You, Uniquely You! Enjoying Life’s Moments

GirlfriendIt: You, Uniquely You!

Enjoying Life’s Moments

In conjunction with our Radio Show which aired January 6, 2011

The Goal of this discussion sheet is to provide tips and tricks to help you better understanding how to be You, Uniquely You!

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.   -- Judy Garland

Prov 14:30  A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.

How do I become a first rate version of myself and not envy what others have and who they are?

Questions to ask yourself and actually take the time to answer:

  • How do you define yourself?
  • What gets you up in the morning?
  • What makes you weep and pound the table?
  • What energizes you?
  • Do you know who you are and who you are not?
  • What’s your outlet for expressing yourself?


  • What are your values and where do you get them from?
  • How do you live out your values?


Here’s a few highlights and resources from our guests on the show.

Maria Kelley from Moms4FamilyTV is a national group of moms that encourages better TV for our families. Family TV time is an enjoyable part of our daily life. It is entertaining, enlightening and even educational. But unfortunately, there are very few programs that you can watch together as a family.

A Walk In My Shoes and Change Of Plans are just two recent TV movies that they sponsored and highlighted. More movies are scheduled to be released and each movie has a Dialogue Sheet to use to create communication with your kids.


Jackie Pilossoph, Author

Her newest novel, Hook, Line and Sink Him is a love story about fear of commitment, reflection, and the beauty of devotion and loyalty with the right person.


Jackie discovered that her outlet for life’s disappointments was writing.


Journaling and Writing

  • A great gift to give a girlfriend who is in the midst of pain (divorce, loss of a job, etc.) is a new journal.
  • Journaling is just putting down your heart thoughts and feelings with no regard to grammatical correctness.
  • The best time to journal is when you are in the emotional moment.


Benefits of Writing?

  • It is therapeutic and adds to the healing process.
  • It allows you to express your real feelings and move on.
  • It allows you to see your own personal growth as the months pass.


 What does embracing who you are and enjoying life’s’ moments look like?


“If you want to change your life, begin by changing your words. Start speaking the words of your dreams, of who you want to become, not the words of fear and failure.” -- Robert Kiyosaki,


  • Learn to embrace who you are and who you are not!
  • Stop the negative self and talk and reframe your thinking of yourself and use more positive words. (We call this Girlfriendaloguing!)
  • Be nicer and kinder to yourself – would you really treat others as badly as you treat yourself? Why are we so hard on ourselves and why do we beat ourselves up? (Just a thought . . .)
  • We are not just another face in the crowd but have been uniquely and wonderfully made by God!
  • Give more . . . your time, resources, money and your encouragement!


Bottom Line:

  • Discover You, Uniquely You and give yourself away. You have something to give that someone needs.
  • Get involved with life and with people and make a difference.
  • Contact us at and share your story or just connect with us! We are waiting to meet you.


Live it out and let it out live you!



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