10.13.15 The Super Hero in YOU 2: What is your symbol?

The Super Hero in YOU: What is Your Symbol?

Last week we began a fabulous series on The Super Hero in You! Yes, you are a super hero even if you don't quite recognise it within yourself as yet, but hopefully, over the coming weeks, I can help you see that super hero slowly rise to the surface and begin to perform feats of magic ... leaping quantum leaps, performing tasks in super fast time and super efficient ways. Last week if you remember, we had an overview of the super hero costume ... what it symbolises and what lies beneath it. It is the perfect metaphysical metaphor helping us to understand who we really are beneath our very own costume ... our physical body!

Which part of the costume are we going to take a closer look at today? It is the plate or symbol that is worn on the chest area of all our well known fictional super heroes. This has amazing symbolism for our lives, and once we understand how to tap into the wisdom embedded within our very own chest plate - life changes in wonderful ways! So we are going to delve beneath our very own chest plate to uncover and reveal some exciting truths:

  • What symbol do you constantly wear on your chest for all to see?
  • What are the secrets that lie beneath your chest plate?
  • How to use 1 of your super powers to create miracles within your life
  • How to use 2 powerful words that protect & keep you safe
  • And ... how to rewrite your symbol to redefine the super hero in you

All sounds a little mysterious doesn't it? LOL But all will be revealed I promise, and you will begin your journey of redefining and rebuilding your life ... and become a Super Hero all at the same time! WooHoo!

More at www.geraldineteggelove.com Also available on Itunes.

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