Enhancing Happiness: Mind-Body Connection to Sexual Health and Well-Being with Dr. Greg Lewis PhD

*This episode explores human sexuality and is intended for mature listeners.Sexual arousal can mean many different things to many different people. A...

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Nutritionally Dense Food Wisdom for Health and Well-Being with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne PhD

Nutritional Science is a fairly new field of study relative to human existence. In the past, humans grew much of their food in and around where they...

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Transcending Incarceration: Healing Journeys within a Broken System with Dr. Stephanie S. Covington PhD

For many women, rising above trauma can feel unattainable in public life and utterly impossible when under the restraints of incarceration. But,...

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Anxiously Awaiting Relief: A Philosophical Approach to the Human Condition with Samir Chopra PhD

Anxiety is a natural response to the uncertainties and challenges we face in life. When we are anxious, relief can seem a world away. But, through...

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Regret-Less: Lead with Clarity, Creativity, and Courage with Bonnie Wan

If you could reimagine the time of your life, what would it look like? Would you continue to be trapped by your calendar? Or, would you dial into what...

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Maximizing Change Management Through Kindness with James Rhee

In business, financial gain is often the basis for change, when in reality the lessons gleaned from the process are just as valuable as the change...

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Human Rewilding: Nurturing Ourselves in Nature with Craig Foster

Modern life is filled with many kinds of pollution. From the audible and visual pollution of our cities to the garbage we let leak into our natural...

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Cognition: The Psychology of Thinking and How it Affects Everything with Emily Martin PhD

Social pressures often influence an individual's decision-making process. The algorithms behind social media platforms can shape perceptions by...

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Beyond Words: What We Say Without Talking with Stephen Furlich PhD

Remember when you flirted just enough with a person to let them know you were interested but not too much that you risked rejection? Then, you were...

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Labors of Life: Thrive and Flourish no Matter What with Brandi Sellerz-Jackson

The path to joy is often obstructed with obstacles, setbacks, and grief. From expectant mothers who are just one intense push away from delivering a...

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Hot Flashes and Cool Conversation: Navigating Mental Hijinks with Dr. Mary Claire Haver MD

Scientific understanding of the hormonal changes women undergo during menopause is limited. Historically, women were excluded from major health...

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Getting It On: Sexual Expression at Any Age & Stage of Life with Dr. Justin Garcia

From the blush of first loves to the seasoned affections of later years, intimacy adapts to our changing bodies, shifting priorities, and the various...

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Constant Cravings: Contemporary Solutions for Addiction Management with Dr. Joshua Lee MD

Humans are driven to seek pleasure and avoid pain. It is a tendency deeply embedded in our biological makeup. However, there are times when this...

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Timeless Wisdom: Longevity, Elderhood, and The Good Life with Ben Meyers

Individuals who embrace positivity are more likely to approach challenges with resilience and adaptability, thus enhancing their ability to overcome...

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Cultural Identity, Healing, and Belonging with Soo Jin Lee LMFT and Linda Yoon LCSW

Children of immigrants must navigate multiple cultures. The culture they know predominantly from their parents and the culture in which they live....

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Tune-In: Sound Therapy for Ear and Brain Vitality with Rafaele Joudry MSC

Studies indicate that listening to music not only reduces anxiety and enhances overall well-being but also triggers activity in ten distinct brain...

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Out of Sorts and on the Edge with Dr. Meg Arroll

Have you ever been frustrated while driving? There was no major accident, and no one walked out in front of you, but the driver ahead of you kept...

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Trauma Healing: Cycle-Breaking and Resilience-Building with Dr. Mariel Buqué PhD

What some people consider small stressors can trigger and overwhelm those whose biological and psychological makeup is foundationally built upon...

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Zen in the Chaos: Nurturing Inner Peace Amid Modern Turbulence with Oren Jay Sofer

The bells and whistles of modern life take a toll on humans mentally, physically, and emotionally. These burdens are exacerbated by the compulsion to...

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Unveiling Narcissism: Navigating Relationships with Self-Absorbed Personalities with Dr. Karyl McBride PhD, LMFT

Understanding and navigating interpersonal dynamics is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. As an example, in a family where one or both...

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Psychonautics: Cosmic Exploration for Skeptics and Seekers with Matt Zemon

With access to mental health care in the United States out of reach or ineffective for some people, alternative treatments and medicines that...

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Think and Behave Better: Summarizing the Science of Mental Immunity with Andy Norman, PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Truth Be Told: Disinformation, Denialism, and Protecting Precious Democracy with Lee McIntyre PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Think and Behave Better: Summarizing the Science of Mental Immunity with Andy Norman, PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Truth Recipe: Critical Thinking and Vaccination Against Multi-Media Nonsense with Barry Mauer PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Power-Thinking: Teaching Information Literacy and Mental Immunity with Melanie Trecek-King MA

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Streetwise: A Rationally Philosophical Road to Reason and Accountability with Anthony Magnabosco

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Examining Cultural Evolution and Critical Blindness with Steije Hofhuis PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Architecture of Honesty: Fact, Fiction, and the Technology Trap with Stephan Lewandowsky PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Tribe Drive: Examining Human Instincts, Beliefs, and Behaviors with David Samson PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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Cognitive Immunity: Protection and Preservation of Humanity through Better Thinking with Andy Norman PhD

Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited: Making Space for Joy: Declutter and Flourish with Tracy McCubbin

When you look around your space, what do you see? Is there a corner that seems a bit overcrowded? Is there a pile you’ve been meaning to tackle...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited: Grit, Grace, and the Power Tools of Courage with Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

What drives some people to take on circumstances they wouldn’t choose for themselves to help those in need, speak for those who don’t have...

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Reclaim Your Calm in a Tumultuous World with Danny Penman PhD

The fast pace of today’s world can make us feel frantic and disconnected from our experiences. It has become too easy to focus on the...

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Putting Off Procrastination: Overcoming the Art of Delay with Patricia Zurita Ona PsyD

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”. But, for some people, it is not that easy....

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Entangled: Neurodynamics & Technology with Carl D Marci MD

Study after study suggests that human brain development is greatly diminished by the use of digital media. One such study shows that for every hour of...

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Achieve a Clearer Mind and Better Life in 3 Minutes a Day with Richard Dixey PhD

The practice of meditation was developed in Asia by monks over two and a half thousand years ago. Their practices offered them an understanding of...

