Is There A Void In Your Life? - Nathan George

Girlfriendit Radio with Patty and Lisa 

Is There A Void In Your Life? - Nathan George

Thursday, August 30, 2012 

LIVE at 12pm EST on Toginet Radio 

Podcast will be available after show time on iTunes or check here at Girlfriendit Radio. 

Where is your circle of influence?  What is God currently doing in the circle you are in?  Are you seeing a need?  Could God have a plan to use you to fill that void?

Patty and Lisa are passionate about rallying women to do the remarkable within their own circles.  They currently rally women through relationships and resources and encourage women to:

Start small but move forward!

Create a plan - even if it is just for a day!

Bring others in with you! 

This week Patty and Lisa chat with Nathan George, founder of Trade As One, a Fair Trade company.  Nathan George responded to his conviction and seeing the need for practical action on behalf of the global poor. 

Trade As One seeks to transform the lives of poor producers in the developing world by enabling them to use their skills and resources to work their way out of poverty.  Hear how Nathan George and his team have set goals and achieved success in filling the void. 

Be encouraged to see and act on filling the void in your own life.  Listen to the show, fill your cup and fill the void with us!



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