prime example of this phenomenon. Why do some people experience pain relief after taking placebo medication? What is truly at play when people have the will to live?

To delve deeper into the mind-body connection, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a professor in Harvard’s Psychology department about our ability to create well-being for ourselves Dr. Ellen Langer, aka, Mother Mindfulness, is the author of twelve books including, The Mindful Body: Thinking Our Way to Chronic Health. She shares examples of her revolutionary research that creates a convincing case that we are in charge of our health, healing, and well-being.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - The Perfect Mask: What Hides Behind the Face of Depression with Margaret Rutherford PhD

For many people, life can be a bit overwhelming at times. Yet, isn’t it surprising how many people seem to have it all together? With depression and suicide rates rising in almost every age group, it may be that more people are hiding their mental health issues behind a mask of perfection.

To identify the connection between perfectionism and depression, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a clinical psychologist and author who has made it her life’s work to demystify depression. Dr. Margaret Rutherford.

uncovers the connection between perfectionism and suicide, and shares the core tenets from her book Perfectly Hidden Depression: How to Break Free from the Perfectionism That Masks Your Depression.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - The Somatic Experience: Finding Healing at Home in Our Bodies with Peter Levine PhD

Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. When we are unable to meet a difficult situation effectively we create protective strategies to keep ourselves separated from our wounded places. But in doing so, we are actually holding on to our trauma as part of our identity. And while it’s a normal part of the human condition to experience trauma, how we process trauma can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or addictions long after the causal event occurred. To understand how past traumas can be transformed, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Peter Levine about his landmark work in using Somatic Experience therapy to heal trauma by replacing wounded memories with empowered ones. He shares the central tenets of his books on different types of trauma.

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Skims— Offers the next generation of underwear, loungewear, and shapewear for every body. Get free shipping on orders over $75 all at

OUAI— Offers beauty boosting head to toe self-care rituals. Visit and use code HH to get 15% off of your entire purchase.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Conversationally Connected: More Meaningful Talk with Celeste Headlee

When we put down our digital devices and engage with others through personal interactions and conversations, our brains sync up, we build rapport and form relationships. The human voice transmits a plethora of information, including our emotional state, which assists the people interested in our well-being to respond accordingly.

To explore how we can become more conversationally connected, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an author who shares ways to reignite conversations that matter in our vital relationships.

Celeste Headlee describes the neuroscience that drives different types of communication and takeaways from her book, We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations that Matter.

This episode is proudly sponsored by EveryPlate— Offers easy prep, no oven meals without compromising quality. Get $1.49 per meal by going to and entering code 49hh.

Nutrafol— Offers hair wellness from within. Use promo code HARVESTING to save $10 off your first month's subscription + free shipping (US only) at

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - The Mechanics of Change: Examining the Adaptable Mind with Richard Lane MD, PhD

The human brain contains multiple systems designed to protect us and aid in our survival. When we experience trauma the event is stored in our memory as a way to maintain vigilance when we are confronted with future similar situations. Recent studies in cognitive neuroscience have uncovered new approaches that update the emotional content of our memories to reduce or negate the charge of previously traumatic experiences..

To explore the science of updating memories, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an agent of change. Dr. Richard Lane is a Psychotherapist whose work has been instrumental in healing trauma. He discusses his groundbreaking therapy used to update emotions from his book, Neuroscience of Enduring Change: Implications for Psychotherapy.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Spiritual Mastery: Exploring Divinity and Numinosity with Rabbi Wayne Dosick DD, PhD

As universal consciousness awakens in us all, how will our relationship with God transform? Will we allow God, the Divine, Source, or the Universe to speak to us in a way that lights the way toward compassion and love for all? Or, will we be headstrong, believing that only the God depicted by our religious beliefs will lead us to our individual holy land?.

To seek out guidance on how we can redefine our spiritual practice, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a theologist who has contemplated ethics, evolution, and the divine. Rabbi Wayne Dosick is the host of Spirit Talk Live!, a visiting professor at the University of San Diego, and the author of many books including Radical Loving: One God, One World, and One People. He describes the concept of God as everything and how harmonic convergence will bring an Eden-like 5D world.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Body-Wise: Functional and Integrative Medicine for Women's Wellness with Aviva Romm MD

The research on women’s health issues is an underserved area of study. Many women resort to becoming citizen scientists to sort out their symptoms in an effort to put the puzzle pieces together to achieve wellness.

Conventional medicine rarely uses natural methods or plants to help women achieve proper wellness, opting instead for pharmaceuticals, which normally only serve to hide symptoms.

To discover ways to put the art back into the medical arts, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a healthcare practitioner with over 30 years of women’s wellness experience, Aviva Romm.

Aviva shares key takeaways from her book, Hormone Intelligence: The Complete Guide to Calming Hormone Chaos and Restoring Your Body's Natural Blueprint for Well-Being, and details her unique journey through medical school.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Anatomy of Grief: The Neuroscience of Love, Loss, & Social Stress with Mary-Frances O'Connor PhD

In Western society, the way we handle the death of a loved one is largely outsourced. No longer do we sit in our homes with a loved one who has departed, as we did in the past. This modification changes the way our brain processes our grief and may inhibit the realization that our loved one will not return to us.

To discover ways to restore ourselves to a meaningful life after a loss, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the director of the Grief, Loss and Social Stress (GLASS) Lab, Mary-Frances O’Connor PhD.

Mary-Frances explains the neurological differences in the brain during periods of grief and complicated grief, or Prolonged Grief Disorder, and delves into insights from her book, The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Mental Muscle-Tone: Train Your Brain & Elevate Your Performance with Daya Grant PhD

Yoga is an ancient practice designed to increase well-being. It integrates physical movements, breathwork, and mental relaxation techniques to calm the nervous system and relieve stress. In addition to added physical flexibility, yoga also increases mental muscle tone and resilience.

To discover how practicing yoga changes the brain structurally and functionally, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Dr. Daya Grant.

As an expert in performance consulting, Dr. Grant works with pro athletes to keep them at the top of their game. In this conversation, she describes the neuroscience of yoga and why we all should be motivated to meditate. She also shares tools to help us all get tougher with a few smart moves that aid mental resilience and performance.

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Switch Craft: The Virtues of Mental Agility with Elaine Fox PhD

How open are you to new experiences? Have you found that with age comes a fear of learning new things? Research finds that being willing to admit that we may be wrong about truths we previously held while maintaining confidence is a central tenet of resilience.

To discover some practical tips for keeping mental arthritis at bay, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen talks with Elaine Fox about the role of intellectual humility and psychological agility.

Elaine is the Head of the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and the author of Switch Craft: The Hidden Power of Mental Agility. She describes the concept of Switch Crafting and how it is used to increase longevity and satisfaction in life.

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Neurodynamics: Our Brains & Digital Technology with Carl D. Marci MD

The lack of intimate, face to face human contact is causing record levels of depression and loneliness. Yet, it seems people, especially young adults, continually choose screen time over the opportunity to physically and emotionally connect with others. Is this a phenomenon of human evolution, or is this the objective of device and software corporations to increase advertising revenue?

To seek out the antidote for the increase of device addiction and the decline of human connection, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen talks with a leader in the field of social and consumer neuroscience, Dr. Carl D. Marci about the impact of digital technology on the brain.

Dr. Marci talks about how our devices can cause addiction and who is the most susceptible. He also shares tips on how to consciously prepare ourselves and our children for the next wave of AI technology and concrete findings from his book, REWIRED: Protecting Your Brain in the Digital Age.

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Roadmapping Meaningful Lives with Marc Lesser

Listening is a gift we give to ourselves and the person speaking. When we are curious and engaged with each other, our relationships become more satisfying and productive. But when was the last time you felt truly listened to and understood, in the workplace, or at home?

To discover practices that enhance our daily experiences in this mysterious and sacred world, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen talks with speaker, mindfulness practitioner, and former Zen monk, Marc Lesser about how to roadmap a meaningful life.

Marc shares the major themes of his newest book, Finding Clarity: How Compassionate Accountability Builds Vibrant Relationships, Thriving Workplaces, and Meaningful Lives, and reflects on the transformative power of listening, curiosity, and compassionate accountability.

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Grit, Grace, and the Power Tools of Courage with Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

What drives some people to take on circumstances they wouldn't choose for themselves to help those in need, speak for those who don't have a voice, or follow integrity toward the righteous path? Where does the spark of courage come from?

To illuminate what gives us inner grit, grace, and the power of courage, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the bishop and spiritual leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., Mariann Edgar Budde.

Bishop Mariann reflects on the inspiration behind the writing of her book, How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith, and shares words of encouragement for those who remain sturdy and resilient when faced with circumstances beyond their control.

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Scientific Wellness: Healthcare in Our Hands with Nathan Price PhD

What if it was possible to have a roadmap to optimize the health trajectory of your body? Wearables and AI can utilize set parameters based on personal genetic and historical data and help mitigate risk by suggesting preventative practices, decreasing the chance of suffering chronic illness. How much control will we have over our health in the future?

To discover new scientific wellness techniques, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Nathan Price about putting healthcare in our hands

Dr. Price is the Chief Science Officer of Thorne Health Tech and co-author of The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine is Personalized, Predictive, Data-rich, and in Your Hands. He shares information about the scientific research that has led to breakthroughs in preventative wellness for elongated health spans, and the part AI will play in the future of medicine.

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Silver Linings Growth Book: Transforming and Transcending Trauma with Dr Edith Shiro

The effects of trauma for those who endure it vary widely from person to person. Why are some able to use their traumatic experiences as a springboard for personal growth to lead fulfilling lives, and others become trapped by the injustice and are unable to escape the emotional, physical, and spiritual weight of it?

To discover more about the aspects of post-traumatic growth and how it can offer a greater appreciation for life, improved relationships, and spiritual awakenings, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with clinical psychologist and author, Dr. Edith Shiro.

Dr. Shiro describes, in detail, strategies from her book, The Unexpected Gift of Trauma: the Path to Post-Traumatic Growth. She also shares frameworks for transforming and transcending trauma on personal and collective levels.

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Self-construction: An Inner and Outer Journey with Brian Lowery PhD

From birth, our self is created by other people. We inherently carry intergenerational baggage from our ancestors, then the process of constructing our ‘self’ comes from feedback about who we are from the time, culture, and society we grow up in. Do we truly have any control over who we are and who we will become?

To discover the social construction behind what we consider our sense of self, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with social psychologist, and the Walter Kenneth Kilpatrick Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford University, Dr. Brian Lowery.

Brian explains the premise of his book Selfless: The Social Creation of “You”, and describes the multidimensional facets of self.

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Mothering Ourselves: Healing Primal Wounds to Stand Tall with Bethany E. Webster

How do you feel on Mother’s Day? Is it a day when you turn away from social media because you don’t have a flattering Mother’s Day meme you want to share? Do you spend time reflecting on your relationship with your mother and wish it would have been or will be different? Many people, including mothers, have a mother wound.

To uncover ways we can heal our primal mother wound and be our true authentic selves, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with writer, coach, and international speaker, Bethany Webster.

Bethany shares insights about cultural and generational mother wounding and offers healing practices to relieve the shame often felt by our inner child.

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Hygge and Happiness: The Good Life is Always in Fashion with Meik Wiking

Look around your home. Notice what catches your eye that causes you stress and what things make you happy. More often than not, a pet or a photo of a family outing brings a moment of happiness, a new appliance or pair of shoes probably not as much. As the old adage says, money can’t buy happiness. So what can be done in and around the home to provide small bits of day-to-day joy?

To find out, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the CEO of the Happiness Institute in Copenhagen, Meik Wiking about hygge and happiness.

Meik shares the research behind his latest book, My Hygge Home: How to Make Home Your Happy Place, and offers design hacks everyone can use to create an atmosphere of happiness.

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Sex, Biology, and You with Dr. Stephen Furlich

Do you wish your partner understood you better? Have you considered that they may not be wired to? Biology and chemistry are important factors in why we communicate the way we do. Testosterone and Estrogen play a major role in social behaviors from a very young age.

To empathetically examine what places men and women on opposite sides of the communication spectrum, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with sex and biology expert, Dr. Stephen Furlich

He shares some of the research behind his book Sex Talk: How Biological Sex Influences Gender Communication Differences Throughout Life's Stages, strategies for how both genders can communicate with each other effectively, and why men and women are the way they are.

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From Happiness to Hopefulness with Carol Graham PhD

How would you define the American Dream? For some, it means hard work pays off, and for others, it represents a period of time in their lives. Some believe that time has come to a close. What makes different groups perceive things differently?

To find out how culture impacts people’s perception of success and what hope has to do with it, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow at Brookings, College Park Professor at the University of Maryland, and a Gallup Senior Scientist, Carol Graham.

Carol shares the research that supports her book The Power of Hope: How the Science of Well-Being Can Save Us From Despair. Her findings encompass the hopefulness of minority groups, how the political polarization in the US has led to increased despair, and why money doesn’t increase happiness or hopefulness.

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Mind the Dash: Forging a Meaningful Life with Dean Rickles PhD

Most teenagers’ default setting is mimetic desire. Before online technologies were ubiquitous, teens would mimic the behavior of familial or social influences to shape their morality and conduct. During times of quiet reflection, they indulged in self-assessment.

But with social media algorithms designed to manipulate the mind through wasted time, there are entire age groups that are becoming externally referenced.

To discover ways to retain our individualism, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and professor Dean Rickles PhD. Dean offers a philosophical and psychological look into the damaging effects of social media on social connections. He shares the core principles from his book Life is Short: An Appropriately Brief Guide to Making it More Meaningful as examples of how death can be a driver to embark on a richer, more meaningful life.

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From Angst to Awe: The Power of Life-Enhancing Anxiety with Kirk J. Schneider PhD

As a human certain anxieties are a natural part of life. But, in our current culture, lack of alone time, screens that pummel us with non-stop data, and expectations of instant results and quick fixes, how do we have time to appreciate the awe that is our existence?

To take a deep dive into how we can repair trauma and restore vitality to our lives, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Psychologist and Author Kirk J.Schneider about how to enhance life through anxiety.

In his book, Life-Enhancing Anxiety: Key to a Sane World, he shares the experience of how a therapist provided him a sense of safety after a childhood trauma by bearing witness and being present. Kirk now assists others in utilizing fear as a mobilizer to enhance their lives.

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Retirement or Reinvention?: Designing Our Wisdom Years with Steve Lopez

What comes to mind when you think of retirement? Do you picture yourself lounging in a hammock on an island surrounded by aqua-blue water? Or, are you considering a job you can do to fill your time?

To discover how we can best design our wisdom years, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with long-time Los Angeles Times columnist, four-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, and best-selling author, Steve Lopez.

Steve shares essential takeaways from his book, Independence Day: What I've Learned About Retirement from Some Who‘ve Done it and Some Who Never Will. This conversation is rich with stories of research and interviews about individual retirement dreams and how people plan for an ever-changing landscape.

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Making Space for Joy: Declutter and Flourish with Tracy McCubbin

When you look around your space, what do you see? Is there a corner that seems a bit overcrowded? Is there a pile you’ve been meaning to tackle but can’t find the right time? Would you perhaps enjoy parking your car in the garage for extra comfort on cold or rainy days?

To discover the art of lightening the load to uncover happiness, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with declutter queen, Tracy McCubbin.

Tracy is the founder of dClutterly, a business that helps people find joy in removing all the ‘stuff’ that no longer brings them joy. She shares the 5-minute decluttering challenge and how she helps people save money, organize, and flourish.

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Environmental Toxins and The Impact to Our Health with Andrew Hartman MD

Did you know that 80% of heart disease and 70% of cancers can be prevented through diet and lifestyle changes? And that starting some monthly supplements before allergy season can keep you breathing freely?

For an in-depth look at the environmental toxins that impact our health, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Aaron Hartman MD, the founder of Richmond Integrative and Functional Medicine.

Aaron offers tips for maintaining a healthy immune system and shares statistics and insights to help people take control of their health, eliminate toxins, and stave off chronic illness. 

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Illuminating Stories of Mental Health Misdiagnosis with Sarah Fay PhD

A medical doctor often diagnoses physical ailments through a series of lab tests, x-rays, observations, and data analysis. There are multiple proven guidelines and resources in place for the treatment of disease, fractures, organ failure, and other physical illnesses. But, for mental health diagnoses, one book, currently in its fifth revision, is the go-to manual for all mental health professionals.

To explore how the manual was created, its major flaws, and the consequential misdiagnoses that come from it, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and activist Sarah Fay PhD about her investigation and dissection of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , or DSM.

In her book, Pathological: The True Story of Six Misdiagnoses, Sarah shares the personal mental health journey that led to her writing the book and why she created a public awareness campaign to identify the dangers of the DSM.

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Micro-Dosing Mindfulness: Tapping into The Power of Awe with Michael Amster MD

For those who suffer from chronic pain, depression, or burn-out many physicians turn to pharmaceuticals as treatment. While pharmaceuticals may offer the temporary relief of symptoms, most have unpleasant side effects and never treat the root cause of an illness.

Researchers are discovering that mindfulness and meditation practices are important factors in improving physical and mental health for complete wellness.

To explore the awe-mazing possibilities of new treatment methods, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, physician, and awe researcher, Michael Amster MD about the benefits of micro-dosing mindfulness. Michael’s book, The Power of AWE: Overcoming Burnout & Anxiety, Ease Chronic Pain, Find Clarity & Purpose — In Less Than 1 Minute Per Day, contains a quick and easy method for tapping into awe. Micahel shares his research on the impact of experiencing awe, and details studies that prove that awe is a prosocial emotion that offers mental and physical benefits to those who practice it.

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Age-Proofing Our Brains for Better Living with Marc Milstein PhD

The inability to focus on the task at hand plagues all of us, sometimes. But there are times when distractions such as our phones, long to-do lists, and multiple people wanting our attention can be more mentally taxing than others.

So, what can we do to build our mental resilience, improve memory, reduce stress, and live longer happier lives? To help clear out the cognition clutter, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks to doctor and author Marc Milstein about a blueprint we can use to age-proof our brains for better living.

Dr. Milstein shares excerpts from his book, The Age-Proof Brain: New Strategies to Improve Memory, Improve Immunity, and Fight Off Dementia, and cites examples of how a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and physical movement can boost our immune system and stave off dementia.

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On Becoming a Virtuoso of Life with Kenny Werner

Many people criticize their abilities. Whether it is taming an instrument or their voice, they judge themselves in lieu of experiencing the joy of the music they aspire to create.

Exploring the peaceful space within and de-noising our minds offers the gift of sweet silence to those who find themselves distorted.

To help us quell the constrictions of the mind and realize harmony, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with master musician and author Kenny Werner about becoming a virtuoso of life.

Kenny details the learnings and practices of his book, Becoming the Instrument: Lessons on Self-Mastery from Music to Life, and shares the value of our breath and the creative power of the self-love that resides in our infinite space.

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Psyched Up: The Brain Science Behind the Human Story with Paul Bloom PhD

A sense of belonging is essential to human existence. Our ancestors needed to be part of a social group to be safe and provided for. Our need for acceptance still drives us. As an example, being ostracized in today’s ‘cancel’ culture has been referred to as a type of death.

To better understand how the human mind has evolved to deal with the pressures of 24-hour access to social media and more, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, Paul Bloom.

Paul shares the key concepts from his latest book, PSYCH: The Story of the Human Mind, and provides answers about how social interactions, or the lack of them, might stave off human happiness.

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The Yoga of Life: Beyond the Mat and Into the World with Sarah Platt-Finger

Yoga studios have become ubiquitous in cities all over the US, and sales of yoga clothes and accessories are projected to grow by over 8% by 2029. But what does yoga’s popularity have to do with a personal yoga practice?

To illuminate the real impacts of yoga beyond the mat, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Deepak Chopra’s private instructor and co-founder of ISHTA Yoga, Sarah Platt-Finger.

Sarah shares core learnings from her book, Living in the Light: Yoga for Self-Realization, and tells how the practice of yoga is a personal journey into changing our senses, perceptions, and realities.

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Cultivating Dignity and Selfhood for the Deeply Forgetful with Stephen G. Post PhD

Age-related memory loss is a natural part of the aging process. Some people experience a more deeply-rooted memory issue, such as Alzheimer’s, and become deeply forgetful..

Deeply forgetful people often need caregivers for what used to be normal activities. While every case is different, there are some general guidelines on how to restore dignity and selfhood to those afflicted with dementia..

To dig deeper Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with physician, speaker, and author, Dr. Stephen G. Post about the latest findings about how to care for loved ones..

Dr. Post shares common questions of caregivers and patients, how caregivers can respect the wishes of those they care for, and the proven positive psychological aspects of treatment. All from his book, Dignity for Deeply Forgetful People: How Caregivers Can Meet the Challenges of Alzheimer's Disease.

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Lifelong Learning and the Pleasures of Intellectual Development with Zena Hitz PhD

Socrates is credited with saying, “the unexamined life is not worth living”. Yet, our contemporary world of results-driven work leaves us very little time for ponderance.

To unearth the benefits of growing our inner worlds through examination and contemplation, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author and founder of the Catherine Project, Zena Hitz.

Zena shares examples of individuals, real and imagined, who enrich themselves with life-long learning to discover the pleasures of intellectual development. She also shares key elements of her book, Lost in thought: The Hidden Pleasures of an Intellectual Life.

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Sleep Well: How High-Quality Rest Will Change Your Life with Dr. Pedram Navab, DO, Esq

Can you remember the last time you woke up feeling completely refreshed and ready to start the new day with bright eyes? If not, you may be like the millions of other people around the world who suffer from some form of sleep deprivation.

To discover the keys to more restful sleep and how to eliminate the distractions that keep us from fading into all stages of sleep, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a sleep medicine specialist about how to get high-quality rest that can change your life for the better.

Dr. Pedram Navab is a board-certified neurologist and author of Sleep Reimagined: The Fast Track to a Revitalized Life. He works with patients with insomnia and sleep disorders that mimic insomnia. During this conversation, he shares the four physiological stages of sleep and tips for creating an environment where we can sleep well.

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Story-Crafting: Using Brain Science to Share Our Narratives with Lisa Cron

Every person’s experience in life is different. From a very young age, we learn what actions help us get what we need to survive and thrive. All of these learnings eventually form our belief system, our story.

When our beliefs are challenged we are hard-wired to defend ourselves or flee.

To find out if these early evolutionary patterns help us in modern-day society or are an outdated response we have yet to shed, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author Lisa Cron.

Lisa shares key components from her book, Wired for Story, and the neuroscience behind human connection and communication.

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Fun and Your Health: A Joyful Prescription with Mike Rucker PhD

In western cultures, many people have been led to believe that if we consume, share, or do the right things, happiness is right around the corner. But, how many of us have turned the corner only to find boredom or loneliness?

To unpack the secret to finding joy in everyday activities, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with organizational psychologist and behavioral scientist, Mike Rucker about the connection between, fun, health, and time management.

He describes the SAVOR and hedonic adaptation concepts from his book, The Fun Habit: How the Pursuit of Joy and Wonder Can Change Your Life. And, he shares the secret sauce to escaping the perceived pursuit of happiness and toxic positivity.

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Listener Favorite Returns: Psychology of Money: Finessing Financial Security with Michelle Singletary & Scott Nations

These days, more often than not, financial market headlines include the terms ‘market crash’, ‘bubble bursting’, ‘inflation’, or ‘downturn’. What do these terms mean for long-term investors or for those who don’t invest but are impacted by job loss or economic hardship? How can everyday Americans attain enough financial security to be happy? To get expert advice about staying financially healthy, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two economic experts who talk about the psychology of money and how to achieve financial security. Michelle Singletary is a well-known financial advisor and a syndicated columnist for the Washington Post and other high-profile news outlets. She discusses tips for creating a savings cushion in the event of an emergency and how financial security means paying for basic needs first. The information is from her book, What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide. Scott Nations is the president of a financial firm and a regular contributor to CNBC. He talks about his book, The Anxious Investor: Mastering the Mental Game of Investing, and the human behaviors that lead us to either be averse to risk or embrace it.

Listener Favorite Returns: Complicated Connections: Mind Games and Broken Bonds with Deborah Vinall PsyD & Kristina Sharp PhD

The widely-used adage ‘you can’t pick your family’ generally translates into making the best of what you have when you have no choice in the matter. People rarely have the option to choose who provides their mental and physical nourishment, especially children. How we handle relationships with relatives once we reach adulthood is up to us. But, if we have been subject to years of gaslighting or mental manipulation, it can be difficult to discern between what we believe is good for us and what we truly need to thrive. To dissect the cycle of both gaslighting and estrangement, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a therapist and a researcher about the complex relationships we engage in and disconnect from. Doctor of Psychology, Deborah Vinall offers an in-depth look at gaslighting, describes the key takeaways from her book, Gaslighting: A Step-by-Step Recovery Guide to Heal from Emotional Abuse and Build Healthy Relationships, and shares the steps people can take to set self- honoring boundaries when confronting a gaslighter. Kristina Sharp, Director of the Family Communication and Relationships Lab, at the University of Washington and Michigan State, describes her role as a researcher who studies estrangement from first-hand accounts of those who have severed ties with families and the misguided perception of what a family is as portrayed by American media.

Conflict Whispering: Collaborate, Communicate, and Negotiate Resolution with Douglas Noll JD & Jim Tamm JD

Think about all the times you felt angry today. Were you in traffic and someone using their phone cut you off? Did your teenager shout at you because you told them they couldn’t do something after school? How did you respond? Calmly or did you get defensive?   To gain a better understanding of some specific tools we can use to de-escalate tense situations and have better communication with our friends and loved ones, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two legal professionals turned peacekeeping, conflict negotiators. The practice of Tai Chi helped Douglas Noll transform from lawyer to peacemaker. He explains a three-step process to peace, based on empathetic listening and emotional de-escalation from his book, De-Escalate: How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less. Conflict resolution expert, Jim Tamm describes how to negotiate through conversations that are not easy to have and the reason people use defensiveness as a communication style from his book, Radical Collaboration.

Advanced Mental Health and Alternatives to the Medication Merry-Go-Round with Gregory Scott Brown MD & David Feifel MD

A study by the National Institute of Health found an estimated 21 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in 2020. Beyond the sheer number of people affected, what makes these findings astounding is the limited number of treatment options available for those who reach out for help. To gain perspective into the issue and discover why many suffering from clinical depression don’t reach out for help, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors experts about advanced mental health and alternatives to the medical merry-go-round. Integrative Psychiatrist Dr. Gregory S. Brown shares the Five Pillars of Self-Care from his book, The Self-Healing Mind: An Essential Five-Step Practice for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression and Revitalizing Your Life. The founding director of the UCSD Adult ADHD program, the UCSD Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) program, and the Center for Advanced Treatment of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Dr. David Feifel shares some breakthrough treatments for treating depression.

Mental Immunity: For the Passionately Ignorant and Willfully Disinformed with Andy Norman PhD & Renata Salecl PhD

What is true is not always what some choose to believe. There are some people who subscribe to the ignorance is bliss philosophy and others have difficulty discerning which information is born in conspiracy or in science. To gain a better understanding of those who wish to remain passionately ignorant and willfully disinformed, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who specialize in the science of the mind. In Andy Norman’s book, Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think, he examines what makes some groups more susceptible to mind ‘bugs’ and mental hijacking. His cognitive hygiene concept offers mental immunity to those who prefer to think rationally and want to protect themselves from conspiracy theories. Sociologist Renata Salecl shares the core theme of her book, Passion for Ignorance: What We Choose Not to Know and Why. Her research studies why in this modern age of big data, genetics, and neuroscience people still choose to be ignorant about things that affect them and their health.

Medical Journeys: Kinder Doctors and Resilient Patients with Adam Stern MD & David Richman

A staggering statistic of today’s medical care is that in the average doctor-patient interaction, the doctor interrupts the patient within 18 seconds. This quick interruption offers very little time for a connection to be formed between a doctor and their patient. This transactional approach hinders the clinicians’ ability to provide solutions to patients who may not feel as if they were unable to express their true needs. To discover the steps being taken to raise the bedside manner bar, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about medical journeys, kinder doctors, and resilient patients. Dr. Adam Stern is a psychiatrist and author of Committed: Dispatches from a Psychiatrist in Training . He is back on the program to share how he teaches the softer side of medicine to doctors in training and the therapeutic power of listening. David Richman is an author, public speaker, and endurance athlete who interviewed hundreds of people about their medical journey and the impact of cancer on their lives. His book, Cycle of Lives: 15 People's Stories, 5,000 Miles, and a Journey Through the Emotional Chaos of Cancer shares those stories and offers insights into how caregivers can find relief from the pressure of compassion.

Brain Boosting: The Art of Mental Muscle-Toning with Elaine Fox PhD, Amit Goswami PhD & Valentina R Onisor MD

There are many facets of the human experience we have yet to fully comprehend. While we have mapped out the systems and attributes of our physical bodies, very little is understood about the intuitive and spiritual aspects of our complex selves. Quantum physics offers us a glimpse into our connection with the universe. To help us navigate the widely uncharted territory of the ethereal, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three authors who write about mental agility, mental hygiene, and spiritual practice. Elaine Fox is the Head of the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and the author of Switch Craft: The Hidden Power of Mental Agility. She describes the concept of Switch Crafting and how to increase longevity and satisfaction in life. Quantum Physicist, Amit Goswami, and Valentina Onisor, a pioneer of quantum integrated medicine discuss the essence of the book they co-authored, The Quantum Brain: Understand, Rewire, and Optimize Your Brain. They also explain the role of the chakras and preconscious in determining health and happiness.

The Virtues of Love and Morality with Dr Stephen G. Post & Phil Zuckerman PhD

What navigates your internal moral compass? Do you subscribe to a religion or belief in supernatural power to guide you? Or do you allow innate love, compassion, and empathy to steer you toward a better earthly experience for all? To examine the moral weight of religious obedience, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two professors about their books that address the virtues of love and morality. Prolific author Dr. Stephen G. Post discusses the virtue of love and unpacks the Eight Pathways of Positive Achievement and Goodness from his book, Give and Live Better. Executive Director of the Humanist Global Charity, Phil Zuckerman explains the virtue of morality and the research behind his book, What it Means to be Moral: Why Religion is Not Necessary for Living an Ethical Life.

Our Field of Dreams: Reimagining the Future with Karen Cerulo, Janet Ruane & Michael Clinton

From the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech by Martin Luther King to referring to America as the land of dreams, society often guides us toward creating a dream, or aspiration, to attain. Studies show that those dreams may change over time due to age, race, gender, and societal factors. To get the low down on higher intentions, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three authors about what we dream of and why we have longer to acquire our aspirations. Co-authors Karen Cerulo and Janet Ruane share the findings from their book, Dreams of a Lifetime: How We Imagine Our Future and discuss how dreams differ based on a person’s lot in life. Former president and publishing director of Hearst Magazines, Michael Clinton shares statistics gleaned from his research while writing his inspirational book, Roar: into the second half of your life (before it's too late). Micheal contends that life after 50 is the perfect time to expand our horizons and nurture and develop what is important to us.

The Secrets of Good-Enoughness and The Good Life with Professors Andreas Elpidoru & Avram Alpert

There is a wide gap between feeling not enough and good enough. The secret to feeling good enough is using boredom and frustration to propel us forward toward achieving our goals. We become frustrated when we face obstacles to getting things we care about and it forces us to try another way of something new. By embracing our imperfections, and relinquishing our need to be right, we can all lead a good-enough life. To discover how to use our emotions in a way that creates a greater good for ourselves and our community, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two professors and authors about how to live a good life. The author of Propelled: How Boredom, Frustration, and Anticipation Lead Us to the Good Life, Professor Andreas Elpidorou describes how boredom and frustration are often misinterpreted and can be real opportunities for improving life experiences. And, the author of The Good-Enough Life, Professor Avram Alpert shares his secrets for good-enoughness and how being a part of the social construct offers a greater good for all.

Traumatic Legacies: Reconciling Our Emotional Baggage with Galit Atlas PhD & Elizabeth Rosner

Even though humans grasp the double-helix-shaped chain of our DNA strands, very little is understood about the information that is passed down from generation to generation. Physical attributes can be decisively attributed to the traits of our ancestors but what about the memories, and traumas that make up our emotional inheritance? To discover the ways emotional inheritance can nurture us, and cause grief, secrets, and confusion, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two female authors about their findings about the legacy of trauma. Galit Atlas is a psychoanalyst whose book, Emotional Inheritance: A Therapist, Her Patients, and the Legacy of Trauma, explores how multigenerational trauma is held in our minds and body. Author of the bestselling, Survivor Cafe: The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory, Elizabeth Rosner reveals the importance of unearthing the path, and atrocities of our ancestors so we may move into the healing phase.

Urban Alchemy: Restoring Joy in Our Cities with Majora Carter & Molly Rose Kauffman

With many US cities falling into disrepair following the pandemic, business downturns, and brain drains, the term ‘Hometown Proud’ has become almost non-existent. Young talent looks elsewhere for opportunities to make their mark leaving once vibrant towns uncared for. What will it take to empower inhabitants to restore our beautiful cities and rekindle once thriving communities? To merge architecture, positive psychology, and what it means to create a better and just life for all, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two women who invest their home and work life into their communities. Majora Carter is a real estate developer, urban revitalization strategist, and author who strives to inject joy back into the South Bronx and other established communities like it. She shares key concepts from her book, Reclaiming Your Community: You Don’t Have to Move Out of Your Neighborhood to Live in a Better One, and her strategies for getting residents to reinvest in their communities. Molly Rose Kauffman is the co-founder of the University of Orange, a free people’s university centered in Orange, New Jersey. She describes the major strides the university is taking to reignite people’s passion for enlivening public spaces and further enriching the existing culture.

Meaning-Making: Loss, Love, and Life Lessons with Susan Lax & Barbara Becker

Most people in our society celebrate life once a year with lavish birthday parties, happy songs, and sweet gatherings. But, when it comes to bereavement, grief, death, and loss we tend to tiptoe around the subjects. If we followed the philosophy of our ancestors we would appreciate life more by having meaningful conversations about our mortality. To traverse the normally taboo territory of loss, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have written about life, death and loss in their newest books. In her book, A Heart's Landscape: An Invitation to the Garden of Moments, Susan Lax shares a collection of her morning inspirations. She explores how we all experience grief differently and how being a greater part of a loved one's death offers us a greater life experience. Barbara Becker studied with Zen monks to learn more about life, death, and dying. During the publishing of her book, Heartwood, in which she shares stories from her time as a hospice volunteer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Psychological Fitness: Managing Our Minds with Dr Gregory S. Brown MD & Dr Joan Rosenberg PhD

Self-care has become a diluted term thrown about by many who only intend to sell beauty care products. But, true self-care is so much more than physical relaxation. Complete self-care encompasses mental and emotional health and psychological fitness. With over 40 million Americans struggling from some level of anxiety or depression, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen questions the experts about how we can regain balance and manage our minds. Integrative Psychiatrist Dr. Gregory S. Brown shares the Five Pillars of Self-Care from his book, The Self-Healing Mind: An Essential Five-Step Practice for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression, and Revitalizing Your Life. And, Dr. Joan Rosenberg describes the Rosenberg Reset method that guides people through their feelings and offers relief for those in the grips of anxiety.

Voices Carry: Stories of Power, Equality, and Respect with Elizabeth Lesser & Donna Freitas PhD

Throughout human history, men have been the storytellers and the scribes. How might our cultures have changed if we also had versions of herstory to study and learn from? Who might we be today if matriarchy guided our dreams, ambitions, and basic needs? To ponder these questions and understand how women can lean into their power, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who research stories of power, equality, and respect. Elizabeth Lesser shares stories of women in history who have had their voices quelled in her book, Cassandra Speaks: When Women are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes . Donna Freitas discusses the years of research she assembled which led to her book, Consent: A Memoir of Unwanted Attention .

Age, Attitude, Image, and Our Health with Louann Brizendine MD & Becca Levy PhD

Our attitudes about our image and aging can directly affect our health and well-being. The over-publisized belief that we lose our value in society as we age can wildly diminish our quality of life. During a time of life that should be celebrated, women in their 50s are bombarded by the media with ideas of reconnecting to their youth. But, should they want to reconnect? To discover tools to keep us hearty and healthful as we ripen, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two expert authors about how attitude can affect a healthy, happy, aging process. Dr Louann Brizendine is a researcher, clinician, and professor who founded the Women’s Mood and Hormone Clinic at UCSF. She highlights the research at the core of her book, The Upgrade: How the Female Brain Gets Stronger and Better in Midlife and Beyond, and describes ways women can make the most of the second half of their lives. Dr. Becca Levy is a psychologist credited with creating a field of study that focuses on how positive and negative age stereotypes can have beneficial and adverse effects. She discusses the central theme of her book, Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How Long and Well You Live , and shares her vision for The Age Liberation Movement.

Vote with Your Plate and Palate: The Future of Food with Roanne Van Voorst PhD & Joanne Molinaro

Factory-based farming and meat processing facilities have become part of the food chain for many developing nations but they are, in some circles, considered dirty little secrets. From birth to death, meat production sullies all aspects of the environment, not to mention the pain and suffering of the animals in this cycle. Plant-based eating is an alternative option that uses fewer resources and leaves the land less defiled. To tantalize our Tierra-based tastebuds and unearth constructive consumption strategies, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two experts in plant-based food options. Roanne Van Vorst is a Futures Anthropologist who researches the future of food. She highlights key findings from her book, Once Upon a Time, We Ate Animals: The Future of Food, including the impact of the food industry on soil, the air, and human health. Joanne Molinaro aka The Korean Vegan describes how she transformed her love of fried chicken into a compassionate recipe book for vegans. Her bestselling cookbook, The Korean Vegan Cookbook: Reflections and Recipes from Omma’s Kitchen, has been dubbed the best cookbook of 2021 by several well-known publications.

Competent Communication and Dealing with Difficult People with Jonathan Robinson & Sam Elliston

There are times in all of our lives when we wish we would have said something differently or changed the way we reacted to something or someone. But, truth be told, very few of us have acquired the communication skills to express ourselves fully to the people we come into contact with, especially when it comes to a loved one. To shine a light on how to hone our communication skills and truly empathize with those around us, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about strategies for competent communication skills and how to deal with difficult people. Jonathan Robinson describes the key tenets from his book, More Love, Less Conflict: A Communication Playbook for Couples and strategies for couples looking for more intimacy and love. Sarah (Sam) Elliston shares the story of her realization that she was a difficult person and her tips for dealing with difficult people.

Personal Agency and Positive Disruption with Paul Napper PsyD & Daniel Burrus

Overstimulation is affecting us all. Everywhere we turn screens, people, and devices are battling for our attention. Without the right tools, it becomes easy to get stuck in the mire or not advocate for ourselves in the best way possible and focus our attention on the future. To discover how we can regain personal agency and make better decisions, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about their literary guidebooks. Changemaker Paul Napper discusses key elements of his book, The Power of Agency , and the challenges many people face when making decisions in this overstimulated world. Futurist Daniel Burrus describes how we can become opportunity managers and make decisions with confidence using the tenets of his book, The Anticipatory Organization .

Rule Breakers and Shift Stirrers with Francesca Gino PhD and Aaron Dignan

Some people grimace when talking about their job in the corporate world. Common complaints are they must comply with orders, they feel their voice isn’t being heard, or they must conform to the status quo. And, then there are some who buck the system and break the rules to innovate and drive positive change. How can organizations change an employee's experience to create constructive disruption? What new tools are available to retain creative, rebellionist talent? To discover how we can regain personal agency and reduce the amount of control industry- focused cultures have over us, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two thought leaders about their books that can transform industries. Francesca Gino is the author of Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life . She shares her findings about why rebellious people create more and have deeper relationships. Aaron Dignan describes the principles of his book, Brave New Work: Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization? and shares how he guides notable Fortune 500 companies through leadership techniques that encourage heart-nourishing, human-focused decisions.

Grow Wiser: Nourishing Conscious Hearts and Minds with Dilip Jeste MD & Lama Palden Drolma

During the 2000s, the number of people who say they are lonely has doubled and the number of suicides has gone up by 33% in the US. The recent COVID pandemic has only served to exacerbate these conditions. The one group that has fared better in terms of happiness and well-being is the elderly. To discover why maturity brings resilience and wisdom, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about unearthing the innate goodness in all of us and why it should be shared with younger generations. Dr. Dilip Jeste describes the key tenets of his book, Wiser: The Scientific Roots of Wisdom, Compassion, and What Makes Us Good and describes the importance of multi-generational families. Lama Palden Drolma shares principles from her book and meditation, Love on Every Breath: Tonglen Meditation for Transforming Pain Into Joy, and ways we can be compassionate even to those who challenge us.