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Do’s and Don’ts of Mentally Muscular Couples with Amy Morin LCSW

Long-term partnerships can be one of life’s greatest achievements. But couples who have been together for many years may succumb to bad habits...

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Psychedelia: Tales of Mind Trips & Healing with Andy Mitchell PhD

Psychedelic compounds have been used for thousands of years in spiritual and healing rituals. Today, the experiences induced by the compounds produce...

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Capitalizing Your Value: Know Your Worth and Flourish with Nicole Walters

Happiness is a by-product of our life journey, not a destination. When we are able to acknowledge happiness in simple moments, we release life’s...

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Paying Attention: The Art of Observation with Christian Madsbjerg

When we are truly curious about why things happen and why others do what they do, our judgment is suspended. We begin to gain empathy for the plight...

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Toxic Workplace Culture: Cultivating The Courage to Rise Up with Jamie Fiore Higgins

Many women have succumbed to the belief that they need to be everything to everybody. Being the best parent, the best spouse and the best corporate...

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Mischief and Mayhem: How Irrational Things Become Alternative Facts with Dan Ariely PhD

We are all vulnerable to the irrational beliefs or misbeliefs that permeate social networks, our social circles, and family dinner tables. Even the...

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Decluttering The Nooks and Crannies of Our Lives with Tracy McCubbin

In the US, people are exposed to hundreds of product advertisements each day. Advertisers know how to trigger us into buying things we don’t...

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Sex-pectations: Getting It On At Any Age with Dr. Regina Koepp

*This conversation includes mature content that may not be suitable for all audiences.It is a common misconception that older adults are no longer...

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Life Satisfaction: The Next Frontier of Happiness with Dr. Jennifer Guttman

In the world today, happiness is more elusive than ever. It may be that our understanding of happiness is based on the belief that happiness is...

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A Caregiver’s Story: When Life Does Not Cooperate with Plans with Emma Nadler

Unexpected events can seem insurmountable at the onset, but as time passes those events may change our lives for the better. Maintaining an...

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Mother Mindfulness Speaks: The Mind-Body Connection to Health and Well-Being with Ellen J. Langer PhD

The extraordinary amount of control we have over our well-being is proven again and again in mindfulness research. Studies that include placebos are a...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited — The Perfect Mask: What Hides Behind the Face of Depression with Margaret Rutherford PhD

For many people, life can be a bit overwhelming at times. Yet, isn’t it surprising how many people seem to have it all together? With depression...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited – The Somatic Experience: Finding Healing at Home in Our Bodies

Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. When we are unable to meet a difficult situation effectively we create protective...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited – Conversationally Connected: More Meaningful Talk with Celeste Headlee

When we put down our digital devices and engage with others through personal interactions and conversations, our brains sync up, we build rapport and...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - The Mechanics of Change: Examining the Adaptable Mind with Richard Lane MD, PhD

The human brain contains multiple systems designed to protect us and aid in our survival. When we experience trauma the event is stored in our memory...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited Spiritual Mastery: Exploring Divinity and Numinosity with Rabbi Wayne Dosick DD, PhD

As universal consciousness awakens in us all, how will our relationship with God transform? Will we allow God, the Divine, Source, or the Universe to...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Body-Wise: Functional and Integrative Medicine for Women's Wellness with Aviva Romm MD

The research on women’s health issues is an underserved area of study. Many women resort to becoming citizen scientists to sort out their...

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A Favorite Theme Revisited - Anatomy of Grief: The Neuroscience of Love, Loss, & Social Stress with Mary-Frances O'Connor PhD

In Western society, the way we handle the death of a loved one is largely outsourced. No longer do we sit in our homes with a loved one who has...

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Mental Muscle-Tone: Train Your Brain and Elevate Your Performance with Daya Grant PhD - A Favorite Theme Revisited

Yoga is an ancient practice designed to increase well-being. It integrates physical movements, breathwork, and mental relaxation techniques to calm...

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Switch Craft: The Virtues of Mental Agility with Elaine Fox PhD - A Favorite Theme Revisited

How open are you to new experiences? Have you found that with age comes a fear of learning new things? Research finds that being willing to admit that...

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Neurodynamics: Our Brains and Digital Technology with Carl D. Marci MD

The lack of intimate, face to face human contact is causing record levels of depression and loneliness. Yet, it seems people, especially young adults,...

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Roadmapping Meaningful Lives with Marc Lesser

Listening is a gift we give to ourselves and the person speaking. When we are curious and engaged with each other, our relationships become more...

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Grit, Grace, and the Power Tools of Courage with Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde

What drives some people to take on circumstances they wouldn’t choose for themselves to help those in need, speak for those who don’t have...

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Silver Linings Growth Book: Transforming and Transcending Trauma with Dr Edith Shiro

The effects of trauma for those who endure it vary widely from person to person. Why are some able to use their traumatic experiences as a springboard...

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Scientific Wellness: Healthcare in Our Hands with Nathan Price PhD

What if it was possible to have a roadmap to optimize the health trajectory of your body? Wearables and AI can utilize set parameters based on...

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Self-construction: An Inner and Outer Journey with Brian Lowery PhD

From birth, our self is created by other people. We inherently carry intergenerational baggage from our ancestors, then the process of constructing...

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Mothering Ourselves: Healing Primal Wounds to Stand Tall with Bethany E. Webster

How do you feel on Mother’s Day? Is it a day when you turn away from social media because you don’t have a flattering Mother’s Day...

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Hygge and Happiness: The Good Life is Always in Fashion with Meik Wiking

Look around your home. Notice what catches your eye that causes you stress and what things make you happy. More often than not, a pet or a photo of a...

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Sex, Biology, and You with Dr. Stephen Furlich

Do you wish your partner understood you better? Have you considered that they may not be wired to? Biology and chemistry are important factors in why...

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From Happiness to Hopefulness with Carol Graham PhD

How would you define the American Dream? For some, it means hard work pays off, and for others, it represents a period of time in their lives. Some...

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Mind the Dash: Forging a Meaningful Life with Dean Rickles PhD

Most teenagers' default setting is mimetic desire. Before online technologies were ubiquitous, teens would mimic the behavior of familial or social...

