Sanctified in San Quentin
Patty and Lisa are back with another guest whose fall from grace has become a powerful story of redemption. Bill Dallas, a well-established real estate entrepreneur, surrendered his life of success and luxury for a state-issue set of stripes when convicted five-years for a grand-theft embezzlement charge. Dallas served time in one of the country's most renown maximum-security fBill  Dallas  guest speaker May 26th, 2010`ederal prisons, San Quentin, and for Bill, that has made all the difference. Reflecting on the struggles he encountered during time served, Bill shares 12 core principles he learned at San Quentin to help turn tough times into a positive experience and build a character shaped by the Bible. It's a show Girlfriend's won't want to miss this Thursday at 10 a.m. on Toginet.
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