Cognitive Immunity: The Moral Mind of Critical Thinkers with Andy Norman PhD & Allen Buchanan PhD

Most people want to be happy. Yet, the moral fabric of society lays prey to degradation caused by our evolutionary need to tribalize. The reduction of our critical thinking abilities allows for mind parasites to take hold and inhibit well-being. Is it possible to inoculate our minds and make them immune to untruths and bad ideas that spread through social media? To unveil mental methods that keep our minds happy and healthy amidst the barrage of media input we receive, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about their books on the subject. Andy Norman created a new spin on aged philosophy to vaccinate minds. He shares key takeaways from his book, Mental Immunity. Allen Buchanan recounts key chapters from his book, Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape from Tribalism and discusses the shaky ground on which democracy sit

Disinformation Defense: Responsible Thinking and Pragmatic Perspectives with John Cook & Simon Critchley

Throughout our existence, humans have dipped our proverbial toes into the how and the why of our thoughts and actions. But as curious as we are, there is still a wide gap in our understanding of what is fact and what is fictitious. To discover how to thwart misinformation and move closer to understanding our psyches, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a scientist and a philosopher about their thoughts and perspectives regarding the capabilities and limitations of the human mind. Climate Scientist John Cook designed a cartoon and game based on a ‘Cranky Uncle’ amalgam to teach our minds how to have conversations with people who think differently than we do. Simon Critchley shares philosophical takeaways from his book, Bald: 35 Philosophical Short Cuts, and what he thinks humans gained and lost during the pandemic, philosophically speaking.

The Power of Productivity with Lisa Feldman Barrett PhD & Chris Bailey

The quality of information we intake and the meaningful conversations we have directly equate to how productive and meaningful we consider our lives to be. When we add digital devices into the mix we add distractions that keep us from focusing on the task at hand. The distractions plus the frustration of being unable to focus our attention can lead to stress which wreaks havoc on our bodies. To find out how we can take a much-needed digital detox and focus to make the most out of every moment, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about their work in the realm of evolved brain function, emotions, and productivity. Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett is a neuroscientist, psychologist, and author who dispels some popular brain myths and discusses the content of her book, Seven and A Half Lessons About the Brain. Chris Bailey has studied stimulation statistics and shares what lies at the core of what it means to be productive and how intention and focus can increase productivity.

Consciously Curated Digital Self- Mastery with Dr Ravi Chandra MD & Jordan Reid

Taking time away from our digital devices and engaging in the present moment is becoming more difficult with each new social media app. Each bell and ding is designed to hook us and keep us engaged. When we are conscious and thoughtful about our screen time, we put ourselves back in control of our human experience. To find out how we can take a much-needed digital detox and re- engage with society authentically, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about their work in the realm of consciously curated digital self-mastery. Dr. Ravi Chandra shares his insights about how social media can be toxic to our relationships and Jordan Reid, shares excerpts from her family life that enticed her to write The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox

Mindful Mental Healthcare Management with Dr. Stuart Eisendrath MD & Dr. Ron Frey PhD

Human beings require interpersonal relationships to be fulfilled in life. But many who suffer from bouts of depression find it difficult to take the necessary steps to get motivated or to communicate their needs with others. Researchers are studying how to create mindfulness techniques that can break cycles of depression for willing participants. To find out more about the mindfulness- healthy mind connection, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who promote being in the present moment and who practice mindful mental healthcare management. Dr. Stuart Eisendrath describes his alternative method to mindfully manage depression. And, Dr. Ronald Frey, whose book, Feeling Better: Beat Depression and Improve Your Relationships with Interpersonal Psychotherapy, shares his externally referenced relationship-based approach to overcoming depression. Dr. Stuart

Healthy Minds in a Digital World with Rachael Katz MS, ED, Helen Shwe Hadani Ph.D. & Amy Adams MSW, PPSC

Social connection is fundamental to the human experience. Our minds are incentivized to connect with other humans by the release of warm and fuzzy pleasure-inducing chemicals that encourage us to communicate with and touch other humans. Mimicking this strategy is how technology companies commandeer our bodies and minds to keep us transfixed on their product. Unfortunately, their products only feed us half of the normal biological reward and it can negatively impact our mental health. To decode the intense draw technology has for humans, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three experts in emotional and social learning skills about how to create and maintain a healthy mind in a digital world. Rachael Katz and Helen Hadani describe the theory of mind and other findings from the book they co-authored, The Emotionally Intelligent Child: Effective Strategies for Parenting Self-Aware, Cooperative, and Well-Balanced Kids. And, the co-founder of the non-profit Healthy Screen Habits, Amy Adams, shares how technology hooks us, why teenagers are the most susceptible to the draw, and how a family tech plan can maintain balance in the home.

Get Tougher: Smart Moves for Resiliency and Performance with Daya Grant PhD & Steve Magness

Many humans are unaware of the depths of their physical and mental strength. When confronted with a task they fear, some use substances to mentally dull themselves while others say they are unable to take action. If the tools for reaching our next level of performance are all straightforward and free, why aren’t more of us shifting to become more resilient and tougher? To reveal the secrets of high-performing individuals, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two experts in performance consulting about how we all can get tougher with a few smart moves for resiliency and performance. Certified Mental Performance Consultant, Dr. Daya Grant shares the neuroscience of yoga and why we all should be motivated to meditate. Then, Podcast Host and performance expert, Steve Magness, discusses the central tenet of resilience and key principles from his book, Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and A Surprising Science of Real Toughness.

Rising Adult Professionals: Stand- Up, Stand-Out, and Succeed with Julie Lythcott-Haims & Mark Zides

Today’s job market is a stark contrast to the job market of 20- years ago. Millennials and Gen Z’ers who are entering the workforce have different ideas about what makes a successful career and a happy work life. Young adults who are empowered with the right tools to problem solve for themselves will be major assets for the organizations they join. How long they maintain a position will be up to the organization to foster their talent and the ability of the young adult professional to rise to find different opportunities within the same organization. To discover how young adults entering the workforce can build a foundation of trust and commitment to achieve work/life success, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about how young adult professionals can stand-up, stand- out, and succeed. Julie Lythcott-Haims is a New York Times bestselling author and former Stanford Dean of Freshman. She explores the role parents can play in raising empowered young adults and other reflections from her book, Your Turn: How to Be an Adult. Mark Zides is the CEO of CoreAxis Consulting and a serial entrepreneur. He discusses the core concepts he provides to young adults in his book, The #PACE Process for Early Career Success.

From Survival to Success: Exploring Resilience & The Immigrant Experience with Justine Gatt PhD, Lan Cao & Harlan Lan Cao

Moving residences, whether elective or forced, is known to be one of the most stressful things humans can do. Dealing with the trauma of new places and new faces can be difficult for both parents and children. Why do some people bounce back after a change and others sink into themselves? What about when a family moves into a different culture? How do individuals maintain a sense of well-being in the face of 180-degree life change? To determine the role genetics and environment have in calculating survival or success, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three women about the resilience across cultures and the immigrant experience. Justine Gatt is the Lead Scientist at Gatt Wellbeing and Resilience group. She describes the multiple studies she has been a part of that measure wellbeing and resilience in various cultures and with varying stressors. Mother, Lan Cao and Daughter, Harlan Lan Cao, co-authored Family in Six Tones: A Refugee Mother, An American Daughter. Each describes how her experience differed from the other in school, society, and when writing the book.

Religiously Curious and Spiritually Independent with Rabbi Rami Shapiro PhD, Amy-Jill Levine PhD & Marc Zvi Brettler PhD

Walk into a Christian church that preaches from the Old Testament and then walk into a synagogue that teaches from the Hebrew Bible, the scripture should be similar, right? Well, not exactly. Even though both books are known to depict the same stories, many factors go into how we interpret them. Certain works may be highlighted in one religion or omitted by another. To explore the intricacies of religion and spirituality, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three authors and religious scholars about the purpose of religion, religious texts, and spirituality. Rabbi Rami Shapiro is a highly decorated, yet unorthodox Rabbi who has studied many religions including Buddhism, Hinduism, and is a Mason in the Scottish Rite. He joins Lisa to discuss the fine points of his book, Judaism Without Tribalism: A Guide to Being a Blessing to All the Peoples of the Earth, and to share spiritual practices that can be used to elevate us all. Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler discuss, the role of women in the bible, the different versions of the Bible, and the innumerable and diverse interpretations of individual religious texts based on research gained while writing, The Bible With and WIthout Jesus: How Jews and Christians Read the Same Stories Differently.

Warehouses of Experience: Brain, Body, and Trauma with Dr. Paul Valent MD & Dr. Thomas Verny MD

Have you ever read a book or heard a story of an unusually cruel or violent person and wonder what makes them capable of such atrocities? A sound hypothesis would be that the person had a very difficult and painful childhood, suffering abuses beyond normal coping mechanisms. But, new discoveries suggest that stress and trauma can be passed from one generation to subsequent generations through RNA and DNA. Making humans truly an amalgam of their ancestors. To discover the impact our family of origin has on our cellular makeup and disposition, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who have a unique history about their fascinating work and the application of it to the healing and recovery process. Dr. Paul Valent specializes in the harm people inflict on one another and why they do it. He is the author of Heart of Violence: Why People Harm Each Other which he discusses in detail. Dr. Thomas Verny is a clinical psychiatrist who has made strides in the discovery of cellular memory and how stress affects generations. His book, The Embodied Mind: Understanding the Mysteries of Cellular Memory, Consciousness, and Our Bodies investigates the storage of memories outside the brain, the impact of organ transplants, and epigenetics

Psychology of Money: Finessing Financial Security with Michelle Singletary & Scott Nations

These days, more often than not, financial market headlines include the terms ‘market crash’, ‘bubble bursting’, ‘inflation’, or ‘downturn’. What do these terms mean for long-term investors or for those who don’t invest but are impacted by job loss or economic hardship? How can everyday Americans attain enough financial security to be happy? To get expert advice about staying financially healthy, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two economic experts who talk about the psychology of money and how to achieve financial security. Michelle Singletary is a well-known financial advisor and a syndicated columnist for the Washington Post and other high-profile news outlets. She discusses tips for creating a savings cushion in the case of an emergency and how financial security means paying for basic needs first. The information is from her book, What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A Survival Guide. Scott Nations is the president of a financial firm and a regular contributor to CNBC. He talks about his book, The Anxious Investor: Mastering the Mental Game of Investing, and the human behaviors that lead us to either be averse to risk or embrace it.

Mythology of Otherness: Building Resilience, Forgiveness, and Connection with John Crowley PhD & Wendy Sanford MFA

When we take a moment to go through the thought experiment of putting ourselves in the shoes of another, the perceived lines of differences begin to fade and we gain a better understanding of the other person and ourselves. Being mindful of our feelings and emotions allows us to decenter and observe the mind’s automatic responses so we can preserve our well-being and make better choices. To discover the daily practices that help us open our minds to healing, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen, speaks with two guests who study the brain’s socio-evolutionary abilities and limitations. John Crowley promotes mindful meditation to reduce stress and overcome automaticity. Wendy Sanford shares the personal journey that inspired her to write, These Walls Between Us: A Memoir of Friendship Across Race and Class, about stepping out of her white privileged upbringing.

Human Healing: Restorative Practices for Real People and a Better World with Elena Mustakova EdD & Jason Gots

o get in touch with our spiritual side we must clear out, bypass, cleanse, and filter through all of the programming that has told us to be strong, get over it, and feel shame. For humanity to heal, we need to gather quiet moments, reflect on our experiences, and work together in a compassionate, understanding, and principled way. We have the unique opportunity to make the most of our one shot at this conscious life. To gather the tools needed to help us on our healing journey, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen, speaks with two authors who observe and report on how to heal the human experience. Elena Mustakova summarizes the highlights of her book, Global Unitive Healing: Integral Skills for Personal and Collective Transformation and reminds us that it is OK to reclaim our spirituality. Jason Gots shares the inspiration behind the writing of his book, Humanity Is Trying: Experiments in Living with Grief, Finding Connection, and Resisting Easy Answers, and describes how suffering can be a gateway to healing.

More than Words: Interpersonal Communication and Well-Being with Kory Floyd PhD & Valerie Manusov PhD

As we begin to emerge from the pandemic-induced lockdown, many people are starved for human connection. Online social gatherings may not have been enough to regulate our emotions the way that pure, screen-free human touch does. It may feel uncomfortable to be in close proximity to others, shake hands, or embrace friends and family. And, when we do reach out, what do we say to those who are grieving the loss of social connection or the loss of a loved one? To delve deeper into how we can be better communicators, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen, speaks with two professors whose work revolves around the many aspects of human communication and social well-being. Kory Floyd studies interpersonal communication and its effects on mental and physical health. He describes the impacts of the COVID pandemic and the loneliness pandemic on our mental state and how we can create connection through communication. Valerie Manusov studies how behavior is interpreted and the meaning we give to other nonverbal communication cues. She reveals the insights about conflict resolution, the effective communication attributes of trustworthy leaders, and the importance of listening

Exercise the Wonder Drug: Move the Body, Heal The Brain with Dr. Jennifer Heisz & Caroline Williams

Plenty of information exists about how exercise can boost our immune system and add years to our lives. Emerging research shows that physical movement can also ward off dementia, increase creativity, and help us manage stress. To work out how movement and exercise may be the wonder drug to heal our brains and reduce the need for pharmaceuticals, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen, speaks with two authors whose work focuses on the connection between how moving the body can heal the brain. Dr. Jennifer Heisz describes the research that inspired her book, Move The Body, Heal The Mind: Overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Dementia and Improve Focus, Creativity, and Sleep. During the conversation, she shares the physiology behind why the brain makes it hard for some of us to get moving and how moving more improves our mental health. Journalist Caroline Williams details the evidence behind the findings included in her book, Move: How the New Science Can Set Your Mind Free, and shares the neuroscience of how dance and movement can increase human connection and help us manage stress.

Psychologically Speaking: Activating Empathy and Other Reward Winning Skills with Dr Adam Stern & Colter Ray PhD

A cancer or other life-threatening disease diagnosis is a difficult blow to the patient receiving the news. The next steps for the patient include sharing the weight of the news with friends and loved ones. For some, certain expectations of support accompany the disclosure. A response can be difficult because the right thing to say differs from person to person. Is it better in some cases not to say anything and just listen? Our individual personality traits make it difficult to apply a one-size-fits-all communication style to all situations. But, to explore how we can show up for loved ones as better humans, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen, speaks with two doctors who research the human condition and communication. Dr. Adam Stern shares his journey of seeing the doctor-patient relationship change when he received his cancer diagnosis as detailed in his book, Committed: Dispatches from a Psychiatrist in Training. Dr. Colter Ray studies how human beings support each other during difficult times and the metrics of an emotional scorecard. He shares his findings and offers guidance for those on the receiving end of hard news.

Sparking Possibilities: Reigniting Purpose and Meaning with Darrin Tulley & Michael Clinton

The term retirement planning is often used by financial institutions to describe the means necessary to sustain a quality of life after a person’s primary career has ended. This antiquated way of thinking worked for a while, but times are changing. Longer life spans afford people new opportunities to recreate their lives and careers to be more aligned with their authentic selves and to nurture their desires. Healthy 50-year-olds often live into their 90s, so why would one career be enough if there are 40 more productive years in store? To find out more about opportunities available during a second or third phase of life, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen, speaks with two authors who embrace new possibilities to reignite purpose and meaning in life. Darrin Tulley left his CPA practice to practice connecting with people to help them find their joy. Darrin describes the pillars of his book, Live Your Possible: Ignite Your Happy Authentic Self and Live a Fulfilling Life Rooted in Joy, Inclusion, and Love of Possibilities!, and shares the secret sauce of the path to possible. Former president and publishing director of Hearst Magazines, Michael Clinton shares statistics gleaned from his research while writing his inspirational book, Roar: into the second half of your life (before it's too late). Micheal contends that life after 50 is the perfect time to expand horizons and nurture and develop what is important to us.

Get Smart: Intellectual Humility and Critical Thinking with Mark Leary, PhD & Lee McIntyre, PhD

Research shows that most people believe themselves to be above average when it comes to most things. And, for some, being right has become less of a virtue and more of a defensive stance. Standing our ground on trivial issues may damage our relationships and make us more susceptible to disinformation campaigns. To discover the strategies that help us to increase our critical thinking skills and our intellectual humility, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen, speaks with two experts about their work in what motivates humans to think critically. Mark Leary, a professor emeritus at Duke, describes the three benefits to being intellectually humble, the history of the study of intellectual humility, and strategies to increase connection and creativity by increasing intellectual humility. Author and Research Fellow, Lee McIntyre, shares excerpts from his book, How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason and describes how to practice inclusion with those who absorb the information provided by disinformation campaigns.

Trust-Falling into the Universe: A Transformational Adventure with Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

If the cells that make up our bodies regenerate completely every seven to ten years why is it that we hold on to and perpetuate trauma? And, if in every moment of our lives we have a choice about how to feel and how to react, why do some choose to be a victim? Suffering based on someone else’s actions is living amid that person's karmic drama. It disempowers us and eliminates our agency. To discover the transformational practice of spirituality and how we are able to consciously create our lives, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with returning guest Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati. Sadhvi shares her story that is the basis of her book, Hollywood to the Himalayas: A Journey of Healing and Transformation. She reminds us that we have the choice to create our reality, and that forgiveness and compassion for others empower us to have compassion for ourselves.

Lives of Relationship: Field Notes from the Journey with Mark Nepo & Dan Millman

Many believe that embarking on a spiritual journey requires leaving a previous life behind and setting off to a monastery for years until enlightenment is revealed in the wind. And, while it is true nature can offer powerful inspiration, our daily lives and relationships are more efficient conduits for fulfillment than major life upheavals. Being in service to others and offering our full presence are keys to spreading love in the world. To discover how to become aware and start a spiritual quest, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors and spiritual mentors about their journeys. Mark Nepo discusses how reducing the impact of fear on our lives can be accomplished by reaching out to each other and the beauty of being in service to others. Mark’s book, The Book of Soul: 52 Paths to Living What Matters, can be used as a guide to enhance relationship. Dan Millman describes his lifelong spiritual journey and the mentors who influenced his daily life through his book, Peaceful Heart, Warrior Spirit: A Memoir. Dan reminds us that daily life is the best place to look for those seeking a peaceful heart.

Deconstructing Discord: The Rewards of Effective Communication with Amy Herman & Ed Tronick PhD

Have you given any thought to your problem-solving abilities? When discord arises in personal relationships or business affairs, what strategies do you employ to bring about amicable resolutions? Communication issues can be overcome and in many cases, the resolution can solve problems and reward those involved by building deeper, more intimate relationships. To deconstruct how to build better relationships through effective communication, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about the fine points of solving problems and discord in relationships. Amy Herman discusses some structural strategies for solving communications problems through the lens of fine art taken from her book, Fixed: How to Perfect the Fine Art of Problem Solving, and shares examples of how she assists her highly-sensitive clientele. Ed Tronick is a developmental and clinical psychologist who explains the essential elements of the book he co-authored, The Power of Discord: Why the Ups and Downs of Relationships Are the Secret to Building Intimacy, Resilience, and Trust.

Logging Off: Life, Death, and Caretaking Our Digital Footprints with Abbey Schneiderman, Gene Newman, Adam Seifer & Cianna Stewart

Are you one of the many people who stray away from talking about your death? If so, you may be making the grieving process more difficult for those you love. From the minutiae of notifying friends and extended family to logging off your myriad of internet accounts the people managing your affairs and assets after you die, have a big responsibility. To put to rest which details are necessary for the death process and what information benefits the overseers of your estate most, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with four people in the estate planning space. Abbey Schneiderman, Gene Newman, and Adam Seifer co-authored, In Case You Get Hit by a Bus: How to Organize Your Life Now. They discuss key information from the book and share personal stories of what can happen to the living after a death. The Host of the Dying Kindness podcast, Cianna Stewart talks about trends in the industry of death, the emergence of death doulas, and the compounded grief little or no death planning can cause after death.

Women’s Wellness: Taking Charge of Our Health Naturally with Dr. Aviva Romm MD & Dina Falconi

The research of women’s health issues is an underserved area of study. Many women resort to becoming citizen scientists to sort out their symptoms in an effort to put the puzzle pieces together to achieve wellness. Conventional medicine rarely uses natural methods or plants to help women achieve proper wellness, opting instead for pharmaceuticals, which normally only serve to hide symptoms. To get to the root of women’s wellness, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two women authors who prescribe a natural form of health outside of conventional medicine. Aviva Romm has been a healthcare practitioner for over 30 years. She shares key takeaways from her book, Hormone Intelligence: The Complete Guide to Calming Hormone Chaos and Restoring Your Body's Natural Blueprint for Well-Being, and details her unique journey through medical school. Clinical Herbalist, Dina Falconi describes how she treats patients with whole foods and herbs she has collected in the wild and incorporated into everyday recipes. Her book, Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook offers tips for wild food identification, collection, and culinary use.

The Grieving Brain: Love, Loss, and Healing with Mary-Frances O’Connor PhD & Daniel Shapiro JD

Losing people we love is a universal human experience. Yet, how we deal with the loss, and grieving comes in different forms for each individual and often it is an extension of the love we felt for the departed. Some may take solace in the company of others to help them cope while others grieve for years in solitude. There is no right or wrong way to grieve and there is no specific length of time it takes for grief to wane. Neuroscience shows that our brains change during grief and after certain treatments for complicated grief, post-traumatic growth can be achieved. To discover ways to restore a meaningful life after a loss, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have books that focus on loss and grief. Mary-Frances O’Connor explains the findings from her book, The Grieving Brain: The Surprising Science of How We Learn from Love and Loss and Daniel Shapiro recounts his experience with loss and the lessons he extracted from his grief.

Suffering and Searching for the Sweet Spot of Meaning with Paul Bloom Ph.D. & Whitney Goodman LMFT

The best things in life may be free, but they are not necessarily easy. The value a thing has for us increases, to some degree, based on how difficult it was for us to pursue and acquire. The more we suffer, willingly or unwillingly, sets us apart from other animals and can even enhance our social status. Why? Because being ‘happy’ all the time is boring. Voicing our grievances and in more extreme cases, self-harm solicits acknowledgment from our fellow human beings. If we are always content with what we have, what role would innovation and imagination have in our lives? To discover the ‘sweet spot’ between distress and eustress, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two experts of human behavior about the suffering that gives life purpose and meaning. Paul Bloom discusses key elements of his book, The Sweet Spot: The Pleasures of Suffering and the Search for Meaning, and @sitwithwhit creator, Whitney Goodman details the sobering information from her book, Toxic Positivity: Keeping it Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy.

Practicing Peace: Contemplative Rituals for Health and Happiness with Agapi Stassinopoulos & Dr Valentina Onisor MD

Eliminating disease and healing ourselves with positive thoughts sounds like a science-fiction movie to some but to those who are seeking enlightenment, peace, love, and happiness are the next medical frontier. Beyond the world of fad diets, supplements, and fear-based incentives there is a holistic approach to wellness, which many believe is too simple to be true. Whether it is a short prayer of gratitude, a mindful breath in the morning, or a Reiki session with an energy healer, mind over matter is real. To bring to light a transformational approach to overall well-being, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two women who practice an elevated state of consciousness. Lisa’s long-time friend, Agapi Stassinopoulos discusses her book, Speaking with Spirit: 52 Prayers to Guide, Inspire, and Uplift You, and her conversations with spirit and the beauty of relishing each moment. And, a pioneer of quantum integrative medicine and family doctor, Valentina Onisor shares the healing opportunities of love and positivity and why the time is ripe for integrative healing.

Amazon Presents: Daigle Bites

On today’s inaugural Season two episode, Lauren is inviting on psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, Lori Gottlieb! The two dive in right away as Lauren asks Lori if she always envisioned being a counsellor and how to create incredible connection with others through storytelling and music. The pair also chat about: what Lori believes drives the narrative of isolation, Lauren’s personal story with counselling and mental health, how to identify what ‘wise compassion’ is, the difference between productive anxiety vs unproductive anxiety and exactly where to start to breed more compassion. If you’re ready to understand a little more about yourself, and those around you, to ultimately cultivate deeper relationships - this episode is for you. In addition to her clinical practice, Lori writes The Atlantic’s weekly “Dear Therapist” advice column and is co-host of the popular “Dear Therapists” podcast produced by Katie Couric. Listen here:

Use Your Words Wisely: Idioms, Expression, and Meaning with Martha Barnette and Beth Kobliner

There are approximately 6,500 languages spoken in the world. In each of those, there are multiple dialects, meanings, and expressions. While some Cincinnatians may say ‘Jeezle Petes’ when they are confused by someone’s behavior. Our friends across the pond say ‘for Pete’s sake’ with a similar connotation, even though both groups are both speaking English. Consider some of your favorite words and expressions. Where do they originate? Did your grandparents create it out of thin air or is it a turn of phrase rooted deep into linguistic history? To investigate all the joy this human communication tool can offer, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two wordsmiths about the origin story of age-old expressions and how language is ever-evolving. Martha Barnette is the host of A Way with Words, a radio show that investigates the connection between dialects and linguistic diversity in languages as well as the origin of widely-used phrases. Beth Kobliner recounts her parents' journey of collecting 11,000 different language expressions which they compiled in their book, So to Speak: 11,000 Expressions That'll Knock Your Socks Off. Beth also engages Lisa with some fun word and expression games.

Complicated Connections: Mind Games and Broken Bonds with Deborah Vinall PsyD and Kristina Sharp PhD

The widely-used adage ‘you can’t pick your family’ generally translates in to making the best of what you have when you have no choice in the matter. People rarely have the option to choose who provides their mental and physical nourishment, especially children. How we handle relationships with relatives once we reach adulthood is up to us. But, if we have been subject to years of gaslighting or mental manipulation, it can be difficult to discern between what we believe is good for us and what we truly need to thrive. To dissect the cycle of both gaslighting and estrangement, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a therapist and a researcher about the complex relationships we engage in and disconnect from. Doctor of Psychology, Deborah Vinall offers an in-depth look at gaslighting, describes the key takeaways from her book, Gaslighting: A Step-by-Step Recovery Guide to Heal from Emotional Abuse and Build Healthy Relationships, and shares the steps people can take to set self-honoring boundaries when confronting a gaslighter. Kristina Sharp, Director of the Family Communication and Relationships Lab, at the University of Washington and Michigan State, describes her role as a researcher who studies estrangement from first-hand accounts of those who have severed ties with families and the misguided perception of what a family is as portrayed by American media.

Redefining Home for the Unhoused, Unsheltered, and Underserved with Marybeth Shinn & Rusty Smith

What do you think about when you pass a homeless encampment or homeless shelter? Do you assume most of the people living there have substance abuse or mental health issues? It is a common myth. The truth is the age at which people are most likely to find themselves in a homeless shelter in the US is in infancy. To shine a light on important initiatives and programs currently available to reduce homelessness in the US and how we all can make a positive impact, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two educators about solutions proven to work to alleviate homelessness. Coauthor of In the Midst of Plenty: Homelessness and What to Do About It, Marybeth Shinn dispels common myths about homelessness and shares how we all can be part of the solution. Associate Director of Rural Studio at Auburn University, Rusty Smith, describes how reducing homelessness strengthens communities, especially in persistently impoverished communities and the innovative approaches of Rural Studio and Front Porch Initiative.

Get Rested: Solid Sleep for Health and Well-being with Dr. Seema Kholsa & Julie Wright

Being sleep-deprived leaves us vulnerable to sickness and disease, both physical and mental. Plus, during the pandemic protecting our immune system is of the utmost importance as it is the surest way to stave off a sometimes deadly, long-haul virus. Most of us know the benefits of getting more and better sleep but few of us know how we can achieve it. To uncover the key components of how to sleep more solidly and become more rested, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two sleep experts about the main factors that prohibit us from sleeping and how we can increase well-being through better sleep. The host of the Talking Sleep podcast, Dr. Seema Kholsa describes the effects of COVID on sleep patterns and sleep apnea and ways to fall asleep more quickly. And, author of The Natural Sleeper: A Bedside Guide to Complementary and Alternative Solutions to Better Sleep, Julie Wright, describes which natural substances aid the body when falling asleep and alternative therapies that promote sleeping more soundly.

Listener Favorite Returns: Transforming Suffering to Freedom: Gain Greater Resilience with Dr Elizabeth Stanley & Blake D. Bauer

When we are children, unbeknownst to us, neural pathways are being wired together in our brains. This neural-biological wiring colors all our future decisions, how we deal with stress and trauma, and our level of contentment. If we experienced trauma as children, shifting how we interact with the world is not always easy. To discover strategies and concepts that help us heal, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have their own personal, transformational journeys. Dr. Elizabeth Stanley studies the neural biological wiring in our brain as it relates to stress and trauma. She shares concepts and strategies from her book, Widen the Window. And, Blake D. Bauer found his way out of addiction through meditation and mindfulness which he describes in his book, You Were Not Born to Suffer.

Designing a Life of Meaningful Work at Any Age with Katharine Brooks PhD & Dr. Amber Fossey

For most people, finding happiness and meaning isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when they think of work. But what if it was? What if individuals funneled their creativity and a little of their personal magic into designing a new work-life that was meaningful and fulfilling? To extract advice about designing a life of meaningful work, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have channeled their creativity into new careers and serve others through their books. Dr. Katharine Brooks revamped the famous career guide, What Color is Your Parachute? for 2021 and wrote two additional books during the pandemic. And, Forensic Psychiatrist, Dr. Amber Fossey found herself with a substantial Instagram and Etsy following when she tapped into her creative inner child. Her sense of childlike wonder is accompanied by her poetry and illustrations in the book, Be Wild Be Free.

Redefining Spiritual Practice for Skeptics and Seekers: Contemplating Ethics, Evolution and the Divine with Rabbi Wayne Dosick & Jan Phillips

According to Pew Research, about one-quarter of Americans identify as spiritual, but not religious. It is becoming apparent that communicating with the divine need not be done in a church or a place that identifies with one religion, as many have done in the past. As universal consciousness awakens, how will our relationship with God transform? Will we be able to embrace stillness and quiet moments to allow God, the Divine, Source, or the Universe to speak to us in a way that lights the way toward compassion and love? To seek out guidance on how we can redefine our spiritual practice, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two theologists who have contemplated ethics, evolution, and the divine. Rabbi Wayne Dosick is the host of Spirit Talk Live!, a visiting professor at the University of San Diego, and the author of many books including Radical Loving: One God, One World, and One People, which he discusses during the conversation. Jan Phillips is a speaker and award-winning author. She was excommunicated from the catholic church for her lifestyle choices. Jan recounts her life experiences as a former nun, an activist, a spiritual guide, and a writing coach in her memoir, Still on Fire: Field Notes from a Queer Mystic. She shares stories from the book and the spiritual journey of following her truth.

How to Find Hope in the High Stakes World of Medicine and Healthcare with Dr. Deane Waldman & David Weill

Navigating the bureaucracy of the US healthcare system for patients and their families can be a trauma over and above the adverse medical event. Over 100,000 Americans are waiting for an organ transplant and many of them may not have enough insurance coverage to cover the cost of the operation and the required post-op pharmaceuticals during recovery. To determine what can be done to repair our failing healthcare system and what it will take to have a nation of healthy people, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two medical doctors who wrote books about their respective fields of care. Dr. Deane Waldman is on a mission to cure the US healthcare system. He describes how the system is ill and the key takeaways from his book, Curing the Cancer in U. S. Healthcare: StatesCare and Market-Based Medicine. Dr. David Weill details the stories of the organ transplant process in his book, Exhale: Hope, Healing, and a Life in Transplant. He shares information about the donors, the recipients, and the vast network of people involved in the logistics of organ transplantation.

Winterize Your Health: Preventing and Managing Colds, COVID, and More with Aaron Hartman MD & Neil Schachter MD

‘Tis the season for spending most of the next few months indoors. Many of us will be breathing recycled air while we do our best to avoid COVID, prevent colds, and the flu. But, with the holidays approaching people will be out en masse. So, what can we do to decrease our chance of infection and keep ourselves and the people we care about healthy? To discover a remedy for a possible health crisis, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen asks doctors who promote preventative medicine to their patients. Dr. Aaron Hartman, founder of the Virginia Research Center and is board certified in Integrative and Functional Medicine, shares a plethora of foundational lifestyle basics and supplements to boost the immune system when it is needed the most. And, Dr. Neil Schacther, author of The Doctor’s Guide to Colds and Flu: How to Prevent Strep Throat, Pneumonia, and COVID at Any Age offers tips and tricks that help keep bodily systems running smoothly and help stave off infection.

Pragmatic Parenting: Managing Digital Delirium and Raising Sane Kids with Dr. Alex Packer & Neil Brown LCSW

Parenting in the digital age is a journey none of our ancestors had to traverse. And, until now, there were very few guidebooks for parents who are negotiating this new territory. Questions such as — How involved should parents be in their young adults’ digital life? Can a child’s developmental journey be disrupted by excess social media usage? Or, Do well-known parenting rules of the past, such as modeling the behavior you want your child to exhibit, apply to technology? were only recently studied. To reveal the data, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen asks two educators to discuss their parental guidebooks and provide their expert insights on this newly charted subject matter. Award-winning author, Dr. Alex Packer describes the key takeaways from his newest book, Slaying Digital Dragons: Tips and tools for protecting your body, brain, psyche, and thumbs from the digital dark side. And, therapist Neil Brown LCSW shares actionable strategies from his work Ending the Parent-Teen Control Battle: Resolve the Power Struggle and Build Trust, Responsibility, and Respect

A Better Life Practice: Conscious Solutions to Tough Challenges with Leonard Perlmutter & Dr. Eric Maisel

Many of us are searching for a more simplified approach to life as we tackle everyday living during these complicated times. Some philosophies and religious traditions may seem antiquated when addressing modern conscious thought. To discover a better life practice to help us find conscious solutions and simplify life’s tough challenges, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who share their contemporary philosophies about how to transform life through consciousness. Leonard Perlmutter shares the practice of parenting our subconscious mind and details practices from his latest book, Your Conscience: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity and Solve All of Life's Challenges. Dr. Eric Maisel shares his transformational practices of identifying and creating life purpose choices to create a guide for living the life we desire from his book, Lighting the Way: How Kirism Answers Life’s Toughest Questions.

Philosophically Speaking: Morality and Things that Matter with Allen Buchanan PhD & Simon Critchley PhD

The last few years have been topsy-turvy as far as human moral evolution is concerned. The global pandemic and civil unrest in many countries around the world have given rise to more questions than answers. Society’s moral fabric was torn politically and at the same time mended philosophically as we came to understand our interdependence. In the US, we took to our tribes, during the worst and the best of times. To discover the positives and negatives of our going tribal and how we might gain a better understanding of our place in the world, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two Philosophy professors and authors. Allen Buchanan recounts key chapters from his book, Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape from Tribalism and discusses the shaky ground on which democracy sits. Simon Critchley shares philosophical takeaways from his book, Bald: 35 Philosophical Short Cuts, and what he thinks humans gained and lost during the pandemic, philosophically speaking.

Walking the Path of Purpose and Presence with Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati & Peter Russell

We all have stories we acquire based on what happens to us as we live our lives. Some of us identify as mothers, fathers, artists, hustlers, hard-workers, and the list goes on. But, are those identities who we truly are? When we sit with ourselves in the present moment, is our identity our true essence, or simply an amalgamation of what happened to us in the past? To discern how we can perceive our true nature and commence on a spiritual journey, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have studied meditation and philosophy in India. Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati exchanged her Western culture for eastern philosophy. She discusses the transformational journey that came from shedding her identities and embracing forgiveness from her book, Hollywood to the Himalayas: A Journey of Healing and Transformation. Peter Russell reveals the lessons in his book, Letting Go of Nothing: Relax Your Mind and Discover the Wonder of Your True Nature and unpacks the mantra let it go and let it be.

Seeing Beyond Alzheimer's: Guidance for Patients and Caregivers with Andrew Budson MD & Patti Davis

Becoming a caregiver for aging parents or someone you love can be a reversal of roles for you and the person you care for. Plus, if the person you care for has any form of dementia, including Alzheimer’s, you will need to look at things differently. There will, most likely, be challenges and opportunities in relationships that may have never been addressed before. To gain a better understanding of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual demands managing dementia can present, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about their in-depth knowledge and personal experiences. Professor of Neurology, Andrew Budson discusses his latest book, Six Steps to Managing Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: A Guide for Families. His straightforward research and clinical information serves to keep those in the caregiver role healthy. He also shares basic strategies to help stave off memory loss and dementia for all of us. Patti Davis is the author of Floating in the Deep End: How Caregivers Can See Beyond Alzheimer’s. She shares a warm, personal account of caring for her formerly estranged father who lived with dementia long-term.

Wondery Presents: Uncommon Ground with Van Jones

Are you concerned about the future? Tired of divisiveness? Join political commentator and changemaker Van Jones on a journey to find unifying solutions to our country’s biggest problems. Each week, Van and his guests explore topics that affect us all—from climate change to prison reform, from voting rights to political polarization. In Uncommon Ground with Van Jones, you’ll hear inspiring, hopeful and unique perspectives on what it takes to create meaningful change in a divided nation.

The Grown-Up Inner Work of Aging and Adulting with Dr. Connie Zweig & Ira Israel

Secure, loving relationships are the cornerstone of happiness. The deeper and more intimate our relationships the less we have to resent and regret as we age. Many consider becoming an adult to be a number we grow into, but our chronological age differs vastly from what it means to mature. To explore processes that assist us in overcoming our childhood triggers and unconscious shadows, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two adults who examine what creates a purposeful life as we live and age. Dr. Connie Zweig is a retired therapist and Elder who explains the key processes from her book, The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul. Ira Israel is a Coach, Counselor, and Therapist who discusses what it means to be a successful adult and the goal of his book, How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You Are an Adult.

Tasting Truth: Feeding Ourselves Healthy and Hacking Our Hardwired Brains with Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Robert Barrett

Who benefits from making Americans fat, tired, and sick? Big food and big pharma that’s who. Grocery stores are brimming with ultra-processed, sugar-laden alternatives to real food, and doctors benefit monetarily from dolling out pharmaceuticals that only treat symptoms, not illnesses. To determine what individuals can do to live a healthy life and make more nutritious food choices, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who have researched the effects of processed foods and sugar consumption. Dr. Robert Lustig uses six simple words as a golden rule when it comes to nutrition and health. He dispels common food myths and chronic diseases as detailed in his book, Metabolical. And, Dr. Robert Barrett discusses the dark sides of social media, smartphone use, and the real drug problem in the U.S., all from his latest book, Hardwired.

The Magic of Mindfulness: How to Find Your Sacred Sweet Spot with Dr. Aria Campbell-Danesh & Seth Gillihan Ph.D. & Rebecca Pacheco

There are very few things in life that are within our control. Our perspective, perceptions, and the actions we take are the only things we truly have control of. If we want peace and joy, we must make them for ourselves. To explore how meditation and mindfulness practices can guide us toward our sacred sweet spot, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three authors who use meditation practices as tools for a more satisfying and mindful life. Dr. Aria Campbell-Ganesh and Dr. Seth J. Gillihan, both psychologists, co-authored A Mindful Year: 365 Ways to Find Connection and the Sacred in Everyday Life, after the realization that we are in control of our own well-being and special moments can be celebrated every day. Yogi and meditator, Rebecca Pacheco is the author of the influential Still Life: The Myth and Magic of Mindful Living. She imparts her knowledge of mindfulness practices and how to adapt them to individual lifestyles.

Life Transformation and Energy Activation with Sarah Peyton & Melanie Dean

Traumas we experience in the early part of our life can become fear and anxiety we carry with us into our adult lives. But, patterns and behaviors that once served as successful coping strategies can sabotage our intimate relationships with others and more importantly with ourselves. To explore the mechanisms of change afforded to us by neuroplasticity and intuition, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who share the knowledge that life transformations are possible through energy activation. Sarah Peyton is a neuroscience educator who teaches about the impact of childhood trauma on our brains and how we can transform self-sabotaging patterns that carry on into our adult lives. She shares examples from her book, Your Resonant Self Workbook, about how every person can tame their inner critic and change their life. Melanie Dean is a psychologist and educator who describes the quantum physics of healing and how people can get what they want by becoming in tune with their power. She describes the process of energy activation and key learnings from her book, The Hidden Power of Emotions: How to Activate Your Energy Field and Transform Your Life.

