Becoming the Co-Creator of Your Reality: Week 2

Becoming the Co-Creator of Your Reality: Week 2

Quintessence is the name given by alchemists to the life force that flows through all physical beings. It is that spark of light that shines within all people, but cannot be seen by ordinary physical sight. It is also sometimes described as the hidden star that shines deep within. The quintessence is always there and available.

This week is about how to not only recognise the star within you, but also about allowing it to shine through your goals & dreams. That beautiful star which is the real you ... it is actually your spirit self.

My 'Walk On Water Moment' guest for this week is: Frankie Picasso


Frankie shares a WOW moment that probably rings true for so many people in this world! Holding onto a belief that was created way back in her childhood - a belief that held her back for years! Frankie tells of how she faced her 'dragon' full on and defeated it. This is definitely a WOW moment not to miss!




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