Girlfriendit Radio with Patty and Lisa
It Gets Better!– Christopher Yuan and his mother, Angela Yuan
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Special Guests: Christopher Yuan and his mother, Angela Yuan
LIVE at 12pm EST on Toginet Radio
Podcast will be available after show time on iTunes or check here at Girlfriendit Radio.
This is a title of an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars, according to Fox News. It recently made headlines and caused a stir with finger pointing and Christian bashing.
The problem is, when we begin pointing fingers and begin Christian bashing, gay bashing or freckle bashing . . . “it” will not get better! How do we stop the attacks? How do we have a paradigm shift to know that we are not the Holy Spirit, we aresimply humans in the flesh here on earth to love and follow the teachings of Jesus?
Join us as we welcome our guests, Christopher Yuan and his mother, Angela Yuan who will be real and raw with their journey from HIV to HOPE positive! This is an interesting subject matter but the Yuan’s will share their heart – without pointing fingers!
It only gets better when we allow the Holy Spirit to work as we all seek holiness.
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