The Exploration of Outer Space and Our Inner Worlds with Professor Heino Falcke & Colonel Terry Virts

The universe and our purpose in it remain vastly unknown. Many theories, beliefs, and reckonings exist about the “big scheme of things” but ultimately there are few concrete answers to our existential questions. To explore the impact space has on the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of humans, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two experts in outer space, professor of astroparticle physics and preacher, Heino Falcke and astronaut, Colonel Terry Virts. Heino Falcke created the first global telescope network to successfully photograph a black hole. He talks about his discoveries and his latest book, Light in the Darkness: Black Holes, the Universe, and Us. Colonel Terry Virts, a captain of the Space Shuttle Endeavor, shares how being in space has changed his spiritual outlook and about his book, How to Astronaut: An Insider’s Guide to Leaving Planet Earth.

Relieving Anxiety and Breaking from Busyness with Judson Brewer MD, Ph.D. & Juliet Funt

Do you remember the last time you had an uninterrupted couple of minutes to yourself, no pings, no dings, just a quiet moment for your mind to make its own decisions about what it wants to think about? Yeah, us neither. Today’s habitual ‘now’ culture has caused underlying anxiety and worry in many people. To discover strategies to open the release valve and alleviate anxiety’s grip on the subconscious, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who offer up ideas for those venturing back into the world of work. Dr. Jud Brewer shares tips from his book, Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind, about how to re-engage with our peers post-pandemic. And, Juliet Funt describes the strategies from her book, A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work, about the opportunity we have to redesign our new normal.

Understanding Neurodivergent Perspectives with Joe Newman & Eric Garcia

A neurodivergent person is one whose neurological development is atypical. People with ADHD, Aspergers, and autism are generally considered to be neurodivergent. It is common for neurotypical thinkers to misunderstand those with neurodivergent perspectives in social interactions and in the workplace. To discover more about how and why we should embrace neurodiversity immediately, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who are experts on living with neurodivergent perspectives. As one of the first children to be diagnosed with ADHD, Joe Newman understands the misdirection of labels. He describes how he overcame them and how he helps parents foster a growth mindset by way of his acclaimed parenting methods as detailed in his book, Raising Lions. And, Eric Garcia recounts his research about living with autism in the United States. The research, originally part of a magazine article, led to his breakthrough book, We’re Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation.

Rehumanize and Revive Your Workplace Atmosphere with Rosie Ward Ph.D. & Alan Willett

As the pandemic wanes and the world goes back to work, employees are re-evaluating their life and career goals. Furthermore, the great global reset has offered leaders the opportunity to transform and rehumanize workplaces by introducing healthy practices into the corporate culture. To explore the ways leaders can increase their chances of retaining and hiring the best and brightest thinkers and doers for their organizations by creating climates of wellbeing and joy, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who are experts in expelling toxicity from the workplace. Rosie Ward describes the key principles from her book Rehumanizing the Workplace: Future-Proofing Your Organization While Restoring Hope, Well-Being, and Performance and how individuals can ground and reset before reentering the workplace after the pandemic. And, Alan Willett, a Fortune 500 preferred consultant for leadership coaching, details the essential components of his two leadership books, Leading the Unleadable: How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People & Lead with Speed: Fire Up Your Team, Power Your Engines of Development, and Make Your Organization Soar.

The Science of Eating for Optimal Mental and Physical Health with Dr. Rupy Aujla & Dr. Joel Fuhrman

We turn to science for the pharmaceuticals and supplements we ingest but few people consider scientific research when it comes to the body as a machine run by nutrients. To heal the world’s population, many of whom are sick with chronic illnesses or debilitating diseases caused by lack of nutrition, a proven strategy is eating green. To explore how we can reverse inflammation and disease in our bodies, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who have seen the effects of eating for optimal health. Dr. Aujla is an expert in food science. He is the author of Eat to Beat Illness: 80 Simple Delicious Recipes Inspired by the Science of Food as Medicine. He shares excerpts from his book and tips about how we can easily add nutrition to our diets for optimum mental and physical health. And, Dr. Joel Fuhrman shares key takeaways from his book, Eat for Life: The Breakthrough Nutrient-Rich Program for Longevity, Disease Reversal, and Sustained Weight Loss, and important statistics from his work in nutritional science that proves the connection between proper nutrition and living a disease-free life.

Good Vibrations: Rising Into Your Higher Self with Agapi Stassinopoulos & Lalah Delia

Happiness and joy are high vibrational states of being and with awareness and practice, we can move into those states at will. Two practices that enhance our ability to raise our energetic vibration are reverence and gratitude. To explore how we can extract support from the universe, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who energetically raise their vibrations and relish in peace and joy. Agapi Stassinopoulos is the Greek writer behind the classics Unbinding the Heart and Wake Up to the Joy of You. She shares tips on how to rediscover the positive energy of essential connection and joy. And, creator of the website Vibrate Higher Daily, Lalah Delia describes how she lives her life with mindfulness and intention to enlighten others.

Thought Management: Navigating Stress and Gaining Dominion Over Your Mind with Dr. Mike Dow & Don Goewey

Neuroplasticity offers us the ability to change our brains and transcend stress, fear, and anxiety. By rewiring neural pathways, we can transform the emotional strain past traumas hold over our subconscious minds. There are successful methods to overcome patterns and behaviors that serve as blocks to our happiness. To ascertain the secrets to making monumental shifts toward contentment, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two neuroscience experts who reveal their strategies for rewiring the mind. Dr. Mike Dow has a mission to help people heal their brains by replacing negative experiences in their subconscious minds with emotionally charged positive ones. And, Don Goewey works within corporate America about how to circumvent stress and increase life satisfaction.

Positive Parenting Raises Optimistic and Self-Assured Children with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson & Shauna Shapiro

There is no perfect way to help children build resilient, empathetic, and emotionally secure foundations that support them through adulthood. There is no instruction manual and there is no definitive right way. One approach parents can take is to be mindful and compassionate, with themselves first and then with their children. To find out more about how parents can raise optimistic and self-assured kids, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two psychotherapists about parenting strategies that help create stability in a child’s life. Dr. Tina Payne Bryson describes enlightening approaches from her book, The Yes Brain: How to Cultivate Courage, Curiosity, and Resilience in Your Child. And Dr. Shauna Shapiro discusses the five essential elements of mindful discipline from her book, Mindful Discipline: A Loving Approach to Setting Limits and Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child.

Finding Your Financial Finesse through Money Management and Investment Strategies with Danielle Town, & Ramit Sethi

Financial fitness is different for all of us as we all have different needs and dreams. The concern we feel about having sufficient money to meet our needs or fulfill our dreams can be emotionally taxing. Partner that with the absence of a financial education and it becomes a profit-driven boon for predatory financial institutions. Understanding the basics of investing, which companies have an honest track record, and how to get out of debt can be life-changing for many. To better understand the psychological effects of how finances affect our lives and relationships, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two investors/authors about how they overcame their early beliefs about what their financial outlook could be. Danielle Town describes how she overcame her emotional trauma surrounding money as detailed in her book, Invested. And, Remit Sethi discusses strategies on how to grow what you already have from the second edition of his book, I Will Teach You to Be Rich.

Unpacking Addiction: Transformative Approaches that Educate and Heal Humanity with Johann Hari & Noah Levine

The journey of our lives can be pockmarked with disappointment and trauma, as well as contentment and joy. It is the nature of our existence. Learning to cope with trauma and unmet needs without the use of addictive behaviors and substances can be trying and cause anxiety and depression. Often, what we cling to first to ease our pain may be the very thing we need to recover from later. Ultimately, internal work is the key to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual recovery. To bring to light natural and expansive methods of addiction and trauma recovery, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two former addicts who transformed their lives and healed themselves through natural practices. Johann Hari shares the research he unearthed about the underlying causes of anxiety and depression while writing his book, Lost Connections. And, Noah Levine recounts the trauma at the base of his addiction to substances and the mindfulness practice that led him to heal himself and others by way of his Refuge Recovery program.

Seeking, Selecting, and Securing Sustainable Love with Jacquie Del Rosario Ph.D. & Cristina Pineda

Finding true love is not a quest for the meek. Some men and women search for years for a partner in which to share their lives. But, not everyone can handle the task alone. Many single people employ counselors and matchmakers to increase their chances of finding the ‘one’ and to maintain a healthy relationship. To find out more about the business of connection, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two women who help men and women maintain healthy relationships and sustainable love. Dr. Jacquie describes communication methods for couples who want to reignite their love lives. And, Cristina Pineda is a matchmaker in major metropolitan areas. She and her team help men and women do the internal work necessary to find a healthy sustainable relationship.

Behavioral Design in the Digital Era: Structuring The Balance Point Between Productivity and Well-Being with Amy Blankson & Nir Ayal

Technology is both a vice and a virtue. It can help us manage our lives and accomplish tasks with reminders and to-dos. But, at what point do the dings and pings become more of a distraction than traction? How much of our time is dedicated to managing our digital devices versus tackling the true task at hand? To learn more, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen revisits the subject of digital distractions and speaks with two experts who share how to stay healthy and productive while using modern technology. Amy Blankson discusses key points from her book, The Future of Happiness: 5 Modern Strategies for Balancing Productivity and Well-Being in the Digital Era, and Nir Ayal shares insights, about how to balance productivity and well-being using the same technology designed to distract us, from his new book, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life.

Caretaking the Brain and Minding the Odyssey of Memory Loss with Dr. Dan Gibbs & Anne Basting Ph.D.

Eldercare is often over-medicalized and approached as a service in long-term and late-life care facilities. But, this method of care can stunt the mental faculties of those whose cognitive abilities are waning. Stories from more mature family members can ripen the lives of younger members of our families and society as a whole. So, why aren’t preventative measures and creative solutions common in the realm of elder care? To better understand the cognitive process of aging, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who strive to maintain mental wellbeing in their aging patients. Dr. Dan Gibbs is a retired neurologist with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease who describes key learnings from his book A Tattoo on my Brain: A Neurologist's Personal Battle against Alzheimer's Disease. And English Professor, Dr. Anne Basting describes her work in reimagining late-life and long-term care based on a creative approach as detailed in her book, Creative Care: A Revolutionary Approach to Dementia and Elder Care.

Healing Our Primal Invisible Wounds: Journeying to Wholeness with Dr. Judith Ruskay Rabinor & Dr. Patti Ashley

One of the most complicated relationships in our lives is the one we have with our mother. At conception, our bodies are intrinsically connected to our mother for the first nine months of our existence. At birth, and throughout the rest of our lives, we are emotionally affected by the nurturing, or lack of it, we receive from our mothers. Do we have unrealistic expectations of what a mother should be? Why do we remember the traumatic experiences from our childhoods rather than joyful ones? To unveil the process of nurturing our traumas and soothing our nervous system in times of stress, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who coach people through the trauma of early childhood experiences. Dr. Judith Ruskay discusses key takeaways from her work and book, The Girl in the Red Boots: Making Peace with My Mother. And, Dr. Patti Ashley shares methods for reducing body trauma during times of stress and fear.

Infodemic Inoculation: Exercising Thought Intelligence Through Whole Brain Thinking with Andy Norman Ph.D. & John Cook Ph.D.

The COVID pandemic has most of us thinking about having our physical systems vaccinated. But, what about the disease of disinformation? Is it possible to inoculate our minds and make them immune to untruths and bad ideas that spread through social networks? Is there a proven method to keep probable mind parasites at bay? To better understand how to thwart misinformation and converse with those whose minds have been targeted by pirates, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who specialize in disarming disinformation. Andy Norman created a new spin on aged philosophy to vaccinate minds. He shares key takeaways from his book, Mental Immunity. Climate Scientist John Cook designed a cartoon and game based on a ‘Crazy Uncle’ amalgam to teach our minds how to have conversations with people who think differently than we do.

Multiple Intelligences: Creating a Connected Society and Culture with Fred Dust & Dr. Thomas Hoerr

People feel happier when they are emotionally engaged in meaningful conversations and when actively invested in learning something they care about. Successful people are not only knowledgeable about facts and figures, they also have multiple intelligences in several modalities. To discover how we can redesign our post-pandemic future to bring forth a more meaningful and happier life, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors whose latest books focus on creating emotional connection through communication tools. Fred Dust discusses his book, Making Conversation: Seven Essential Elements of Meaningful Communication and details the benefits of deeper, meaningful conversations in society. And, Dr. Thomas Hoerr describes the framework of his book, Taking Social- Emotional Learning Schoolwide: The Formative Five Success Skills for Students and Staf, and how it can positively affect teachers, faculty, students, and learning.

Designing a Life of Meaningful Work at Any Age with Katharine Brooks Ph.D. & Dr. Amber Fossey

For most people, finding happiness and meaning isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when they think of work. But what if it was? What if individuals funneled their creativity and a little of their personal magic into designing a new work-life that was meaningful and fulfilling? To extract advice about designing a life of meaningful work, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have channeled their creativity into new careers and serve others through their books. Dr. Katharine Brooks revamped the famous career guide, What Color is Your Parachute? for 2021 and wrote two additional books during the pandemic. And, Forensic Psychiatrist, Dr. Amber Fossey found herself with a substantial Instagram and Etsy following when she tapped into her creative inner child. Her sense of childlike wonder is accompanied by her poetry and illustrations in the book, Be Wild Be Free.

Delicious Stories: Food Adventures for the Mind, Body, and Soul with Katie Quinn & Mandy Lee

Food history is our history, there is no untangling the two. Industrialized food processing may be whittling away at our appreciation of how deeply certain foods are rooted in our families and culture but not everyone forgets. There are people who still lovingly employ age-old methods of food cultivation. In this episode, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors and chefs who translated their life journeys into recipes and their recipes into cookbooks. Katie Quinn’s hands-on approach has given rise to the revered tradition of fermentation. She shares highlights from her food adventures as documented in her book, Cheese, Wine, and Bread: Discovering the Magic of Fermentation in England, Italy, and France. And, Mandy Lee shares her experience of fusing foods from the East and West while living in a polarized, authoritarian culture from her personal story inspired cookbook, The Art of Escapism Cooking: A Survival Story, with Intensely Good Flavors.

Medical Intuitives: Where Divine Insight and Medicine Meet with Wendie Colter, Professor Paul J. Mills, & Reverend Tiffany Barsotti

Western medicine rarely discusses the electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates the human body. Commonly known as chakras or the biofield, these energy centers are a collection of our stored life events, both positive and traumatic. Medical Intuitives read a person’s mind, body, and spirit to discover the root cause of illnesses. To bring to light the difference between medical intuition from other energy healing modalities, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three Medical Intuitives who steer patients toward healing using training and intuition. Wendie Colter created the accreditive Medical Intuitive Training Program. She discusses her practice and The Practical Path for intuitive development. And, Professor Paul Mills and Reverend Tiffany Barsotti describe the focus of Medical Intuitives and how positive psychology aids the healing process.

Feeding Emotional Freedom: How Neuroscience and Nutrition Nourish Mental Health with Judson Brewer MD, Ph.D. & Julia Rucklidge Ph.D.

MD, Ph.D. & Julia Rucklidge Ph.D. Scientific research shows we can enjoy emotional freedom and dislodge ourselves from unrewarding habits. Becoming aware of where we find ourselves stuck and nourishing our bodies properly are the key elements to creating shifts in our lives. To understand what goes on under the human hood and how we can be our best selves, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who empower us with tools to take charge of our mental health beyond the therapist's couch and the prescription pad. Dr. Judson Brewer shares the three-step process for managing anxiety from his newest book, Unwinding Anxiety. And, Dr. Julia Rucklidge recounts the research that is the foundation for her book, The Better Brain, which centers around the micronutrients that balance our emotional and mental health

Exploring the Gender Dance: The Brain Science Behind Our Feminine and Masculine Minds with Gertrude Lyons Ph.D. & Andrew Reiner MA

Men’s and women's brains share 98% of the same genetic structural makeup. So, why is it common to treat boys and girls differently? Why are boys shamed for displaying their emotions and girls not encouraged to become strong leaders? Why do we promote emotional differences in the all-to-common male versus female storyline? To discover strategies for creating more emotionally balanced humans, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two experts in gender-related topics. Dr. Gertrude Lyons discusses the transition back to a balance of feminine and masculine energies in positions of leadership around the world. And, Andrew Reiner discusses research from his book, Better Boys, Better Men about the disservice of promoting emotional detachment when we talk to boys and the benefits of communicating differently

Parenting Solid Citizens: Engaging the Golden Rules of Life to Raise Resilient and Compassionate Whole-Hearted Kids with Darby Fox, LCSW & Jeanie Cisco-Meth

Transitioning to working and learning online due to the pandemic has shifted the way we parent and the way our kids learn. There are many silver lining aspects of staying at home such as enhanced social connections between parents and teenagers, and increased collaboration skills but there are also several not-so-bright facets such as, it is easy for the mind to wander after several hours of screen time and critical social interactions between children are lost. To find out how parents can raise a solid, resilient citizen despite the challenges, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors of parenting books. Darby Fox discusses how modeling is the most effective tool a parent has to teach kids, and Jeanie Cisco-Meth offers tips on how we can help children tame internal and external bullies.

Transforming Suffering to Freedom: Gain Greater Resilience with Dr. Elizabeth Stanley & Blake D. Bauer

When we are children, unbeknownst to us, neural pathways are being wired together in our brains. This neural-biological wiring colors all our future decisions, how we deal with stress and trauma, and our level of contentment. If we experienced trauma as children, shifting how we interact with the world is not always easy. To discover strategies and concepts that help us heal, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have their own personal, transformational journeys. Dr. Elizabeth Stanley studies the neural biological wiring in our brain as it relates to stress and trauma. She shares concepts and strategies from her book, Widen the Window. And, Blake D. Bauer found his way out of addiction through meditation and mindfulness which he describes in his book, You Were Not Born to Suffer.

The Science and Practice of Enduring Change: Alter Your Attitude and Find Your Flourish with Richard Lane MD, Ph.D., Gay Hendricks, & Carol Kline

The human brain contains multiple systems designed to protect us and aid in our survival. When we experience trauma the event is stored in our memory as a way to maintain vigilance when we are confronted with a similar situation. In our modern world, the likelihood of being cornered by a sabre-toothed tiger is null but our memory and trigger systems have yet to be updated. To hunt for the latest mind management techniques and attitude alteration strategies, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three agents of change. Dr. Richard Lane is a Psychotherapist whose work has been instrumental in our ability to heal trauma. He discusses his groundbreaking therapy used to update emotions from his book, Neuroscience of Enduring Change. And, Gay Hendricks and Carol Cline share the second phase of their innovative process to alter attitudes, Conscious Luck and the Conscious Luck Workbook.

Understand the Mystery of Death and Life After Life: Where Do We Go When We’re Done Here? with Christopher Kerr MD, PhD & Mike Anthony

In North America, few people embrace death as a rich, transformative experience. For most, death is viewed as a physical or medical failure even when scientific research shows dying people feel comforted by pre-death dreams of loved ones, both living and deceased. Why is it so hard for some to believe that there is life after life? Or, that communication exists between terrestrial beings and spiritual beings? To discover more about the joyful process of moving through one's life to the exit door, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who have written about life after life. Dr. Christopher Kerr, Ph.D., discusses his book and documentary film, Death is But a Dream. And, Mike Anthony shares inspirational stories from his book, Love, Dad about communicating with loved ones who have moved on to a different life experience

The Wisdom Toolbox: Igniting Compassionate Observation and Action for the Greater Good with Dr. Dilip Jeste & Debra Silverman

Who do you think of when you think of the wisest person you know? Did you think of a grandparent or a mature mentor? If so, it is because when we begin the process of accepting ourselves and appreciating our lives as gifts, we naturally embrace empathy and compassion to become more resilient and wise. These understandings usually go hand-in-hand with aging. It is possible to accelerate the gaining of wisdom and create balance in our lives earlier but, we must first understand our inherent personality traits and the essential elements that rule our emotions. In this episode, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Dilip Jeste about his book, Wiser: The Scientific Roots of Wisdom, Compassion, and What Makes Us Good and famed Astrologer Debra Silverman about her book, The Missing Element: Inspiring Compassion for the Human Condition to root out what causes us to feel compassion for ourselves and others.

Awake and Aware: The Science of Becoming a Better Human and Society with Stuart Shanker & Jim Davies PhD

Since 1995, the amount of stress Americans feel has skyrocketed and is still escalating. This time correlates with the accessibility of personal computing in our homes. Today, the constant barrage of distractions from smartphone notifications and other electronic media have penetrated our ability to concentrate and seriously slashed our productivity. So, how do we take back our lives and become better humans and a better society? To explore strategies to keep us awake and aware, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors about optimizing our lives. Dr. Stuart Shanker discusses the many types of stress and his latest book, REFRAMED and Jim Davies Ph.D. walks us through his book, Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are, and what science says about how we can become better people and a better society.

Dissolving Division: Taking a Deep Dive into Consciousness and Cosmology with Paul Selig & Professor Ervin Laszlo

In the current me, myself, and I culture, humans may feel disconnected from each other like never before. Conflicts and crises cause divisiveness to grow in our hearts, minds, and spirits making individuals feel as if they are all alone in the world. But, what if a ‘butterfly effect’ exists and we are all collectively connected to a single source in the universe? What if the source sends humanity information beyond what our five physical senses can detect? To find out if we are being guided by an omnipresent source code of information and energy, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Channeler and spiritual Scribe, Paul Selig about the channeled texts he receives from the source meant to guide humanity to discover our inherent divine nature. And, twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Professor Ervin Laszlo about the information and energy that devise everything in the world and how we can use it to find realize love.

Leadership by Design: Improving ROI Through Integrity, Alignment, and Agency with Paul Napper Ph.D. & Philippe Bouissou, Ph.D.

We all want a good return on our investment, especially when we invest in ourselves or our creative ideas. Decision-making can become cloudy when we limit the use of our intuition or when we are not in alignment with the purpose of our business. Without the right tools, it becomes easy to get stuck in the mire or to not advocate for ourselves in the best way possible. To unearth the tools experienced business leaders and educators use to advance the growth of themselves and their businesses, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two scholars who authored books on how to make lives and businesses sustainable. Paul Napper discusses key elements of his book, The Power of Agency, and the challenges many people face when making decisions in this overstimulated world. And, Philippe Bouissou shares takeaways that make his book, Aligning the Dots, a litmus test for entrepreneurs when creating a successful and sustainable business.

Voices of Power and Radical Collaboration: Be Seen, Heard, and Understood with Denise Woods & Jim Tamm

There are few things in life more fulfilling than a thought-provoking or heartfelt conversation with another human being. But, how many of us exercise our voice muscles by speaking authentically and with conviction? How many of us are truly curious about what someone else has to say? If we do not listen to different points of view, how do we know if our message is accepted or resonates with others? To discover the intimate nuances of conversation and collaboration, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who teach the art of communication. Sought-after voice coach Denise Woods talks about her book, The Power of Voice, and shares insights on how we can become better communicators. And conflict resolution expert, Jim Tamm describes the key elements of how to perfect the art of listening and the reason people use defensiveness as a communication style from his book, Radical Collaboration.

How to Beat Burn-out: Restore Health and Vitality with Dr. Amy Shah & Dr. Christa Kuberry

Anxiety, overwhelm, and fatigue are common afflictions for those of us juggling work, home, and/or parenting responsibilities, especially during the pandemic. The key to managing energy, including emotional energy that has been drained so intensely, is a combination of proper nutrition, rest, and meditation. But, how do many of us take the time to fit these essential wellness components into our daily routines? To bring to light simple ways we can all integrate mindfulness practices into our lives, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who have written books about holistic practices to restore the body’s health and vitality. Dr. Amy Shah discusses key elements found in her book, I’m So Effing Tired about how vital nutrition is in overall wellbeing. And Dr. Christa Kuberru of the Yoga Alliance details the benefits of yoga on the mind and body as found in her upcoming book, Is This Yoga?

Rise Up: Reaching for Resilience in Challenging Times with Scott Hamilton & Sebastian Matthews

We all have the freedom to be happy or the liberty to be miserable with every new day. Suffering and challenges are occurrences we all experience. Some people prove to be resilient during difficult times, like this pandemic, using their unique perspectives to rise up and turn struggles into opportunities. Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with ever-ebullient Scott Hamilton and resilient Sebastian Matthews about they are the embodiment of a phoenix rising. Award- winning Figure Skater, Scott Hamilton describes why he created the Live Your Days Campaign and how he hopes the program will encourage resilience and strengthen emotional fitness in the world. And Writer, Sebastian Matthews details the life-altering accident that led him to author two books about the importance of examining our values

The Art of Practice: Harnessing the Power of the Creative Mind with Eric Maisel Ph.D. & R. Douglas Fields Ph.D.

The search for the meaning of life has seemingly eluded humans since our existence began. In most cases, the best we can hope for is to live a life filled with purpose and joy. But, what if it was possible to give our lives meaning by making decisions that lead us toward our life’s purpose? What if the energy our brains emit through waves could determine what intrinsic abilities we could nurture to lead us to contentment and better health? To understand more about how certain practices can put us in control of our destiny, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who are practiced in manipulating the human mind. The author of more than 50 books, Eric Maisel describes the framework and the benefits of adopting a daily practice of doing or not doing something every day related to a person’s life purpose. And, R. Douglas Fields discusses the unique opportunity of researching and reading brain waves. He offers mind-expanding insights into the contents of his book, Electric Brain.

Cut the BS: How to Use Profanity and Reality Bombs to Make Shift Happen with Dr. Jodie Eckleberry Hunt & Gary John Bishop

Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “Life is what you make it.” And while it is true, we have little control over what happens outside of ourselves, we have total control over the experience we have on the inside. We all make mistakes but there is no need to judge ourselves for them. When we give ourselves permission to let things go we regain our power and become better aligned with the rhythm and flow of life. During the global pandemic, many people are feeling a sense of loss. To uncover strategies for creating opportunities from the uncertainty, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who flirt with profanity to help people shift their outlook on life. Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt is a Clinical Psychologist who researches and writes about how targeted profanity provides emotional catharsis. Gary John Bishop is a personal development sage who takes a practical approach to the game of life.

Lessons in Transformation: Mindful, Positive Leadership with John Perkins & Manny Weintraub

One truth of the pandemic is that the entire world is going through this together. This distinctive time offers our species a unique opportunity for growth and transformation but only if we can transcend the fear and work together in unity. Mother Earth is flexing her lungs again and recalibrating as the ‘Great Pause’ lengthens. If we collectively invest in the present, this strange period just might be remembered as the ‘Great Reset’. To find out what individuals can do to reignite the economy and leave a better planet for those who will inherit the earth, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Author, John Perkins, about his thought-provoking book about confronting fear, Touching the Jaguar. And, Financial Analyst, Manny Weintraub about how using mindful practices can lead to better investment decisions.

Media Literacy: Finding Truth in Journalism in the 24/7 News Cycle with Nolan Higdon PhD & John O'Connor

The current 24-hour ‘news’ cycle was created to sell products and push agendas. It does not matter which media outlet you subscribe to, they all have a message to send with hopes of manipulating the mind. And, with the discouragement of critical thinking, deciphering fake news from real news becomes harder and harder with every headline we read. For tips on how to delve deeper to find the truth in the news stories we ingest, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who dissect the way news, past and current, is presented. Nolan Higdon shares tips for identifying fake news and discusses key elements from his current book, The Anatomy of Fake News: A Critical News Literacy Education. John O’Connor details best practices for reconciliation in a hostile political climate and shares information about his book, Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered Up Watergate, and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism.

Embracing Dissonance and Fear to Find Peace and Fulfillment with Panache Desai & Humble the Poet

Our modern society throws many expectations at us that we can never catch. We have moved so far from the ancient knowings of our ancestors that we have difficulty accepting who we authentically are and looking outside of ourselves for validation or to feed our egos is futile. With all the noise and distractions surrounding us today, how do we attain a greater quality of life? To gain a greater understanding of the actions we can take to better identify with our true nature and to learn to focus on what is in our control, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two enlightened authors about bringing calm into the things we can control. Panache Desai discusses revelations and commitments from his book, You Are Enough: Revealing the Soul to Discover Your Power, Potential, and Possibility. And, Kanwer Singh aka Humble The Poet describes how his journey from elementary school teacher to entertainer and author was filled with learnings and reads gems from his newest book, Things No One Else Can Teach Us.

Simple and Delicious: The Science of Nutrition Rich Eating for Better Physical and Mental Health with Dr. Joel Fuhrman & Andrea Hanneman aka Earthy Andy

The average American’s diet includes highly-caloric foods that start with a base of white flour or sugar. This dangerous combination is a nightmare for the body’s natural defenses and immune system. It is the primary cause of chronic disease and ailments. Pharmaceuticals are often used to treat the symptoms of an illness but rarely get to the root cause, which is improper nutrition from consuming highly-processed food products. To discover how we can enhance our physical and emotional health and well-being through the food we put into our bodies, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who whole-heartedly believe in consuming a holistically plant-based diet for better health. Dr. Joel Fuhrman shares key takeaways from his book, Eat for Life: The Breakthrough Nutrient- Rich Program for Longevity, Disease Reversal, and Sustained Weight Loss, and important statistics from his work in nutritional science that proves the connection between proper nutrition and living a disease-free life. Andrea Hanneman, aka Earthy Andy, describes her health journey from chronically ill to perfectly healthy. Recipes from her entirely plant-based adopted diet are featured in her book, Plant Over Process: 75 Delicious and Simple Plant-Based Recipes for Nourishing Your Body and Eating from the Earth.

Listener Favorite Returns: Redefining Wealth: Intelligent Financial Planning and Purposeful Life Design with Jean Chatzky & Ida Abbott, J.D.

It may seem frivolous to discuss finances during the ‘Great Pause’ the human race is experiencing now due to the COVID-19 pandemic but what if this downtime is a glimpse into our retirement years? What other opportunity will we have to create our own schedules and follow our body’s circadian rhythm with no fear of missing out? Now seems to be the perfect time for us, women in particular, to redefine what wealth means and evaluate whether meaning and purpose have more value than material gains. Are we able to adopt a mindset that goes far beyond feeling financially secure? To investigate the ways we can prepare ourselves the future we want, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Financial Editor of NBC’s Today show, Jean Chatsky about her new financial guide, Women with Money, the HerMoney podcast, and simple ways women can clean up their money life. And, the author of Retirement by Design, Ida Abbott who shares how design thinking principles can play a role in creating a retirement life that brings purpose and meaning to the golden years.

Cultivating the Courage to Change and Breaking Destructive Cycles that Bind Us with Ken D. Foster, Dr. Seth Kadish, & Teri Jensen MFT

Challenges are a fact of life and some of us face the same challenges time and time again. And even though we may not recognize it, many of our deep-seated patterns have their origins in our early childhoods. Becoming cognizant of our patterns is the first step in overcoming the fear and shame that resides at the base of our unconscious actions. It is only after we recognize our fears for what they are that we can lift the veil that created our blind spots and move forward toward courage. To better understand the processes and strategies that breakthrough destructive cycles, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Ken Foster, an author and expert in business development and marketing about how to take the necessary steps to embody courage and transform your vision into reality. And, Dr. Seth Kadish and Teri Jensen MFT, the duo behind the Pop Your Pattern Youtube channel, speak about the process of becoming aware of the patterns that perpetuate recurring challenges in our lives.

Mindfully Managing Depression and Managing the Monkey Mind with Dr. Stuart Eisendrath & Mark Coleman

It may seem improbable for us to change the world but, if we can do the inner work and bring peace to ourselves we individually add to the collective good. To find inner peace we must manage our negative thoughts and quiet our overstimulated minds. While it may be easier said than done, researchers are working to create mindfulness techniques that soothe and tame our monkey brain. To find out what alternative therapies exist to treat depression and ease suffering, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who promote being in the present moment and practicing mindfulness to heal the mind. Dr. Stuart Eisendrath developed an alternative method to mindfully manage depression and Mark Coleman is a meditation teacher who founded the Mindfulness Institute where he guides students through mindfulness and meditation practices.

How Thoughts Become Things: Mastering Your Mind Through Focused Intentions and Actions with Dr. Marina Bruni & Doug Vermeeren

The average human adult thinks 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day. If each of our thoughts was an intention toward manifesting what we want from life, we could be in a constant state of joy. But, because of past and present programming, our subconscious thoughts lead us through our days. We rely on the ego to keep us safe. What if we could access more of our brains and master it by rewiring our synapses? To learn more about how thoughts become things, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two changemakers about the movie, and the concept of, How Thoughts Become Things. Dr. Marina Bruni shares the process of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how we can master our brains through intentions. And, Doug Vermeeren discusses his new movie The Secret and how changing our network of people uplevels our net worth.

Constructing Connection: Why Relationships Keep Us Young and Make Us Happier with Marta Zaraska, Jenn Bane & Trin Garritano

We are all seeking out ways to stay connected to family and friends during the COVID-19 pandemic. We do so because physically, emotionally, and spiritually humans thrive in communities. Studies indicate close contact with others can have a positive effect on our health, wellbeing, and longevity. Without friendships or other relationships, we become lonely, which can cause detrimental changes in our behavior. To discover how we can live longer while enjoying the precious time of our lives, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three female authors who value connection, friendship, and community. Marta Zaraska sheds light on how positive engagements with others can lengthen our time on earth and shares insights from her book, Growing Young: How Friendship, Optimism, and Kindness Can Help You Live to 100. And, Jenn Bane and Trin Garritano discuss friendship dynamics, tips for creating friendships that endure, and excerpts from their book, Friendshipping: The Art of Finding Friends, Being Friends, and Keeping Friends.

Bloom Where You Are Rooted: What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Harnessing Passion and Productivity with Lisa Feldman Barrett Ph.D. & Carson Tate

What actions do you take to keep your brain healthy? Is it stepping away from your desk for a few minutes to clear your head? Do you take a walk when posed with what seems like an impossible task? If you do, you are actively giving your brain time to process the issue. It can lead to increased productivity and overall happiness in your work. To gather information about the heart and soul of how and why we work, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two women who have harnessed the power of their productivity. Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett is a neuroscientist, psychologist, and author who dispels some popular brain myths and discusses the content of her newest book, Seven and A Half Lessons About the Brain. Carson Tate works with international organizations to help employees attain contentment and joy in their work. Her book, Own It, Love It, Make It Work: How to Make Any Job Your Dream Job, can be used as a guidebook for the new world of work.

Elder Wisdom: Sage Insights on Growing Old through Passionate Living with Elizabeth Marshall Thomas & Elaine Mays

Not that long ago elders in our families and tribes were held in high esteem. They were given platforms to tell their stories and share life experiences that enriched and entertained the younger members of the clan. Regrettably, in the modern age, sage advice from the elderly goes mostly unheard. Why, now, is there less interest in those of us with the most knowledge? Why does growing older carry a stigma? To gather unique insights and experienced perspectives, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two engaging authors who have lived their long lives with purpose and curiosity. At 89, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas is an avid traveler and has written 14 books. She shares takeaways from her newest book, Growing Old: Notes on Aging with Something Like Grace, and her opinions as to why some have a prejudice about aging. And at 80 years young, Elaine Mays has written 7 novels that stem from her real-life travels. She shares nuggets from her book, Borneo Experience, and explains why she is a champion for the natural world.

How to Brave the New Normal Together Through Personal Agency & Conscious Collective Action with Paul Napper & Aaron Dignan

Do you ever take time to consider the synchronicities and connections you may not notice because you are too busy? Humans are subtly, nuanced creatures who are part of the heavens and the earth, but our new, highly-stimulated environments leave little time for magic or deep thought. Our minds are continuously bombarded with branded messages designed to make us take action in a direction we may not want to go. To discover how we can regain personal agency and reduce the amount of control industry-focused cultures have over us, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two changemakers who encourage humans to discover their personal truth and carry it proudly throughout the day. Dr. Paul Napper works with individuals and companies to foster behavioral changes that promote better decision making through strengthening personal agency and reducing stimuli. And, Aaron Dignan guides notable Fortune 500 companies through leadership techniques that encourage heart-nourishing, human-focused decisions.

Mastering Your Powers of Persuasion for Personal and Professional Success with Jason Hanson & Mario Arabov

Are you an entrepreneur ready to follow your dreams and do something you love? Are you prepared to build your business from scratch? Will you employ the same strategies the CIA uses to persuade and recruit spies? Are you willing to record digital interviews to promote your business to a global community of remote viewers? If you haven’t considered these options in your action plan, maybe you should. To discover how to become an agent of influence, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two entrepreneurs who created businesses by doing something they love. Jason Hanson utilizes his CIA experience to train others about using the power of persuasion to grow their business and protect themselves at his Spy, Escape, and Evasion Ranch. And, Mario Arabov promotes entrepreneurs and businesses by creating community connections with his digital interview app, LAMA.

Joyful Midlife Passages: Meeting Menopause with Self-Discovery, Self-Care, and Positive Practice with Jackie Lynch and Chris Crowley

Aging is a right of passage we can and should embrace. As our systems shift and our hormones dwindle it is up to us to stay fit and healthy in our minds and bodies. But, it is not always easy when faced with a lack of motivation, forgetfulness, or a little weight gain. What should we be worrying about and what things should we accept without issue? To find out the best ways to live a long healthy, joyful life even through menopause, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who reveal how we can stay mentally and physically healthy. Jackie Lynch shares information from her book, The Happy Menopause, and educates us on better ways to care for ourselves and how to manage stress through lifestyle and nutritional choices. And, at 85, Chris Crowley, shares the keys to getting Younger Next Year, including his recommendations for exercise, proper nutrition, and keeping the brain healthy.

Full Spectrum Diversity: Inclusive Culture, Gender Acceptance, and Creative Expression For All with Dr. Perry Halkitis & Don Haider-Markel

If you are a parent of a young adult, you might hear discussions about gender identity, sexual orientation or sexual identity in your household. Or, maybe there is radio silence in that department but as a person who works in substance abuse and trauma recovery, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen hears challenges with young adults daily. During this podcast, she speaks with two experts in equal rights and equal opportunities for LGBT and transgender communities. Dr. Perry Halkitis is the Founder and Director of the Center for Health, Identity, Behavior, and Prevention Studies. He shares how people can support loved ones who are exploring their identity and orientation. And, Don Haider-Markel is Professor and Chair of political science at the University of Kansas. He explains how public policies affect LGBT and transgender communities and the progress the U.S. has made in these areas since the 1990s.

Transformative Leadership: Inspiring Positive Connection, Courage, and Culture in the Workplace with Rob Dube and Kevin Hancock

Where does power reside within your business? Is your company stuck in a trickle-down corporate leadership model where decision-making is only conducted by a few? Does the leadership team know or care about the level of employee engagement or employee satisfaction? Now may be the best time to reinvent the leadership strategy of an organization. In this episode, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two change agents who have turned traditional leadership roles into inspiring social experiments. Rob Dube implements meditation and community strategies from his book, donothing at his business ImageOne and organizes donothing silent retreats for other business leaders. And, Kevin Hancock cares for his business, Hancock Lumber, based on the principles of his book, The Seventh Power, a book that documents the leadership epiphanies he experienced after losing his voice.

Positive Disruption: Pivot Your Process and Challenge the Status Quo to Attain Success with Scott Cullather, Kristina McCoobery, & Todd Davis

Along with the tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been challenges that force businesses to change the way they operate and serve their clients. Many of these major pivots have included a completely mobile workforce, virtual sales calls, and a shift in brand marketing. Organizations are attributing increased employee productivity to a better home/work balance afforded to them by this ‘great pause’. But, what conditions will move forward to become part of the new normal business landscape? To uncover the possible upsides of a more holistic work environment, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three people who assist some of the top companies to evaluate the way they do business and integrate company values into their marketing. Husband and wife storytelling team, Scott Cullather and Kristina McCoobery discuss their latest book for entrepreneurs, Challenge Everything, and Todd Davis, Chief People Officer of Franklin Covey, discusses the 30th-anniversary edition of The Seven Habits of Highly-Effective People by Stephen Covey.

Gather & Grow: Positive Parenting and Developing Rituals that Will Sustain Us Through Good and Trying Times with Armin Brott and Anne Fishel Ph.D.

One surprisingly good thing about the COVID pandemic is that parents who work from home have had more time to spend with their children. And it is scientifically proven that children benefit in mind, body, and spirit when they have more positive connections with their parents. Fathers, in particular, have embraced the opportunity to spend time with their children during these current events. The wholesome, loving energy between a father and a child has been linked to more flexible thinking and increased tolerance of others. To better understand the many ways rituals can nourish children, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two experts whose work reflects the benefits of family gatherings, Armin Brott and Dr. Anne Fishel. Armin Brott delves into why the role of a father is important in a child’s development and Dr. Fishel describes the significance of family dinners in helping children thrive.

Digital Addiction: Lured and Hooked on Technology by Design with Nir Eyal and Jordan Reid

Taking time away from our digital devices is not easy. Each bell and ding of app notifications was designed to hook us and keep us engaged. Many people don’t realize that the more attention they pay to their devices the less time they are engaged in the present moment. But, putting our devices down, even for a minute can cause anxiety and depression. To find out how we can take back our time and focus our attention on the important parts of the human experience, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who share their work about digital detox. Nir Eyal details his four strategies for becoming indistractable from his book, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. And, returning guest Jordan Reid, shares excerpts from her family life that enticed her to write The Big Activity Book for Digital Detox.