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From Angst to Awe: The Power of Life-Enhancing Anxiety with Kirk J. Schneider PhD

As a human certain anxieties are a natural part of life. But, in our current culture, lack of alone time, screens that pummel us with non-stop data,...

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Retirement or Reinvention?: Designing Our Wisdom Years with Steve Lopez

What comes to mind when you think of retirement? Do you picture yourself lounging in a hammock on an island surrounded by aqua-blue water? Or, are you...

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Making Space for Joy: Declutter and Flourish with Tracy McCubbin

When you look around your space, what do you see? Is there a corner that seems a bit overcrowded? Is there a pile you’ve been meaning to tackle...

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Environmental Toxins and the Impact On Our Health with Aaron Hartman MD

Did you know that 80% of heart disease and 70% of cancers can be prevented through diet and lifestyle changes? And that starting some monthly...

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Illuminating Stories of Mental Health Misdiagnosis with Sarah Fay PhD

A medical doctor often diagnoses physical ailments through a series of lab tests, x-rays, observations, and data analysis. There are multiple proven...

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Micro-Dosing Mindfulness: Tapping into The Power of Awe with Michael Amster MD

For those who suffer from chronic pain, depression, or burn-out many physicians turn to pharmaceuticals as treatment. While pharmaceuticals may offer...

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Age-Proofing Our Brains for Better Living with Marc Milstein PhD

The inability to focus on the task at hand plagues all of us, sometimes. But there are times when distractions such as our phones, long to-do lists,...

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On Becoming a Virtuoso of Life with Kenny Werner

Many people criticize their abilities. Whether it is taming an instrument or their voice, they judge themselves in lieu of experiencing the joy of the...

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Psyched Up: The Brain Science Behind the Human Story with Paul Bloom PhD

A sense of belonging is essential to human existence. Our ancestors needed to be part of a social group to be safe and provided for. Our need for...

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The Yoga of Life: Beyond the Mat and Into the World with Sarah Platt-Finger

Yoga studios have become ubiquitous in cities all over the US, and sales of yoga clothes and accessories are projected to grow by over 8% by 2029. But...

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Cultivating Dignity and Selfhood for the Deeply Forgetful with Stephen G. Post PhD

“We go back to the same conversations several times a day.” - Lisa Cypers KamenAge-related memory loss is a natural part of the aging...

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Lifelong Learning and the Pleasures of Intellectual Development with Zena Hitz PhD

“The definition of learning and contemplation is very individual.” - Lisa Cypers KamenSocrates is credited with saying, “the...

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Sleep Well: How High-Quality Rest Will Change Your Life with Dr. Pedram Navab, DO, Esq

“The bedroom should be for two things, sleep and sex.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen Can you remember the last time you woke up feeling completely...

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Story-Crafting: Using Brain Science to Share Our Narratives with Lisa Cron

"Empathy is a practice" - Lisa Kamen Every person’s experience in life is different. From a very young age, we learn what actions help us get...

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Fun and Your Health: A Joyful Prescription with Mike Rucker PhD

“Fun is medicine.” -Lisa Cypers KamenIn western cultures, many people have been led to believe that if we consume, share, or do the right...

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Psychology of Money: Finessing Financial Security with Michelle Singletary & Scott Nations

These days, more often than not, financial market headlinesinclude the terms ‘market crash’, ‘bubble bursting’,...

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Listener Favorite Returns - Complicated Connections: Mind Games and Broken Bonds with Deborah Vinall PsyD and Kristina Sharp PhD

The widely-used adage ‘you can’t pick your family’ generallytranslates into making the best of what you have when you haveno choice...

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Conflict Whispering: Collaborate, Communicate, and Negotiate Resolution with Douglas Noll JD & Jim Tamm JD

Think about all the times you felt angry today. Were you in traffic and someone using their phone cut you off? Did your teenager shout at you because...

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Advanced Mental Health and Alternatives to the Medication Merry-Go-Round with Gregory Scott Brown MD & David Feifel MD

A study by the National Institute of Health found an estimated 21 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in...

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Mental Immunity: For the Passionately Ignorant and Willfully Disinformed with Andy Norman PhD & Renata Salecl PhD

What is true is not always what some choose to believe. There are some people who subscribe to the ignorance is bliss philosophy and others have...

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Medical Journeys: Kinder Doctors and Resilient Patients with Adam Stern MD & David Richman

A staggering statistic of today’s medical care is that in the average doctor-patient interaction, the doctor interrupts the patient within 18...

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Brain Boosting: The Art of Mental Muscle-Toning with Elaine Fox PhD, Amit Goswami PhD & Valentina R Onisor MD

About Lisa’s guests:Elaine Fox, Ph.D. is a psychologist, author, and the Head of the School of Psychology at the University of Adelaide,...

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The Virtues of Love and Morality with Dr. Stephen G. Post & Phil Zuckerman PhD

What navigates your internal moral compass? Do you subscribe to a religion or belief in supernatural power to guide you? Or do you allow innate love,...

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Our Field of Dreams: Reimagining the Future with Karen Cerulo, Janet Ruane & Michael Clinton

From the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech by Martin Luther King to referring to America as the land of dreams, society often guides us...

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The Secrets of Good-Enoughness and The Good Life with Professors Andreas Elpidoru & Avram Alpert

There is a wide gap between feeling not enough and good enough. The secret to feeling good enough is using boredom and frustration to propel us...

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Traumatic Legacies: Reconciling Our Emotional Baggage with Galit Atlas PhD & Elizabeth Rosner

Even though humans grasp the double-helix-shaped chain of our DNA strands, very little is understood about the information that is passed down from...

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Urban Alchemy: Restoring Joy in Our Cities with Majora Carter & Molly Rose Kauffman

With many US cities falling into disrepair following the pandemic, business downturns, and brain drains, the term ‘Hometown Proud’ has...

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Meaning-Making: Loss, Love, and Life Lessons with Susan Lax & Barbara Becker

Most people in our society celebrate life once a year with lavish birthday parties, happy songs, and sweet gatherings. But, when it comes to...

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Psychological Fitness: Managing Our Minds with Dr. Gregory S. Brown MD & Dr. Joan Rosenberg Ph.D.

Self-care has become a diluted term thrown about by many who only intend to sell beauty care products. But, true self-care is so much more than...

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Voices Carry: Stories of Power, Equality, and Respect with Elizabeth Lesser & Donna Freitas Ph.D.

