Are you GOing for it?

Jump in and listen as Patty and Lisa interview four amazing women who arn't afraid of going and doing the remarkable in their worlds, Thursday 9am PST on  Patty and Lisa will speak to founders of Drawing Water, Tracie and Cara. These fabulously zany girlfriends use a mix of comedy and drama (sometimes including a unique musical variety show) to custom-tailor any event! By using real life issues with both humor and poignancy, they touch the audience with such significance that guarantees an impact and an unforgettable experience.  Learn more about Tracie and Cara at  

Next up is Leta Hamilton, author, radio show host, motivational speaker, spiritual advisor to moms everywhere seeking to find meaning and balance in the midst of poopy diapers and piles of laundry.  Leta is a busy mom herself to 1, 3 and 6 year old boys!  In her book, The Way of the Toddler: The Craziness of Modern Motherhood and the Spiritual Lessons I Learned from My Zen Masters in Diapers, she writes about her experiences as a mother with great humor, honesty and insightfulness and translates them into spiritual lessons. She shares what she has learned from her Zen Masters about loving, judging, being in the now, relationships, and so much more.

Patty and Lisa conclude their show with Sharon Knutson-Felix, the Executive Director of the 100 Club of Arizona, a nonprofit organization that supports families of Law Enforcement and Firefighters. She is the author of Gifts My Father Gave Me, Finding Joy After Tragedy.  Sharon speaks throughout the United States relating and sharing her experiences and testimony.  She has been the keynote speaker for law enforcement events, women’s retreats, graduations, seminars and award banquets and we're excited to have her as our guest on Girlfriendit Radio! 


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