Useful Mistakes and Smarter Choices: Becoming a Better Decision-Maker with Skip Prichard & Robert Dilenschneider

On average, we make 35-36 thousand decisions every day. When we have a clear sense of purpose, we make better, conscious decisions that attract people, ideas, and resources to help move us forward and foster our success. Major factors that promote financial, emotional, and social wellbeing including curating the type of information we allow ourselves to take in and the people we surround ourselves with. If all we have to do is follow the rules to transform our lives, why are some of us still making mistakes? To take a closer look at why we do what we do, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who write about elements of human behavior. Skip Prichard is a humanitarian who generously gives of his time and shares his insights with those who want to succeed in life. He discusses his newest book, The Book of Mistakes. And, Robert Dilenschneider is a professional counselor to corporations, consumer groups, and news organizations. He shares stories of the people included in his book, Decisions: Practical Advice from 23 Men and Women Who Shaped the World.

Inner Transformation: The Journey to Giving More and Living Better with Stephen G. Post and Isaac Bentwich

We have been led to believe that life doesn’t come with a manual, but what if it did? What if the small synchronicities in life were a road map to spiritual healing? What if ancient texts could be used in the modern world to help our minds make sense of the interconnectedness of everything? Maybe, it’s possible to complete our inner transformation by giving more of ourselves in the service of others. To unravel the mystery of our spiritual beings in this physical life, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two scientists and doctors who are on a quest to gain spiritual momentum by helping others find their spiritual path. Stephen G. Post is a master storyteller and doctor. He shares the personal synchronicities that have shaped his life. And, Isaac Bentwich, a scientist and yoga teacher explains why he translated the Bhagavad Gita and what the meditative guide means to him.

Navigating the Healthcare System: Education, Empowerment, and Advocacy for All with Dr. Dennis Deruelle and Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni

Have you ever been given an out-of-network medical bill you thought was covered by your healthcare plan? Did you jump through hoops to try and resolve it only to learn it wasn’t covered because you were traveling? Navigating our constantly-changing modern healthcare model takes resolve and is not for the faint of heart. To unlock the secrets and get tips right from the source, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who work to simplify the system for the public. Dr. Dennis Deruelle uses football as the overarching theme in his book, Your Healthcare Playbook: Winning the Game of Modern Medicine, to untangle the sometimes convoluted healthcare system. And, men’s health expert, Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni unpacks the confusing world of prescription medication.

State of Pleasure: Igniting Passion in All You Do with Saida Désilets Ph.D. & Dr. Lissa Rankin

How often do we suppress our intrinsic desires only to follow the path laid out for us by society or religion? What if it is possible to fulfill ourselves and to feel intensely alive by simply allowing our internal guiding light to lead the way? And, what if our desire is the internal compass that leads us to our very own, precious destiny? Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who relish in subjects that border on the existential and divine. Dr. Saida Désilets describes the true nature of desire and how it guides our lives. And, Dr. Lissa Rankin explains how we all have an innate inner light that leads us to the eternal flame.

The Desire for Dopamine: Understanding What Drives Addiction with Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman MD, Mike Long and Travis Lupick

Drug overdose is the number one cause of death among people under the age of 50 in the US and Canada. Effective treatment options for those afflicted with substance abuse issues are limited and lack government participation. But, why? All of us want to feel good and many people who become addicted are just trying to combat their depression and pain. Lisa’s guests, Dr. Daniel Lieberman, and Mike Long describe the upside of dopamine and its role in human existence. Then, Travis Lupick unpacks the story of how the city of Vancouver, Canada, defies the stigma of drug consumption and helps substance abusers get clean.

Uniquely Wired: Nurturing Neurodiverse Children and Teens with Dr. Nicole Beurkens and Debbie Reber

Neurodiversity refers to variations in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood and other mental functions. As the percentage of neurodiverse children and teens rise, parents and school systems may find themselves with few resources on how to adapt to children who learn and behave differently. Many children are being prescribed psychoactive medications when proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise may be a better remedy. In addition, children are susceptible to the onslaught of chemicals and preservatives in highly-processed foods. Where can parents, family members, and those who work with children turn for guidance when non-traditional methods are no longer valid? To find out more about how we can support children and teens who are wired differently, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two women who are mothers, authors, and podcast hosts about neurodiversity and behavioral differences in children. Dr. Nicole Beurkens shares insights from her book, Life Will Get Better: Simple Solutions for Parents of Children with Attention, Anxiety, Mood and Behavior Challenges. And, Debbie Reber offers unique tilts from her book, Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World. This episode includes practical strategies and tips on nutrition, sleep, mindset, and the importance of taking care of the caretaker.

Dispelling the Myth of Scarcity and Finding Your Financial Finesse with Ken Honda and Ramit Sethi

When asked about money most people in the U.S. have a negative view of the role it plays in their lives. And, while everyone says they want to be rich, many people have never read a book or taken a class on how to attract or grow wealth. With predatory lending and unprecedented debt at an all-time high, transforming your relationship with money just might be the key to finding financial success. To discover the connection between money and happiness, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks to two financial experts about the positive aspects of wealth. Ken Honda shares the Japanese concept of happy money from his book, Happy Money and Remit Sethi discusses strategies on how to grow what you already have from the second edition of his book, I Will Teach You to Be Rich.

Creating and Sustaining Intimate Relationships That Stand the Test of Time with Dr. Harville Hendrix, Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, & Dr. Gary Salyer

This episode is about building sustainable, romantic relationships. The type of love we received in our childhood is imprinted in our brains. Early feelings and emotions color every single action we take in our adult life unless we rewire our neural pathways. Compassionate communication can improve the quality of our relationships and our lives. When we understand that we deserve love, we are able to be our fully vulnerable, beautiful selves with our partners to create long-lasting happy, fulfilling relationships that allow both partners to thrive. Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with three authors who have done the work toward creating better relationships for themselves and others. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt met 42 years ago and have since created Imago Relationship Therapy and written the eternal book, Get the Love You Want. And, Gary Salyer is the author of Safe to Love and has dedicated his life to understanding how new neural pathways can be created.

The Intersection of Ethical Capitalism and Conscious Consumerism with Jane Mosbacher-Morris & Adam Waytz

This episode is about ethical buying decisions and embracing our shared humanity to create a better world. When companies focus on products, the human factor is often an afterthought. But markets are ultimately driven by consumer demand and consumers are human. When we humans make buying decisions that align with our values we can change the world, we can influence election outcomes, and we can enrich the lives of others. To uncover the potential of this new way of spending currency, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about building strong connections and how to be compassionate while spending our time and money. Guests, Jane Mosbacher-Morris assists consumers with finding companies who align with their values and Adam Waytz shares suggestions on how we can all avoid the dehumanization currently afoot in today’s culture.

Working Smarter Not Harder: Mastering Mindful Productivity to Gain Precious Time with Dr. Bryan Robinson & Natalie Sisson

How many people have gone to their deathbed wishing they would have worked more and spent less time doing things they enjoyed? It’s probably safe to assume, not many people. So, why continue to reply to questions with “I’ve been busy”, “I haven’t had the time”, or “I can’t, I have to work”? Why do we voluntarily restrict our personal freedom for our work? Host Lisa Kamen speaks with two influencers who found ways to enjoy life more by injecting mindfulness and productivity into their work. Dr. Bryan Robinson describes his time as a workaholic and how he turned his life around when he set boundaries for himself. And, Natalie Sisson tells how she created her business, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, to run efficiently without her.

Tackling Tough Topics and Festering Feelings of Anxiety in Adults and Children with Dr. Abigail Gewirtz & Jordan Reid

Everyday situations and environments can evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and emotional turmoil that can lead to overwhelm if we don’t have the skills to properly process our emotions. And, with the constant barrage of information from all over the globe of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, how do we categorize what we are feeling and help our children to do the same? How do we build resiliency and strengthen our emotional well-being? Is laughter the best medicine? To track down tools to help us better manage our fears and redirect our attention to something more productive, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Abigail Gewirtz, an award-winning child psychologist, who creates skills-based programs for parents. And, Jordan Reid, a lifestyle blogger, and author, who pokes fun at her anxious nature and creates calming tools for other anxious people.

Wondery Presents: Business Wars--Playboy vs Penthouse with David Brown

We live in a time where you can watch the most explicit content on the same phone you use to call your mother. In our new exclusive series, Business Wars is taking you after-dark. To the heyday of the 1970s, when Playboy and Penthouse ruled the adult genre - and the line between sexy and obscene started just below a woman’s belly button. But when it comes to the boundaries of good taste, how are will founders Hugh Hefner and Bob Guccione go to expand their erotic empires?

Digital Declarations and Social Media Realities: Communicating with Civility in the Ethers and Beyond with Luvvie Ajayi and Professor Russell Golman

Socializing with friends can bring happiness and fulfillment to our lives. But when a large percentage of our friends exist only online, do we miss many of the rewarding aspects of friendship? When faced with hardship or tragedy can online support be enough to accommodate true healing? Where do we draw the line between virtual and physical connections? Do you know your online friends well enough to be able to reach out should they shut down their online presence? Host, Lisa Kamen welcomes two observers of digital declarations, Luvvie Ajayi and Professor Russell Golman. Luvvie takes a jocular punch at social media realities and hashtag madness and Professor Golman describes how our digital behavior corresponds to happiness and our collective welfare.

Joy on Purpose: Building a Culture of Happiness for Personal and Professional Success with Rich Sheridan and James Goebel

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with purpose or to gain joy from your work? What if you felt a deep sense of transparency, valued communication, and trust with the people you work with? How would your home life change if you came home from work not needing to get a day’s worth of frustration off of your chest? To discover the benefits of creating and working in a joyful work environment, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two men who have first-hand experience with it, the founders of Menlo Innovations, James Goebel and Rich Sheridan. James and Rich describe the unique environment they have created at Menlo Innovations and why other companies tour their basement office for ideas and inspiration. The software company has a non-traditional workplace structure where team members work in pairs, projects are peer-reviewed, and the responsibility of human resources belongs to everyone. It is sophisticatedly simple.

Wondery Presents The Next Big Idea with Rufus Griscom

Hosted by Rufus Griscom, and featuring thought leaders Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Adam Grant, and Daniel Pink, The Next Big Idea brings you the most groundbreaking ideas that have the power to change the way you live, work and think. This week's episode features a conversation about the power of being "weird." Listen to the full episode here

Future Planning: Growing Better Services and Businesses Through Visioning with Ari Weinzweig

When we live a holistic life rooted in our beliefs there is no need for work-life balance. And, when our work is as rejuvenating to our mind as a long, sought-after vacation, negative stressors are null. For some, it is possible to consider time a gift instead of a scarcity and to bask in the creative glow that is the positive human experience. To find out more about how hope and thought are interwoven into the art that is everyday life, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen sits down with founding partner of Zingerman’s community of businesses, Ari Weinzweig. Ari employs visioning to grow his extensive list of services and believes his work in life is to help others succeed.

Positive Changes in Corporate Culture: Allowing Inclusiveness, Equality, and Joy to Reign Supreme with, Dan Roman, Scott Krumrei, Ruta Gokhale and Jane Ziolkowski

In this episode: •Integrity and vulnerability in corporate culture •Team work - advantages of pairing up in the workplace •Creating an environment where inclusiveness and equality are valued •Connection between workplace satisfaction and happy homelife

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Find Your Winning Mindset with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: •Brief history of Positive Psychology •PERMA Mindset •Finding life satisfaction •Investing in positive emotions

Breaking Yourself Wide Open to Create Personal and Professional Greatness with Diana Wong Ph.D. and Darrin Tulley

In this episode: ●Core elements of a visionary business leader ●Fostering an environment where everyone feels connected, appreciated and valued ●Breaking yourself open personally and professionally ●Strategic planning for implementing positive change in business and life

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Transforming Your Pent Up Emotions and Igniting Your Creativity with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: •The comfort of reconnecting to your childhood hobbies •Ignite creativity be learning something new •Release pent up emotions while finding your passion project •Nesting, repurposing and getting creative with what’s available at home

Redefining Wealth: Intelligent Financial Planning and Purposeful Life Design with Jean Chatzky and Ida Abbott, J.D.

In this episode: •Intelligent financial planning for women •Strategies for women to get paid their worth •Purposeful life design for now & golden years •Redefining wealth

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Setting Aside Pent Up Emotions and Ignite Your Creativity with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: •Finding happiness through practicing presence •Using negative emotions to catalyze positive growth •The advantage to acknowledging feelings, then moving on •Committing to just one minute a day of presence benefits mind, body and soul

Media Art as Therapy: When Movies and Books Become Treatment with Lisa Bahar LMFT and Jenni Ogden Ph.D.

In this episode: •How our minds are influenced by all types of media •Sparking psychological healing through fictional novels •Being mindful of the media your mind is exposed to •Finding a therapeutic novel sans therapist

Wondery Presents The Daily Smile with Nikki Boyer

Wondery has a great new podcast that’s sure to bring a smile to your face. Everyone needs a reminder about just how good people can be. On Wondery’s new series The Daily Smile, host Nikki Boyer brings you stories that will make you feel good each weekday morning. With interviews, inspiring clips, and chats with special guests and passionate friends, The Daily Smile takes you on a journey into goodness, gives you all the feels, and will leave you with a smile on your face. Listen to the full episode:

Medical Miracles: Spontaneous Healing and the Race for a Cure with Jeffrey Rediger MD and Dr. David Fajgenbaum

In this week’s episode: Where divinity meets science Spontaneous healing and remission of terminal disease A physician’s account of his own near-death experience Belief triumphing over disease

Tapping Into the Precious Value of Human Connectedness with Rob Lawless and Aliza Kline

In this week’s episode: •Building strong connections during Covid-19 •Celebrating with new rituals •Lending an ear so others feel heard •Creating community-wellness

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Maintaining Strategic and Solid Nutrition with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: •Tips for maintaining solid nutrition during quarantine

Cultivating the Courage to Change and Breaking Destructive Cycles that Bind Us with Ken D. Foster, Dr. Seth Kadish, and Teri Jensen MFT

n this episode: •Breaking destructive cycles •Overcoming fear and shame •Recognizing your patterns •Embodying courage and making change

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Exercising During Quarantine with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: •Using exercise to ward off depression, anxiety and improve sleep •Benefits of spending time outdoors while social distancing •Breaking exercise into smaller chunks to fit busy schedule •Free online fitness routines are just a YouTube video away

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: The Golden Rule with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: • Random acts of kindness • Containing and channeling fear • Maintaining a sense of wellbeing

Understanding the Biology of Trauma and Science of Healing with James S. Gordon MD and Gary Roe

In this week’s episode: ▪ Biological effects of trauma ▪ Turning past pain into purpose ▪ Using food to heal your body and mind ▪ Practicing forgiveness and gratitude

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Staying Connected with Lisa Cypers Kamen & Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: •Making real phone calls •Virtual dinners and cocktail hour via Zoom •Reaching out to elders and those isolated solo

Interrupt the Cycle of Self-Sabotage and Create Your Own Luck with Gary John Bishop, Gay Hendricks, and Carol Kline

In this episode: •Overcoming self-criticism and doubt •Manifesting luck into your life •Practicing radical gratitude •Core shifts and daily practices to make shift happen

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Logical Provisioning with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode: Taking inventory of your pantry and freezer Planning meals around what's available at your local market Getting creative with what you've got on hand

Food Power: Consciously Feeding Ourselves to Optimize Health and Healing with Dr. Rupy Aujla, MD and Sophie Egan

In this week’s episode: • Conscious eating benefits to our bodies and our environment • Setting a lifestyle that supports healthy eating • Culinary medicine’s role in disease prevention • Deciphering food labels and minimizing food waste

Positively Contagious BONUS EPISODE: Managing Fear and Anxiety During Covid-19 with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode you will learn: Clarity about social distancing Taking extra precautions to keep your household members safe Managing the monkey mind through yoga, meditation, breathing and exercise Coming to terms with reality

Emotional Triage: How to Stay Mentally Healthy, Strong, and Balanced Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic with Professor Catherine A. Sanderson

In this week’s episode: • Surviving and thriving during COVID-19 • 2020 World Happiness Report • Why adversity is an essential part of happiness • Unexpected silver linings

Being Purposeful: Applying Yourself to What Matters Most with Vic Strecher

In this week’s episode: •Finding your own purpose •Creating a purposeful organization •Scientifically proven benefits of living a purposeful life •Why hedonistic happiness isn’t sustainable

Understand and Activate Your Subconscious Mind with Dr. Mike Dow & Mark Gober

In this week’s episode: • How our conscious and subconscious minds differ • Subconscious Visualization Technique • The connection between science and spirituality • Finding peace through release of negative memories

Learning to Grow Vital Relationships Through Conversations That Matter with Celeste Headlee & Ronald J. Frederick

In this week's episode: Effects of early relationships with caregivers and your communication style Becoming a better listener and conversationalist Cultivating your own emotional mindfulness The art of serotonin inducing conversation

Wondery Presents The School of Greatness With Lewis Howes

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes is the best place to learn how to dream bigger, live better, and make an impact. The show features conversations with world-class game changers, and dives into topics from entrepreneurship and inspiration, to health and relationships. Subscribe today at:

Coming Home to Yourself: Realize Your Purpose at Any Age with Lalah Delia and Lucinda Bakken White

In this episode: •Re-engaging with your authentic self •Raising your energetic vibration •Finding your authentic wildness •Using mindfulness and intention to enlighten

Management As a Calling: Yielding Positive Performance Through Positive Leadership with Kim Cameron and Andy Hoffman

In this week’s episode: •Business sustainability models •Positive organization dynamics •Conducting business with the betterment of society in mind •Making a difference in climate change

A New, Holistic Path to Healing and Lifelong Vitality with Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams and Stefanie Arend

In this week’s episode: •Fundamentals of well-being •Holistic practices for self-healing •Yin Yoga for restoration and preventative health care •Relationship between sleep and healing

How to Cultivate Love, Peace and Compassion in a World Full of Pain and Restlessness with Dr. Ravi Chandra and Lama Palden

In this week’s episode: • Giving compassion to those we find challenging • Why we hold our breath when anxious • Social media’s toxic effect on relationships •Ideas of equality and happiness as expressed in Declaration of Independence

Activating the Heart’s Intelligence: How to Reconnect to Your Inner Wisdom with Alethea Black and Howard Martin

In this week’s episode: •Quantum mechanics •Transformation through the heart •Accessing our inner GPS via intuition •Personal electromagnetic fields

Restoring the Health and Power of Your True Self: How to Let Go of the Past so You Can Start Thriving Today with Dr. Christiane Northrup and Renee Linnell

In this week’s episode: •How to get rid of an energy vampire •Replenishing the empath spirit •Effectively setting boundaries •Creating space for nourishing the soul

Entrepreneurs Who Think Big and Start Simple: How to Successfully Launch Your New Business with Jim Price

In this week’s episode: •Innovation in the start-up business model •Positively changing workplace imbalance •Advancing women and people of color to the C-Suite •Creating businesses that enrich communities

Life-Changing Lessons to Live by: How to Laugh and Love Your Way to Sustainable Happiness with Dr. David Levy, Ph.D. and Tal Ben-Shahar

In this week’s episode: Real relationships promote sustainable happiness Gratification and joy from living in the moment Surprising current happiness statistics Valuable life lessons and wisdom from the barber chair

Investigating What’s Happening in American Politics and Taking Direct Action for Global Awakening with David Cay Johnston and Monk Yun Rou

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Authentic journalism and truth in reporting •Compassionate communication •How individuals can make a positive impact in our society •Strength in the Taoist principle of leading by example

The Science of Financial Success and the Art of Making Money with Ken Honda and Ramit Sethi

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Healthy appreciation of money Making your interests an investment How to take complete control of your money Sustainable habits to create financial wellbeing

Listener Favorite: Finding Synchronicity: The Connection Between Spirituality, Positive Psychology, and Quantum Physics with Dr. Amit Goswami & Dr. Oliver Robinson

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Living in flow •Misunderstandings about happiness •Using intuition and intellect •Personal darkness – exploring and deriving joy from it

Listener Favorite: The Science of Happiness: Strategies for Life Satisfaction with Dr. Catherine Sanderson, Ph.D. & Dr. Jennifer Guttman

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •The science of happiness •Components of sustainable life satisfaction •Using your thoughts to change outcomes •Maintaining true happiness

Raising the Happiness Bar and Forging Financial Freedom for the World's Workers in Today's Economy with Sue Ashford and Ach Adhvaryu

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Best practices for navigating the gig economy •Connection between worker wellbeing and customer satisfaction •Benefits and downsides to gig economy •Successful workplace interventions

Strengthening Your Intuition for Guidance, Healing, and Happiness with Bill Bennett and Paul Selig

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Cultivating your intuition •Tapping into your inner guide •Releasing your prior programming •The Personal Guidance System Movie

Introducing Energy Medicine Yoga and Advanced Techniques for Optimal Health with Dominique Antiglio and Lauren Walker

In this episode you will learn about: •Sophrology •Connection between religion, spirituality, and quantum physics •How technology can compromise self-worth •How energy works within the body

What It Means to Be Truly Alive: An Exploration of the Ideal Human Experience with Ami Dar and Chad Gabriel

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Finding true enjoyment in your human experience •Connecting with others to promote generosity and respect •The importance in focusing on commonalities while embracing differences •The personal gain in helping others overcome personal challenge

The Stuff That Shapes Who We Are and How to Make Positive Changes Stick with Wendy Wood Ph.D. and Bill Sullivan

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Changing habits successfully •Hidden forces that make us who we are •Creating long-lasting habits •The relationship between generational trauma and DNA

Home for the Holidays: The Art of Hosting and Creating an Atmosphere for Celebration with Jenni Kayne and Alex Hitz

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Finding your own style without being overly done-up •What you should always have on hand for a perfect dinner party •The element of surprise and why it’s important •Creating a seamless event

Powering the Supply Chain through Conscious Consumerism and Ethical Capitalism with Jane Mosbacher-Morris and Adam Waytz

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Changing the world through what we buy Aligning products with personal values Shared humanity The true cost of a purchase

Positivity, Productivity, and Potential in Company Culture: How to Change the DNA of Your Organization so You Can Grow with Aaron Dignan and Claudette Rowley

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Creating an atmosphere that fosters personal connection Culture challenges within today’s workplace Facilitating positive changes within corporate structure What defines a healthy working atmosphere

Educating Couples to Get the Love They Want: How to Breakthrough the Woes and Sustain Intimate Relationships with Dr. Harville Hendrix, Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, and Dr. Gary Salyer

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •How early childhood love imprints on our brain •Creating a sustainable loving partnership •Neuroplasticity and brain rewiring •Effective, kind conflict resolution

Happiness Meets Horror: Why People Enjoy Being Scared with S.A. Bradley and James Kendrick Ph.D.

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Why do we love to be scared by movies? Our attraction to the psychotic Differences in how each gender interprets horror What happens in our brain when we watch

Children Are Wired Differently: Nurturing Neurodiversity as a Natural Solution to Behavior Challenges with Dr. Nicole Beurkens and Debbie Reber

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •The role of nutrition in creating good brain health for your child •Advocating for your neurologically-diverse child •Nurturing your Neuro-diverse child •Taking care of yourself while meeting your child’s needs

The Power of Patience and the Science of Resilience: How We Create Our Own Success with Rich Karlgaard and Dr. Michael Ungar

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Advantages of hitting your stride later in life •The science of resilience •Resources for relief for the weary sandwich generation •Prefrontal cortex’s key role in when and how we develop

The Journey from Grief to Healing: Finding Hope and Encouragement in Times of Loss with Dr. Gail Gross and Gary Roe

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Healing your life after loss •Stages of grief •Connecting with others during grief •Expressing grief

Upgrading Modern Leadership and Company Culture for More Mindfulness, Compassionate Communication, and Joy with Rich Sheridan & Marc Lesser

In this week’s episode you will learn about: The difference between a boss and a leader Applying emotional intelligence to leadership What makes a truly great team Making room for zen and mindfulness in the workplace

Discovering the Power of Words and How Reading Aloud Impacts Our Hearts and Minds with Meghan Cox Gurdon and Tim Lomas

In this episode you will learn about: The positive impact of reading aloud to young and old alike The connection between happiness and what we hear Using words to create a positive human connection The world map of language

Ageless Beauty: What Every Woman Over 40 Needs to Know About Mid-life Sex, Menopause, and More with Dr. Tara Allmen and Dr. Emily Schryer

In this week’s episode, you will learn about: Perimenopause and menopause Why how we feel about ageing matters Living libido loca - managing shifts in sexual desire Accepting maturation and ageing gracefully

Nutrition and Mental Health: The Crucial Connection Between Your Brain and Your Gut with Dr. Gill Hart and Dr. Emeran Mayer

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Food intolerance vs food allergy The intimate relationship between the mind and the gut Gut inflammation and mental illness Connection between stress and disease

Dying Well in America: How to Find a Divine Path to the End of Life with Rev. Dr. Herbert Anderson and Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter MD

In this week’s episode, you will learn about: Palliative care and the quality it brings to end of life Conversing about end of life wishes with loved ones Reframing and embracing death as a part of life Modern medical practitioners meeting the needs of patients and caregivers

Practicing Positive Psychology and Mindfulness to Build Long-lasting, Loving Relationships with James Pawelski, Ph.D. and Suzie Pileggi Pawelski and Dr. Cheryl Fraser

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Rekindling a long term relationship Pitfalls to avoid so your relationship isn’t sabotaged Making a solid foundation for a successful long-term relationship The art of seduction

The Truth about Self-awareness: How to Communicate Better at Home so You Can Succeed in Life with Dr. Tasha Eirich and Eric Maisel, PhD

In this week’s episode you will learn about: • Increasing your internal and external awareness • What true self-awareness really is • How your personality type affects your family • How to thrive in ANY family situation

Sound Sleep and Sacred Rest: How to Restore Your Sanity and Sustain a Healthy Lifestyle with Dr. Meir Kryger and Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

n this week’s episode you will learn about: The difference between sleep and rest Different types of rest Exercise’s role in our ability to rest Sleep hygiene – what it is and how to do it well

Approaching How We Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease in a New Light of Hope with Dr. Gayatri Devi and Dr. Eitan Okun

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s disease •Best practices in supporting the patient •The connection between depression and Alzheimer’s •Potential Alzheimer’s vaccine update

The Aftermath of Trauma: How to Recover, Rewire, and Thrive in Our Relationships with the Self and Others with Dr. Tian Dayton & Dr. Michelle Stevens

In this episode you will learn about: •Healing from childhood trauma •How childhood trauma affects self-regulation •Insights about child molesters •Traumas that are easily overlooked

Exploring the Scientific Formula for Happiness, Transcendental Consciousness, and Enlightenment with Dr. Susan Shumsky & Leonard Perlmutter

In this episode you will learn about: Transcendental Meditation Connecting with your inner guide The 4 Functions of the human mind Yoga science

The Mind and Body in Balance: What Modern Medicine Must Learn from Ancient Science with Tiffany Cruikshank and Ed Harrold

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Using your own energy for self-regulation •Balancing mind and body through breathwork •Medicinal benefits of yoga •Harnessing the power of your own mind to reach your potential

Releasing Emotional Clutter: The Power of Self-care to Improve Your Relationships at Work and at Home with Kate Northrup and Laura Carlin

In this episode you will learn about: •Using energy cycles to your advantage •Decluttering for good •Reaching peak efficiency •Ending the busyness obsession

Guiding Children to Live with Compassion: How Educators Can Teach Universal Love and Acceptance with Craig Pomranz and Ariane DeBonvoisin

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Self-discovery •Being a supportive parent •Skills needed by humanity •Tuning in to essential joy

How to Keep the Rhythm: Music for Environmental Consciousness and Peaceful, Global Change with Ricky Kej and Jeff Oster

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Using creativity to impact social change •Environmental awareness •Resisting temptation to conform •Positively changing the future of our planet

The Art and Science of Love: How to Improve Your Most Important Relationships with Dr. John Gottman, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, and Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman

In this week’s episode you will learn about: • Love’s chemical reaction in the brain • Refiring the passion in long term love • Predicting relationship success • The addictive side of love

The Man Crisis: What Misandry Means for the Future of Education, Politics, and Culture with Dr. Warren Farrell and Dr. Paul Nathanson

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Benefits of father’s parenting style •Why boys are falling behind in America •Creating a healthy identity in boys •Making societal messages better for our boys

Regain Mental Mastery and Stop Self-sabotaging Behavior by Reprogramming Your Monkey Mind for Success with JF Benoist and Todd Herman

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Breaking free from your past programming •How self-perception affects actions •Discovering your authentic self •Using breath work to manipulate your monkey mind

Talk about Feeling Better: How Self-worth Improves Your Relationships and Beats Depression with Lori Gottlieb and Dr. Ron Frey

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Finding the right kind of therapy •Interpersonal therapy •A therapist’s view on therapy – her own and yours •Differences between externally and internally referenced therapies

Finding Your Tribe: The Importance of Building Strong Connections to Help Our Communities Thrive with Radha Agrawal and Dr. Ann Steiner

In this episode you will learn about: •Self-awareness •Benefits of finding your tribe •Healthy conflict •Showing up for others

Listening to Your Inner Wisdom: How to Connect to the Power of Your Heart with Howard Martin & Lee McCormick

In this episode you will learn about: •Drawing from your core intelligence •Stripping away long-held beliefs •What science says about the heart connection •The role of intuition in emotional intelligence

Working Through Traumatic Experiences to Heal Your Heart, Mind, and Body with Dr. Peter Levine & Jackson MacKenzie

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Using somatic experiencing to heal from trauma •PTSD symptoms and triggers •Leaving a narcissist or sociopath •Surviving and regaining self-respect

Overcoming Adversity: Discover Your Authentic Self by Retraining Your Brain for Success and Sustainable Happiness with Amy Morin & Rachel Grant

In this episode you will learn about: •Building your mental muscle •Stripping away past influences •Differences between men and women in their resilience •Three stages of abuse recovery

Positive Business Building: Thriving Workplaces with a Culture of Joy with Rich Sheridan and Professor Gretchen Spreitzer

In this episode you will learn about: •Injecting positivity, flexibility and energy into your organization •How humanity and business can successfully coexist •Applying science to create a thriving workplace •Servant leadership – what is and isn’t

Finding Synchronicity: The Connection Between Spirituality, Positive Psychology, and Quantum Physics with Dr. Amit Goswami & Dr. Oliver Robinson

In this episode you will learn about: •Living in flow •Misunderstandings about happiness •Using intuition and intellect •Personal darkness - how to explore and enjoy it

Tapping into Your Creative Brain to Reach Your Full Potential with Dr. Mike Long, Ph.D. & Sam Bennett

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •The role of dopamine in our lives •Breaking free from conditional happiness •How to raise your dopamine levels •Finding your flow while leaving clutter behind

The Science of Happiness: Strategies for Life Satisfaction with Dr. Catherine Sanderson, Ph.D. & Dr. Jennifer Guttman

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •The science of happiness •Components of sustainable life satisfaction •Using your thoughts to change outcomes •Maintaining true happiness

Caring for Mother Nature: Cultivating Sustainable Well-being in Today’s Changing Climate with Phyllis Stiles & Woody Tasch

In this episode you will learn about: Investing in small, local farming communities Pollinator decline & why it matters How you can effect positive environmental social change Making an impact with your money

Strategic Communication that Builds Bridges and Activates Change with Justin Lee, Melanie Klein, and Marc Cordon

In this episode you will learn about: •Turning anger into positive change •Listening in order to create strategic dialogue •Building bridges between differing worlds •Being a change agent in your community

Raising Emotionally Fit and Mentally Strong Kids with Dr. Stuart Shanker and Maureen Healy PhD

In this episode you will learn about: •Building emotional health in children •Difference between stress behavior and misbehavior •Helping children integrate right & left brain decisions •What to do about dopamine hijackers

Love and Desire: The Juiciness of Passion at Work, Play, and at Home with Saida Désilets Ph.D. and Dr. Lissa Rankin

In this episode you will learn about: •Cultivating your own desires •Embracing internal divinity •True nature of desire •Connecting with your inner light

Living and Thriving Beyond Fear: Stress Less and Manage Uncertainty with Dean Sluyter and Martin Lang Ph.D.

In this episode you will learn about: Ways of deflating fear How rituals can increase or decrease anxiety & fear Snapping out of depression Reducing anxiety via ritualized collective movements

Meditation in Your Pocket: The Miracle of Mindfulness Apps for Better Living with Bill Gladstone, Jim Justice, and Anshul Koka

In this episode you will learn about: •Integration of collective consciousness into technology •Using an app to raise your awareness and viration •Why recently published books are shorter •How daily inspirations make a difference in our lives

Demystifying Depression: Surprising Symptoms and Unexpected Treatments with Dr. Margaret Rutherford and Johann Hari

In this week's episode you will learn about: • Expressing vulnerability to family & friends • Selecting a therapist • Real causes of depression and anxiety • Why so many are lonely nowadays

Work Less and Get More Done: The Keys to Conscious Productivity with Dr. Bryan Robinson and Natalie Sisson

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •Turning off work and turning on your life •Creating conscious productivity •Setting boundaries while working from home •Sales funnels and outsourcing

Feeding Your Brain, Building Your Body: 21st Century Health and Fitness with Mark Mattson Ph.D. and Gillian Goerzen

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •What current research concludes about intermittent fasting •Why compassion and self-acceptance matter for true fitness •Tools to help yourself adapt to a lifestyle change •How exercise and IF can help resolve depression

Honing Our Habits And Finessing Our Focus In The Digital Age With Chris Bailey And James Clear

In this episode you will learn about: • Ways to remain productive in this digital age • Distraction tamers and focus fixers • The correlation between habits and mastery • Creating and keeping new habits

Listener Favorite Returns: Lessons on Longevity: Finding the Fountain of Youth with Dr. Valter Longo and Dr. Mario Martinez

In this episode you will learn about: •Common characteristics of centenarians •The science of longevity •Positive brain changes through diet and nutrition •Relation between cultural upbringing and youthfulness Focus keyword: longevity

Listener Favorite Returns: Gut Check: Food for Thought About Your Diet and Health with Adam Brumberg and Dr. Gill Hart

In this episode you will learn about: Best practice food decisions to keep you happy & healthy Food intolerance and gut health The science of satiety What food marketers know about consumers

The Struggles of the Caregiver, the Search for a Cure: Two Responses to Alzheimer’s with Professor Eitan Okun and Simon McDermott

In this episode you will learn about: Often overlooked Alzheimer's symptoms What current research concludes about prevention and cure Sound advice for caregivers The promise of an Alzheimer's vaccine

How to Blaze a Trail to Your Own Personal Best with John Brenkus and Doug Vermeeren

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Blazing your own trail Changing your perception of the inevitable “no” Universal pillars of motivation Speed bumps – how to deal, recover & move forward

Digital Dalliances and Interpersonal Civility: Socializing in the 21st Century with Luvvie Ajayi and Professor Russell Golman

In this week’s episode you will learn about: How the internet can facilitate social change The good, bad and downright ugly about socializing on the internet The rewards of digital civility and incivility Behavioral economics and social norms

Clearing the Chaos to “Yes!”: How to Clean Up Your Parenting Style with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson and Julie Morgenstern

In this week’s episode you will learn about: •The true meaning of discipline •Time management while raising children •Building a foundation your child will thrive on •Teaching response rather than reaction

Afflicted and Addicted: Lusting to Feel Good and the Global Public Health Crisis of Substance Abuse with Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman MD, Mike Long and Travis Lupick

In this episode you will learn about: • Dopamine’s role in desire • The ADD/ADHD connection to addiction • How one city handles the crisis of substance abuse • The role of human suffering in addiction

Challenging Alcoholism: What Science Says and What Real People are Doing to Slay Alcohol Abuse with Dr. Lori Ducharme and Ruari Fairbarns

In this episode you will learn about: Modern alcoholism treatments Moving past shame and stigma into help Medically assisted treatment options Mind-shifting into an alcohol-free challenge

Anomalous Worlds: Exploring Parapsychology and Unexplained Psychic Phenomena with Prof. Eztel Cardeña and Rachel Stavis

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Parasychology Unexplained Psychic Phenomena Nurturing a child who is connected to spirit Releasing entities from human hosts

The Quantum Entanglement of Everything: Where Science and Consciousness Converge with Dr. Amit Goswami and Dr. Brian C Wilson

In this episode you will learn about: How Quantum physics addresses the meaning and purpose of life The interrelation between science and spiriuality Suffering that lead one of our leading doctors to spirituality and transformation The mind’s power over matter

Our Smartphones, Our Selves: How to Be a Happy Human in the Digital Era with Dr. Ravi Chandra and Amy Blankson

In this week’s episode you will learn about: Social media’s potential to brain hack Exercising compassion and finding self-satisfaction Being a happy human AND using technology can go hand in hand Being a conscious consumer when it comes go apps and gadgets

Media Mayhem: Truth, Lies, Perception and the Pursuit of Happiness with Dr. Judee Burgoon, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and David Cay Johnston

In this episode you will learn about: What truth is and when you know you’re hearing it The influence of perception on our ability to recognize facts What is cognitive bias? Techniques used to alter your perception

Invisibly Wounded: New Frontiers in Healing Trauma with Dr. Guy Macpherson, Terriann Walling and George Gerard

In this week’s episode you will learn about: ⦾ Various types of trauma ⦾ Healing the wounds of trauma ⦾ Restorative poetry ⦾ Being a trauma worker

Hard Truths and Life Lessons: Hip Memoirs of Extraordinary Experiences with Neil Strauss and Tina Alexis Allen

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Ways family dynamics shape relationship choices ⦾ Benefits of group therapy in addiction recovery ⦾ Life lessons and healing ⦾ Secret dealings of a major religious institution

The Heart of Consciousness: Where Science and Spirituality Converge with Dr Eben Alexander, Karen Newell and Dr Jacob Israel Liberman

In this week's episode you will learn about: Using your conscious power to chart the course of your life Getting in touch with your neutral inner observer Emotional health and Optimum health Reintegrating life’s stressors to facilitate positive change

Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG): Moving from Tragedy to Triumph with Kristine Carlson and Dr. Erica Miller

In this episode you will learn about: How surviving the holocaust made one woman strong and fearless Finding courage to face life’s challenges Reaching joy in grief Gaining new strength from Post-Traumatic Growth

A Discomforted Mind: Demystifying Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with Lily Bailey and Dr Elizabeth McIngvale

In this week's episode you will learn about: What OCD really is Helpful CBT and lifestyle routines Response Prevention Treatment What can trigger OCD

HHTR Flashback Favorite – Kitchen Wisdom: Exploring Food as Connection, Creation, and Celebration in the Heart of the Home with Kenji Lopez-Alt and Dan Pashman

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 29, 2018  Creating delicious dishes for family and friends and entertaining effortlessly has always been part of host Lisa Cypers Kamen’s life. Listen as she gleans kitchen wisdom and mindful eating tips from experts Kenji Lopez-Alt and Dan Pashman in our final HHTR Flashback Episode. In this episode you will learn about: ● Myths about preparing and cooking steak ● Egg-celent advice about the versatile egg ● Universality and community of the eating experience ● Favorite food traditions

HHTR Flashback Favorite - Launching Kids into Life: Supporting Our Children as They Transition Back to School and Beyond with Jessica Lahey & Julie Lythcott Haims

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Breaking free from overparenting ⦾ Extolling resilience over perfection ⦾ Broadening your child’s view of success ⦾ Allowing space and opportunity for failure

HHTR Flashback Favorite – Beneath the Human Hood: The Brain is a Marvelous Machine with Dr Todd Kashdan and Don J Goewey

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ What is wholeness? ⦾ Moving from comfort addiction to resilience ⦾ How you can change your brain structure ⦾ Ending stress and moving into calm

HHTR Flashback Favorite- Making a Millennial Living: How the Gig Economy Offers Financial Opportunity with Natalie Sisson and Diane Mulcahy

In this week's episode you will learn about: Running a successful business from anywhere across the globe Connecting without networking What the “suitcase” life really looks like Understanding and thriving in a gig economy

HHTR Flashback Favorite: Go Felicitate Yourself: Making Happy Happiness Happen with Michelle Gielan, Lisa Cypers Kamen and Rick Hanson

In this week’s episode you will learn about: ⦾ Conditioning your brain into happiness ⦾ Evolution of the human negativity bias ⦾ Seeing your past as a reference point, not a destination ⦾ Creating your own happiness revolution