Throughout human history, men have been the storytellers and the scribes. How might our cultures have changed if we also had versions of herstory to...

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Age, Attitude, Image, and Our Health with Louann Brizendine MD & Becca Levy Ph.D.

Our attitudes about our image and aging can directly affect our health and well-being. The over-publisized belief that we lose our value in society as...

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Vote with Your Plate and Palate: The Future of Food with Roanne Van Voorst Ph.D. & Joanne Molinaro

Factory-based farming and meat processing facilities have become part of the food chain for many developing nations but they are, in some circles,...

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Competent Communication and Dealing with Difficult People with Jonathan Robinson & Sam Elliston

There are times in all of our lives when we wish we would have said something differently or changed the way we reacted to something or someone. But,...

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Personal Agency and Positive Disruption with Paul Napper PsyD & Daniel Burrus

Overstimulation is affecting us all. Everywhere we turn screens, people, and devices are battling for our attention. Without the right tools, it...

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Rule Breakers and Shift Stirrers with Francesca Gino Ph.D. and Aaron Dignan

Some people grimace when talking about their job in the corporate world. Common complaints are they must comply with orders, they feel their voice...

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Grow Wiser: Nourishing Conscious Hearts and Minds with Dilip Jeste MD and Lama Palden Drolma

During the 2000s, the number of people who say they are lonely has doubled and the number of suicides has gone up by 33% in the US. The recent COVID...

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Cognitive Immunity: The Moral Mind of Critical Thinkers with Andy Norman Ph.D. & Allen Buchanan Ph.D.

Most people want to be happy. Yet, the moral fabric of society lays prey to degradation caused by our evolutionary need to tribalize. The reduction of...

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Disinformation Defense: Responsible Thinking and Pragmatic Perspectives with John Cook Ph.D. & Simon Critchley Ph.D.

Throughout our existence, humans have dipped our proverbial toes into the how and the why of our thoughts and actions. But as curious as we are, there...

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Consciously Curated Digital Self-Mastery with Dr. Ravi Chandra MD & Jordan Reid

Taking time away from our digital devices and engaging in the present moment is becoming more difficult with each new social media app. Each bell and...

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Mindful Mental Healthcare Management with Dr. Stuart Eisendrath MD & Dr. Ron Frey Ph.D.

Human beings require interpersonal relationships to be fulfilled in life. But many who suffer from bouts of depression find it difficult to take the...

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Healthy Minds in a Digital World with Rachael Katz MS, ED, Helen Shwe Hadani Ph.D. & Amy Adams MSW, PPSC

Social connection is fundamental to the human experience. Our minds are incentivized to connect with other humans by the release of warm and fuzzy...

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Get Tougher: Smart Moves for Resiliency and Performance with Daya Grant Ph.D. & Steve Magness

Many humans are unaware of the depths of their physical and mental strength. When confronted with a task they fear, some use substances to mentally...

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Rising Adult Professionals: Stand-Up, Stand-Out, and Succeed with Julie Lythcott-Haims & Mark Zides

Today’s job market is a stark contrast to the job market of 20-years ago. Millennials and Gen Z’ers who are entering the workforce have...

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From Survival to Success: Exploring Resilience & The Immigrant Experience with Justine Gatt Ph.D., Lan Cao & Harlan Lan Cao

Moving residences, whether elective or forced, is known to be one of the most stressful things humans can do. Dealing with the trauma of new places...

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Religiously Curious and Spiritually Independent with Rabbi Rami Shapiro Ph.D., Amy-Jill Levine Ph.D. & Marc Zvi Brettler Ph.D.

Walk into a Christian church that preaches from the Old Testament and then walk into a synagogue that teaches from the Hebrew Bible, the scripture...

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Warehouses of Experience: Brain, Body, and Trauma with Dr. Paul Valent MD & Dr. Thomas Verny MD

Have you ever read a book or heard a story of an unusually cruel or violent person and wonder what makes them capable of such atrocities? A sound...

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Psychology of Money Finessing Financial Security with Michelle Singletary & Scott Nations

These days, more often than not, financial market headlines include the terms ‘market crash’, ‘bubble bursting’,...

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Mythology of Otherness: Building Resilience, Forgiveness, and Connection with John Crowley Ph.D. & Wendy Sanford MFA

When we take a moment to go through the thought experiment of putting ourselves in the shoes of another, the perceived lines of differences begin to...

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Human Healing: Restorative Practices for Real People and a Better World with Elena Mustakova EdD & Jason Gots

To get in touch with our spiritual side we must clear out, bypass, cleanse, and filter through all of the programming that has told us to be strong,...

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More than Words: Interpersonal Communication and Well-Being with Kory Floyd Ph.D. & Valerie Manusov Ph.D.

As we begin to emerge from the pandemic-induced lockdown, many people are starved for human connection. Online social gatherings may not have been...

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Exercise the Wonder Drug: Move the Body, Heal The Brain with Dr. Jennifer Heisz & Caroline Williams

Plenty of information exists about how exercise can boost our immune system and add years to our lives. Emerging research shows that physical movement...

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Psychologically Speaking: Activating Empathy and Other Reward Winning Skills with Dr. Adam Stern & Colter Ray Ph.D.

A cancer or other life-threatening disease diagnosis is a difficult blow to the patient receiving the news. The next steps for the patient include...

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Sparking Possibilities: Reigniting Purpose and Meaning with Darrin Tulley & Michael Clinton

The term retirement planning is often used by financial institutions to describe the means necessary to sustain a quality of life after a...

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Get Smart: Intellectual Humility and Critical Thinking with Mark Leary, Ph.D. & Lee McIntyre, Ph.D.

Research shows that most people believe themselves to be above average when it comes to most things. And, for some, being right has become less of a...

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Deconstructing Discord The Rewards of Effective Communication with Amy Herman & Ed Tronick Ph.D.

Have you given any thought to your problem-solving abilities? When discord arises in personal relationships or business affairs, what strategies do...

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Logging Off: Life, Death, and Caretaking Our Digital Footprints with Abbey Schneiderman, Gene Newman, Adam Seifer & Cianna Stewart

Are you one of the many people who stray away from talking about your death? If so, you may be making the grieving process more difficult for those...

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The Grieving Brain: Love, Loss, and Healing with Mary-Frances O’Connor Ph.D. & Daniel Shapiro JD

Losing people we love is a universal human experience. Yet, how we deal with the loss, and grieving comes in different forms for each individual and...

