Highly Motivated! 8/25/11 show

August 25, 2011

Special Guest, Terry Davis


What keeps you highly motivated in life and living it to the fullest? We recently received an email from a girlfriend who lives in Seattle asking what keeps us motivated amidst the mundane. Her question took us on a journey inside to peel back to think this through. What does keep us or anyone else motivated through the valleys and peeks in life?

As women, leading and staying motivated is difficult – because life happens and when it does it can take us off track and distracted. During our show we will be asking some questions like:

?         How do I stay positive when things get crazy?

?         How do I juggle all my cute hats (friend, counselor, referee, philosopher and disciplinarian) to live focussed and still have fun?

?         How do I keep the big picture when the small things are eating me alive?

Join us as we also hear from Patty of how she escapes into her land far, far away for motivation where sweat and swim goggles are an every day celebration. By contrast, Lisa would rather ride and let the engine run for her, wearing a different kind of goggle on a quad treking through the woods. What motivates you? Let’s motivate each other.



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