HHTR Flashback Favorite - Bodies in Action: The Strength-Building and Soul-Sustaining Food Choices for Well-Being with Rebecca Scritchfield & Dr. Drew Ramsey

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 18, 2018  In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾  Food choices and mental health ⦾ Fighting your “thought bully” ⦾ Dietary supplements to help mood ⦾ Finding workable self-care goals

HHTR Flashback Favorite - Perfectly Imperfect: Accidental Masterpieces, Careless Geniuses and Fortunate Mistakes Dr. Srini Pillay & Sarah Lewis PhD

In this week’s episode you will learn about: ⦾ Food choices and mental health ⦾ Fighting your “thought bully” ⦾ Dietary supplements to help mood ⦾ Finding workable self-care goals

HHTR Flashback Favorite - Mental Illness: The Disease That Does Not Discriminate with Jamie Tworkowski & Dr. Adele Ryan McDowell

Bridging the gap between traditional treatment and real life Making peace following suicidal loss Finding hope and help Understanding what leads to suicide

Constructive Conflict: Effectively Managing Change through Reverent Communication with Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes and Jonathan Robinson

Top five things not to do when talking with your partner Doubling your relationship love 8n one minute a day Finding the root of conflict and how to resolve it Effective communication despite different styles

Lessons on Longevity: Finding the Fountain of Youth with Dr. Valter Longo and Dr. Mario Martinez

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 20, 2018  In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾  Programmed longevity and juventology ⦾ You are not helplessly sentenced by your genetics ⦾ Ageing vs growing old - yes, there's a difference ⦾ Connection between cultural beliefs and our immune system

Gut Check: Food for Thought About Your Diet and Health with Adam Brumberg and Dr. Gill Hart

In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾  Food intolerance - symptoms and detection   ⦾ What impacts your eating decisions ⦾ Gut health-mental health connection ⦾ Creating a healthier eating environment 

Rebel Rousers and Shift-Stirrers: Why Positive Disruption is the Lemonade of Life with Daniel Burrus and Francesca Gino

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 6, 2018  In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾  Anticipating instead of reacting  ⦾ Principles of rebel leadership ⦾ The transformative power of engagement  ⦾ Being an opportunity manager

Peaceful Endings: Making Bold Choices about Life as We Age and Before We Go with Dr. Sam Harrington MD and Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter MD

In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾  Hospice, critical and palliative care medicine  ⦾ American health care and the elderly ⦾ Dealing with and understanding the diagnosis ⦾ What to expect at the end of life

Matchmaker Matchmaker Make Me a Match: Tales of Love and Romance with Cristina Pineda and Penrose Halson

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 23, 2018                                                                           In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Matchmaker secrets to finding love ⦾ Maintaining your soul while finding your soulmate ⦾ When to call it quits ⦾ True love connection and failure stories

Appearances DO Matter: Good Design Does a Body and Soul Good with India Hicks, Pamela Pekerman and Sally Augustin PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 16, 2018                                                                           In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Lifestyle branding ⦾ Female entrepreneurship ⦾ The science of color ⦾ Creating your own style

Finding Your Flow: Why Wanderlust and Wonder Creates Happiness with Jon Levy and Mike Rucker PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 9, 2018                                                                           In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ The one drink hypothesis ⦾ Fun's relationship to happiness ⦾ Why peak experiences are so important ⦾ The science of adventure

Changing the World: Millennials Making a Difference with Zak Dychtwald, Vivi Tomasi and Fiona Rene

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 2, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Distinct differences between "New China" and "Old China" ⦾ Why millennials are motivated to work harder and be better  ⦾ Social media influencers - what they are and why they matter ⦾ Millennial attitudes on social consciousness and speaking up & out

Financial Fitness: Money Management and Investment Strategies for a Secure Retirement with Danielle Town and Julie Jason

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 25, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Financial Fitness through education and financial literacy ⦾ Taking the first step and moving past your resistance   ⦾ Avoiding financial scams and shams ⦾ Hiring a financial advisor 

Mindful Magic: Meditation and the Maharishi with Dr Danny Penman and Dr Susan Shumsky

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 18, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Mindfulness - what it is and isn't ⦾ What it's like to experience transcendental consciousness  ⦾ Maharishi's celebrity relationships  ⦾ Meditation for beginners

Practical Spirituality: Lights, Camera, Have Your “Aha!” Moment with Agapi Stassinopoulos and Ken Baker

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 11, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Shifting from worry to joy ⦾ Practical Spirituality ⦾ Learning self-care  ⦾ Creating your own support tribe 

Rest, Sleep and Restore Yourself to Better Health with Dr. Elliott Alpher & Dr Sandra Dalton Smith

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 4, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ The link between poor sleep and depression ⦾ Why sleep differs from rest and how to use both to restore your energy ⦾ How your sleep habits affect your partner ⦾ Natural vs OTC & Pharmaceutical sleep aids 

Modern Mind Hacking: We Are What We Consume with Dr Robert Lustig and Moran Cerf PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, March 28, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Consumer behavior ⦾ How did our minds get hacked?  ⦾ The role of sensations and perceptions ⦾ Managing the reward system 

Our Glorious Guts, Our Biomes, Our Selves with Dr Erika Angle and Dr Emeran Mayer

In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Creating and maintaining internal wellness ⦾ Finding a diet that is optimal for biome & brain ⦾ Scientific evidence proving the importance of the gut microbiome ⦾ Selecting supplements for optimal health 

Demystifying and Dialoguing About Alzheimer’s and other Dementias with Dr Gayatri Devi and Dan Perkins

Original Air Date Wednesday, March 14, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Helping your child understand what's really going on ⦾ Remembering the person behind the disease ⦾ Physical and mental exercises to stave off Alzheimer's ⦾ What happens to children when parents become caregivers for their parents

Pop Culture Psych 101: Using the Silver Screen as a Vehicle for Self-Discovery with Travis Langley PhD and Lisa Bahar MFT

Original Air Date Wednesday, March 7, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Using pop culture in psychology ⦾ Cinema therapy ⦾ Free will vs actions determined by influence ⦾ Using a connection to a film character to break down emotional walls

Pussyhats and Other Symbols of Strength: Achieving and Maintaining Sexual and Civic Power with Krista Suh and Dr Jeanine Staples

n this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The fragmented self and how to restore your inner life ⦾ Pussyhats and modern feminism ⦾ The role of emotional literacy in civic power ⦾ Shifting, stirring and creating change

Listener Favorite Returns: Developing Discernment: Uncovering Misinformation and Lies in Government and Media with Ed Brodow and Gene Stone

Original Air Date Wednesday, February 21, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Recognizing media spin ⦾ Supporting freedom of speech without political correctness ⦾ Making a difference by getting involved in local politics ⦾ Communicating effectively with  elected officials

A Valentine’s Day Special: Living in Love, Being in Love, Making Love with Dr James and Suzann Pawelski and Dr Saida Désilets

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Living in love - Aristotelian style ⦾ Sexual sovereignty ⦾ Gratitude's role in a relationship ⦾ Using positive psychology to create happiness together

Faithful, Healthy, and Wise: Get Well and Get Smart Being a Spiritual Being with Jeff Anderson Md, PhD and Dr Anna Yusim

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Changes in brain activity when feeling spiritually moved ⦾ Reconciling the dichotomy between medicine and spiritual beliefs ⦾ Using psychology and spirituality to get well ⦾ What cross-cultural neurobiological studies show about religious behavior

Hey, Mom! Burned Out? How to Recharge and Fall Back in Love with Your Life with Lisa Druxman and Tammy Halton Pardee

Original Air Date Wednesday, January 31, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Falling back in love with motherhood ⦾ Creating the right environment ⦾ Letting go of built up stressors to yield positive change ⦾ Balancing motherhood, work and life's curves

Healthful Transitions: Moving Towards Emotional and Physical Fitness with Dr William Pullen and Christmas Abbott

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Keys to developing emotional and physical fitness ⦾ Creating your legacy ⦾ Learning to move mindfully ⦾ Reconnecting with buried feelings as you exercise

Surprise! Humility and Heart Wins in the Workplace with Todd Davis and Sheila Heen

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Leading with humility and heart in the workplace and beyond ⦾ Dismantling your own distortions ⦾ Understanding the quality of relationships and how to evaluate them ⦾ Triggers that block feedback

Backstage and in the Spotlight, Living the Dream in the Performance Arts with Normand Latourelle, Fiona Hawkins & Jeff Oster

Original Air Date Wednesday, January 3, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Reinventing the performance arts ⦾ Successful solo artists working together as a cohesive group ⦾ Showcasing the elegant, playful relationship between man and horse ⦾ Setting the Flow theory to music

What's in Store for 2018? Follow Your Stars with Chris Flisher and Larry Schwimmer

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Following your stars: using your chart as a personal how to manual ⦾ Mercury retrograde - what it is and how to use to you advantage  ⦾ 12 zodiac houses and how their meaning applies to you ⦾ What to expect from a professional astrology reading

How Secrets and Shame Make All of Us Sick: Spotlight on Mental Illness with Dr Patrick Corrigan and David Liete

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Secrets and shame associated with mental illness ⦾ How the early onset of manic depression felt for one man ⦾ Coming out with sexual identity and mental illness ⦾ Research proven stigma reduction strategies

Choosing Joy, Choosing Love with Doug Abrams and Scott Stabile

In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Choosing to find joy and love during these uncertain times ⦾ Spreading love despite enduring tragedy ⦾ Why joy is a state of being more so than an emotion ⦾ Healing wounds through honesty and truth

Earn Globally Learn Locally, : New Partnerships, Greater Innovations in the New Economy with Helena Norberg-Hodge and Jonathan Starr

In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Creating and maintaining a successful school system in the US ⦾ Turning an abstract vision into reality ⦾ Using tools as individuals to resist corporate power ⦾ Connecting the dots to see beyond single issues and view global issues clearly

Moving from Chaos to Clarity: Un-effing yourself to get over it and on with it! with Gary John Bishop & Christine Hassler

Original Air Date Wednesday, November 29, 2017  In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾Un-effing yourself to get over it and on with it ⦾ Leveraging disappointment to gain from it ⦾ Being what you do instead of your thoughts ⦾ Taming an expectation hangover

Sexy Through the Ages: Maintaining Your Love Life After Midlife with Dr Lori Brotto & Dr Emily Schryer

In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Maintain your sexy as you age ⦾ Keeping positive attitude on ageing for better results ⦾ Continued engagement and enjoyment of sex through the ages ⦾ Mindfulness CBT to heal sexual trauma

Creating Legends and Family Lore: Why Storytelling Traditions Persist with Nick Baum & Amy Hale Auker

In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Preserving family memories ⦾ Using the art of storytelling to connect ⦾ Why digital might not be the best way to preserve memories ⦾ Creating a stronger bond through sharing of family history

Everyone Is Stressed Out and Tired: Channel That Energy, Strengthen Your Body & Sharpen Your Mind with Dr Kelly McGonigal and Tony Horton

Original Air Date Wednesday November 1, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about:  ⦾ Self compassion and the basis for meaningful change ⦾ 11 laws that will change your life ⦾ How to do your best & forget the rest ⦾ The science behind willpower & how to leverage it

Forget About What Your Mother Said: Why Talking to Strangers is Good for You with Amy Morin MA and Kio Stark

Original Air Date Wednesday October 25, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The emotional benefits of talking with strangers ⦾ How to teach stranger safety without evoking fear ⦾ Strategies to get over your hesitation of talking with strangers ⦾ Best places to start a conversation with a stranger

Calming Yourself, Calming Others: Self-Awareness and Diplomacy in These Less Civil Times with Dr Tasha Eurich and Douglas Noll JD, MA

Original Air Date Wednesday October 18, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ What real self-awareness is and why it's so important ⦾ The fastest way to de-escalate an argument or conflict ⦾ Today's narcissism epidemic and how social media feeds it ⦾ Ignoring words, hearing emotions & why you need to do this

You and Your Money: You Can't Buy Happiness -- But How Would Financial Security Feel? with Harry S Dent Jr and T.R. Reid

Original Air Date Wednesday October 11, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Predicting a financial bubble & when it will crash ⦾ What taxes are good for ⦾ Booms, busts and the power of innovation ⦾ The 2017 tax code

You Don't Have Do Too Much to Get More Done: Simple Steps to Making Change Happen with Liz Wiseman and Jay Papasan

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Dealing with diminishers and minimizing their impact ⦾ Time-blocking - what it is & why it works ⦾ Simple Steps to Making Change ⦾ Putting ideas into action

Communication Brush-Up: The Art of Getting Through to Anyone with Eric Maisel & Sarah “Sam” Elliston

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Identifying and talking to difficult people without drama ⦾ Why family dynamics are difficult for so many ⦾ True incentives that make people change ⦾ The importance of family therapy

Sexy Beasts: Delving Into the Differences Between Men and Women with Dr Helen Fisher & Nina Hartley

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The difference between sexual fantasy and sexual craving ⦾ Slow love ⦾ Marital romance and long term passion ⦾ Healthy sexual practice

Sleep Hygiene and Wellness: Why Sleeping is Good for the Soul with Dr. Meir Kryger & Jim Brickman

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Finding calm amidst life's chaos ⦾ Sleep deprivation's relation to depression ⦾ Why sleep trackers aren't accurate ⦾ Creating better sleep hygiene in your home

Treat It Like Just Another Health Issue: Taking Mental Illness Out of the Closet with Dr. Patrick Corrigan & David Leite

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Stigma as it relates to mental illness ⦾ How the early onset of manic depression felt for one man ⦾ Coming out with sexual identity and mental illness ⦾ Research proven stigma reduction strategies

Sound Eating and Wholesome Thinking: Habits to Keep You Healthy with Dr Lissa Rankin and Dr. John La Puma

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 23, 2017 In this week's show you will learn about: ⦾ The truth about your health beliefs & habits ⦾ Creating all-star health for men ⦾ Counteracting your stress response ⦾ Mastering the male metabolism & mojo

Examining Tribal Medicine as Alternative Treatments for Addiction & Mental Illness with Rachel Harris PhD & Dr Ocatvio Rettig Hinojosa

Original Air Date Wednesday August 30, 2017 In this week’s episode you will learn about: ⦾ Therapeutic benefits of ancient medicines ⦾ 5-MeO-DMT as an effective drug addiciton treatment ⦾ Ahayuasca as treatment for depression, PTSD, anxiety & more ⦾ What an experience with ancient medicine is like

Spiritual Euphoria: The Neuroscience of Your Brain on God with Dr. Pamela Peeke & Dr. Jeffrey Anderson

Religious neuroscience Brain networks involved in spiritual feelings How spiritual feelings elevate mood Spirituality and body benefits

Women: Heroes at the Hearth, Heroes Making History With Deb DeWitz & Kate Quinn

Original Air Date August 9, 2017 In this show you will learn about: Unsung heroines of World War I Sharegiving – what is it and why is it important? Female sexuality during times of war Life-changing value of forming community with other women

The Quest for Consciousness–Investigating the Inner-Landscape with Don Jose Ruiz & Steve Taylor PhD

In this week's show you will learn about: What is means to be enlightened or awakened Using Toltec wisdom to influence modern thinking & consciousness Spotting a fraudulent spiritual teacher Attaining true freedom

Having It All and Being Super-Productive Without Running Yourself Ragged with William Ury & Charles Duhigg

In this week's show you will learn about: Breaking the destructive cycle of conflict Generating motivation in yourself and others Creating a cooperative dynamic Fostering creative pressure & why it's a good thing

What Does It Mean to be Muslim? Facts vs. Misconceptions About Islam with Haroon Moghul & Dalia Mogahed

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 19, 2017 In this week's radio show you will learn about: How women can and should work together to empower each other What it means to be Muslim in Trump's America Discussing & dealing with mental illness within the Muslim-American community Islamaphobia is a threat to all

The Mind-Brain Connection with Dr Dan Siegel & Dr James Doty

In this week's radio show you will learn about: How science defines what the mind is Neuroplasticity How internal dialogue shapes our view of self Benefits of compassion

Our Brothers' Keeper: Does the US Belong in Other Countries' Wars? with Steven Kinzer & Dr Daniel Rothbart

In this week's radio sh ow you will learn about: Why has the United States intervened so often in foreign lands? Who Dies in Armed Conflicts? How should we act today and in the future? Distinguishing the enemy from the innocent in war

Growing Healthy Habits: Live Longer, Live Younger with Dr Sharon Bergquist & Susan Pierce Thompson PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 28, 2017 During this week's radio show you will learn about: Bridging the willpower gap How the brain blocks weight loss Making diet changes in 40's and beyond Libido & sexual function as we age

Summer Eats: Cooking With Your Heart and Your Head with Kenji Lopez-Alt & Cara Mangini

Original Air Date June 21, 2017 During this week's radio show you will learn about: Using sound as a guideline for proper cutting & cooking techniques What everyone needs to know about selecting vegetables The science of selecting and preparing meat Vegetable butchery 101

Wild About Wonder Woman: Lassoing & Unleashing Your Inner Super Hero with Travis Langley and Dr. Philip Zimbardo

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The role of culture and gender in personal empowerment How Wonder Woman's relationship with mother & sisters influenced her Implementing change for a better tomorrow What pushes someone to act heroically on behalf of those in need?

Yoga for Everybody with Leonard Perlmutter & Jessamyn Stanley

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Yoga truly is for all body sizes & types The science of yoga Changing your perspective to change your experience The secret formula for happiness

Divorcing Happily Ever After with Erik Newton & Jill Sockwell

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Taming temporary chaos brought on by divorce The golden keys of acceptance, forgiveness and moving on Your TLC action plan Taking responsibility for your own experience

Resilience and Salvation: Overcoming Child Abuse with Dr Michelle Stevens, Rosie Maloney & Regina Calcaterra

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The dysfunction of our foster care system & what can be done Psychological symptoms of abuse & why victims don't usually come forward The cycle of abuse and it's relation to mental illness Misconceptions about abusers & what parents must watch for

Not Your Grandfather's 9-5 Job: Taking Care of Business on Your Own Terms with Disne Mulcahy & Kym Martin

Air Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Creating your own security Launching back in after a significant break Facing fear by reducing risk Re-crafting your career

News from the Front: Solving the Puzzle of Living With Parkinson’s with Dr Michael Okun & Mileha Soneji

Air Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Helping Parkinson’s patients retain their independence Advanced Deep Brain Stimulation Staircase illusion to ease walking Parkinson’s modifying drugs & biomarkers

Addicted to Numbing Through Pleasure Seeking with Arnie Wexler and Keith Whyte

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: What is problem gambling? Scientific findings that give understanding of this disorder What made a hard core problem gambler want to stop for good How gamblers and their loved ones can find recovery

Everything in Moderation: Achieving Balance through Recovery with Dr Gabor Maté & Turney Duff

Air Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why serenity matters more than happiness What destination addiction is Why self-value is often tied to money & possessions Focusing on the journey instead the end result

Hey, Baby, What's Your Sign? Astrology & Mercury Retrograde with Chris Flisher and Larry Schwimmer

During this week’s radio show you will learn about Inspiring curiosity through astrology What happens during Mercury Retrograde Using Astrology as a means of self-awareness Planning during Mercury Retrograde

Listener Favorite Returns: Love After Love, Love After Loss with Kristine Carlson and Susan Anderson

Original Air Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Steps to recover after heartbreak and painful abandonment How to find and love your new life What to do if you find yourself emotionally stuck Accepting that life has a divine order

Your Body: An Owner's Manual for Optimal Performance with Dr Sharon Bergquist and Rebecca Scritchfield RD

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Transforming your health from the inside out Properly nourishing your ageing body How changing the voice in your head will contribute to your success Recognizing normal body changes

A Positive Prescription - Hit the Re-Set Button and Find Wellness with Dr Samantha Boardman & Dr Peter Borten

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Incorporating wellness into all aspects of life Connecting with purpose Using sweetness, structure and space for life makeover Garnering joy in doing for others

Repairing, Rebuilding or Renewing: Jumpstart Your Spiritual Life with Rabbi Sherre Hirsch & Dave Schmelzer

Air Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Incorporating wellness into all aspects of life Connecting with purpose Using sweetness, structure and space for life makeover Garnering joy in doing for others

Celebrating United Nations' International Day of Happiness & the Practice of Sustainable Well-being with Guest Host Michelle Gielan & Maher Nasser

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The United Nations International Day of Happiness Lisa's New Book "Are We Happy Yet? Eight Keys to Unlocking a Joyful Life" The UN's World Happiness Report How to begin your personal evolution and find authentic happiness

Your Gut & Your Brain: New Frontiers in Healing Psychic Pain with Dr Jennifer Perusini & Dr Emeran Mayer

Air Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Psychobiotics How a bio-marker is being used to diagnose and treat PTSD Communication between the mind and the gut New research and developments in the treatment of PTSD

Why Is Science a Political Issue? Encouraging Enlightenment with Shawn Otto & Lawrence Krauss

Air Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The ideological war on science Lessons we can draw from the current state of humanity Scientific code of ethics The relationship between science and public policy

Making Peace with Your Mind and Shattering the Illusion of Separation with Lama Surya Das and Mark Coleman

Making peace with and silencing your inner critic; Using meditation to connect with yourself and others Air Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Awakening from the illusion of separation Practicing the grace of "let it be" while enjoying our hectic world Using awareness and compassion to navigate life's storms What neuroscience has to say about our inner critic

The Art of Seduction: Charisma, Sensuality and Presence with Chen Lizra and Belle Linda Halpern

Charm, connect & entice your way to success Air Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Getting the best out of those you lead Creating authentic connection with anyone Sabrosura - what it is & how to get it The power of seduction

Romance for Realists with Dr Jenn Mann and Erik Newton

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Using conflict to strengthen your relationship Negotiating effectively to get your needs met Why trust is so important and how it's created Dangers of martyrdom in a relationship

A Heaping Helping of Comfort Food with Christy Jordan and Raghavan Iyer

Food is more than fuel - it nourishes the body and soul Air Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Southern sweets & treats - why are they so irresistibly good? Recipes that make the humble potato fabulous! Why family, faith, friends & good food matter so much Fascinating spud facts and history

Developing Discernment: Uncovering Misinformation and Lies in Government and Media with Ed Brodow and Gene Stone

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Seeing through media spin How to support freedom of speech without political correctness Making a difference by getting involved with local politics Communicating with your elected officials

Raising Capable, Prepared Adults in the Twenty First Century with Julie Lythcott-Haims and Dr Oliver Robinson

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to recognize an unfolding crisis in children and teens Why the definition of "success" doesn't mean a diploma from an elite school The importance of raising children with a sense of reality Putting yourself out of a job as a parent

Creating Excellent Health and Social Connections for Vibrant Aging with Dr Sharon Bergquist and Dr Leslie Martin

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Prevention of diseases commonly associated with ageing Why being too cheerful isn't good for your health What pre-disease really means and what to do about it The relationship between conscientiousness and longevity

What’s Happening in 2017? Predictions for the Future That Are Sure to Color Your World with Joyce Gioia and Leatrice Eisemann

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The psychology of color How organizations will focus on their workforce in 2017 Pantone's color of the year Labor market and climate predictions

Full Speed Ahead: Creating Unshakable Inner Peace to Thrive and Press On in Any Environment with Dr Emma Seppälä & David Essel

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why creating a fulfilling, anxiety-free life is within reach The myth behind the power of positive thinking Keys to creating real success How meditation and yoga cleanse the mind and make us more purposeful

Better Understanding for All: How to Clearly See & Hear Others Regardless of Your Personal Views with Nic Askew & Ben Mathes

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Using photography to connect with others Meaningful listening, especially during times of division Benefits of listening Healing through photography

Building Resilient and Fulfilling Intimate Relationships with Dr Stan Tatkin and Dr Bernie Siegel

Air Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Getting the best results from dating Why dating should be forever Helping your partner when they're in a dark space What it takes to be a love warrior

Becoming Yourself by Living Your Truth with Marianne Williamson and Dr Gail Brenner

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The antidote to compulsive thinking Surrendering your sorrow Building your faith to allow room for inner peace Learning to live without seeking approval

Mindful Solutions to Chronic Pain with Dr Danny Penman and Dr Jeffrey Greeson

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Finding peace in a frantic world The advantage of turning toward difficulties How mind-body medicine improves symptoms and bodily function Waking up from autopilot

Giant Strides with Tiny Chips: Why Nanotechnology is the Next Big Thing with Dr James Mault and Dr Heather Clark

Air Date: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Nanotechnology - what it is and how it can benefit you Cutting edge developments Advantages of nanosensors Industry challenges

Teaching Our Children to Find Genuine Connection in an Overly Connected World with Dr Michele Borba and Dr Shauna Shapiro

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Cultivating optimism to build resilience in children Why time-outs and quick fix punishments are lethal to self-control The Mindful Discipline approach How discipline develops & why it matters

Discovering New Worlds Inside and Out with Dylan Thuras, Will Arntz & Dierdre Hade

Airs Live On: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The science of surprise - how we change as a result The connection between spiritual transformation and physics Exploring the world's hidden wonders Unique collections in your neighborhood and across the globe

Food Glorious Food: A Smokin’ Hot Bountiful Harvest of Edible Riches with Steven Raichlen and Cara Mangini

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Surprising ingredients you can and should smoke The dos and don'ts of smoking How to select vegetables Vegetable butchery basics

Fit & Healthy for the Long Haul: Beyond Surviving to Thriving with Dr Pamela Peeke and Dr Eva Selhub

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why the strong don't always survive and thrive Five areas of fitness to achieve your best life How to have a healthy relationship with stress The essential art of building resilience

Love After Love, Love After Loss with Kristine Carlson and Susan Anderson

Learn how to recover after heartbreak + Overcoming a devastating loss + Abandon your childhood demons and break through to a richer, fuller life. Airs: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Steps for how to to recover after heartbreak and painful abandonment How to find and love your new life What to do if you find yourself emotionally stuck Accepting that life has a divine order

Romantic Partnerships: How Slow & Mindful Loving Builds Thriving Relationships with Helen Fisher Ph.D. and Dr. Cheryl Fraser

Airs: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Passion triangle - what is it and why is it important? Creating mindful sexuality Marital romance and romantic long-term passion Slow love - what is it and how to find it

Solutions for Anxiety: Relief through Awareness & Self-Care with Dr Arthur Ciaramicoli and Dr Reid Wilson

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Ridding yourself of old negative stories Empathic CBT What makes us susceptible to "noisy" worries Changing the way we talk to ourselves

The Architecture of Life: Breaking & Changing Habits for a Better Version of You with Michael Weinberger and Gretchen Rubin

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: A formula for happiness Why you should bother changing not-so-good-for-you habits How mindfulness and connecting with your inner voice will release the best in you The secret to successfully changing habits

Want change…VOTE: Why & How the Upcoming Election Needs YOU! With Chris Carson and Nate Kaplan

Airs Wednesday, September 21, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why you are important in this election Demystifying the election process What the election is really about. Hint - it's not the candidates Understanding ballot propositions and the electoral process

The Exquisite Magic of Feeling Seen, Heard & Understood with Ben Mathes & Nic Askew

Airs Wednesday, September 14, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How photography affects the one behind the lens Hearing the biography, not ideology Using photography to heal The impact of feeling heard

Approaching Wholeness & Perspective Shifting through the Power of the Personal Narrative with Mark Nepo & Jen Grisanti

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Remaining open while suffering Surrendering to life changes Healing through telling your story Connecting with your emotional truth

Courageously Earnest Conversations About Life & Death with Amy Wallace & Dannion Brinkley

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Talking about death - why it is important How to find peace and healing before you or a loved one passes on Helping your loved one transition to death Facing one's own mortality

The Gifts & Challenges of Failure—How and Why We Learn from Our Mistakes with Amy Edmondson & Jessica Lahey

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why failure is not only necessary, it's good! The essential skill of learning from failure Why overparenting doesn't work How to foster intrinsic motivation

Harvesting Healthy Habits for the Good Life with Ben Dolnick and Dr Amy Johnson

Airs Wednesday, August 17, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to refine your inner clock The secret to making permanent, long-lasting change The role of insight versus information How to fit more into your day yet feel more relaxed

Entrepreneurial Hook-Ups: Making Conscious & Impactful Professional Connections with Jessica Alter and Matt Nolan

During this week's show you will learn about: New methods of collaboration Why having the right people on your teamatters more than your idea How to connect with the right people to make your goal become reality Using technology to cross a social divide

Creating an Uncontested Market Space through Blue Ocean Strategy: Make the Competition Irrelevant with Dr. Zunaira Munir & Dave Schmelzer

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Blue Ocean Strategy - what it is and how it can benefit you How to gain an edge over your competition Limitless possibilities with strategic innovation A new brand of faith that's bringing people together

Compassionate Global Citizenry: Social Action for A Better Life & World with Madge Thomas & Sanah Jivani

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Ways to be a global citizen Ways to make a difference for others around the world Turning depression into a message of hope and inspiration for others Finding happiness and confidence

Developing Inner & Outer Strength for All: Emotional and Physical Fitness with Amy Edelstein & Rupa Mehta

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Fostering kindness and self-assurance in our youth Mindfulness and connectedness Emotional weight - what it is and how to release it The connection between emotional fitness and physical fitness

Training for Peak Performance Through the Inner Game of Self-Mastery with Tim Gallwey and Tony Horton

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The new way to learn excellence Why trusting yourself is important and how to do it Why you ought to do your best and forget the rest Why consistency reigns supreme

The Science of Happiness…So Much More Than Just Positive Thinking with David Essel and Dr Emma Seppälä

Airs Wednesday, July 6, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Keys to creating success Is positive thinking simply a myth? How meditation and yoga cleanse the mind and make us more purposeful A fulfilling and anxiety free life is within reach

No B.S. Spirituality: Heartfelt Wisdom & Truth for the Emotional Explorer with Dr. Alex Lickerman and Chris Grosso

Airs Wednesday, June 29, 2016 During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to practice compassionate spiritual discernment The mystery of interbeing - convincing yourself that you're really connected to everything Finding your mission Expecting obstacles and learning to stand alone

Making Betters Doctors & Building Better Medical Bedside Manner with Dr. Ryan Gray & Dr. Helen Riess

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The biggest challenges faced by med students How mentoring of pre-med and med students is changing medicine the medical community What the key pieces to are to connecting with others Research showing that empathy from doctors and medical staff improves health outcomes

Skilled Habits of Self-Mastery: Promoting Permanent & Perpetual Positive Change with Dr. Jason Selk & Charles Duhigg

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to avoid typical daily distractions and interruptions What we can learn from Marines and nursing home residents about generating motivation What mental toughness is Can mental toughness be learned?

The Age of Conscious Transformation & Personal Transcendence with Sperry Andrews and Jared Rosen

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How conscious conversation reveals what humanity has been seeking, Has the New Age already passed? What Whole Self Management is and Changes brought through near death experience

Rebooting & Rewiring Our Relationships with Substance Abuse Recovery featuring Erica Spiegelman and Dr Tian Dayton

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The role relating to the whole self has in achieving recovery, Reaching for emotional, mental and physical freedom, ACoA Trauma Syndrome: what it is and how it affects adult relationships and Steps toward healing the fragmented self

New Hope for Mood Management and Mental Health: Confronting, De-Stigmatizing & Dealing with DepressionWith David Feifel Md, PhD and Doug Lisle, PhD

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Breakthrough approaches to treating depression, The paradigm shift in how depression treatment is approached,How self-esteem impacts behavior,The science behind making healthy changes

The Skinny on Being Busy, Stressed and Food Obsessed

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: What's really behind your food cravings? Eating disorders, Fostering awareness by eating without distractions and Finding your artistic voice

Conscious Caregiving & Dying-The Last Frontiers of Life

During this week’s radio show you will learn about A New Vision for End of Life Care Including Pailliative and Hospice,How to Live While Consciously Dying, Beginning a Narrative With Your Loved Ones About Dying and Eco-Friendly Burial Options

Know Your Purpose + Make It Happen: Attention. Intention. Action. Repeat

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why We Are Here to Fulfill Four Fundamental Purposes, How to Find Direction When Faced With Difficult Challenges, Taming the Task and Knowing When to Say “No”

The Heart of the Matter: Relationships and Bringing the Sexy Sizzle Back

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to Define Intimacy What is Polarity and Hw to Make it Work Keeping That Sexy Sizzle for the Long Term What Goes on in the Bedrooms of Happy Couples

Less Stress = More Happy: Capturing Control of the Human Dashboard– Our Minds

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Five Components to Wellbeing Functional Medicine and Positive Psychology Benefits of Ending Stress Tools to End Stress

Redefining and Rebooting our Relationship with Money

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to Make Your Money Grow and Get Your Expenses Under Control,Why Eating Better and Exercising Can Help You Save LOTS of Money Changes in Investing and Finance Since The Great Recession and What is an Angel Investor and How to Connect With One.

Life On-Purpose & The Quest for Meaning Along The Way

During this week’s radio show you will learn about Reframing and Retextualizing Your Experiences, Rediscovering the Lost Spiritual History of the West, The Significance of Community in Life and the Quest for Meaning and Where we are in the Struggle for an Ecological and Holistic Future

Future-Tripping: Exploring Dynamic Pathways of Industry & Technology of Tomorrow

During this week’s radio show you will learn about Buckminster Fuller's 56 Year Personal Experiment, The Essence of Fuller's Unique Message and Why it it Important,What the Infrastructure of Our Future Will Look Like and What Emerging Industries Will Surge Ahead

Loneliness: A Modern Emotional Epidemic & What We Can Do About It

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Best Place to Begin Creating Inner Harmony Why Loneliness is si Pervasive in our Society Today How to Truly Connect With Others Even if You Don’t Feel Like it Three Things You Can Do to Stop Feeling Lonely Now

Eating Our Way to Happiness through Healthy Foods & Creative Cooking

With Karen Wang Diggs and Kenji Lopez-Alt During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Dispelling Long Held Cooking Myths Philosophy of Recipe Development How the Health of Your Gut is Tied to Your Mood Diet Control Isn’t Always About Will Power

Don’t Believe Everything You Think & Feel— Managing the Mind, Sometimes with F-Bombs

Why Paying Attention to Feelings Doesn’t Always Lead to Solid Decision;How to Feel Your Feelings Without Caving in to Them; Why Cursing or Using Profanity Can Make One Feel Bette;Finding Positive Ways to Live With What You Can’t Change

Finding Peace, Mindfulness & Practicality in Old-Fashioned Community Hobbies

During this week’s radio show you will learn about The Great Joy in Creating Something to Give to Others, The Connection Between Charities and Quilters, How to Take a Step Back in Order to Move Forward and Spiritual Rewards and Sense of Community in Domestic Hobbies

Awakening the Hardiness of the Modern Day Super Hero Living Within Us All

With Guests Brett Culp and Eric Maisel During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Rethinking Mental Health Disorders, Tips For Parents With Struggling Children, Connecting With Our Inner Super Hero and Using Film to Make a Positive Impact

The Responsible Relationship: Love, Devotion & Sacred Romance

During this week’s radio show you will learn Why It's So Easy to Select the Wrong Partner,The Five Most Important Principles of a Secure Relationship,What is Takes to be a Love Warrior and How Our Relationships Affect Our Health

Cultivating the Slow Food & Sustainable Farming Movements for a Better Environment, Economy & Society

During this week’s radio show you will learn about Slow Food – What It Is, and Why Its Cultivation is Important, Food Consumption’s Affect on Climate Change and What Can Be Done About It, The Value of Alternative Forms of Agriculture, Especially In Urban Areas and Vertical Farming’s Far Reaching Benefits

Addiction, the War on Drugs and What Legalization Really Would Mean

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How Drugs Were Dealt with Before They Were Banned, Why Drugs Were Banned – It Isn’t What We’ve Been Lead to Believe, The Connection Between the United States Addiction Epidemic and Pain Relievers, How Addiction Moved From Big Cities to the Suburbs

What it Means to be Cool and the New Cool

What It Means to be Cool During this week’s radio show you will learn: What “cool” means, How the concept of cool began, How coolness relates to society and happiness, The P.L.U.R. movement then and now and How to up your cool factor

Music, Art, Technology, Pleasure & Healing

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Health Benefits of Music, How the Creative Process Changes When Aimed at a Goal Versus Entertainment or Aesthetic Experiences, The Smule Mission and Community, How the Way We Experience Music Has Changed Over the Past One Hundred Years and How Technology Enables Musicians From All Across the Globe to Collaborate

Aging Gracefully with Jimmie Holland MD, Mindy Greenstein PHD and Chris Farrell

I this week's episode you will learn What is Psycho-Oncology? How Virtues and Character Strengths Relate To Aging,Is It “Older and Wiser” or “No Fool Like an Old Fool”? Rethinking the Second Half of Life and How Baby Boomers Are Changing the Rules of Retirement

Experience Based Living and The Digital Nomad With Amit Kumar and Natalie Sisson

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How Experiences Provide More Social Value Than Material Why We Derive More Enduring Happiness From Experiences Than the Material What is a Digital Nomad? How to Run Your Business From Anywhere in the World and Live Your Dream Lifestyle

Listener Favorite Returns! Serving Up Deliciousness: Eat Passionately, Live Well & Let Longevity Flourish

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Blue Zones and What They Can Teach Us Why Going Blue Can Make Us Healthier and Happier Getting the Perfect Deliciousness Out of Every Bite You Take Simple Hacks for Your Food for Optimal Eating

A Listener Favorite Returns! Meditation Goes Mainstream with Dan Harris and Suze Yalof Schwartz

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How meditation and a high profile, high stress job can mix Steps to admit you need help with your well-being Does meditation re-wire the brain? Meditation’s make-over How to start a modern meditation practice

Holiday Sacred Space and the Art of Standing in Line With Rivvy Neshama and David Andrews

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to Find Your Sacred Space and Center in the Midst of Holiday Madness How to Connect with Holiday Sacredness — in Your Home & in Yourself Everyday Sacredness The Benefits of Standing in Line The Relationship Between Waiting and Thinking

Brain Happy with Alex Korb and Dr. Dan Siegel

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Neurochemistry of Depression The Elements of Positive Neuroscience Our Brain on Relationships A “Healthy Brain” is an Integrated and Integrating Brain A “Happy Mind” is a Mind that Arises from an Integrating Brain, and from Integrating Relationships

The Adult Coloring Book Craze: Therapy and Play With Johanna Basford and Dr. Ben Michaelis

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Insight from Best-Selling Adult Coloring Book Author Johanna Basford Therapy and Play Through Coloring Coloring as Part of Flow Changes In Our Brain Why Coloring Works in Therapy and in Play

Tradition and Food: Connecting over the Table With Dan Pashman and Suzanne Cope

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How the Act of Thanks is Shown Through Food and Cooking Engaging All Our Senses Through Food Experiences Over Objects Leading to Joy Learning Tradition from Past Generations Holiday Cultural Traditions

Mythology and the Hero’s Journey With Carol Pearson and Robert Walter

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Eleusinian Mysteries and How They Apply Today Using the Legendary Stories of Mythology to Connect with Your Inner Soul Mythological Archetypes and How We Use Them Today’s Hero’s Journey The Life’s Work of Joseph Campbell

Military Morale: A Celebration for Veteran’s Day With Sandra Beck and MC1(AW) Andrea Perez and Petty Officer Angela Gingerich of the Blue Angels

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Needs of Veterans Before, During and After Service Raising Awareness of your Local Military Neighbor and How to Make a Difference History of the Blue Angels and Why They Exist How the Blue Angels Contribute to Military Morale Upcoming Live Shows and Events

Transition is a Way of Life With Mark Nepo and Sherre Hirsch

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Embracing Transition and Approaching Wholeness Journey Through Suffering and Finding Joy What Does Wholeness Mean Moving Through Relationships – From Marriage to Parenthood The Shelf Life of Relationships

Just a Job or Purpose: A Look at our Work With Barry Schwartz and Po Bronson

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why We Work Does Anybody Want to Work? Happy and the Workplace The Universal Question all People Must Ask Making Good and Bad Decisions Through Transitions

Storytelling and Memories in the Digital Now

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Start and Journey of Lifetile Preserving a Life Digitally Capturing the Most Important Moments vs the Day to Day The Listening Project and What it Does How It Has Shaped the New Storytelling

Broadcasting HAPPY With Michelle Gielan, Whitney Reynolds, Mika Kim and Claudia Chan

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: What It Means to Broadcast Happy Powerhouse Women and Positive Work in Media and Business Happy City and the IMPACTv Conference The SHE Summit How Woman Can Unleash Full Potential and Happiness

Let’s talk about S-E-X and Intimacy With Linda Carroll and Michaela Boehm

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Sexual Cycles and Loops How Couples of Different Sexual Desire Levels Reconcile The Power Struggle of Sex Reclaiming Attraction and Intimacy Gender Wars and “Dogma” in Tantra/Relational work

