Today's Show June 8 2011: La Bella Vita Welcomes Steve McIntire of San Damiano Foundation which “Put's the Power of Film at the Service of the Poor”

Tonight we welcome Steve McIntire, CEO& President of The San Damiano Foundation. The San Damiano Foundation focuses on creating films for non-profit organizations that need help raising funds and creating greater awareness of their work. By creating a film and video package tailored to each organization by a professional producer and crew.

In addition, they advise their “Partners” in promoting their ministries through social media which holds the most potential for creating a worldwide “buzz” about each Partner and the San Damiano Foundation. By using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, their Partners have the potential to reach out and touch millions of lives by creating greater awareness of extreme poverty and the organizations that are working hard trying to end it.

They will produce at least one full-length feature documentary per year about a person or subject related to extreme poverty.This film is different from the fundraising film packages in that it is a broader and more in-depth story of an extraordinary person, group, or subject who exemplifies the spirit of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, who were known for their work with the poor.


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