Jackie Kallen played by Meg Ryan in "Against The Ropes" as well as Best Selling Author, Laurie Beth Jones


If you've seen the movie Against the Ropes,  of even if you haven't, then you'll want to listen to Jackie Kallen on our November 11th Girlfriendit Radio show. Her life story inspired the Paramount film.

Laurie Beth Jones has been called by Ken Blanchard and others “One of the Great Thought Leaders of Our Time.”  Laurie Beth’s personal mission is to recognize, promote, and inspire divine connection in herself and others. How she does this is through her writing, speaking and creating opportunities for others to get clear about who they are, what they were created to do, and how to live their highest good in work, life, and relationships.  Some of her best selling books include: Four Elements of Success, The Path, Jesus Entrepreneur and others. Girlfriendit radio aires live at 11am EST eachThursday on Toginet.com.


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