Enlightened Views on Addiction and Recovery With Dr. Gabor Mate and Dr. Marc Lewis

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Root of Addiction in Early Childhood Development The Meaning of Soul Sickness The Distinction Between Addiction and Disease Psychological Elements that Lock In Addiction Social Factors That Entrench Addictive Habits

Tantra for the Western World – A Simply Sacred Practice for All

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Real Meaning of the Word Tantra The Value of Tantra in Western Civilization How Tantra Can Affect All Areas of Life from Relationships to Money What Tantra Can Teach Us About Ecology and Living a Green Life Tantra as the “Yoga of Life and Why It’s Just Not About Sex

For the Love of Technology With Tiffany Shlain and Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Single Most Important Thing You Need to Understand About the Power of Technology What Does it Mean to be “Connected” in the 21st Century? What it Means to be a Woman Filmmaker Digital Detoxes: Do they work? How long do you have to go on them to see benefits? Contemplative Computing

The Path to Organization With Daniel Levitin and Paula Rizzo

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How our Minds Work with Information Overload The Scientific Reasons Against Multi-Tasking Why Some People are More Organized Than Others The List Producer and Productivity Tools to Stay On Task and Organized

The Power of Music and Dance With Sara Agah and Teresa Taylor

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Do It For The Love Foundation and its Purpose The Connection Between Music and Hope The Global Dance Initiative and its Mission True Stories of Healing The Passion Behind Music and Dance and the Effect on the Spirit

Education Pioneers Leading the Way With James Tynan of Khan Academy and Shanna Peeples

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Khan Academy’s Mission and Work Outside of the Classroom The Importance of Teaching ‘Hustle’ The Power of Personalized Learning How Trust Affects Education of Those Dealing With Trauma What is Inspiring in Public Education Today

Discovering Heroes in Disastrous Situations With Suzanne Bernier and Alan Monroe

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Learn about the Hidden Heroes What to Learn From Those Who Step Up in the Face of Disaster Individual Stories of Courage and Bravery from the Front Lines The Organization ShelterBox and their work around the Globe What You Can Do in the Face of Disaster

Knitting Resurgence: Mindful Work, Health & Creative Practice With Amy Singer and Jillian Moreno of and Jade Harwood of Wool & The Gang

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The New Dawn of Knitting and Taking Back a Time Old Tradition What Place Knitting Has Now in Fashion, Mindful Work and Health The Homemade vs Mass Produced Revolution Connection Through Group Practice Knitting as Mindful Meditation

Reclaim Productivity, Reclaim Life With Ari Meisel and Josh Davis

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Less Doing, More Living Method What does Optimize, Automate, Outsource mean? Reclaiming Your Life from Chronic Illness Science-Based Strategies to Harness Your Best Time and Get Your Most Important Work Done Setting Up the Right Conditions for Productivity

Dying the Good Death: End of Life Care With Angelo Volandes, Jo Paladino, and Justin Sanders

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Broaching the Difficult Conversation about Death Discussing End of Life Care with Family What Death Can Teach Us About Living What Role Dignity Plays in Dying Well

Music in our Life: Medicine and Wellbeing With Derek Beres and Joanne Loewy

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Connection Between Music and Yoga What Music and Movement Do Together Exploring Music Therapy The International Association of Music and Medicine

The Future of Food With Dickson Despommier and James Holtslag and Trey Nichols

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Vertical Farm and Changing the Landscape of Urban Communities How to Make the Transition into Vertical Farming The Ripple Affect for Local Communities The Heart & Trotter and the Expansion of Whole Animal Local Butcheries Choosing Sustainable, Humane and Local Meat Sources

Independence from Injustice: A Look at Our Legal System

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Identifying the Flaws and Initiating Change Within the US Legal System Why the Letter of the Law Can Become Irrelevant What Can Be Done to Enable Our Legal System to Operate the Way It Was Meant To The Purpose and Place of Compassion Within the Justice System Changes That Can Happen on a Local Level

The Courage to Live in Joy & Lead by Example With Gabi Ury and Nancy Belmont

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Tackling Our Biggest Obstacles in Order to Live Passionately Where & How Courage Thrives The Interplay Between Courage & Joy The Power of Declaration

Creating Habits that Support Happiness & Productivity With Gretchen Rubin and Neil Fiore

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Habits that Contribute to our Happiness Knowing Ourselves Before Changing Habits The Study of Habits and Happiness Habits that Get in the Way of our Productivity Making Play a Habit

Negotiation and Flow: A Look At Our Performance With William Ury and Steven Kotler

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Process of Negotiating with Ourselves The Fundamental Steps to Getting to Yes How Flow Affects Human Performance The Flow Genome Project What Technological Advancements Tell Us About Ourselves and Culture

The Tough Talk on Suicide: Finding Hope and Help With Adele McDowell and Chris Neiweem

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Difficulty in Talking About Suicide The Global View of Suicide Finding Peace After Suicide The Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans (SAV) Act How the SAV Act will Draw Attention to Military and Veteran Suicide and Mental Illness

Serving Up Deliciousness: Eat Passionately, Live Well & Let Longevity Flourish With Dan Buettner and Dan Pashman

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Blue Zones and What They Can Teach Us Why Going Blue Can Make Us Healthier and Happier Getting the Perfect Deliciousness Out of Every Bite You Take Simple Hacks for Your Food for Optimal Eating

The Sexiness of Desire and Self-Esteem With Alex Jamieson and Nina Hartley

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Why We Are Taught To Resist Our Cravings The Root of Desire How Self-Esteem Lives Within a Comforted Body How to Nourish and Accept Our Cravings

Leaving Marital Madness and Creating a Good Divorce With Karyl McBride and Angela Hallier

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Encountering the Battle of Divorce How to Co-Parent with a Narcissist Strategies and Tips to Focus on the Future What it Really Means to Put Children First and Parental Pitfalls Scripting to Change Your Mental Outlooks

The Modern Altruistic Life With Stephen Post and Dana Klisanin

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The biological effects of altruism The helpers high Altruism and cyberspace Digital altruism and the cyberhero archetype Counterbalancing the negative uses of technology with altruism

Veterans and Mindfulness With Richard Miller and Lee Lesser

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Meeting the Growing and Changing Needs of the Veteran Post-Traumatic Stress are the “invisible wounds of war” and a normal response to prolonged abnormal stress exposure How mindfulness and contemplative meditation practices can bring relief to PTS symptoms Resources offering help to those who have served in our Military and in need of compassionate support

A Conversation with Tom Shadyac: Fear, Truth & Finding Home in One’s Own Skin

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Tom’s journey from Hollywood big shot to big heart The power of conscious media The healing impact of Tom’s film, I AM Loving and inspiring others from the heart

Lessons in Gratitude With Nina Lesowitz and Emiliana Simon-Thomas

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Realizing your Greatest Longings through Cultivating Thankfulness Tips and Practices for Gratefulness When We’re Feeling Anything But The Scientific Definition of Gratitude The Mechanisms, or Psychological Processes that Underlie the Beneficial Impact of Gratitude Research-tested Ways to Practice Gratitude

Transformations: Soul and Purpose With Barbara DeAngelis and Marney Makridakis

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Soul Shifts and Personal Growth Emotional Freedom Blending Play and Purpose The Role of Momentum in how We Create New Tools for Play and Success

Love & Medicine: Love is the Cure With Bernie Siegel

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Feeding the hungry heart Food as medicine Negative emotions as cancer How unconditional joy prepares us for conscious dying What suffering teaches us about living

Women and Trauma with Rosemary Sword and Angela Martindale

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The number of women who experience traumatic events & why women are more likely to develop PTSD How the functionality of the body can respond to trauma How nutritional supplements support recovery How to properly feed your body and soul through recovery and beyond How exercise can help rebuild muscle and reconnect body, mind and spirit for a more balanced recovery and lifestyle

International Happiness Day With Daniele Quercia, Jean Tismit, Elisha Goldstein and Samantha Boardman

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: International Happiness Day – March 20 The Use of Happy Maps Project + Natural Anti-Depressants Positive Prescription

Mindful Meditation With David Gelles and Sara Lazar

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The new uses of mindful meditation in the Western World How large corporations are integrating mindful meditation into the workplace The scientific effects of mindful meditation on the brain The different areas of the brain associated with stress relief and well-being Starting and maintaining a mindful meditation practice

Logic, Reason and Philosophy With Eyal Winter and Rebecca Goldstein

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The emotion in logic and why our instincts are not irrational How we create emotional rules to guide our interactions with others Why emotions are a an effective and sophisticated tool for balancing and complementing our rational side The role of modern philosophy on reason and happiness The emphasis philosophy places on reason and the way that affects happiness

Breaking Down Narcissism With Jeffrey Kluger and Jean Twenge

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Narcissist in the Workplace, Bedroom and Relationships The New Book “The Narcissist Next Door” The Difference in Narcissism Generation to Generation The Cultural Shift That Makes it Happen Exploring “Generation Me”

Through and Beyond Trauma With Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Mike Monroe and Nicole Green of Team Rubicon

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: New Treatments for War Trauma Time Perspective Therapy The Work of Team Rubicon The Difference Team Rubicon Makes for Veterans and Disaster Relief The Value of Veterans and Their Continued Service

The Love Report: Modern Romance and Relationships With Linda Carroll and Dr. Helen Fisher

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Looking at Love Cycles The Questions to Ask in a Committed Relationship The Effect of Love on the Brain What Cheating Means in a Relationship What Attracts Us to a Partner

LOVE is in the Air: Relationships and Communication With Gina Vucci and Alison Armstrong

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Using the Mirror of Relationships Balancing Closeness and Independence Becoming Aware of Our Unconscious Patterns The Biggest Mistakes in Communicating Between Men and Women Leading up to Valentine’s Day, What Both Gender Can Do To Improve the Holiday

The True Grit of Self Mastery & Regulation With Lisa Machenberg and David Meketon

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Tips for Self-Hypnosis How to Hack Your Brain for Positive Changes Self-Hypnosis and Eating, Stress Reduction and Improving Relationships Identifying Grit The Relationship between Grit and Self-Control

Happiness and the Greater Good: The Power of Giving Back With Former Congressman Marty Russo and Anthony Melikhov

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Creating a personal State of the Union for your life Learn to identify your own values and intentions Defining what you can do for the Greater Good Learn from two recognized game changing leaders who are making a difference in the power of connectivity

#DefineBrave = The Courage to Stand in Truth & Express Freedom With Katie Kozloff, Jaspen Boothe, Pat Cruz, Lisa Moreno-Dickinson and Jennifer Walsh

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The #DefineBrave Campaign from Katie K. Active Personal Stories about Overcoming Adversity Women Entrepreneurs Making a Difference: Pride & Glory and Mind.Body.Spirit EXPERIENCE Explore Non-Profits: and

Spark and Balance in the New Year With Chris “SparkGuy” Downie and Christine Carter

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to Set Challenges for 2015 The Secret to Keeping New Year’s Resolutions Learn about Spark People and Their Mission Five Strategies for Finding Your “Sweet Spot” in Home and Work

A Listener Favorite Returns! Goals + Gratitude = Happy Holidays with Less Stress With Kimberly Rinaldi

How to take our goals & add gratitude to reduce holiday stress. The New year is upon us. Have you made you New Year’s Resolutions yet? Do you stick with them longer than a week? Are you giving gratitude for even the small things in life? Stressed out? My guest this week will be sharing with us how to take our goals, add gratitude, and reduce holiday stress.

The Science of Miracles and Angels With Dr. Bernie Siegel, Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How Change Can Open the Door for Miracles How to Welcome Grace into our Lives What We Can Learn from Children and Animals The Discoveries of 21st Century Angels The Common Ground Between Theology and Science

Feel Good Inside and Out for the Holidays With Dr. Jessica Wu and Polly Campbell

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Healthy Eating Around the Holidays The Ten Commandments of Holiday Eating for Healthy Skin Keeping Your Spirituality Intact with Holiday Pressures Using Imperfection Daily How Daily Chores Can Become Part of a Spiritual Practice

Modern Heroism With Dr. Philip Zimbardo and Ervin Staub

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Heroic Imagination Project Redefining Heroism in the 21st Century Universal Human Tendencies How to Make Ourselves Better Bystanders Promoting Moral Courage in Children

Practicing Gratitude With Andy Hayes and Lisa Wimberger

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Defining Moments That Matter Tools and Techniques to Practice Gratitude Daily What Gratitude Does to our Brain Using Gratitude to Heal Gratitude Mantras

Conscious Capitalism With Jonathan Fields and Woody Tasch

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Good Life Project Maker-centric Business and Aligned Entrepreneurship Slow Money Principles The Benefits of Investing Small and Locally

Supporting Our Veterans With Dennis Davis and Vice Admiral Norb R. Ryan Jr.

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Challenges and Stigma Associated with Returning Home From War Why Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a Normal Response to War and Adversity How Society Can Support and Empower Our Veterans to Achieve Greatness Why Healing and Support of Our Veterans Matter to Create a Legacy of Healthy Americans

Empowering Your Health With Dr.Bertrand Babinet and Talia Fuhrman

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: The Five Dynamics of Health Health Care vs Disease Care Psycho-Spiritual Health The role loving your body plays in health Immediate steps to change your nutrition

Uncovering the Mask of Mental Illness with guests Ross Szabo and Ellen Forney

During this week’s show you will learn about: The disguise those with mental illness wear The Human Power Project The changes needed in mental illness curriculum Are all artists a little crazy? Taking off the mask of mental health and uncovering the true self

What's Getting in Our Way? Creativity and Success with guests Sarah Lewis and Eric Maisel

During this week’s show you will learn about: The true nature of human creative endeavors The most unlikely places to find innovation, success, and new ideas How to revel in our blunders and failures A new language for success and failure The way a new relationship with your life purpose can alleviate depression, anxiety and addiction Top tips for living your creative life

Playing With Your Mind with guests Mario Martinez and Erin Olivo

During this week’s show you will learn about: What enables change in your life The biocognitive approach The MindBody Code The Emotion Mind vs the Logic Mind Wise Mind Living

The Upside of the Dark Side with guests Robert Biswas-Diener and Todd Kashdan

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Comfort addiction Some advantages of narcissism Some limits of kindness Why you should be your ‘whole’ self

How Do We Relate to Food with guests Jenni Schaefer and Dr. Drew Ramsey

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Eating Disorders and how they change our relationship to food What role negative body image plays Intuitive Eating National Kale Day The connection between food and mental health How food helps or hinders our brain’s ability to receive happiness

The Art and Joy of Relationships with guests Dr. Julia Colwell and Dr. Jacquie Del Rosario

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How to be a conscious partner Power struggles and the blame game Relationship ingredients From fizzle to sizzle: re-igniting your relationship What to make a priority

Unlocking Creativity and Genius with guests Michael J Gelb and Dr. Srini Pillay

During this week’s radio show you will learn about: How Qi is the real secret of creativity. What mind mapping is and what it has to do with creativity. Brain-based coaching How our brains work and physically process feelings of fear and anxiety

Prayer, Intuitive Intelligence, and Creativity with guests Celeste Yacoboni and Elaine Clayton

During this week’s show you will learn about: The power of appreciation in blessing. Research on the connection between healing and prayer. The connections between intuition and creativity, imagination and empathy, dreams and daily life. “Intuitive stream drawing”

You Are What You Eat: Nutrition and Well Being with guests Dr. John La Puma and Dr. Suhas G. Kshirsagar

During this week’s show you will learn about: Men’s nutrition and health How men’s health benefits women Ayurveda Digestive Fire Obesity

Geeks, Apps and Buddha with guests Vincent & Emily Horn and Rohan Gunatillake

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Buddhist Geeks and what they do for the global community Mindhackers Where spirituality is headed with the exponential growth of technology The Buddhify App Mind-positive technology

The Healing Power of Music with guests Tina Haynes and Graham Iddon of Raving Wild

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: CAMMO and the work they do Music Therapy and what it does for those with PTSD CAMMO’s work with veterans, service members and their families The importance of music as an expression of thought Raising awareness of depression through music

Happiness in the Work Place with guests Michelle Gielan and Jim Donovan

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: The role of optimism in our success and happiness How to define success in our work lives Methods to dealing with negativity in the workplace The importance of rewarding yourself and others How to take ownership of your work and why it’s important

Culture Check In: Tech and Beauty with guests Anna Akbari and Robin Rice

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: How technology can help us find flow The future of “digital” happiness The role of today’s media culture in our well-being Is there a standard to beauty and self-worth

En*theos and Optimizing Life, Business and the World with guests Brian Johnson and Steve Chandler

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: en*theos Optimal Living Optimal Business Conscious Capitalism How to be a Warrior

Constructive Wallowing and Mindful Emotion with guests Tina Gilbertson and Dr. Thomas Bien

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: What is constructive about wallowing? Fear of our own emotions Is anger really toxic? Buddha’s way to happy Mindfulness of emotion

Exploring Addiction with guests Noah Levine and Alex Soojung-Kim Pang

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Well-being and addiction recovery through Buddhist Meditation Refuge Recovery Digital Detoxes: Do they work? How long do you have to go on them to see benefits? Contemplative Computing

Modern Day Meditation with guests Dan Harris and Suze Yalof Schwartz

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: How meditation and a high profile, high stress job can mix Steps to admit you need help with your well-being Does meditation re-wire the brain? Meditation’s make-over How to start a meditation practice

The Pursuit of Happiness with guests Former Congressman Marty Russo and Douglas Kmiec

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Happiness as a fundamental part of the foundation of Declaration of Independence The pursuit of happiness as an unalienable right Concept of happiness and how it is tied to civic responsibility The power of volunteering Personal activism How the average person can play a role in our local and regional governments

The Brain: How does it perceive humor and happiness? With guests Joel Warner and Rick Hanson

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Theories of humor What is a sense of humor Humor in dark and troubling times Why we laugh The benefit of positive emotions Hardwiring for Happiness

Methods of Happiness with Barry Dennis and Daniel Parmeggiani

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Chotchky The creation of wanting The 3LP’s Are we all innocent? The perception of “I”

Celebrating Fathers with guests Keith Zafren and Jeremy Hilton

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: The Great Dad’s Project What stands in the way of becoming a great parent Father Nature Stay-at-home Dad role models Our nation’s support of military families

What Role Does Money Have in Sex, Love and Happiness with guests Elizabeth Dunn and Marina Adshade

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Happy Money and getting the most from your spending The science of spending Why following your money instincts may not be right How money plays with your libido What role economics plays in our relationships

Exploring Mental Illness with guests David Granirer and Wendy Williamson & Honora Rose

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Stand Up For Mental Health Changing public attitude towards mental illness How comedy can be therapeutic Bi-Polar illness and Depression Tips for dealing with mental illness

Parenting Perspectives with guests Richard Greenberg and Kristine Carlson

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: How parenting is like driving a taxi cab How the S.M.A.R.T. method simplifies parenting Do men and women parent differently? Making peace with imperfection Creating strategy to keep life in perspective How to foster resiliency for your kids and in your parenting

Inspiration with guest Gail Lynne Goodwin and JD Messinger

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Inspire Me Today How to focus on the “What” and the “Why” and let go of the “How” How to Celebrate in Advance Tips for gratefulness What is inspiration? What blocks us or stops us from following our inspiration?

Military Wellness and Sleep Health with guests Sarah Plummer and Dr. Raymond Hall

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Stress reduction Resiliency building Peak performance through health How sleep affects wellness The reason and design behind the Pillo1 promoting better sleep

Sleep & Wellness: We Welcome the Speakers for the 2014 ASBA Sleep & Wellness Conference

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: The importance of sleep to health What gets in the way of good sleep How nutrition feeds into sleep health Who is Pro Player Health Alliance? The future of sleep medicine

Social Entrepreneurship with guests Shirin Salemnia and Miki Agrawal

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Having a dream job Being a female in the gaming industry Losing the passion Making room for positive relationships in your life What businesses can do to contribute to the global community

Intimacy, Sexuality and Desire with guests Michael Russer and Ande Lyons

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: How important communication about intimacy is between couples Simple steps that couples can take right now to dramatically improve their emotional, physical and spiritual intimacy How to put the fireworks back into your relationship Why the Big O is the best gift for your body How to take the pressure off fertility and focus on connection, intimacy and love

Unveiling Peace with Susan Sosbe

During this week's show, you'll learn about: Understand the nature of suffering Recognizing our own responsibilities for world peace Unveiling our peace

Fashion, Spirituality and Pursuing Happiness with Shannon Bindler, Nicholas Kraft and Adam Shell

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Is being materialistic a bad thing? Why do we need physical things to remind us of our spiritual truth? Can a person be interested in fashion and their appearance and still be spiritual? How can other women prescribe themselves shoes or clothing to help them step into their greatness? Traveling the country in search of the happiest people in America - from every walk of life. The connections (or lack of connections) between happiness and: age, money, community/connection, smiling, comedy, and laughing, and service/giving. The power of focus and choice with regards to happiness. The paradoxical effects of pursuing happiness - how those who pursue happiness may actually be making themselves more unhappy

Creativity and Trauma with guests Mike Liguori and Jessie Kahnweiler

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Veterans Mental Health Writing and Power of Storytelling How making a film based on rape brought with joy and inspiration Starting a dialogue about rape and connecting with other victims Body image, being a feminist and recovering from an eating disorder

Lessons in Joyful Living with Larry Broughton and Carl Honoré

During this week’s show, you’ll learn about: entrepreneurUPRISING2014 Flashpoints/Flashpoints for achievers journal Crisis of Trust No higher calling than serving others (why veterans make great team members and business owners) Relationships and sex

Women and Connectivity with guests Beate Chelette and Frankie Lee Slater

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: Understanding Women in 5 Simple Steps A Woman’s Mind The alliances of A Circle of Women and The Art of LIVING Coalition The art of living and what it means to be an artist for life Creativity, Consciousness, Community

Creating a Happy Ending with guests Betsy Trapasso and Jeff Jorgenson

During this weeks radio show you will learn about: What Betsy does as an end of life guide The documentary - Bringing Death to Life Betsy's role as the hostess of Death Cafe Los Angeles Seattle’s only green funeral home How Jeff creates celebrations around a life well lived

Depression and Suicide Prevention with guest Jamie Tworkowski

Jamie Tworkowski’s intention was never to start a worldwide movement- it was to help a friend. What started as a small support group for a friend suffering from depression and addiction, quickly launched into the prominent non-profit organization, To Write Love On Her Arms. To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery. Since its start in 2006, they have donated over 1 million dollars directly into treatment and recovery and have answered over 170,000 emails from over 100 countries.

Sleep Wellness and How it Pertains to Health and Wellbeing with guests Lauri Loewenberg and Rudy Mettia

During this weeks radio show you will learn how you can figure out your dreams in 3 easy steps, the most common dreams and what they mean, 5 fascinating facts about dream, how sleep improves memory and lowers stress, how it sharpens attention, and rules to consider to promote healthy sleep.

The Creative Process is Music and Life with guests Cable Car and Amber Krzys

During this weeks radio show you hear from Cable Car about the reason we feel the desire to continuously create, accomplishing a life dream, the serendipity of our meeting and love or working with one another You will hear from Amber on from broken on Broadway to beautiful with bodyheart, R-O-C-K Your body Right Now, C-ommit to taking micro-steps that lead to massive change

Women In Media with guests Kirsty Spraggon and Kate Neligan

During this weeks radio show you will learn about the ripple effect of sharing, how sharing your story can give others hope, why we need more conscious media, how we can create more synergy with each other, what the new “gifting” economy will look like

Feminism and Betrayal with guests Phyllis Chesler, Paula J. Caplan, and Jennifer M. Gómez

During this weeks radio show you will learn about female aggression towards other females, forced marriage, competition between co-wives, glass ceilings in the workplace, the wide reach of betrayal blindness, how women fail to recognize when they are being betrayed, speaking our truth

Out of the Box Treatments for Veterans, Mallory Lewis,Deborah Lewis, and Barry Westholm

Deborah Lewis launched Channel Productions in 2010 to create the first directories of their kind specializing in creative style videos that captured global attention. While covering a fundraiser for Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Service Dogs, Deborah became intrigued by this emerging and miraculous treatment for veterans who would otherwise face a desperate end. In the summer of 2013, she began production on the documentary "A Life of Thai" to raise awareness of the extraordinary support service dogs can bring to reclusive veterans battling PTSD. Channel Productions is presently raising funds for these highly trained service dogs. To learn more about Deborah and her work, visit: As the daughter of a beloved children's entertainer, Mallory Lewis has been deeply involved in children's entertainment her entire life! Following her mother's passing in 1998, Mallory began appearing with Lamb Chop at live and televised events, entertaining at thousands of venues as varied as the State Fairs, Performing Arts Centers, Cruise Ships and Military Bases around the world. Mallory and Lamb Chop have spent a decade on bases all over the world, and LOVE touring with the USO and entertaining the troops and their families. In fact, Lamb Chop was recently "pinned" by a Marine General, and now makes Mallory salute her before every show! As an author, she has penned 20 children's novels, and is a multiple Emmy Award nominee and Emmy Award winner for "Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series." To learn more about Mallory and her work, visit: Barry Westholm is a 31-year Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). He has been deployed on several CAF, UN and NATO Tours to locations including the former West Germany, Cambodia, Haiti, Central America and Syria. In 2013, Sergeant Major Westholm resigned from the CAF in protest over the poor management of the Joint Professional Support Unit (JPSU) and has since been active in seeking assistance for his former Unit and the people it serves. Barry has submitted several blogs at Veteran Watch Blog and has challenged his former employer (the CAF) to strengthen the support to ill and injured veterans (serving and retired) and their families. He is a strong supporter of unconventional therapy including service dogs and equine therapy.

Brain Science of Happiness, James Olson and Rick Hanson

James Olson is the author of The Whole-Brain Path to Peace:The Role of Left- and Right-Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of America. He is a management-trained integral philosopher whose studies have included business, engineering, art, Eastern and Western religion, psychology, and NLP. Following the unifying guidelines of philosophy and drawing on his wide-ranging education, James has made it his mission to help bring the planet's masculine and feminine energies into greater balance, and therefore into a more peaceful state, through his advocacy of whole-brain thinking. He holds is currently studying sacred geometry and the experience of living in the heart. To learn more about James and his work, visit: Rick Hanson, Ph.D., is a neuropsychologist and author of Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence, Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom , Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time, and Mother Nurture: A Mother's Guide to Health in Body, Mind, and Intimate Relationships. An authority on self-directed neuroplasticity, Dr. Hanson's work has been featured on the BBC, NPR, FoxBusiness, Consumer Reports Health, U.S. News and World Report, and O Magazine. His weekly e-newsletter - Just One Thing - has over 100,000 subscribers, and also appears on Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and other major websites. To learn more about Rick and his work, visit:

Goals, Gratitude and De-Stressing During the Holidays, Kimberly Rinaldi and Sandy Fowler

The New year is upon us. Have you made you New Year's Resolutions yet? Do you stick with them longer than a week? Are you giving gratitude for even the small things in life? Stressed out? My guests this week will be sharing with us how to take our goals, add gratitude, and reduce holiday stress. Speaker, Author and Radio Show Host Kimberly Rinaldi joyfully shares her decades of experience as a Certified Master Trainer of Hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP, Success Coaching and Reiki. Having created a highly successful private coaching practice, Kimberly now teaches Lessons in Joyful Living. She believes in empowering others and that through it, you have the ability to break through any and all barriers. Kimberly uses her natural intuitive abilities and unique techniques to help clients achieve their highest potential and move toward their soul purpose; she provides tools to carry for a lifetime. Sandy Fowler is the host of Heart Filled Holidays Radio, the author of Beyond Eggnog and Mistletoe: Creating a Stress Free Holiday Season You’ll Love and the co-creator of The Keys to Getting What You Want: 4 Little-Known Communication Secrets. She’s a wife, mom, and business owner whose passion is helping women find the joy in everyday life through simple, practical strategies. Her down-to-earth, practical approach to living, loving, and working has been heartily embraced. She has been quoted on and, featured in a cover story for the Detroit Free Press Twist Magazine, published in Mompreneur magazine and the Clarkston News as well as numerous on-line newsletters, publications, and radio shows.

Manifesting Our Intentions with guests Anodea Judith and Tony Burroughs

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is an innovative thinker, best-selling author, world renowned teacher, and former therapist whose work addresses both personal and collective transformation. Her passion for the realization of human potential matches her concern for humanity's impending crises - her fervent wish is that we "wake up in time." She holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health. To learn more about Anodea and her work, visit: Tony Burroughs is an author, storyteller, and co-founder of The Intenders of the Highest Good, a grassroots community movement with Intenders Circles in countries all over the world. He was a gentleman farmer in Hawaii until 17 years ago when he and three friends created their first Intenders Circle.Tony is the author of the popular daily email messages called The Bridge at and has written nine books.Tony's newest book is Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions His latest endeavor is The Vision Alignment Project. To learn more about Tony and his work, visit:

Children of War with guests Jane Ekayu and Cynthia Travis

Jane Ekayu is a trauma counselor for former child soldiers of Joseph Kony and founder of Children of Peace Uganda, a nonprofit which works to heal and empower these youth through psychosocial therapy, creative arts therapy, education, and empowerment programs. Since 2004, she has helped over 3,000 of these children rehabilitate and return home to their communities. Ms Ekayu also travels around the world to raise awareness on the issues of child soldiers and post-war rehabilitation. She has captivated audiences in schools, universities, community groups, human rights organizations, political embassies, and in the United Nations General Assembly Hall. To learn more about Jane and her work, visit: Filmmaker Cynthia Travis has worked in Liberia since 2003, where she's developed innovative grassroots approaches to conflict resolution with her non-profit organization everyday gandhis. Her most recent film, THE FIGHT TO FORGIVE, follows former child soldiers who were forced to fight in Liberia's brutal civil war. THE FIGHT TO FORGIVE teaches that perpetrators of violence have an extraordinary capacity as peace builders. With an academic background in human development and creative writing, and a professional life in mediation and conflict resolution in vulnerable communities, Cynthia believes that storytelling is a powerful tool in conflict resolution. To learn more about Cynthia and her work, visit: and

Health, Wellness, and Happiness, Jeanette Robins, Dr. Syed Nabi, and Marci Williams

Dr. Syed Nabi is a Sleep Specialist and a regular contributor to Sleep & Wellness Magazine. He is Board Certified as a fellow of the American Board of Internal Medicine and Sleep Medicine. He currently works at Tranquility Sleep Specialists, Knoxville, TN and has been involved with American Sleep & Breathing Academy for the last 2 years. Marci Williams is currently a Center Director, Wellness Coach, and a Management Consultant of a large recreation and fitness facility in which she oversees the day-to-day administration, operations, and programming. She has over 28 years of experience in the fitness and recreation industries both in the private and public sector. She holds multiple certifications along with a degree in Psychology. Jeanette Robins is the founder of the American Sleep & Breathing Academy and the Sleep & Wellness Magazine. has been in the field of sleep medicine for 22 yearsand served on the curriculum committee for Weber State University to write the Sleep Add-On program for Respiratory Therapists.She served as the National Education Chair for the AAST and co-wrote the Principle of Polysomnography text book with staff members under her direction.

Stinkin' Thinkin' Stinks!, Bill King

Bill King is a writer, speaker, certified trainer and mentor. A master of designing and implementing processes to simplify complex issues with amazing results, he used this gift to design fun, exciting and educational ideas to help kids deal with negativity, low self-esteem, bullying and anger. He teaches kids positive thinking, kindness, forgiveness and awareness in a way they can relate to. His website teaches kids from a completely different point of view. The premise is negative thoughts stink. Using humor to break down the barriers many people have, Bill provides an entertaining atmosphere that promotes learning that will stick. Check out the STINK-o-city quiz to see how badly you STINK! Benefit from tons of easy-to-follow exercises, and enter your kind deeds into the kindness meter. Issue kindness challenges and be challenged yourself – all because you want to SMELL sa-weet!

Blow Up Your Beliefs, JD Messinger

JD Messinger is a modern day visionary whose credentials are reminiscent of a renaissance man. He is a fireman, CEO of Ernst & Young Consulting, Singapore, one of 37 Distinguished Graduates from the United States Naval Academy class of 1981, a nuclear submarine officer, and the Exxon executive who helped supervise the Valdez Oil spill cleanup. He has a dynamic presence in the media as the creator and host of both a television show and CNN radio show. In the business world he has been an advisor to Fortune 100 clients, governments, and members of parliament on five continents. He is a Best Selling Author and CEO of Spirituality, who shares the key lessons he learned from his 12 year journey and the key messages from his book, 11 Days in May. To learn more about JD and his work, visit:

Leadership and Sustainable Businesses, Larry Broughton and Chip Conley

Larry Broughton is an Award-winning serial entrepreneur, best-selling author and former Special Forces Operator (The Green Berets) Larry is here to share heart-warming & humorous lessons on leadership, failure, tenacity, and the power of effective teams. Larry has parlayed his unique experience of serving on Special Forces A-Teams to the business world. He is now Co-Founder & CEO of BROUGHTONadvisory (a strategic planning, elite team-building, and transformational leadership training organization with clients ranging from entrepreneurial start-ups, to The Pentagon and Turner Broadcasting), and broughtonHOTELS. To learn more about Larry and his work, visit: Chip Conley is part world traveler, cultural anthropologist, armchair psychologist, and the founder and former CEO of Joie de Vivre Hospitality. With a simple yet profound mission, to CREATE JOY, San Francisco's Most Innovative CEO turned a seedy "no tell motel" into the 2nd largest boutique hotel brand in the world.Traveling to Bali a dozen times rekindled his childhood love of festivals, and experiencing collective effervescence on Burning Man's desolate playa (he's now a board member) solidified his vision. Experiencing the transformative power of cultural travel through festivals inspired his mission to now create joy on a global scale with Fest300, believing that, "Being culturally curious creates a more robust and resilient life, which creates a safer and saner world." To learn more about Chip and his work, visit:

Mindfulness and the Power of Possibility, Dr. Ellen Langer and Dr. Mario Martinez

Ellen Langer is a Yale PhD, Harvard Professor of Psychology, and artist. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and three Distinguished Scientist Awards, the World Congress Award, the NYU Alumni Achievement Award, and the Staats award for Unifying Psychology, and has authored eleven books and over 200 research articles on the illusion of control, perceived control, successful aging, decision-making, to name a few of the topics. Each of these is examined through the lens of her theory of mindfulness. Her research has demonstrated that by actively noticing new things-the essence of mindfulness-health, well being, and competence follow. Her best selling books include Mindfulness; The Power of Mindful Learning; On Becoming an Artist: Reinventing Yourself Through Mindful Creativity; and her most recent book, Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility. To learn more about Ellen and her work, visit: Dr. Mario Martinez is a licensed clinical neuropsychologist and founder of Biocognitive Science. He specializes in how cultural and transcendental beliefs affect health and longevity. His biocognitive theory is based on discoveries in neuroscience research with healthy brains and psychoneuroimmunology investigations of exalted emotions (love, compassion, empathy, dignity). Biocognition offers an integrated paradigm that brings together mindbody research and cultural anthropology. Dr. Martinez is considered a world expert on stigmata (Christ-like wounds that do not heal and resist infection) and has been consulted on these rare cases by the Catholic Church, BBC, National Geographic and Discovery Channel. He coined the term Cultural Psychoneuroimmunology to address how cultural contexts affect nervous, immune, and endocrine regulation. He is the bestselling author of the learning set CD, The Mind Body Code: How the Mind Wounds and Heals the Body and The Man from Autumn: A Psychological Novel. To learn more about Mario and his work, visit:

Sexuality and Body Image, Michael Russer and Bonnie Gayle

When Michael Russer was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in September of 2011, he began a year-long personal transformation that included, radical prostatectomy follow up with intensive radiation treatments and full blown impotence. He considers his resulting impotence to be one of the biggest blessings in his life. It is because of his impotence that he and his partner discovered an entirely new approach to experiencing levels of emotional and physical intimacy that far exceeds anything either experienced prior to when things were working "correctly". It is his personal mission in life to serve other couples who struggle with emotional and physical intimacy due to ED, impotence or simply because they have lost their "spark." Bonnie Gayle is a Body Image & Intimacy Expert and the Co-Creator of Sex Butter (a sexually empowering butter made with organic plant based oils and infused with messages of love and healing.) She educates and speaks about feeling comfortable and confident in your body, connect intimately & step into your personal sensual and sexual power. Bonnie work involves; releasing body bondage, loving yourself, and inspiring sensual & sexual freedom to open up intimacy in a whole new way!

Breast Cancer Awareness, Dr. Parva, Melissa Bollman-Jenkins, and Antoine Dunn

Dr. Behzad Parva is the head of Parva Plastic Surgery in Northern Virginia, specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic breast care focused on the individual needs of each of his patients. His goal in restorative breast surgery is to establish a woman's sense of wholeness and self-confidence. Melissa Bollmann-Jenkins is trained in clinical psychology and medicine in the U.S. and Germany, writing and publishing research studies on cancer patients and their quality-of-life issues. As community manager for, Melissa responds to and connects with the community of women and their loved ones who use the site. Antoine Dunn is a singer, songwriter, and producer. After losing his mother to breast cancer and singing at her funeral, there was a moment that changed his whole perspective on how precious and fragile life can be. His time with his mother inspired his single "I Am". It is his way of giving back to her the support she gave to him throughout his life.

Military Families: Restoring Wellness after War, Rebecca Summers and Jody Bremer

Rebecca Summers earned her commission as a Naval Officer in May 2000 and was designated a Surface Warfare Officer upon completion of initial training in Newport, RI. She re-designated as an Aerospace Maintenance Duty Officer in December 2005. Summers' assignments span experience in both the surface fleet and naval aviation; she is a veteran of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM and several combat deployments. Summers resigned her commission in 2010, and joined the staff of Intersections International as Program Manager for the Veteran-Civilian Dialogue program in April 2013. It is her goal to construct inclusive communities across America through dialogue and the collaboration between veteran organizations, colleges/universities, and community leadership. Jody Bremer is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology with Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. Jody received a special certification and verification from the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists in Working with Military and Their Families in Private Practice. Servicemen from the Marines, Navy, Army and Air Force are a significant specialty, allowing her to provide personalized care for all of the military members and their families struggling with the specific hardships the military incurs, such as long-term separations, deployments, and PTSD

Dating with Honor , Charles J. Orlando and The Single Ladies Cafe

Charles J. Orlando is a relationship expert, bestselling author, and television and radio personality best known as the author of the acclaimed relationship book series The Problem with Women... is Men®, and is the sole voice behind the smash-hit advice and relationship page The Problem with Women... is Men on Facebook. Charles has been working directly with thousands of men and women and indirectly with hundreds of thousands via social media. His approach is one of reality and balance, steering clear of techniques that might sound good in a clinical book/setting yet nearly impossible to apply when considering the organic reality of life. Leaving a long corporate career behind her, The Single Ladies Café was founded by Miss Sharon Cunningham, known by her radio personality Miss SC, and her daughter and TSLC's Celebrity News and Entertainment Editor, Foxx. This mother/daughter duo has created a café style forum for their informative dating talk show and magazine focused on content that inspires, encourages and educates SINGLE WOMEN of all ages to be confident, healthy, and strong while creating lasting personal joy as they date.

Kate Northrup and Aoife O'Leary, A Love Affair with Money

Kate Northrup created financial freedom for herself at the age of 28 through building a team of more than 1,000 wellness entrepreneurs in the network marketing industry. Her philosophy is that if you free yourself financially you can be fully present to your purpose on the planet. She is the author of best-selling book Money: A Love Story, Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create The Life You Really Want. Kate and her work have been featured on The Today Show, Yahoo! Finance, The Huffington Post, Glamour, Red,, Prima Magazine, Soul & Spirit, and more. She continues to mentor entrepreneurs in creating financial freedom. Aoife O'Leary hails from Dublin, Ireland. A singer and songwriter, she followed her passion, touring the States and Europe with her band, Moth Complex, releasing a CD and has a song available for gameplay on Rock Band Network. She had great prosperity in terms of experiences with music, but money was less reliable - at times she received thousands in income and support and at others was the proverbial struggling artist. She began writing a book, and in her research, she studied those who were living their passions and prospering in different areas from fashion to marketing to sport to online businesses, and she decided to create the Virtual Summit "Live Your Passion and Prosper" so that she could share this information with everyone else who wants to learn.

David Allen, Getting Things Done

David Allen is an author, consultant, international lecturer, and founder and chairman of the David Allen Company. He is widely recognized as the world's leading authority on personal and organizational productivity. His thirty years of pioneering research, coaching and education of some of the world's highest-performing professionals, corporations and institutions, has earned him Forbes' recognition as one of the top five executive coaches in the United States. David Allen is the author of three books: The international bestseller, Getting Things Done: the Art of Stress-Free Productivity, Ready For Anything, and Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life. Getting Things Done has been a perennial business bestseller since it's publication in 2001, and is now published in 28 languages. Leadership Magazine named one of the "Top 100 thought leaders" Fast Company hailed him "One of the world's most influential thinkers" in the arena of personal productivity Time Magazine labeled his first book, Getting Things Done as "the defining self-help business book of its time."