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Use Your Words Wisely: Idioms, Expression, and Meaning with Martha Barnette and Beth Kobliner

There are approximately 6,500 languages spoken in the world. In each of those, there are multiple dialects, meanings, and expressions. While some...

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Amazon Presents: Daigle Bites

On today’s inaugural Season two episode, Lauren is inviting on psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to...

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Complicated Connections: Mind Games and Broken Bonds with Deborah Vinall PsyD and Kristina Scharp PhD

The widely-used adage ‘you can’t pick your family’ generally translates in to making the best of what you have when you have no...

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Redefining Home for the Unhoused, Unsheltered, and Underserved with Marybeth Shinn & Rusty Smith

What do you think about when you pass a homeless encampment or homeless shelter? Do you assume most of the people living there have substance abuse or...

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Get Rested: Solid Sleep for Health and Well-being with Dr. Seema Kholsa & Julie Wright

Being sleep-deprived leaves us vulnerable to sickness and disease, both physical and mental. Plus, during the pandemic protecting our immune system is...

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Listener Favorite Returns: Transforming Suffering to Freedom: Gain Greater Resilience with Dr. Elizabeth Stanley and Blake D. Bauer

When we are children, unbeknownst to us, neural pathways are being wired together in our brains. This neural-biological wiring colors all our future...

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Listener Favorite Returns: Designing a Life of Meaningful Work at Any Age with Katharine Brooks Ph.D. & Dr. Amber Fossey

For most people, finding happiness and meaning isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when they think of work. But what if it was? What if...

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Redefining Spiritual Practice for Skeptics and Seekers: Contemplating Ethics, Evolution and the Divine with Rabbi Wayne Dosick & Jan Phillips

According to Pew Research, about one-quarter of Americans identify as spiritual, but not religious. It is becoming apparent that communicating with...

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How to Find Hope in the High Stakes World of Medicine and Healthcare with Dr. Deane Waldman and David Weill

Navigating the bureaucracy of the US healthcare system for patients and their families can be a trauma over and above the adverse medical event. Over...

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How to Find Hope in the High Stakes World of Medicine and Healthcare with Dr. Deane Waldman and David Weill

Navigating the bureaucracy of the US healthcare system for patients and their families can be a trauma over and above the adverse medical event. Over...

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Winterize Your Health: Preventing and Managing Colds, COVID, and More with Aaron Hartman MD & Neil Schachter MD

‘Tis the season for spending most of the next few months indoors. Many of us will be breathing recycled air while we do our best to avoid COVID,...

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Pragmatic Parenting: Managing Digital Delirium and Raising Sane Kids with Dr. Alex Packer & Neil Brown LCSW

Parenting in the digital age is a journey none of our ancestors had to traverse.And, until now, there were very few guidebooks for parents who are...

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A Better Life Practice: Conscious Solutions to Tough Challenges with Leonard Perlmutter & Dr. Eric Maisel

Many of us are searching for a more simplified approach to life as we tackle everyday living during these complicated times. Some philosophies and...

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Philosophically Speaking: Morality and Things that Matter with Allen Buchanan Ph.D. & Simon Critchley Ph.D.

The last few years have been topsy-turvy as far as human moral evolution is concerned. The global pandemic and civil unrest in many countries around...

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Walking the Path of Purpose and Presence with Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati and Peter Russell

We all have stories we acquire based on what happens to us as we live our lives. Some of us identify as mothers, fathers, artists, hustlers,...

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Wondery Presents: Uncommon Ground with Van Jones

Are you concerned about the future? Tired of divisiveness? Join political commentator and changemaker Van Jones on a journey to find unifying...

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Tasting Truth Feeding Ourselves Healthy and Hacking Our Hardwired Brains with Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Robert Barrett

About Lisa’s guests: Robert H. Lustig, M.D., M.S.L. is an emeritus professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology and a member of the...

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Tasting Truth: Feeding Ourselves Healthy and Hacking Our Hardwired Brains with Dr. Robert Lustig & Dr. Robert Barrett

Who benefits from making Americans fat, tired, and sick? Big food and big pharma that’s who. Grocery stores are brimming with ultra-processed,...

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The Magic of Mindfulness: How to Find Your Sacred Sweet Spot with Dr. Aria Campbell-Danesh & Seth Gillihan Ph.D. & Rebecca Pacheco

There are very few things in life that are within our control. Our perspective, perceptions, and the actions we take are the only things we truly have...

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Life Transformation and Energy Activation with Sarah Peyton & Melanie Dean

Traumas we experience in the early part of our life can become fear and anxiety we carry with us into our adult lives. But, patterns and behaviors...

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The Exploration of Outer Space and Our Inner Worlds with Professor Heino Falcke & Colonel Terry Virts

The universe and our purpose in it remain vastly unknown. Many theories, beliefs, and reckonings exist about the “big scheme of things”...

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Relieving Anxiety and Breaking from Busyness with Judson Brewer MD, Ph.D. & Juliet Funt

Do you remember the last time you had an uninterrupted couple of minutes to yourself, no pings, no dings, just a quiet moment for your mind to make...

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Understanding Neurodivergent Perspectives with Joe Newman & Eric Garcia

A neurodivergent person is one whose neurological development is atypical. People with ADHD, Aspergers, and autism are generally considered to be...

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Rehumanize and Revive Your Workplace Atmosphere with Rosie Ward Ph.D. & Alan Willett

As the pandemic wanes and the world goes back to work, employees are re-evaluating their life and career goals. Furthermore, the great global reset...

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The Science of Eating for Optimal Mental and Physical Health with Dr. Rupy Aujla & Dr. Joel Fuhrman

We turn to science for the pharmaceuticals and supplements we ingest but few people consider scientific research when it comes to the body as a...

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Good Vibrations: Rising Into Your Higher Self

Happiness and joy are high vibrational states of being and with awareness and practice, we can move into those states at will. Two practices that...

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Thought Management: Navigating Stress and Gaining Dominion Over Your Mind with Dr. Mike Dow & Don Goewey

Neuroplasticity offers us the ability to change our brains and transcend stress, fear, and anxiety. By rewiring neural pathways in the mind and...

