Girlfriendit: Do My Choices Matter? - Dale & Jonalyn Fincher

Girlfriendit Radio with Patty and Lisa 

Do My Choices Matter? - Dale & Jonalyn Fincher

Thursday, March 7, 2013

LIVE at 12pm EST on Toginet Radio

Podcast will be available after show time on iTunes or check here at Girlfriendit Radio.

How do I help someone become more fully human??? 

How can I help others integrate all areas of the human experience (social, cultural, spiritual)?

How does my vocation fit into the mission of this world?

If these kind of questions keep you up at night, listen in this week as Dale and Jonalyn Fincher, founders of Soulation, show us how they not only help individuals tackle these uncertainties but they help rejuvenate others with biblical truths. Dale and Jonalyn are speakers and authors and their latest book, Long Live the King, is out this month on Amazon!

This month is a special time as we celebrate Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. Listen to the show and let's be intentional together as we prepare and become more whole, free, and as the Finchers say, "more fully human!"


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