Bead Relief and Pura Vida Bracelets, Social Sharing and Entrepreneurship

John Gornik and Gregorio Elias are two friends who's desire to help others sparked a business that follows an honorable business model. They are a creative pair who met after college and combined their unique talents to form Bead Relief. They apply a team spirit combined with relentless energy to make an impact on children's lives through the sales of their unique bracelets. They have a strong desire to make the world a better place and plan on doing this with their colorful handmade beaded bracelets. Their goal is to make giving affordable and enjoyable; the prices of their bracelets make it possible for anyone to help. To learn more about Bead Relief, visit: During a visit to a small community in Costa Rica, Paul Goodman and Griffin Thall crossed paths with two men named Jorge and Joaquin who were peddling bracelets on the street. The colorful bracelets were handmade in a simple way that seemed to capture the essence of their journey. When they first met Jorge and Joaquin, they were living in a single room with three beds shared by several other members of their family. Seeing this, Paul and Griffin asked them if they would be willing to make 400 bracelets to take back to the United States with them. Jorge was delighted to make such a sell, and the guys were thrilled to help them out, but to everyone's good fortune, soon after returning to the states their friendship blossomed into a full-fledged business relationship. They share their story with us. To learn more about Pura Vida, visit:

Kelly Muldoon, Dr. Kay McElvey, and Tanya Geisler, Stepping into Your Starring Role

Kelly Muldoon from Soulfully Successful Women knows intimately what the journey to living a life and creating a business around your purpose and passion takes. She has moved past the struggles of years of addiction, a reformed corporate workaholic, and a single mum, to today living a truly joyous and successful life. Her work now is centered on helping other women reach their true potential in their lives and businesses. To learn more about Kelly and her work, visit: Dr. Kay McElvey is a teacher, author, and the newest edition to the WCEM-AM team as the host of ‘The Dr. Kay Show’! During her show she discusses Education, Black History, Health, Organizations, Cooking/Eating, Politics, Talent and Community Events. Dr. Kay is the recipient of the “2007 Harriet Tubman Lifetime Achievement Award.” Tanya Geisler is certified Life and Business Coach (CPCC, ACC) with a penchant for clarity (and her Clarity Sessions have been likened to “divining rods”). She’s coached hundreds of people who were ready to step into the spotlight of their lives and businesses. She wrote The Joy Pages, created Board of Your Life, is a blogger for the wildly popular The Daily Love, has served as contributor and was featured in Canadian Living, and is an in-demand speaker who talks with great passion on all things joy, meaning and purpose (just try to stop her). She recently spoke at TEDxWomen (video available March 2013).

Darrin McMahon, History of Happiness

Darrin M. McMahon is the Ben Weider Professor of History at Florida State University. Educated at the University of California, Berkeley and Yale, where he received his PhD, McMahon is the author of Enemies of the Enlightenment: The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity); Happiness: A History which has been translated into twelve languages, and was awarded Best Books of the Year honors for 2006 by the New York Times, The Washington Post, the Library Journal, and Slate Magazine; and Divine Fury: A History of Genius, a history of the idea of genius and the genius figure, which will be published this October .

Kita Szpak and Tara Kennedy-Kline, Happiness Formula for Parents

Kita Szpak is a speaker and author. In 2010 she co-wrote Tipping Point to Happiness, undertook a U.S. radio campaign, and earned the title of "happiness expert" along the way. Her latest work, "The SIMPLE Life: Shiny Objects Not Required" is expected out in 2013-14. Most recently, Kita has organized the online telesummit, "Happiness Formula for Parents: Reconnect to your kids and they will love you for it!" that brings together 21 experts over a 10-day period beginning August 15 to provide information and hands-on advice for parents and caregivers in a caring and compassionate setting. Tara Kennedy-Kline is a certified family parent coach, popular radio host of Stop Raising Einstein on Toginet Radio, impassioned speaker, and most excellent mom to her sons, Alex and Max. She has been dubbed "The Queen of Accountability" and she works with parents everyday to guide them through those days they wonder why they ever had kids in the first place. Personal experience with her son, Alex, who is on the autism spectrum, inspired her to write her book, Stop Raising Einstein: Discover The Unique Brilliance in Your Child and You. The book's popularity garnered tremendous interest when it was featured on The Today Show.

Roko Belic and Linda Stewart

Linda is a regular contributor to Inspired World Magazine and is the author of “The Little Book of Transformation: 3 Steps to Create Your Ideal Life”. She is a contributing author of forthcoming book, “Survivor to Thriver: 30 Days to a Thriving Life” (October 2013), in which she publicly shares a part of her own personal story of childhood abuse for the very first time. She is the creator and host of The Art of Transformation Summit and is passionate about sharing pragmatic tools that transform lives with as many people as possible. To learn more about Linda and her work, visit: Roko_BelicRoko Belic’s directorial debut, “Genghis Blues,” won the Sundance Audience Award and was nominated for an Academy Award® for best documentary feature. Belic directed the documentary DREAMS: CINEMA OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS, which was released on the “Inception” Blu-Ray. He associate produced BEYOND THE CALL , co-produced and shot INDESTRUCTIBLE, and directed THE BATMOBILE which was released on “The Dark Knight Rises” BluRay. For his current project HAPPY, Belic teamed up with Hollywood heavyweight Tom Shadyac, who executive produced, to direct the feature documentary. HAPPY combines powerful human stories from around the world with cutting edge science to give us a deeper understanding of our most valued emotion. To learn more about Roko and his work, visit:

Transforming PTSD to PTGrowth, Bob Delaney and Monika Korra

Monika Korra is a native of Loten, Norway. In 2008 she was offered a 100% running scholarship at Southern Methodist University. She earned a B.S. in Applied Physiology and a minor in psychology. During her time at SMU she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted. As a result of her experience she has found her mission in life; to help others fight back to a normal life after experiencing personal trauma.She founded The Monika Korra Foundation and is in the process of getting her book published to share her experience with others. Bob Delaney has risen to the top of two elite organizations - in law enforcement as a highly decorated Trooper with the New Jersey State Police, and as one of the National Basketball Association's most respected referees. Bob has made a major contribution away from the game as well. He testified before the United States Senate on Organized Crime in 1981 detailing his perilous undercover work for the Jersey State Police - putting his life on the line for nearly three years infiltrating the Genovese and Bruno Crime Families.His riveting life story has been told by HBO's Real Sports, ESPN, CNN and ABC, in dozens of newspaper and magazine articles throughout the United States and Europe and in his critically acclaimed book, Covert: My Years Infiltrating the Mob.

Dr. Christine Carter and Julie Daquelente, Building Happy Families

A sociologist and happiness expert at UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center, Christine Carter, Ph.D. is the author of RAISING HAPPINESS: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents. Dr. Carter also writes an award-winning blog, which is syndicated on the HuffingtonPost and Best known for her happiness and parenting advice, Carter draws on psychology, sociology, and neuroscience, and uses her own chaotic and often hilarious real-world adventures to demonstrate the do's and don'ts in action. Dr. Carter has helped thousands of people find more joy in their lives through her book, online classes, coaching, and speaking engagements. For more information, please explore this website - and don't miss the free resources! Julie Daquelente is on a personal journey to find happiness and fulfillment in her life and has made it her mission to help others do the same. Julie is currently working on several projects in an attempt to help people live happier, healthier, more abundant lives, including a free audio summit that will provide listeners the opportunity to learn tools and strategies from some of the top researchers and coaches in the subjects of positive psychology, happiness, and life in general.

John O'Connor and Steve D'Annunzio, Financial Prosperity

John O'Connor is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who has been involved in the financial services industry since 1978 and has been a CFP since 1987. His primary focus is educating people to solidify their financial foundation. He received a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology in 1996 and this deepened his understanding of what people truly seek in pursuing fulfilling lives. Steve D'Annunzio is a spiritual teacher and productivity coach to many Fortune 100 executives, professional athletes, and high-performance companies. He teaches a new model of transformational business practice called Conscious Capitalism and is president of the Soul Purpose Institute. This course is evolving the financial services industry as the practitioners who use it lead the industry in production results. He is an author and co-creator of many books, businesses, and artistic projects that have the common theme of alleviating human suffering and enhancing joy. Some of these books are Teachings for a New World, The Prosperity Paradigm and Soul Purpose Meditations.

Sandra Beck and Linda Franklin, Transitioning from Corporate America to Working From Home

Sandra Beck is the host of three radio shows: Military Mom Talk Radio, Motherhood Talk Radio, and Powered Up Talk Radio, with Linda Franklin. Simultaneously, she has built a virtual empire of successful companies entirely staffed, managed, and implemented using a host of virtual assistants and on-line resources. Sandra is the author of Motherhood Incorporated, The Smart Woman's Guide to Working From Home with Just a Computer and an Internet Connection and Blogphoria - How To Reach Millions of People without Spending a Dime. Linda Franklin is the creator of where her focus is working with women showing them how to unleash their powerful feminine energy and which is Linda's charitable effort that supports women in the military community. The goal of this organization is the successful re-integration of women back into civilian life. Linda is the Co-Host of the radio show, Powered Up Talk Radio with Sandra Beck and the author of "Don't Ever Call Me Ma'am", where she gives fabulous tips on beauty, health, sex, relationships, and financial responsibility.

Dr. Jonathan Haidt, Moral Psychology and The Righteous Mind

Dr. Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist at the NYU-Stern School of Business. His research examines the intuitive foundations of morality, and how morality varies across cultures-including the cultures of American liberals, conservatives, and libertarians. He is the author of The Happiness Hypothesis and the New York Times bestseller The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion. At NYU-Stern, he is applying his research on moral psychology to business ethics, asking how companies can structure and run themselves in ways that will be resistant to ethical failures.

Caitlin Doughty and Betsy Trappaso, Living the Good Death

Called "America's (Kinda Dark) Sweetheart"by the Huffington Post, 28-year-old Caitlin Doughty was born and raised on the sunny shores of Oahu, Hawai'i. She is a writer, performer, and filmmaker. She started the Order of the Good Death, an online community of artists, actors, poets, musicians, and directors all committed to staring down their death fears through art. The YouTube videos she created for this site-most notably her question-and-answer series, "Ask a Mortician"-are what brought her to national media attention. She is writing a book "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory' to be published in 2014 and is in the process of opening her own alternative funeral home, Undertaking LA. As an end of life guide, Betsy Trapasso, assists the dying in making a peaceful transition from this world. Betsy is the hostess of Death Cafe Los Angeles where people gather to talk about death and life while enjoying the amazing food and cultures of the City. Betsy's passion is to change how we view death in the United States and that people may be less afraid of dying if they learn about other cultures that view death as a natural part of life. She is producing a feature length documentary about the death views, rituals ,and ceremonies of other cultures and countries.

Dr. Lissa Rankin, Mind Over Medicine

Lissa Rankin, M.D. is a physician whose research led her to discover that our bodies have natural self-repair mechanisms that can be activated or disabled based on thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that originate in the mind. She is on a mission to heal our broken health care system, help patients play a more active role in healing themselves, and encourage the health care industry to embrace and facilitate, rather than resist, the body's self-healing capacities. Lissa has written 3 books, speaks around the world, blogs at, paints professionally, and founded the Whole Health Medicine Institute.She leads a mentoring program for visionaries, founded the wellness communities and, and teaches online programs, such as "Find Your Calling" with Dr. Martha Beck and Amy Ahlers, and "Visionary Ignition Switch," an online business school for visionaries co-created with Amy Ahlers. Her work has been featured extensively in the national media, including O magazine, The New York Times, CNN, Health, Women's Health, Self, Forbes, The Chicago Tribune, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan.

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener and Cheryl Hunter, Coaching vs. Therapy

Dr. Biswas-Diener is widely known as the "Indiana Jones of Positive Psychology" because his research on happiness has taken him to such far-flung places as Greenland, India, Kenya and Israel. Dr. Biswas-Diener is a leading authority on strengths, culture, courage, and happiness. He has published dozens of scholarly articles and multiple books on diverse psychological topics. He is best known for his pioneering work in the application of positive psychology. Dr. Biswas-Diener is the foremost authority on positive psychology coaching and has consulted with a wide range of international organizations on performance management and leadership development. Cheryl Hunter was born and reared in the remote Colorado Rocky Mountains. She is a cowgirl who grew up on a horse ranch, training horses and riding rodeo. Today, Cheryl is a bestselling author, speaker and high-performance expert who specializes in providing Fortune 100 caliber coaching for individuals. Her expertise is in guiding her clients to architect a very specific blueprint for their businesses and their lives that produces dramatic results in a very short window of time. Cheryl was drawn to her work as a result of her own life path; she overcame a traumatic, life-altering experience that ignited a strong desire to contribute to others.

Naomi Kryske and Jody Bremer, PTSD without the "D"

Naomi Kryske is a Hurricane Katrina survivor whose fear and helplessness in the devastating Category 5 storm gave her insight into traumatic stress. Determined not just to survive the experience but to triumph over it, she wrote The Witness, an intense crime/suspense novel set in London and told from the victim's point of view. Naomi shares with us that overcoming PTSD comes in many formats, and for her, it was writing fiction. Jody Bremer is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology with Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. Jody received a special certification and verification from the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists in Working with Military and Their Families in Private Practice. Servicemen from the Marines, Navy, Army and Air Force are a significant specialty, allowing her to provide personalized care for all of the military members and their families struggling with the specific hardships the military incurs, such as long-term separations, deployments, and PTSD.

Dr. Ellen Langer, Mindfulness

Ellen Langer is a Yale PhD, Harvard Professor of Psychology, and artist. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and three Distinguished Scientist Awards, the World Congress Award, the NYU Alumni Achievement Award, and the Staats award for Unifying Psychology, and has authored eleven books and over 200 research articles on the illusion of control, perceived control, successful aging, decision-making, to name a few of the topics. Each of these is examined through the lens of her theory of mindfulness. Her research has demonstrated that by actively noticing new things-the essence of mindfulness-health, well being, and competence follow. Her best selling books include Mindfulness; The Power of Mindful Learning; On Becoming an Artist: Reinventing Yourself Through Mindful Creativity; and her most recent book, Counterclockwise: Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility.

Jamie Catto, Living Whole-Heartedly

Jamie Catto co-produced and directed the double Grammy nominated film ‘1 Giant Leap' which encountered high profile writers, thinkers, spiritual gurus and entertainers including Bob Geldof, Robbie Williams, Steven Fry, Susan Sarandon, Deepak Chopra, Michael Stipe, Brian Eno, and Dennis Hopper. Having sold over 300,000 albums, and won numerous awards globally. '1 Giant Leap' was subsequently commissioned and made into a Channel 4 documentary series in 2008 to explore the complexities of human nature through music. As founder member, singer, art director and video director of Dance Music super-group Faithless, Jamie has been part of continued run-away successes in music since the Faithless greatest hits album became the fastest selling dance album of all time in 2005. Jamie now holds creative master classes throughout the year to help others emulate his own success. ‘Transforming Shadows', ‘What About You?' and ‘What About Us' are workshops which provide a highly accessible concoction of light humour and love, designed with the use of his own genius music to spark both professional and personal breakthroughs. Jamie also speaks and performs at conferences, events and festivals all around the world.

Tim Freke, The Mystery Experience

Tim Freke is a 'standup philosopher' who makes profound ideas fun and easily accessible. He is an internationally respected authority on world spirituality and is often featured in documentaries on the BBC, the History Channel, and other global media. He is the bestselling author of many groundbreaking books translated into 15 languages, including Lucid Living and The Jesus Mysteries, which was a Daily Telegraph 'Book of the Year'. He runs 'mystery experience retreats' internationally, in which he guides others directly to a spiritually awakened state.

Bryan Single, Jane Ekayu, and Cynthia Travis Discuss Child Soldiers

Bryan Single is the director and producer of "Children of War", an award-winning documentary filmed in Uganda over a period of three years which follows a group of former child soldiers of war criminal Joseph Kony as they escape the battlefield, enter the sanctuary of a rehabilitation center, and undergo a remarkable process of trauma therapy and emotional healing. To learn more about Bryan and his work, visit: Jane Ekayu is a trauma counselor for former child soldiers of Joseph Kony and founder of Children of Peace Uganda, a nonprofit which works to heal and empower these youth through psychosocial therapy, creative arts therapy, education, and empowerment programs. Since 2004, she has helped over 3,000 of these children rehabilitate and return home to their communities. Ms Ekayu also travels around the world to raise awareness on the issues of child soldiers and post-war rehabilitation. She has captivated audiences in schools, universities, community groups, human rights organizations, political embassies, and in the United Nations General Assembly Hall. To learn more about Jane and her work, visit: Filmmaker Cynthia Travis has worked in Liberia since 2003, where she's developed innovative grassroots approaches to conflict resolution with her non-profit organization everyday gandhis. Her most recent film, THE FIGHT TO FORGIVE, follows former child soldiers who were forced to fight in Liberia's brutal civil war. THE FIGHT TO FORGIVE teaches that perpetrators of violence have an extraordinary capacity as peace builders. With an academic background in human development and creative writing, and a professional life in mediation and conflict resolution in vulnerable communities, Cynthia believes that storytelling is a powerful tool in conflict resolution. To learn more about Cynthia and her work, visit: and

Ashley Michelle Williams and Kirsty Spraggon, Women in Transformational Media

Ashley Michelle Williams is a world-traveled multimedia journalist who currently works at WBAL as a multimedia reporter/ web producer, contributing to its digital content. Prior to working at WBAL, Ashley worked at NBC Network News as a member of the New Associates Program, a rotation program designed to develop future producers within NBC News. During her time at NBC, she has worked for the Today Show, the Grio, and MSNBC's Politics Nation with Al Sharpton. In her spare time, Ashley also manages and oversees her media company, RIZZARR. She created RIZZARR to inspire youth and young adults to create their own ripple effect in the world. High school students and college students from around the country contribute to the platform, which features current news and articles on issues that they face. Kirsty Spraggon is a Talk show host, Speaker, Life Liver, People lover, Founder of Konnection Global, and Executive Producer of Kirsty TV. Kirsty TV is about the power of sharing stories. As an interviewer she holds hearts in her hands as her guests share their most personal and vulnerable stories. She believes when people share their stories they heal themselves and others.

Ira Israel and Dr. Richard Davidson, Mindfulness and NeuroScience for the Normies

Psychotherapist Ira Israel is the author of "Mindfulness for Urban Depression DVD," "Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety DVD" and "Yoga for Depression and Anxiety DVD". Ira has Master of Arts degrees in Psychology, Religious Studies, and Philosophy. He is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, and a Certified Yoga Therapist. Richard J. Davidson, PhD, is a renowned neuroscientist and one of the world's leading experts on the impact of contemplative practices, such as meditation, on the brain. He is the founder and chair of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is perhaps best known for his groundbreaking work in studying emotion and the brain. A friend and confidante of the Dalai Lama, he is a highly sought after expert and speaker internationally. Time magazine named him one of the most influential people in the world in 2006.

Eric Handler, Positively Positive

An innovator in the field of personal growth and transformative thinking, Eric Handler is the co-founder of Positively Positive -- an online multimedia platform known for its creative content designed to challenge readers to live a life worth sharing. Beginning as a Facebook page that quickly grew into a community of more than 1 million fans, the full platform was launched in October 2011 by Eric and his wife and business partner, Julie. Together they seek out the strongest voices and storytellers this world has to offer to inspire others to be present to the moment and live fully in the now.

Rex Pratt, Between Iraq and a Hard Place and Dr. Paula Caplan, When Johnny and Jane Come Marching Home

Rex Pratt has been involved in various film and video projects over the past decade. His interest in a project is always based upon the ability of the film to move and inspire the viewer. Between Iraq and A Hard Place is a project that became personal as it progressed. It began by documenting the difficulties of troops' transitioning back to normal life after combat. After almost 2 years of meeting with returning troops, Rex has developed a special attachment to the troops. He defines himself as "not easily converted to a new cause". However, the personal stories that he became involved in have stirred his filmmaking talents and inspired a film that will move you and touch your heart as you experience up close what is in the heart and minds of our young troops. He is currently working on his next project that also deals with war and assisting in the completion of the book Between Iraq and A Hard Place with his partner/brother, New York Times best-selling author, James Michael Pratt. Paula J. Caplan is a clinical and research psychologist. She received her A.B. with honors from Radcliffe College of Harvard University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology from Duke University. She is currently Associate at the DuBois Institute, following two years as a Fellow in the Women and Public Policy Program of Harvard Kennedy School, both at Harvard University. She is the author of 11 books, co-editor of one book, and author of dozens of book chapters and articles in scholarly journals, as well as of numerous articles and essays in popular publications. Her most recent book, When Johnny and Jane Come Marching Home, won the Association of American Publishers' PROSE Award for best psychology book of 2011, Independent Publishers' Groundbreaking Book of the Month Award the month it was published, and Independent Publishers' Silver Medal in the psychology/mental health division for 2011.

Danielle LaPorte, The Desire Map

Danielle LaPorte is the outspoken creator of The Desire Map, author of The Fire Starter Sessions, and co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. She is an inspirational speaker, former think tank exec and business strategist, she writes weekly at, where over a million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice offering white hot truth. Her site has been deemed "the best place on-line for kick-ass spirituality", and was named one of the "Top 100 Websites for Women" by Forbes.

John Havens, The H(app)athon Project

John C. Havens is Founder of the H(app)athon Project, a contributing writer for Mashable, and author of, H(app)y - The Value of Well-Being in a Digital Economy .The H(app)athon Project is an initiative that utilizes emerging technology to improve human well-being and drive positive social change. He is a former professional actor and current blues musician.

Janice Kamenir-Reznik, Naama Haviv, and Julie Bram, Jewish World Watch

Janice Kamenir-Reznik is Co-founder and President of Jewish World Watch (JWW), an organization she co-founded with Rabbi Harold Schulweis to mobilize Americans to fight against genocides and mass atrocities, and to provide relief and support to survivors. Janice served as President of California Women Lawyers, President of the California Women's Law Center, and as trustee of the Los Angeles County Bar and trustee of the California State Bar's Trust Fund. Janice travels to the Darfuri refugee camps, and to the Democratic Republic of Congo to help JWW establish and fund various recovery and economic development projects in the eastern regions of the country. Naama Haviv, who holds an MA/ABD in Genocide Studies from Clark University, joined JWW's team as Assistant Director. Naama develops and directs JWW's policy objectives towards Sudan and Congo, manages JWW's strategic partnerships both in the US and in Sudan, Chad, and Congo, and their program development including youth activist training initiatives and domestic education and advocacy programs. As well as researching current world conflicts to assess the risk of genocide. Julie Bram is a full time community volunteer and activist. As a founding partner and past chair of the Jewish Venture Philanthropy Fund she has been blessed to support and work with many remarkable non-profit organizations. Her passion lies in using education and communication to effect positive change in the world. (Tikkun olam) Julie currently serves on several advisory committees and boards of directors for a wide variety of charitable causes.

James Clear, The Art of Becoming Better

James Clear is on a mission to make the world well and the founder of The Art of Becoming Better. He is an entrepreneur, writer, and travel photographer in 18 countries. His writing has been featured by US News & World Report, American Express, Yahoo, Lifehacker, and dozens of other businesses and media outlets. His photography was nominated for the Travel Photographer of the Year award for his work covering the September 11th Memorial in New York City.

Tanya Geisler, Stepping Into Your Starring Role

Tanya Geisler is certified Life and Business Coach (CPCC, ACC) with a penchant for clarity (and her Clarity Sessions have been likened to “divining rods”). She’s coached hundreds of people who were ready to step into the spotlight of their lives and businesses. She wrote The Joy Pages, created Board of Your Life, is a blogger for the wildly popular The Daily Love, has served as contributor and was featured in Canadian Living, and is an in-demand speaker who talks with great passion on all things joy, meaning and purpose (just try to stop her). She recently spoke at TEDxWomen (video available March 2013). It is her indomitable belief that if everyone knew their own unique recipe for their personal brand of joy, they’d hold the key to shining in their life, in their work and in their life’s work. (It really does change everything.)

Kathy Kinney and Dr. Benjamin LaBrot , Living Outrageously Outloud

Kathy Kinney is best known for her iconic role as Mimi Bobeck on the long running The Drew Carey Show. She has acted in over a dozen films and guest-starred on numerous television shows and may currently be seen in a recurring role on the ABC Family hit series The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Kathy toured with Drew Carey and the Improv All Stars for the USO in Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and may still be seen performing with them around the country. She and her longtime friend Cindy Ratzlaff created as an attitude, a way of life, and a call to action for grown up women everywhere. To learn more about Kathy and her work, visit: Dr. Benjamin La Brot is a native Southern Californian who learned to swim before he could walk. His love of water led him to working on sport and commercial fishing boats and on the Floating Marine Science Laboratory vessel .He, along with his sister and others began Floating Doctors, whose mission is to reduce the present and future burden of disease in the developing world, and to promote improvements in health care delivery worldwide. To learn more about Ben and his work, visit:

Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

Claire Wineland and Eric Lumiere, Living With Purpose

Claire Wineland was born with cystic fibrosis or "CF", a genetic disease that causes excessive mucus secretions and collection, especially in the lungs. In her short life, Claire has undergone dozens of surgeries and has spent weeks at a time in the hospital. This is not, however, what characterizes her. Claire is a singer, an artist, a composer, and a natural-born comedian and speaker. She radiates with a warmth and wisdom beyond her years. She has been called a "little Buddha" a "bridge among people", and a "true old soul." She is precious to anyone who has met her, especially to her mother, Melissa, and her father, John. On April 13, 2010 after a relatively routine surgery, Claire became septic and within 24 hours, was in complete lung failure. Her parents were given the option of watching Claire die or putting her on a dangerous oscillator vent, which no child with CF has ever come off of. Her parents opted to put her on the high powered vent and into a drug induced coma so the doctors could try everything possible to reverse the damage to her lungs and her body. What followed was a remarkable two-week journey of prayer, love and healing. So many people were inspired by Claire's journey that a public Facebook page, "Claire Wineland Love, Songs and Updates", was created to disseminate the seemingly ever changing information. Within two weeks, the fans on the page grew to over 900. Out of this grew the desire and need for a foundation. Claire constantly strives to give back and make meaning of what she has had to go through; the message she shares is her way to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. Claire's Place Foundation, Inc: Eric Lumiere lives For the Love of Music + the Music of Love Music is one of the most elusive art forms. It has the power to uplift, touch, move and inspire people. When I create music, my intention is to share myself as fully and unconditionally as possible so that there may be no walls between us, no projections of who I'd like to be or think I am; just the essence of who I am, the discovery of which is a continuous process and one that I live for. Music can affect people in many ways and if I have one wish, it's that it touches you. That it's greatest potential is fulfilled, and that in listening to my music, you discover more of who you are, your truth, and are inspired to share your own beingness with the world. After graduating from the Clive Davis Dept. of Recorded Music at NYU in 2007, Eric's song "Anthem" (a bedroom demo) was remixed by DJs Filo and Peri and signed by top DJ Paul Van Dyk. Released in 13+ countries, "Anthem" broke the UK Top 40 at #39 and reached #1 on the US Billboard Dance Airplay. While continuing to work with Filo and Peri, Eric has been focusing on his next release, tentatively titled the ‘Under Love EP'. To learn more about Eric and his work, visit:

Sarah Steffen and Shanna McCord, Reaching out to Others

Sarah Steffen is the Marketing Coordinator at Habitat for Humanity for San Fernando/Santa Clarita Valleys. She attended San Diego State University and interned for the San Diego State Marketing and Communications Department, working on news and profile stories. She graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism with an emphasis in Media Studies and a minor in English. She enjoys doing what she loves while giving back and advocating for the community. Shanna McCord is currently a Journalist for the Santa Cruz Sentinel. She has been a television and newspaper reporter for 17 years and covered military issues while working in Yuma, AZ. She will share with us a fantastic article she wrote about a man, Dr. Peter Linnerooth, who took his own life after a long time battle with PTSD.

Bekah Eden and David Ari Leon, The Power of Music to Heal

In 2010, Bekah Eden began to work as a successful small business owner developing musical skills and songwriting talent for her students in Virginia Beach and California. She also began writing original material for other artists nationwide and built a reputation as a well known cause artist, working for charitable organizations such as Harvesting Happiness for Heroes ®, a national 501© (3) nonprofit organization, benefiting post combat veterans and their families challenged with the invisible symptoms of PTSD and TBI. Just recently, Bekah won the Upcoming Female Artist Award at the 2012 Malibu Music Awards. David Ari Leon is a multiple award-winning and Emmy-nominated composer and music supervisor. He has brought his signature blend of acute classical expertise and emotive pop ethos to countless films, video games, albums, and TV shows. David’s music can currently be heard in places such as ABC’s hit show, Sea World’s “Sea Rescue and on Disney XD’s “The Avengers.” He is music director and co-founder of the Voice of Life project, whose mission is to elevate wellness with great music. He’s also raising mobile game music to new heights with his immensely popular music. Recently, he scored Woody Woodpecker, named “iPhone Game of the Week,” the top-seller Superman, and Contre Jour, the No. 1 selling game app, and “iPad Game of the Year” in more than 10 countries. Leon’s SoundMind Music is a company that oversees the entire music package for a project with many clients including luminaries such as: Lionsgate Films, Warner Bros, Marvel, Universal, DC Comics, ABC, Sea World, EA and Disney.

Sophie Chiche and Shannon Bindler, Parenting and Raising Live Out Loud (LOL) Children

Sophie Chiche is the founder and curator of, a website gathering eclectic people answering the question, “what is most meaningful to you”. Nobel Prizes, media moguls, fishermen, midwives, global leaders, spiritual teachers, artists, and teenagers share their original meaningful words every day. Sophie is an author, speaker, coach and entrepreneur. She holds Masters in Business, Journalism and Psychology. You can always find her asking game-changer deep questions about life. Sophie has just launched Shape House, an urban sweat lodge. A place to heal, a place to let go, a place to thin and melt away fears and doubts. A place to be with one self with a quiet breath. Shannon Bindler is a Shoeologist and Style Editor who believes in the transformative power of fashion. She is also the co-founder of Get Up Girl, a popular women’s coaching series that inspires women to shine. Shannon contributes regularly to,, and She is currently working on her first book, Sole Rx: Shoe Prescriptions for Life. Shannon has traveled, studied, and worked extensively throughout Africa, South America, and Europe. She lives with her filmmaker husband and daughter in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Los Angeles.

Adam Leipzig and Laurel Airica, Finding Purpose

Adam Leipzig has overseen more than 25 movies as a producer, executive, and distributor, including March of the Penguins and Dead Poets Society, and has worked with legendary directors Robert Altman, Peter Yates, and Peter Weir. Most recently, he served as the president of National Geographic Films, and is a former senior vice president at Walt Disney Pictures. Today, Adam trains entrepreneurs, filmmakers, and other members of the creative economy, and also publishes Cultural Weekly, a fast-growing online magazine that explores how our creative culture intersects media, money, technology and entertainment. Adam's new book, Inside Track for Independent Filmmakers: Get Your Movie Made, Get Your Movie Seen, and Turn the Tables on Hollywood, will be published this month. Laurel Airica took to words like a bird to the skies and began her literary flights of fancy early in her life. Particularly enchanted by rhythm and rhyme, palindromes, puns and other ‘electro-poetic' linguistic phenomena, she announced to her parents with absolute certainty at age three or four, "I bet I now know all the words in the English language." Laurel began writing poetry at the age of seven. Later in life, Laurel was inspired to take everything she'd discovered about letters and words and to turn it into the performance art she now calls, WordMagic: An Enchanted Literary Entertainment. In so doing, she transformed herself into the ‘Metaphysical Mother Goose.'

Jodi Delaney, Vets Yoga and Debbie Gregory Military Connection

Jodi Delaney is the Founder of Yatra Yoga International (YYI) and VetsYoga. Jodi combined her passions for yoga and travel with YYI, facilitating yoga and wellness retreats in Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica. In 2010, she assisted New Mexico's first Veterans Wellness Conference. This experience, along with a visit to the amputee unit at Walter Reed Medical Center, inspired the creation of VetsYoga, as a route for military personnel to explore the benefits of yoga to enhance mental and physical health in the privacy of home. Debbie Gregory is both the CEO of and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA). She covers all the bases when it comes to serving the needs of Military and Veteran Communities., one of the most popular websites on the Internet for active military, veterans and their families, is referred to as The Go to Site for jobs, benefits, news, and information regarding education benefits.

Mark Harradine and Leah Jantzen, Sports and Business

Mark Harradine teaches Conscious Leadership to leaders who want to profoundly impact their world for a greater good, by raising consciousness for powerful socio-economic impact for a sustainable future. Using his unique understanding of human potential and inner development, along with his deep experience as a mental coach for elite athletes, Mark applies himself to the complex systems of the business and political worlds. He views challenges as a puzzle, rather than a problem. Then has fun putting the puzzle together. Leah Jantzen is a fellow Toginet host of The Leah Jantzen show. Leah is a Sports and Relationships coach. She coaches highly motivated, energetic, enthusiastic, and creative individuals looking to make profound changes in their lives. She EMPOWERS her clients to reach new heights with their inate given abilities and talents. Using sports and sports analogies, Leah dramatically expands her clients’ vision of what’s possible. Her clients live bigger and experience higher levels of personal and professional success.

Daniel Chidiac, Purpose and Clarity

Daniel Chidiac is the Author of "Who Says You Can't? YOU DO: How to unchain your greatness within and take instant charge of your life." He has dedicated his life to finding the answers to "why some people are living an extraordinary life, while others are never really fulfilled?" Through his journey he has modeled the most successful people known to man, traveled overseas to meet with leaders who have the strongest mindset on the planet, interacted with exceptional achievers and coached people from all the around the globe. He has coached celebrity contestants on Dancing With The Stars, Radio show hosts, International DJ's, TV presenters and hosts, Business leaders and so on. Daniel's writing has touched millions of people worldwide and currently inspires thousands of people daily.

Gina Ross, International Trauma-Healing Institute and Debbie Gregory, Military Connection and VAMBOA

Gina Ross, MFCC, is founder and president of International Trauma-Healing Institute in the United States and Israel. An internationally respected psychotherapist, she is the co-founder of the Israeli Trauma Center at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem and has specialized in trauma and the understanding and treatment of trauma since 1990. She is trained in cognitive, behavioral, and somatic treatment approaches and is certified in the more innovative techniques of Somatic Experiencing® (SE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Thought Field Therapy (TFT), and Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR). Gina is also the author of many articles and a series of books entitled Beyond the Trauma Vortex Into the Healing Vortex. As both the CEO of and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA), Debbie Gregory covers all the bases when it comes to serving the needs of Military and Veteran Communities., one of the most popular websites on the Internet for active military, veterans and their families, is referred to as The Go to Site for jobs, benefits, news, and information regarding education benefits.

Catherine Ryan Hyde and Charley Johnson, Pay It Forward Foundation

Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of 18 published and forthcoming books. Her newest releases are When You Were Older, Don't Let Me Go, Jumpstart the World , When I Found You and Second Hand Heart. She authored the national bestseller, Pay It Forward, which was adapted into a major motion picture starring Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt, and was chosen by the American Library Association for its Best Books for Young Adults list. She is also the founder and former president (2000-2009) of the Pay It Forward Foundation. Charley Johnson has a deep passion for Pay It Forward. Believing in Pay It Forward so much so he left his company, career & millions behind to change the world and how people view humanity. He is now the president of the Pay It Forward Foundation and the creator of the Pay It Forward Bracelet, a physical reminder to do good that has been sent to over 1 million people in 108 countries. Charley founded the "PIF Experience," the website responsible for collecting stories from all over the world of people Paying It Forward. He also Founded the "Pay it Forward Hall of Fame" in November of 2011 with the First inductee being Catherine Ryan Hyde, the founder of the Pay It Forward Foundation.

Tim Freke, The Mystery Experience

Tim Freke is a 'standup philosopher' who makes profound ideas fun and easily accessible. He is an internationally respected authority on world spirituality and is often featured in documentaries on the BBC, the History Channel, and other global media. He is the bestselling author of many groundbreaking books translated into 15 languages, including Lucid Living and The Jesus Mysteries, which was a Daily Telegraph 'Book of the Year'. He runs ‘mystery experience retreats' internationally, in which he guides others directly to a spiritually awakened state.

Gotham Chopra and Scott Carlin, Decoding Deepak

Gotham Chopra is a multi-media voice in the worlds of entertainment, news, spirituality, and pop-culture. Recently he published Walking Wisdom which portrays all the love and licks that go along with being a dad, a dude, a dog-owner, and son of Deepak Chopra.His latest feature documentary, which he has written, directed, and produced, titled, Decoding Deepak, is the first long-form look at Deepak Chopra's life, told by Gotham. It is honest, revealing, and different than what many people expect. Scott Carlin is a recognized leader in television. With over 30 years experience, he was responsible for original, record-breaking deals for The Sopranos, Sex & the City, Band of Brothers, The Wire, and many other HBO programs. He has held senior positions at top studios including Warner Bros. Television and Lorimar-Telepictures. As a 2007 graduate of the Masters Program in Spiritual Psychology at The University of Santa Monica, Scott is immersed in the emerging area of transformational media. He has just completed producing a feature-length documentary about Deepak Chopra called, "Decoding Deepak" that is directed by Deepak's son, Gotham Chopra.

LIVE from Bulgaria, Yariv Lerner, The Ultimate Yogi

Yariv Lerner is the founder of Udaya Entertainment and producer of purpose-driven cinematic film for yoga, meditation, and wellbeing coaching, with an emphasis on integrated healing arts designed to condition users physically, mentally, and emotionally to achieve greater happiness, life-satisfaction, and wellness. Yariv is trailblazing through his creation of artfully produced training programs, such as The Ultimate Yogi, in partnership with well-known teachers and change agents. He holds a BA Business and Marketing, is a very successful beach volleyball player, and is the founder of the Udaya Retrreat Sanctuary specializing in Yoga.

Dr. Kelly McGonigal, The Willpower Instinct and The Neuroscience of Change

Dr. Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, and a leading expert in the new field of “science-help.” She is passionate about translating cutting-edge research from psychology, neuroscience, and medicine into practical strategies for health, happiness, and personal success.

Agapi Stassinopoulos, Unbinding the Heart

Agapi Stassinopoulos is the author of the best-selling book: Unbinding the Heart, where readers embark on an inspiring journey of inner exploration to reconnect with their true selves. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, she entered the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London at age 18. She moved to the United States to do film and television, and later attended the University of the Santa Monica, where she completed her Master's in Psychology. An inspiring speaker, Agapi teaches and empowers both men and women to recognize their individual gifts, claim them, use them to serve humanity, and create the lives they want.

Don Joseph Goewey, Mystic Cool

Don Joseph Goewey has had a long career in human potential. He's been an executive at Stanford University Medical School and worked closely with two of the pioneers in human potential - Carl Rogers, father of humanistic psychology and Gerald Jampolsky, founder a school of psychology based on attitude.Don has written a book titled Mystic Cool: A proven approach to transcend stress, achieve optimal brain function, and maximize your creative intelligence. His work focuses on helping people transcend catastrophic life events and some of the most stressful situations any of us will ever face. To learn more about Don and his work, visit:

Marty Papazian, Least Among Saints and Michele Rosenthal, Heal My PTSD

Martin Papazian is an actor, writer, and director of feature films. Previously, Martin directed the award winning short film IN THE WIND, about a soldier's return to a Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans. As an actor, Martin burst onto the screen in Universal Picture's, JARHEAD, THE BURNING PLAIN, and THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. On the small screen you may have seen him featured in 24, Lie To Me, CSI:NY, and DEXTER, amongst others. LEAST AMONG SAINTS marks his debut as a feature director and writer. Inspired by true events, the story centers on a man's quest for redemption through his compassion and service to an orphaned boy. The film will be released theatrically September 21st, 2012 in Los Angles, New York, Chicago, and Washington D.C. For more information visit : Michele Rosenthal inspires trauma survivors to overcome depression, anxiety, and fear so that they may build lives full of freedom, meaning, purpose, and joy. A survivor herself, Michele shares her story as a keynote speaker, post-trauma coach, award-winning blogger, poet, author, radio show host, and founder of, Michele's trauma recovery memoir, Before the World Intruded: Conquering the Past and Creating the Future, was released in April 2012. For more information visit:

Austin Vickers, Writer/Producer, People v. The State of Illusion

Austin Vickers is the writer and producer of People v. The State of Illusion, a docudrama based on his work and the science and power of perception and imagination, which was released in the fall of 2011. He is also the founder of The Stepping Up Foundation, a non-profit organization helping people and organizations in need. He is the author of the personal leadership book and program "Stepping Up: to a Life of Vision, Passion and Authentic Power" and is a professional speaker who has educated and entertained audiences from some of America's leading corporations, including Intel, Wells Fargo, Colgate Palmolive, and 3M. On a personal note, Austin is an avid reader, an aspiring musician, and is passionate about physical health, and is a certified yoga instructor.