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Positive Parenting Raises Optimistic and Self-Assured Children with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson & Shauna Shapiro

There is no perfect way to help children build resilient, empathetic, and emotionally secure foundations that support them through adulthood. There is...

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Finding Your Financial Finesse through Money Management and Investment Strategies with Danielle Town, & Ramit Sethi

Financial fitness is different for all of us as we all have different needs and dreams. The concern we feel about having sufficient money to meet our...

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Unpacking Addiction: Transformative Approaches that Educate and Heal Humanity with Johann Hari & Noah Levine

The journey of our lives can be pockmarked with disappointment and trauma, as well as contentment and joy. It is the nature of our existence. Learning...

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Seeking, Selecting, and Securing Sustainable Love with Jacquie Del Rosario Ph.D. & Cristina Pineda

Finding true love is not a quest for the meek. Some men and women search for years for a partner in which to share their lives. But, not everyone can...

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Behavioral Design in the Digital Era: Structuring The Balance Point Between Productivity and Well-Being with Amy Blankson & Nir Ayal

Technology is both a vice and a virtue. It can help us manage our lives and accomplish tasks with reminders and to-dos. But, at what point do the...

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Caretaking the Brain and Minding the Odyssey of Memory Loss with Dr. Dan Gibbs & Anne Basting Ph.D.

Eldercare is often over-medicalized and approached as a service in long-term and late-life care facilities. But, this method of care can stunt the...

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Healing Our Primal Invisible Wounds: Journeying to Wholeness with Dr. Judith Ruskay Rabinor & Dr. Patti Ashley

One of the most complicated relationships in our lives is the one we have with our mother. At conception, our bodies are intrinsically connected to...

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Infodemic Inoculation: Exercising Thought Intelligence Through Whole Brain Thinking with Andy Norman Ph.D. & John Cook Ph.D.

The COVID pandemic has most of us thinking about having our physical systems vaccinated. But, what about the disease of disinformation? Is it possible...

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Multiple Intelligences: Creating a Connected Society and Culture with Fred Dust & Dr. Thomas Hoerr

People feel happier when they are emotionally engaged in meaningful conversations and when actively invested in learning something they care about....

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Designing a Life of Meaningful Work at Any Age with Katharine Brooks Ph.D. & Dr. Amber Fossey

For most people, finding happiness and meaning isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when they think of work. But what if it was? What if...

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Delicious Stories: Food Adventures for the Mind, Body, and Soul with Katie Quinn & Mandy Lee

Food history is our history, there is no untangling the two. Industrialized food processing may be whittling away at our appreciation of how deeply...

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Medical Intuitives: Where Divine Insight and Medicine Meet with Wendie Colter, Professor Paul J. Mills, & Reverend Tiffany Barsotti

Western medicine rarely discusses the electromagnetic field that surrounds and permeates the human body. Commonly known as chakras or the biofield,...

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Parenting Solid Citizens: Engaging the Golden Rules of Life to Raise Resilient and Compassionate Whole-Hearted Kids with Darby Fox, LCSW & Jeanie Cisco-Meth

About Lisa’s guests: Darby Fox, LCSW, is a child and adolescent family therapist in private practice in Connecticut and New York. With over...

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Transforming Suffering to Freedom: Gain Greater Resilience with Dr. Elizabeth Stanley & Blake D. Bauer

When we are children, unbeknownst to us, neural pathways are being wired together in our brains. This neural-biological wiring colors all our future...

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The Science and Practice of Enduring Change: Alter Your Attitude and Find Your Flourish with Richard Lane MD, Ph.D., Gay Hendricks, & Carol Kline

The human brain contains multiple systems designed to protect us and aid in our survival. When we experience trauma the event is stored in our memory...

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Understand the Mystery of Death and Life After Life: Where Do We Go When We’re Done Here? With Christopher Kerr MD, Ph.D. & Mike Anthony

In North America, few people embrace death as a rich, transformative experience. For most, death is viewed as a physical or medical failure even when...

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The Wisdom Toolbox: Igniting Compassionate Observation and Action for the Greater Good with Dr Dilip Jeste & Debra Silverman

Who do you think of when you think of the wisest person you know? Did you think of a grandparent or a mature mentor? If so, it is because when we...

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Awake and Aware: The Science of Becoming a Better Human and Society with Stuart Shanker & Jim Davies PhD

Since 1995, the amount of stress Americans feel has skyrocketed and is still escalating. This time correlates with the accessibility of personal...

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Dissolving Division: Taking a Deep Dive into Consciousness and Cosmology with Paul Selig & Professor Ervin Laszlo

In the current me, myself, and I culture, humans may feel disconnected from each other like never before. Conflicts and crises cause divisiveness to...

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Leadership by Design: Improving ROI Through Integrity, Alignment, and Agency with Paul Napper Ph.D. & Philippe Bouissou, Ph.D.

We all want a good return on our investment, especially when we invest in ourselves or our creative ideas. Decision-making can become cloudy when we...

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Voices of Power and Radical Collaboration: Be Seen, Heard, and Understood with Denise Woods & Jim Tamm

There are few things in life more fulfilling than a thought-provoking or heartfelt conversation with another human being. But, how many of us exercise...

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How to Beat Burn-out: Restore Health and Vitality with Dr. Amy Shah & Dr. Christa Kuberry

Anxiety, overwhelm, and fatigue are common afflictions for those of us juggling work, home, and/or parenting responsibilities, especially during the...

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Rise Up: Reaching for Resilience in Challenging Times with Scott Hamilton & Sebastian Matthews

We all have the freedom to be happy or the liberty to be miserable with every new day. Suffering and challenges are occurrences we all experience....

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The Art of Practice: Harnessing the Power of the Creative Mind with Eric Maisel Ph.D. & R. Douglas Fields Ph.D.

The search for the meaning of life has seemingly eluded humans since our existence began. In most cases, the best we can hope for is to live a life...

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Cut the BS: How to Use Profanity and Reality Bombs to Make Shift Happen with Dr. Jodie Eckleberry Hunt & Gary John Bishop

Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, “Life is what you make it.” And while it is true, we have little control over what happens outside of...

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Lessons in Transformation: Mindful, Positive Leadership with John Perkins &n Manny Weintraub

One truth of the pandemic is that the entire world is going through this together. This distinctive time offers our species a unique opportunity for...

