Alchemy of Healing 5: Wisdom Holds Power - the Power to Heal!

Alchemy of Healing 5: Wisdom Holds Power - the Power to Heal!

We have had such a busy time with the Alchemy of Healing: healing the body, mind and spirit, healing with music ... and for this week - drum roll please ... we are going to be taking a very close look at connecting to the wisdom that lies within all of us and drawing on that wisdom to assist us with healing! Yes, this is really a fabulous way to go and one that we often don't know about or understand, and if we don't know about it ... well no wonder we are not using it to heal what needs to be healed and then see our health, wealth and happiness grow in amazing ways. There is no way we can create fabulous outcomes if we are drowning in the struggle or wallowing in our fear, or simply sitting comfortably in our discomfort trying to hide from what really needs attention and healing.

And as I often say, before you push this idea to one side, I ask you to simply open your mind and your heart to hearing what I have to share with you today ... put a little of it into action in your life and then rate the results against other methods you tried but have failed. There is a method of healing that is perfect for each and every one of us and we just have to find that method or technique and make sure we put it into action as often as we possibly can ... no good trying it for a day or so and then saying it doesn't work. Remember, whatever we do and however we do it takes time ... time for our unconscious mind to take it on board, own it and then work with it to bring about our desired results. I guess what I am trying to say is that you have to persist to get things working in the right direction.

So what about using our wisdom to help our healing process? You know you have everything you could possibly need to heal within you right now don't you? All the wisdom and know how that you could possibly need is just sitting there waiting ... yes everything you need regardless of what needs healing. Get the picture? LOL Can't make it much clearer really! Finding this wisdom or know how is a slightly different issue! LOL But I am sure by the end of this Radio show today, you will have some fabulous ideas to not only rediscover your unique wisdom, but also the ‘how's' of having it work for you to heal whatever needs healing.

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