Wayne Hankin and Jeffrey Pflaum, Music and Human Flourishing

Wayne Hankin is a period instrument specialist who has played 400 different instruments over a 30 year career. Specializing in medieval, renaissance, and baroque periods, Wayne has mastered instruments played only by a small handful of people in the world, including various bagpipes, hornpipes, flutes, whistles, gemshorns, trumps, bone flutes, double reeds, and others. There are also instruments made exclusively for his talents of which he is the sole performer. With over 4000 concerts to his credit and over 300 works composed for period instruments, Wayne has received numerous awards and commissions from ASCAP Awards to The National Endowment of the Arts. His film, 7 SOLOS, was awarded best short subject at The World Music and Independent Film Festival in Washington DC. To learn more about Wayne and his work, visit: Jeffrey Pflaum formerly taught inner-city elementary school children in NY for thirty-four years. During this time, he created a successful education project in social-and-emotional learning called The Contemplation Music Writing Project, where he combines music and writing to develop awareness, creativity, and motivation for extraordinary results. He has written articles for professional newspapers and publications about his original curricula. Jeffrey has recently published an inspirational book about adolescent reading life experiences titled, Motivating Teen and Preteen Readers: How Teachers and Parents Can Lead the Way. To learn more about Jeffrey and his work, visit:

Dr. Barry Schwartz, The Paradox of Choice

Barry Schwartz has been a professor of psychology at Swarthmore College, in Pennsylvania since receiving his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in 1971. He has written ten books and more than 100 articles for professional journals. In 2004, Barry published The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, which was named one of the top business books of the year by both Business Week and Forbes Magazine. He has appeared on dozens of radio shows, including NPR’s Morning Edition, and Talk of the Nation, and has been interviewed on Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN), the Lehrer News Hour (PBS), and CBS Sunday Morning. He has lectured to audiences as large as 5000, among them the British and the Dutch governments. Barry’s most recent book, authored with Kenneth Sharpe, is Practical Wisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing.

Sallie Culbreth, Commited To Freedom

Sallie Culbreth is the founder of Committed to Freedom Ministries, which offers retreats, seminars, and resources for survivors of childhood/adolescent sexual abuse. She has authored several books including Despising the Shame - the story of her own childhood sexual abuse; No Longer Alone (NavPress) - a narrative between abuse survivors and Christ; The Uncaged Project - a self-help workbook for men and women who experienced childhood abuse, and many other resources. She holds a B.A. in Pastoral Ministries and her M.S. in Counseling Studies. She is an ordained minister, member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), was a national faculty member for Living Free Ministries, and is trained as a Critical Incident Stress Management Counselor.

Bonnie Carroll, TAPS and Debbie Gregory,Military Connection

Bonnie Carroll is the president and founder of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), the national organization offering comfort and care to anyone grieving the death of someone who died while serving in the Armed Forces. Ms. Carroll is a Major in the Air Force Reserves. She served for 16 years in the Air National Guard as a Transportation Officer, Logistics Officer, and Executive Officer. In the federal government, Ms. Carroll held presidential appointments in the Reagan and Bush Administrations, including a senior level position as Executive Assistant for Cabinet Affairs. She met her husband while working in the West Wing for Ronald Reagan, and their love story is captured in the NBC Universal film, "Big Miracle." More information is available at

Sophie Chiche, Life By Me

Sophie Chiche is the founder and curator of, a website gathering eclectic people who are answering the question, "What is most meaningful to you?"On the site, Nobel Prize winners, media moguls, fishermen, midwives, global leaders, spiritual teachers, artists, and teenagers share their original meaningful words every day. Sophie is also an author, speaker, coach and entrepreneur. She holds Masters in Business, Journalism and Psychology. Visit for more.

Kenneth Cloke, Power of Forgiveness

Kenneth Cloke is the Director of the Center for Dispute Resolution, where he has served as a mediator, arbitrator, attorney, coach, consultant and trainer. He has taught at universities throughout California, including USC and UCLA, and is an Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine University's School of Law and Harvard University School of Law, among others. He has provided conflict resolution services around the world and is the President and co-founder of Mediators Beyond Borders. Kenneth received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley and JD from Berkeley's Boalt school of Law, his PhD from UCLA, his LLM from UCLA Law School and completed post-doctoral work at Yale University School of Law. He is a also graduate of the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada.

Gail Lynne Goodwin, Inspire Me Today

Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. With members in more than 120 countries, provides free inspiration- each day from a new Inspirational Luminary. Gail has interviewed many well-known names including Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Tony Hseih and hundreds more. According to Mashable, Gail was one of 2009's Top 25 Most Inspirational People on Twitter. Prior to, and after years in the commercial real estate business, Gail spent several years as manager for her recording artist daughter, Carly. Gail is a published author and a regular writer for the Huffington Post and for, with her column reaching more than 17,000,000 people daily. She offers mentoring and mastermind services to clients worldwide from her home in Whitefish, Montana.

Jerry Yellin, Operation Warrior Wellness and Debbie Gregory, Military Connection

Jerry Yellin, a distinguished veteran of World War II, is the author of "The Resilient Warrior," and co-chair of the David Lynch Foundation's new program, Operation Warrior Wellness, which offers Transcendental Meditation to veterans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Jerry is also the author of “Of War and Weddings,” published in 1995, which has been published in English and Japanese. As both the CEO of and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA), Debbie Gregory covers all the bases when it comes to serving the needs of Military and Veteran Communities., one of the most popular websites on the Internet for active military, veterans and their families, is referred to as The Go to Site for jobs, benefits, news, and information regarding education benefits. For more, visit

Dr. O.Raye Adkins

For more than 35 years, Adkins has participated in the education of children of poverty, working in all levels of public education (elementary, middle, high school, central office administration), as well as an elementary school principal. She has also worked at the college level as an adjunct professor. Presently, she contracts as a consultant, presenting workshops to teachers working with children in poverty. She holds a master's degree and a doctorate in Educational Leadership. As the founder of OraMite, a nonprofit organization, Raye uses both her personal and professional experience to provide a golden touch to improve the lives of others.

Dr .Benjamin LaBrot, Floating Doctors

Dr. Benjamin La Brot is a native Southern Californian who learned to swim before he could walk. He has worked on sport and commercial fishing boats, on the Floating Marine Science Laboratory vessel, in classrooms across southern California for the Los Angeles County Office of Marine Education, and for Pacific Biomarine Laboratories as a research diver. He also qualified as an EMT, a Handicapped SCUBA Association Dive Buddy, and completed a B.S. in Marine Biology, a B.A. in History, and a Geology Minor from the University of CA, Santa Barbara.

Patricia Stotter and Debbie Gregory

An Emmy Award winning composer and writer, Patricia Lee Stotter lends her tremendous talents in TV, film and social media to furthering awareness of PTSD and Veteran reintegration struggles. Stotter first became interested in Veteran issues while working on a theatre testimonial project that discussed suicide rates among Vietnam Veterans. She has since worked to bring awareness to Veteran issues through True Rep, a repertory company that explores trauma and resilience through testimonial theatre and film, and fosters collaboration among actors, writers and humane service organizations. Her recent documentary, Service: When Women Come Marching Home, highlights challenges facing female Veterans as they transition from active duty to civilian life. For more, visit

Valerie Sheppard, Sherpa of Happiness

Known as The Sherpa of Happiness, Valerie Rene Sheppard is Founder and CEO of Source Power, a boutique leadership, business strategy and branding consultant agency in Southern California. Through her work as a speaker, author, consultant and host, Valerie shares her diverse business and marketing background with nonprofits, major businesses such as Proctor & Gamble, and the students she instructs as a guest lecturer at the Merage School of Business at the University of California Irvine.

Linda Cohen Author of 1000 Mitzvahs

The acclaimed author of 1,000 Mitzvahs: How Small Acts of Kindness Can Heal, Inspire and Change Your Life, Linda Cohen writes, speaks and consults around the country on the topics of volunteerism, parenting, mitzvahs and happiness. She serves on the Board of Directors for Willowbrook, a nonprofit summer arts program for children. Originally from the east coast, Cohen resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband, two children and their dog. Visit her at

Amir Zoghi and Lynn Robinson

An internationally renowned speaker on self-awareness and human potential, Amir Zoghi uses his modern age philosophies to teach others how to embody transformation, discover truth, and experience their inner freedom. Amir shares his wisdom through writing, teaching, and speaking platforms, and is critically acclaimed for his ability to deliver a strong, impactful message with simplicity and clarity that resonates with people from all walks of life. Learn more about Amir at

Mary Cimiluca and Alexander Vesely

Noted Austrian filmmaker Alexander Vesely strives to produce films that have depth, meaning and substance. He brings this philosophical approach to the U.S. with his American directorial debut, Viktor & I. Chronicling the life of Alexander's grandfather, Viktor & I gives the viewer complete subjectivity as the film moves from family members to friends and others who were close to Viktor Frankl. Alexander Vesely resides in Vienna and recently opened Noetic Films, Inc., in Southern California. For more information about the film, visit

Greg Louganis Olympic Gold Medalist

An Olympic Medal winner, five-time world champion, competitive diving legend Greg Louganis has long been celebrated for his spirit of sportsmanship and community service. Greg serves as an advocate for many organizations, including youth's clubs, drug and alcohol rehabilitation groups, and organizations for the dyslexic. Since shedding light on his struggle with HIV in his best-selling autobiography, Breaking the Surface, Greg's inspirational message has reached a whole new audience.

Debbie Gregory, Tara Wise, and Rick Collins

As both the CEO of and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA), Debbie Gregory covers all the bases when it comes to serving the needs of Military and Veteran Communities. Named Woman Business Owner of the Year by the National Association of Women Business Owners - Ventura County, Debbie Gregory uses as a platform for doing the work that means most to her: assisting veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families, and a number of nonprofits.

Douglas Kmiec Author of Lift Up Your Hearts

Douglas W. Kmiec is an American legal scholar, author, and former U.S. ambassador. He is the Caruso Family Chair and Professor of Constitutional Law at Pepperdine University School of Law. Kmiec came to prominence during the United States presidential election, 2008 when, although a Republican, he endorsed Democrat Barack Obama. In July 2009, he was nominated by President Obama to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Malta.

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener Author The Courage Quotient

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener is widely known as the "Indiana Jones of Positive Psychology" because his research on happiness has taken him to such far-flung places as Greenland, India, Kenya and Israel. Dr. Biswas-Diener is a leading authority on strengths, culture, courage, and happiness. He has published dozens of scholarly articles and multiple books, most recently The Courage Quotient. He is managing director of Positive Acorn ( and lives in Portland, Oregon.

Jenn Lim, Chief Happiness Officer Delivering Happiness

Jenn Lim is the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of Delivering Happiness, a company she and Tony Hsieh ,CEO of Zappos, co-created to inspire happiness in work, community, and everyday life. She created the first Culture Book for Zappos - now on its 7th edition .The Culture Book has become a global symbol of how companies can successfully create cultures based on happiness and be profitable at the same time. Jenn also led the launch and management of Tony's first book, Delivering Happiness, which sold over 220,000 copies internationally and hit #1 on numerous bestsellers list (including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today). Today, she's dedicated to growing the social venture of Delivering Happiness to spread and inspire happiness, day by day.

Ash Adams, Alison Lighthall, and Debbie Gregory

As a Filmmaker Ash Adams has written, produced, directed, and co-starred in Once Fallen, After The Past, The Distance, and Peter's Hope, all of which won Adams awards. His newest short is In Mexico, about a returning combat vet suffering from PTSD.

Dr. Bill Cloke Author of Happy Together

Dr. Bill Cloke has over 30 years' experience as a licensed psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles. He has continued to branch out into cognitive behavioral, transpersonal, and self-psychology with specializations in anger management, self-esteem, sexual addiction, and relationship counseling. He has also continued to develop his curiosity and interest in what eases emotional pain, creates change, what affects our sense of self and how psychotherapy cures.

Sallie Culbreth Committed to Freedom

The sexual abuse she experienced as a child launched her on a journey - a quest to move beyond what was done to her. The surprising destination was a life altering encounter with God... surprising because she wanted nothing to do with him. Her abuser used God in order to use her. In her confusion, she held God responsible for her abuse. Sallie despised church, people, and God. In many ways, her spirit was as damaged as the rest of her. Sallie became dark and overwhelmed - so much so that she thought suicide was the only way to find relief.

Charley Johnson Pay It Forward Foundation

The concept of Pay it Forward dates back to ancient Greece in 317 BC. The model was used as a key plot element of the play Dyskolos, (a title which can be translated as "The Grouch") by Menander. His work was lost in the Middle Ages and the theory was rediscovered by Benjamin Franklin and described in a letter below to Benjamin Webb dated April 25, 1784. “I do not pretend to give such a Sum; I only lend it to you. When you [...] meet with another honest Man in similar Distress, you must pay me by lending this Sum to him; enjoining him to discharge the Debt by a like operation, when he shall be able, and shall meet with another opportunity. I hope it may thus go thro' many hands, before it meets with a Knave that will stop its Progress. This is a trick of mine for doing a deal of good with a little money.” Charley Johnson is an entrepreneur and former Owner/Executive V.P. of a Manufacturing company with over 250 employees has a deep passion for Pay it Forward. Believing in Pay it Forward so much so he left his company, career & millions behind to change the world and how people view humanity.

Arun Gandhi, Following in His Grandfather's Footsteps

Born in 1934 in Durban, South Africa, Arun is the fifth grandson of India’s legendary leader, Mohandas K. “Mahatma” Gandhi. Growing up under the discriminatory apartheid laws of South Africa, he was beaten by “white” South Africans for being too black and “black” South Africans for being too white; so, Arun sought eye-for-an-eye justice. However, he learned from his parents and grandparents that justice does not mean revenge, it means transforming the opponent through love and suffering.

Chelo Alvarez-Stehle- Sands of Silence

Chelo Alvarez-Stehle is a journalist, documentary and new media producer who has worked for over 14 years exposing stories of human trafficking through her creative and outreach work. A Spaniard, she worked in Japan in documentaries for NHK and became Tokyo’s and then Los Angeles’ correspondent for Spain’s El Mundo daily. Her writings on trafficking have been published worldwide. In 1997, Chelo's first published interview on this issue received the publishers’ award, enabling Anu Tamang, a Nepali survivor just rescued from in India, to attend school for the first time in her life. In 2002, the article was turned by Canal+ into TIN GIRLS, a feature documentary film on sex trafficking in the Himalayas, for which she was assistant director, interviewer and consultant. After production of TIN GIRLS, Chelo co-founded the Masala Project, an income-generating spice factory for trafficking survivors in Nepal. Then, in 2011, Tamang received the Hero to End Modern-Day Slavery Award by Hillary Clinton during the official release of the U.S. State Department Human Trafficking Victims Report.

Bob Nilsson

Giving service to others is not only good for the recipient, but it is also heartwarming for the giver. When you feel like you are at your lowest point, nothing can lift you up like giving service to others. Our guest this week does just that. He is a regular fixture around Walter Reed and Bethesda hospitals. He is one of the first persons to see the wounded and give them the strength they need in the overwhelming situation they find themselves in. Some have had a limb amputated, while others are suffering from traumatic brain injuries. He is a welcome visitor of the soldiers and gives support to all in need.

Jsu Garcia The Wayshower

Garcia made his directorial debut co-directing The Wayshower (2012) with John-Roger, filmed primarily in Utah, and with major scenes shot on location in Morocco, France, England, Peru and Spain. The Wayshower stars Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts, Peter Stormare and Academy Award nominee Sally Kirkland and Garcia also plays the leading role as 'Jesus'. Garcia worked closely with Academy Award winner Dane Davis (TheMatrix) on the sound design, and was mentored by Academy Award winning Director Stephen Soderbergh throughout the directing and editing process and the result is an independent film with strikingly high production value. The Wayshower won Best Ensemble Cast at the FirstGlance Film Festival in Hollywood, and continues to screen at film festivals in 2011.

Dr. Alan Gettis, Author of The Happiness Solution

Dr. Gettis spent two years as a Vietnam era army psychologist in the late 1960's. In the 1970's, he worked for seven years at a large mental health center as the Chief Psychologist. He is a clinical psychologist with graduate degrees from Central Michigan University, Utah State University, and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He has been in private practice since 1974.

Chrissy Carew and Ben Utecht

We are born with gifts. We all possess our own unique qualities, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. Our greatest gift is the gift of knowing. Knowing how to hone in on ourselves and manifest the greatness of who we are and what gifts we were given at birth. It is our birthright to be happy and pursue our dreams and intentions. Our guests this week are two examples of knowing what they were born to do and are living their intentions.

Dr. James Roberts Author Shiny Objects

The American Dream was founded on the belief that anyone dedicated to thrift and hard work could create opportunities and achieve a better life. Now that dream has been reduced to a hyper quantified desire for fancier clothes, sleeker cars, and larger homes. As our standard of living has climbed over the past forty years, our self-reported "happiness levels" have flat lined. We've somehow lost our way, but it's not too late to find it again.

Lisa Steadman Awaken Your Woohoo Within

Lisa Steadman is an internationally acclaimed best-selling author, sought after speaker, results coach, creative consultant, and CEO of Woohoo, Inc. A masterful mentor when it comes to Awakening your Woohoo WithinTM, Lisa loves showing woman how to step into their spotlight, stake their claim in the world, and create the life, relationships, and business of their dreams. Lisa is a frequent media contributor, having appeared on The Today Show, The Tyra Banks Show, iVillage Live, The Fran Drescher Show, Playboy Radio, and New Zealand's Good Morning. In 2012, she's leading a year long mission called The Year of You to help women celebrate themselves and stop playing small.

Chris Waddell One-Revolution

This week we explore the depth and width of resilience of the human condition. We will discover how to overcome adversity and stress, and live the happy life we were meant to. Tune in as we learn how deep an individual can reach into their soul and find happiness after a tragic accident or misfortune? Are there limitations of the human spirit and condition, and how far it can it be stretched to create the quality of life one longs for? Our guest this week discusses his journey from being on top of the skiing world, to a heart breaking accident, to arriving high above the world, once again.

Charley Johnson Pay It Forward Foundation

Charley Johnson: An entrepreneur and former Owner/Executive V.P. of a Manufacturing company with over 250 employees has a deep passion for Pay it Forward. Believing in Pay it Forward so much so he left his company, career & millions behind to change the world and how people view humanity. He has been a Board member of the Pay it Forward Foundation for the past 4 years and will become President January 1st, 2012. He is the creator of the Pay it Forward Bracelet, a physical reminder to do good that has been sent to over 1 million people in 108 countries.

Kenneth Cloke, Conflict Resolution

Kenneth Cloke is Director of the Center for Dispute Resolution and a mediator, arbitrator, attorney, coach, consultant, and trainer, specializing in communication, negotiation, and resolving complex multi-party conflicts, as well as designing preventative conflict resolution systems for organizations.

Rudy Wietfeldt, The Core of Happiness

Rudy Wietfeldt has personally faced and overcome incredible tragedies: at 18 he was pallbearer for his father, who died suddenly in his 40s; at 25, Rudy had also served as pallbearer for his mother. By the age of 33, Rudy had buried three sons and a daughter. And Rudy has also suffered with what Wikipedia has called "the most painful condition known to medical science," the Cluster Headache. Through all the pain and suffering, the book "The Core of Happiness" was penned by Rudy in the hope that his surviving children and others would ultimately derive benefit from his philosophy of hope that has guided his life. "The Core of Happiness" is the first in a series of books with "a ‘novel' approach to self help." Rudy is currently co-authoring a chronic pain management book with Dr. Barry Mitchell; look for this to be released in 2012.

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, Authors of Loyalty to Your Soul

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are founders of the University of Santa Monica, a small, private graduate school offering master's degree programs in Spiritual Psychology. Most recently, Ron and Mary have released their newest book, Loyalty to Your Soul - The Heart of Spiritual Psychology. Loyalty to your Soul means learning to live life from within the spiritual context of who you are. Which means the YOU that is the spiritual essence of your very being as opposed to who you think you are, which is really all about your ego or personality. The idea is that "We are not human beings who have a Soul, we are Souls having a human experience."

Chrissy Carew, Insightful Player and Ben Utecht

Chrissy Carew is a Hall-of-Fame Master Certified personal and business coach, mentor and trainer as well as the author of Insightful Player: Football Pros Lead a Bold Movement of Hope, published in October of 2011 by Morgan James Publishing.

Bekah Eden, Terence Davis, Hannah Mulholland, and Abe McDonald

Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks and gratitude. When we give thanks, we are expressing our love and happiness towards others. This week , as we usher in the Holiday Season, I give my thanks to you, through music. I am very grateful and thankful to the guest musicians this week as they share with us their expressions, creativity and talent, through their love of music.

Wayne Hankin, Period Instrument Specialist

WAYNE HANKIN is a period instrument specialist and has played 400 different instruments over a 30 year career. Specializing in medieval, renaissance and baroque periods, Wayne has mastered instruments played only by a small handful of people in the world including various bagpipes, hornpipes, flutes, whistles, gemshorns, trumps, bone flutes, double reeds and others. There are also instruments made exclusively for his talents of which he is the sole performer.

Tami Cromar RubySnap Cookies

As an architectural designer, cookies and baking were a side note in Tami Cromar’s life. When she wanted a little extra spending money, she’d bake. When she wanted to help her daughters raise funds, she’d bake. When she wanted a quality, memorable gift for her clients, she’d bake. Over the course of 15 years, it was an accumulation of these incidences, coupled with her disillusionment with the design industry, that brought Cromar to a realization: It was time for cookies to move from the sidelines to the forefront of her life. So she quit her former career.With a vote of confidence from her family, and a $10,00 IRA, she began the process of opening the local bakery, RubySnap.

Dr Bill Cloke, psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist

Dr. Bill Cloke has recently finished a book about relationships and intimacy. The book titled HAPPY TOGETHER: Creating a Lifetime of Connection, Commitment and Intimacy addresses how our inner life affects our ability to connect emotionally with others and creates or soothes conflict, healing and redemption. His interest is devoted to the ultimate challenge of easing pain and helping people to develop better and more satisfying relationships.

Dr. Alan Gettis, Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Alan Gettis believes wholeheartedly in the power of stories. his therapeutic approach to helping others heal and thrive as a result of his studies of world cultures in general and Zen in particular. Dr. Gettis spent two years as a Vietnam era army psychologist in the late 1960’s. In the 1970’s, he worked for seven years at a large mental health center as the Chief Psychologist. He is a clinical psychologist and has been in private practice since 1974.

Alison Lighthall, RN and former Captain, US Army Nurse Corps

Alison Lighthall, RN, BSN, MSN, a former Captain in the US Army Nurse Corps, is an expert in posttraumatic stress, combat stress, military suicide, and mental resilience. While serving with the 7302nd Medical Training Support Battalion, she provided psychosocial training throughout the Midwest to units preparing to deploy and debriefing sessions upon their return. Alison served as the Lead Clinician of Fort Carson's Urgent Psychiatric Care Response Team, providing emergency psychiatric care to their most emotionally wounded. Currently, as a trainer and consultant, she assists with reintegration programs for military and police organizations.

Fuzzy Manning of PTS Treatment

Fuzzy Manning is the Founder & CEO of PTS Treatment. He is a recognized international alternative clinician, therapist, and speaker who mends the hearts of female/male military veterans, National Guard, Coast Guard, reservists, and their families who are dealing with the invisible wounds of Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). During the alternative therapy process, it’s impossible to separate Chronic Disease, Chronic Pain and Musculoskeletal Damage, Combat Stress, Military Sexual Trauma (MST), Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Suicidal Thoughts, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) from PTS during treatment. You can’t treat one without treating the other. Fuzzy offers a safe and secure environment for people to tell their story and receive the necessary treatment and therapy despite their gender, age, language, or ethnicity. He believes in treating veterans, military personnel, and their family as one-unit. Visit

Author Barry Fixler

Barry Fixler has aided numerous wounded Marines and soldiers, to whom his loyalties are obvious, but has also helped people who have had no connections to the military. Barry has pledged to raise a million dollars for combat-wounded veterans from the proceeds from his book Semper Cool: One Marine’s Fond Memories of Vietnam. Barry is donating all of his royalties from Semper Cool to combat veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can learn more about Barry’s foundation and monitor the progress of his million dollar goal on his web site:

Chaney Weiner, authority on Human Potential

Chaney Weiner is a sought after authority on human potential and personal development. He is the founder of the Chaney Institute of Human Potential, an organization dedicated to empowering people worldwide in all seven areas of life (Financial, physical, family, mental, spiritual, vocational, and social) by helping them discover their hidden brilliance and uniqueness based on what is most important to them. Chaney is also a facilitator of the Demartini Method which was developed by Dr. John Demartini.

Deva Premal and Miten - Music, Mantras, Meditation

Deva and Miten's music transcends all the usual musical boundaries, with fans including rock icon Cher, who featured one of Deva’s most popular chants, the Gayatri Mantra, on her Farewell Concert Tour; world renowned author and motivational coach Tony Robbins, and even His Holiness The Dalai Lama who, after hearing Deva & Miten sing for a private audience, exclaimed, “Beautiful music, beautiful…!”

Guest Debbie Gregory of

As both the CEO of and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA), Debbie Gregory covers all the bases when it comes to serving the needs of Military and Veteran Communities., one of the most popular websites on the Internet for active military, veterans and their families, is referred to as The Go To Site for jobs, benefits, news, and information regarding education benefits. The web site is one of the most comprehensive online directories of military and veteran resources with thousands of pages and something for everyone. Visit for more info.

Raquel Reyna of End The Diet War

Raquel Reyna is an emotional eating specialist and weight loss expert. She has been in the business of weight loss for the last 10 years and has helped hundreds of women find their ideal body weight. She helped launch one of the most successful weight loss franchises in the US. Today sees through her years of experience and personal battles with eating disorders and binge eating as well as severe yo yo dieting that weight loss and health has far less to do with what you eat and more to do with how you think.

Guest Linda Franklin, The Real Cougar Woman

Every woman, whether she realizes it or not, has a Real Cougar just waiting to be unleashed. Living your life as a smart, sexy, independent woman is the best gift you can give yourself. So get over listening to what other people think you should do and start living the life you deserve. After leaving a powerful Wall Street career, Linda Franklin made the conscious decision to take back her life. She embarked on a quest to find the answers that would help her relationships, maintain a healthy body, looking fabulous, starting a new career and filling her spiritual reservoir. That journey, as tough as it was, turned out to be a blessing. It re-ignited her passion and allowed her to get excited about "act two" of her life.

Guest Chitoka Webb, author and motivational speaker

Chitoka Webb's life and business motto is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" pulling herself up by the bootstraps these humble beginnings brought more success. After developing two health care agencies and a new state-of-the-art barbershop Webb developed Chitoka L.Webb Holdings, Inc. which oversees her professional ventures, and the early development stages of a Foundation which supports her community service projects

Guest Suzanne Jauchius, Psychic, Author, Radio Personality

Suzanne has been consulted many times during her career to assist in missing persons; most often at the request of Search and Rescue and family members. Suzanne’s life has been a kaleidoscope of astonishing experiences that have conspired to bring her finally to a life of seamlessness and fulfillment For more about Suzanne, visit

Guest Adonis Ellinas - Life Coach

Promoting Health, Joy, Success, and Happiness in order to live life at one's fullest potential, Adonis's mission is to give all his energy in an effort to make a more peaceful, happier, greener and safer planet, being at service to others, coming always from his Higher Self. Visit Adonis at

Guests Sandra Beck and Evelyn Gray

Sandra Beck from Military Mom Talk Radio joins Lisa to talk about resources for military and their families. Evelyn Gray spends time with Lisa discussing the benefits of organization, especially for those with ADD, which relieves stress and, thus, satisfaction and freedom.

Marla Tabaka of Million Dollar Mindset

Life Coach, Marla Tabaka is The Million-Dollar Mindset Coach and specializes in coaching women business owners who are ready to embrace their full potential in life and business. Marla runs a thriving coaching practice and is also a Success Coach for the nationally known organization, Count-Me-In for Women’s Economic Independence. She’s spent years inspiring women business owners to grow their annual revenues to one million dollars and beyond. Life Coach Marla loves to share her success tips so she is also a regular author on the popular blogs, and Inc magazine on line.

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick of Univ. Santa Monica and authors of Loyalty to Your Soul

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are founders of the University of Santa Monica, a small, private graduate school offering master’s degree programs in Spiritual Psychology. Most recently, Ron and Mary have released their newest book, “Loyalty To Your Soul” – The Heart of Spiritual Psychology. For more information, visit

don Jose Ruiz, author of the Fifth Agreement

don Jose Ruiz with his father don Miguel Ruiz offers a fresh perspective on don Miguel's book, The Four Agreements, in a powerful new agreement for transforming our lives into our personal heaven: the Fifth Agreement. The Fifth Agreement takes us to a deeper level of awareness of the power of the Self, and returns us to the authenticity we were born with.

Guest Dr. Jessica Wu, Dermatologist

Dr Wu’s first book, Feed Your Face: Younger, Smoother Skin and a Beautiful Body in 28 Delicious Days, was published by St. Martin’s Press in February 2011. It’s a real-world guide to choosing the right foods for smoother, clearer skin—including what to eat at your favorite restaurants and why you should eat pizza and steak and drink red wine.

Meg Pier, View From The Pier features a new image each day, captioned by an uplifting quotation - a daily dose of colorful inspiration. It's part-travelogue, part-life lesson, always thought-provoking.

Robert Rowland Smith, author

Robert writes non-fiction that applies philosophy, psychoanalysis and literature to the concerns of everyday life. His book is Driving with Plato: The Meaning of Life’s Milestones, which combines the best brains in history for the first time in a smart, witty and accessible journey through life’s ups and downs.

Patricia Sparado, author of Honor Yourself

Patricia Spadaro is the award-winning author of the book Honor Yourself: The Inner Art of Giving and Receiving and other popular works on personal growth. Her books are available around the world in more than 20 languages. Her new book Honor Yourself explores how to get beyond the myths about giving and receiving that can sabotage your finances, relationships, careers—even your health—to more balanced, authentic living.

Sgt. Andy Brandi, author of The Warrior’s Guide To Worlds at War: The Dragon has Awakened

Sgt Brandi joins Lisa to talk about his newest book The Warrior's Guide to Worlds at War, the Dragon has Awakened. Sgt. Andy Brandi's mission is simple: changing and saving lives by helping each and every Warrior understand they’ve walked off the battlefield far stronger than when they walked on, and to then use that strength to overcome the traumas of their experiences. Visit

Dan Cook from Rivers of Recovery

Rivers of Recovery delivers direct support to physically and psychologically injured combat veterans through innovative, outdoor-based therapies and pioneering research. They strive to provide participants with therapeutic programs which result in measurable and sustainable improvement. These programs are designed to re-enable and re-energize participants and provide the support and self-confidence necessary to maximize long-term recovery. Veterans and families from all armed forces and military eras are eligible. For more information about military and combat stress related treatment programs, visit

Veterans' Preservation Corp Program Restores Heritage Square Museum

Four Los Angeles based partner companies and organizations have come together to for the Veterans Preservation Corp. Each partner brings a niche value to the new program, offering post combat Vets a full spectrum of opportunity to re-enter the workforce after battling the effects of PTSD. Harvesting Happiness for Heroes, New Directions Veterans residential living center, Heritage Square Museum and Preservation Arts plan to offer homeless Veterans a skill education in the niche industry of reconstructing, rebuilding and preserving historic buildings (such as the Los Angeles Public Library), as their cornerstone of the Veterans Preservation Corp.

Guest Jen Hancock, author and columnist

In addition to being the author of the book, the Humanist Approach to Happiness, she is also the writer and producer of An Introduction to Humanism on DVD. She is the Tampa Humanist and Freethought Examiner for and writes a monthly freelance column about Humanism for the Bradenton Herald newspaper. Finally she writes the Happiness Through Humanism blog and podcast. Visit her at

Frank Clayton - Happiness 101

Frank Clayton is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in Happiness. He has a thriving private practice in Salt Lake City and teaches a class there called Happiness 101. In the two years he has been teaching the class, he has taught hundreds of people scientifically proven methods to be happier. For more information, visit

Guest Steven Shaps, Psychotherapist

Steven Shaps MA, practices mind/body psychotherapy, counseling and coaching and specializes in the practice of anger management, stress management and Somatic psychology. He works with individuals, couples, and families as well as leads groups. Learn more about Steven at

Nancy Sherman, author of The Untold War

Author Nancy Sherman describes her book: “The Untold War is my best effort at allowing soldiers to open up their hearts and tell their stories. I have listened to those stories with the ear of a philosopher and psychoanalyst, but also with the ear of a daughter, who always felt that she needed to understand more about what her father went through." Find out more about Nancy at

Lori Fields of Real Beauty Is...

Lori Fields is a NYS Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Internet entrepreneur, leader, visionary, health & fitness enthusiast and Founder of the Real Beauty Is Movement. She has dedicated her life to teaching women how to feel good about themselves by tapping into their power, live their life on purpose and defining beauty on their own terms.

George Resch of Happy Is The New Rich

George is motivated by light bulbs, or light bulb moments, as it turns out. He loves having them himself, but even more so, he loves watching the bulb illuminate over somebody else’s head as a result of a story, analogy, or the simplification of something very complicated which people seem to grasp when he explains it in his own sweet way.

Guest Janine Wilburn of Touch-Nology

Touch-Nology manufactures patent-pending, Connection Kits and Products designed to bring Resiliency, connection, communication and healing to families in challenging situations. Touch.Nology developed Kits to help Service Members and Military Families build Resiliency before, during and after deployment. The kits contain a number of different types of products—all designed to work together over time. To date, upwards of 170,000 Service Members and Military Families have received Kits and responded with very positive reviews. For more information, visit

Guest Gail Goodwin of Inspire Me Today

Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of, bringing the best inspiration to the world. With members in more than 120 countries, provides free inspiration- each day from a new Inspirational Luminary. Visit and be inspired!

Guest Lynn Zavaro, author of The Game of You

A leading voice in the art of guiding others to know themselves and create the life they've always envisioned, Lynn offers a powerful, profound and FUN experience of self-discovery and transformation. To learn more, visit or look for the book/game at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Guest Nic Askew of Soul Biographies

Nic makes films. Short, black and white. Far beyond simple. Films that show people stark naked as they are. Films made with a pace that makes little sense when set against the canter of our modern day lives. In one breath they appear to soothe and in the very next, can challenge to a point far beyond uncomfortable. They’re not for everyone. They are for those who have set out to consciously seek a meaningful life. Nic’s films have been said to shake the soul. For more information visit

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick of Univ. Santa Monica and authors of Loyalty to Your Soul

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, founders of the University of Santa Monica, join Lisa to share their views on spiritual psychology and discuss their recent book, Loyalty To Your Soul. For more information, visit

Guest Jeff Brown -

"Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation," is Jeff Brown's autobiography - an inner travelogue of his journey from archetypal male warrior to a more surrendered path.

Guest John Rola from Strumming For Vets

Guest John Rola, founder of Strumming For Vets, joins Lisa to discuss the impact that music therapy has on healing our wounded warriors' bodies, minds, and hearts. With the talents of artists and sponsors, Strumming For Vets organizes concerts, events, and visits to VA hospitals to reach out to those who those who are overcoming many forms of trauma. For more information about John's work and Strumming For Vets, visit

Guest Lou Paget, Sex Educator, Author

Lisa welcomes Lou Paget, certified sex educator, author and talk show host, for an exciting and informative conversation, as any conversation with Lou always is! For more information about Lou, her workshops, books, products, and her new talk show on, visit

Guest Dr. BilL Cloke, psychotherapist and author

Dr. Bill Cloke joins Lisa for an interesting discussion of relationships, C.U.R.E., and his new book HAPPY TOGETHER: Creating a Lifetime of Connection, Commitment and Intimacy. For more information, visit

Guest Master Peter Hill - G.E.T. I.T. Together!

The G.E.T. I.T. Together program was developed by Master Peter Hill as a practical guide to promoting body/mind knowledge, physical / psychological / emotional power, and creating inner harmony, while resolving conflict and traversing the various worlds/roles that we move through.

Guest Sgt. Andy Brandi, USMC

Sgt. Andy Brandi’s mission is simple: changing and saving lives. By helping each and every Warrior understand they’ve walked off the battlefield far stronger than when they walked on, and to then use that strength to overcome the traumas of their experiences. This allows them not only to understand their feelings about their experiences are normal and to heal, thus preventing them from taking their lives and the lives of others. It also directs them toward life goals that benefit themselves and their loved ones and leads to a more productive and excellent future. Speaker and author of The Warrior’s Guide to Insanity, Sgt. Brandi says, “Once they understand the savage side of their nature, they are on the road to healing. Sure, there will always be scars, but that’s the price we willingly pay to serve this nation. And I want them to feel comfortable in remembering the war, the loss of true friends and the pain we’ve shared as Brothers and Sisters. Because everything we’ve experienced in Battle makes us stronger, wiser and better human beings when we keep that focus; allowing others to be weaker than we are, and yet to help them to a position of strength that we as Warriors all have.” For more information, visit . Find your Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen every Wednesday at 9 am PST/12 pm EST on! For more information, visit Lisa’s website, .

Guests Sue Lynch (There & Back Again) and Meghan Roth (Lone Survivor Foundation)

Lisa chats with Meghan Roth of the Lone Survivor Foundation and with Sue Lynch, yoga instructor and founder of There & Back Again, a program helping combat veterans reintegrate after their service.

Guest Kimberly Trapp of

This week Lisa was joined by Kimberly Trapp of My Three Things is asking people around the world to name three things they’re willing to forgive themselves for. We all need an outlet; a place where we feel safe enough to let go of guilt and shame. Their website has been most successful with many submissions from around the world. Submissions are to be included in a book being published about forgiveness and releasing judgement.

Guest Dr. Mark Setton - Pursuit of Happiness

Lisa welcomed Dr. Mark Setton from The Pursuit of Happiness; a group of educators from various universities and high schools, as well as specialists in web design, constructing a multimedia educational platform on the internet focused on the topic of human happiness. For more information, and for upcoming webinars, visit

Guest Michael Chase - The Kindness Center

Lisa’s guest this week was author and inspirational speaker Michael Chase of the Kindness Center. Michael began The Kindness Center with the vision of creating a more peaceful and kindhearted world. Located in the beautiful state of Maine, he is accomplishing this by inspiring kindness in schools, the workplace, and in everyday life. Through his programs and events, Michael reveals the secrets to true happiness and the incredible benefits of a heart-centerd lifestyle.

Guest Patrick Combs

Patrick Combs, author, speaker and success coach joined Lisa this week. Patrick’s mission is “sharing success – teaching people to make dreams take off”. Additionally, Patrick is a driving force behind the Might Club; a community of artists, renegades, misfits, dreamers and those who think different. For more information visit

Guest Sandra Beck of Motherhood Incorporated

Lisa welcomed Sandra Beck, president of Motherhood Incorporated. As an author, coach, speaker, radio host, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Sandra Beck is as successful as she is busy. The single mother of two has created a virtual empire of successful companies entirely staffed, managed and implemented using a host of virtual assistants and on-line resources. Sandra is the host of two Radio Shows: Military Mom Talk Radio and Motherhood Talk Radio on An active contributor and participant in many charities, Sandra Beck strives to make the world a better place for today’s and our future’s children. Near to her heart are Toys for Tots, World of Children and Children Uniting Nations. Sandra Beck was born in a small town outside of Buffalo, New York. She attended Northwestern University and earned both her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and her Master’s Degree in Advertising.

Kelly Wallace and Erin Wholey from Grateful Nation of Beth Israel, Boston MA

Lisa welcomes guests Kelly Wallace and Erin Wholey from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and members of Grateful Nation, a vehicle for giving at BIDMC. Grateful Nation brings together patients, families, friends and staff of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center of Boston to support compassionate and quality care and groundbreaking research at the Medical Center. Tom DesFosses, cancer survivor and patient at BIDMC, joins the discussion as the founder of A Reason To Ride, an annual bike marathon that has grown since 2008, providing over $88,000 this year for cancer reasearch. For more information, visit