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Media Literacy: Finding Truth in Journalism in the 24/7 News Cycle with Nolan Higdon PhD & John O'Connor

The current 24-hour ‘news’ cycle was created to sell products and push agendas. It does not matter which media outlet you subscribe to,...

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Embracing Dissonance and Fear to Find Peace and Fulfillment with Panache Desai & Humble the Poet

Our modern society throws many expectations at us that we can never catch. We have moved so far from the ancient knowings of our ancestors that we...

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Simple and Delicious: The Science of Nutrition Rich Eating for Better Physical and Mental Health with Dr. Joel Fuhrman & Andrea Hanneman aka Earthy Andy

The average American’s diet includes highly-caloric foods that start with a base of white flour or sugar. This dangerous combination is a...

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Listener Favorite Returns: Cultivating the Courage to Change and Breaking Destructive Cycles that Bind Us with Ken D. Foster, Dr. Seth Kadish, & Teri Jensen MFT

Challenges are a fact of life and some of us face the same challenges time and time again. And even though we may not recognize it, many of our...

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Mindfully Managing Depression and Managing the Monkey Mind with Dr. Stuart Eisendrath & Mark Coleman

It may seem improbable for us to change the world but, if we can do the inner work and bring peace to ourselves we individually add to the collective...

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How Thoughts Become Things: Mastering Your Mind Through Focused Intentions and Actions with Dr. Marina Bruni & Doug Vermeeren

The average human adult thinks 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day. If each of our thoughts was an intention toward manifesting what we want from life,...

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Constructing Connection: Why Relationships Keep Us Young and Make Us Happier with Marta Zaraska, Jenn Bane & Trin Garritano

We are all seeking out ways to stay connected to family and friends during the COVID-19 pandemic. We do so because physically, emotionally, and...

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Bloom Where You Are Rooted: What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Harnessing Passion and Productivity with Lisa Feldman Barrett Ph.D. & Carson Tate

What actions do you take to keep your brain healthy? Is it stepping away from your desk for a few minutes to clear your head? Do you take a walk when...

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Elder Wisdom: Sage Insights on Growing Old through Passionate Living with Elizabeth Marshall Thomas & Elaine Mays

Not that long ago elders in our families and tribes were held in high esteem. They were given platforms to tell their stories and share life...

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How to Brave the New Normal Together Through Personal Agency & Conscious Collective Action with Paul Napper & Aaron Dignan

Do you ever take time to consider the synchronicities and connections you may not notice because you are too busy? Humans are subtly, nuanced...

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Joyful Midlife Passages: Meeting Menopause with Self-Discovery, Self-Care, and Positive Practice with Jackie Lynch & Chris Crowley

Aging is a right of passage we can and should embrace. As our systems shift and our hormones dwindle it is up to us to stay fit and healthy in our...

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Full Spectrum Diversity: Inclusive Culture, Gender Acceptance, and Creative Expression For All with Dr. Perry Halkitis & Don Haider-Markel

If you are a parent of a young adult, you might hear discussions about gender identity, sexual orientation or sexual identity in your household. Or,...

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Transformative Leadership: Inspiring Positive Connection, Courage, and Culture in the Workplace with Rob Dube and Kevin Hancock

Where does power reside within your business? Is your company stuck in a trickle-down corporate leadership model where decision-making is only...

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Positive Disruption: Pivot Your Process and Challenge the Status Quo to Attain Success with Scott Cullather, Kristina McCoobery, & Todd Davis

Along with the tragedies of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been challenges that force businesses to change the way they operate and serve their...

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Gather & Grow: Positive Parenting and Developing Rituals that Will Sustain Us Through Good and Trying Times with Armin Brott & Anne Fishel Ph.D

One surprisingly good thing about the COVID pandemic is that parents who work from home have had more time to spend with their children. And it is...

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Digital Addiction: Lured and Hooked on Technology by Design with Nir Eyal & Jordan Reid

Taking time away from our digital devices is not easy. Each bell and ding of app notifications was designed to hook us and keep us engaged. Many...

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Useful Mistakes and Smarter Choices: Becoming a Better Decision-Maker with Skip Prichard & Robert Dilenschneider

On average, we make 35-36 thousand decisions every day. When we have a clear sense of purpose, we make better, conscious decisions that attract...

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Inner Transformation: The Journey to Giving More and Living Better with Stephen G. Post & Isaac Bentwich

We have been led to believe that life doesn’t come with a manual, but what if it did? What if the small synchronicities in life were a road map...

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Navigating the Healthcare System: Education, Empowerment, and Advocacy for All with Dr. Dennis Deruelle & Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni

Have you ever been given an out-of-network medical bill you thought was covered by your healthcare plan? Did you jump through hoops to try and resolve...

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State of Pleasure: Igniting Passion in All You Do with Saida Désilets Ph.D. & Dr. Lissa Rankin

How often do we suppress our intrinsic desires only to follow the path laid out for us by society or religion? What if it is possible to fulfill...

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The Desire for Dopamine: Understanding What Drives Addiction with Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman MD, Mike Long & Travis Lupick

Drug overdose is the number one cause of death among people under the age of 50 in the US and Canada. Effective treatment options for those afflicted...

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Uniquely Wired: Nurturing Neurodiverse Children and Teens with Dr. Nicole Beurkens and Debbie Reber

Neurodiversity refers to variations in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood and other mental functions. As the percentage...

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Dispelling the Myth of Scarcity and Finding Your Financial Finesse

When asked about money most people in the U.S. have a negative view of the role it plays in their lives. And, while everyone says they want to be...

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Creating and Sustaining Intimate Relationships That Stand the Test of Time with Dr. Harville Hendrix, Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, & Dr. Gary Salyer

This episode is about building sustainable, romantic relationships. The type of love we received in our childhood is imprinted in our brains. Early...

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The Intersection of Ethical Capitalism and Conscious Consumerism with Jane Mosbacher-Morris & Adam Waytz

This episode is about ethical buying decisions and embracing our shared humanity to create a better world. When companies focus on products, the human...

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Working Smarter Not Harder: Mastering Mindful Productivity to Gain Precious Time with Dr. Bryan Robinson & Natalie Sisson

How many people have gone to their deathbed wishing they would have worked more and spent less time doing things they enjoyed? It’s probably...

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Tackling Tough Topics and Festering Feelings of Anxiety in Adults and Children with Dr. Abigail Gewirtz & Jordan Reid

Everyday situations and environments can evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, and emotional turmoil that can lead to overwhelm if we don’t have the...

