Sexual Abuse: Claiming Victory Over Darkness with Sarah Van Hook
Sarah Van Hook on

Once the victim of an abuser herself, Sarah Van Hook grew up to be a champion pediatric and geriatric therapist. Yep, Sarah has seen the full gamut of evil out there in all its manifestations and she’s lived to tell about it!  

With power, she pushes back the darkness every day as she shows others the way to victory. Truly, I am so honored to get to interview her. 

 First: A Special Note from 

Cathy Krafve and Gina Butler 

You are invited to our Book Bananza! Yep, like YOU, we’re bananas about books! December 3rd at Potpourri. Keep reading for more details at the end of today’s blog.


Now back to the amazing Sarah Van Hook.

I bet you’ll love Sarah’s down-to-earth attitude. If I didn’t tell you, you might not ever guess this is one well-educated chick! Click above to listen in to this authentic conversation or go here for more podcasts.

Transforming the Trauma of Sexual Abuse

Sarah is a licensed therapist, specializing in clinical mental health, plus marriage and family therapy. She has two master’s degrees, hospital experience, and is about to start her doctorate. Obviously, this gal knows her stuff. 

“The most important thing to remember is, in the moment, it’s a very, very hard experience, obviously,” says Sarah. “But a lot of what people forget is we have control over how much we let it define our life.” (For more on how God defines us, click here.)

Certainly, Sarah is the perfect example of taking a traumatic experience in her childhood and transforming it forward into a beautiful gift of compassion now. Due to a lifetime of work, she’s well-equipped to work with kids who have experienced trauma, particularly sexual assault or molestation. With tender understanding, she gets what they’re going through. TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE, CLICK HERE

Cathy Krafve, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations , invites your stories, ideas, and questions at Truth with a Texas Twang.

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A Semi-retired Mom, Queen of Fun, and Coffee Cup Philosopher Cathy Krafve pulls in exciting guests from all walks of life who rejoice in deeply spiritual truths.

Warning: You may feel guilty pleasure for listening in on these sparky conversational adventures.

With her never-met-a-stranger attitude, Cathy asks "Why learn stuff the hard way, when experts want to share wisdom with us for free."

A columnist, speaker, writer, small business owner, education connoisseur, and middle class philanthropist, Cathy brings all her experience together to ask the questions we all want to know.

Like a friend you met for coffee, Cathy's guests share practical strategies for marriage, family, community, and life.

Why? Because all women deserve a break. By a break, we mean a minute alone with a strong cup of coffee and good podcast. For more great shows go to

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Marriage Conversations. Available Now on Amazon!

The Well. Available Now on Amazon!