How To Morph Your Passion!
Girlfriendit Radio with Patty and LisaZan October 20 2011
How to Morph Your Passion!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Special Guests: Zan and Jackie 
Live at 12 EST on Toginet Radio
Podcast after show time
Join us while we unpack the transformation of these women's  dreams and passions and discover how they became morphed into reality and purpose.  
But may  to dream and pursue the passions that God has given you too!  
Today on Girlfriendit Radio, Patty and Lisa chat with two women just like you and me who make the transition from passion to purpose look easy. Listen with us and be inspired to not just dabble in your passions but jump in with both feet. Be both reminded that it does take hard work to morph your passions and encouraged that you are not alone in your fears that go along with possessing passions.

Hear from real girlfriends who are living the dreams that God gave them and be encouraged that even amongst their living the dream they still have highs and lows-good days and bad days. Be reminded that we can't get too excited about the victories nor too low about the disappointments that are bound to come our way!
Let us hear words of wisdom from these girlfriends and hold onto their encouraging words. After listening to these girlfriends they reminded me
of the encouragement I heard from God in His Word not that long ago. These are words that Solomon heard from his father that I have since taken as my own-they can be yours too!
Be strong and courageous, and just do the work before you. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work God has planned for you to do is finished! (1 Chron 28:20)
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