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Wondery Presents: Business Wars--Playboy vs Penthouse with David Brown

Listen to Business Wars: Playboy vs Penthouse, a Wondery+ exclusive, on the Wondery app. Download it today to join Wondery+ with a free trial to enjoy...

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Digital Declarations and Social Media Realities: Communicating with Civility in the Ethers and Beyond with Luvvie Ajayi and Professor Russell Golman

Socializing with friends can bring happiness and fulfillment to our lives. But when a large percentage of our friends exist only online, do we miss...

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Joy on Purpose: Building a Culture of Happiness for Personal and Professional Success with Rich Sheridan & James Goebel

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with purpose or to gain joy from your work? What if you felt a deep sense of transparency, valued...

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Wondery Presents The Next Big Idea with Rufus Griscom

Hosted by Rufus Griscom, and featuring thought leaders Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Adam Grant, and Daniel Pink, The Next Big Idea brings you the...

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Future Planning: Growing Better Services and Businesses Through Visioning with Ari Weinzweig

When we live a holistic life rooted in our beliefs there is no need for work-life balance. And, when our work is as rejuvenating to our mind as a...

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Positive Changes in Corporate Culture: Allowing Inclusiveness, Equality, and Joy to Reign Supreme with, Dan Roman, Scott Krumrei, Ruta Gokhale and Jane Ziolkowski

In this episode:· Integrity and vulnerability in corporate culture· Team work - advantages of pairing up in the...

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Breaking Yourself Wide Open to Create Personal and Professional Greatness with Diana Wong Ph.D. and Darrin Tulley

In this episode:Core elements of a visionary business leaderFostering an environment where everyone feels connected, appreciated and valuedBreaking...

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Redefining Wealth: Intelligent Financial Planning and Purposeful Life Design with Jean Chatzky & Ida Abbott, J.D.

In this episode: · Intelligent financial planning for women· Strategies for women to get paid their worth· ...

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Media Art as Therapy: When Movies and Books Become Treatment with Lisa Bahar LMFT & Jenni Ogden Ph.D.

In this episode:• How our minds are influenced by all types of media• Sparking psychological healing through fictional novels• Being...

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Wondery Presents The Daily Smile with Nikki Boyer

Everyone needs a reminder about just how good people can be. On Wondery’s new series The Daily Smile, host Nikki Boyer brings you stories that...

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Medical Miracles: Spontaneous Healing and the Race for a Cure with Jeffrey Rediger MD & Dr. David Fajgenbaum

In this week’s episode:In this week’s episode:· Where divinity meets science· Spontaneous healing and remission...

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Tapping Into the Previous Value of Human Connectedness with Rob Lawless and Aliza Kline

In this week’s episode: • Building strong connections during Covid-19• Celebrating with new rituals• Lending an ear so...

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Positively Contagious: Maintaining Strategic and Solid Nutrition with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode:•Tips for maintaining solid nutrition during quarantine

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Cultivating the Courage to Change and Breaking Destructive Cycles that Bind Us with Ken D. Foster, Dr. Seth Kadish, and Teri Jensen MFT

In this episode:• Breaking destructive cycles• Overcoming fear and shame• Recognizing your patterns• Embodying courage and making...

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Positively Contagious: Exercising During Quarantine with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode:· Using exercise to ward off depression, anxiety and improve sleep· Benefits of spending time outdoors...

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Positively Contagious: The Golden Rule with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

In this episode:· Random acts of kindness· Containing and channeling fear· Maintaining a sense of wellbeing

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Understanding the Biology of Trauma and Science of Healing with James S. Gordon MD and Gary Roe

In this week’s episode:▪ Biological effects of trauma▪ Turning past pain into purpose▪ Using food to heal your body and mind▪ Practicing...

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Positively Contagious: Staying Connected with Lisa Cypers Kamen & Andrea Minghelli

In this episode:· Making real phone calls· Virtual dinners and cocktail hour via Zoom· Reaching out to elders and...

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Positively Contagious: Logical Provisioning with Lisa Cypers Kamen & Andrea Minghelli

In this episode:Taking inventory of your pantry and freezer Planning meals around what's available at your local marketGetting creative with what...

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Interrupt the Cycle of Self-Sabotage and Create Your Own Luck with Gary John Bishop, Gay Hendricks, and Carol Kline

In this episode: · Overcoming self-criticism and doubt· Manifesting luck into your life· Practicing radical...

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Food Power: Consciously Feeding Ourselves to Optimize Health and Healing with Dr. Rupy Aujla, MD and Sophie Egan

In this week’s episode: · Conscious eating benefits to our bodies and our environment· Setting a lifestyle that...

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Positively Contagious: Managing Fear and Anxiety During Covid-19 with Lisa Cypers Kamen and Andrea Minghelli

Clarity about social distancing Taking extra precautions to keep your household members safeManaging the monkey mind through yoga, meditation,...

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Emotional Triage: How to Stay Mentally Healthy, Strong, and Balanced Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic with Professor Catherine A. Sanderson

In this week’s episode: ·Surviving and thriving during COVID-19·2020 World Happiness Report·Why adversity is an essential...

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Being Purposeful: Applying Yourself to What Matters Most with Vic Strecher

In this week’s episode:• Finding your own purpose• Creating a purposeful organization• Scientifically proven benefits of living a...

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Understand and Activate Your Subconscious Mind with Dr. Mike Dow & Mark Gober

In this week’s episode:• How our conscious and subconscious minds differ• Subconscious Visualization Technique• The connection...

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Wondery Presents The School of Greatness With Lewis Howes featuring Kobe

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes is the best place to learn how to dream bigger, live better, and make an impact. The show features...

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Learning to Grow Vital Relationships Through Conversations That Matter with Celeste Headlee and Ronald J. Frederick PhD

In this week's episode:● Effects of early relationships with caregivers and your communication style● Becoming a better listener and...

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Coming Home to Yourself: Realize Your Purpose at Any Age with Lalah Delia and Lucinda Bakken White

In this episode: · Re-engaging with your authentic self· Raising your energetic vibration· Finding your...

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Management As a Calling: Yielding Positive Performance Through Positive Leadership with Kim Cameron and Andy Hoffman

In this week’s episode:· Business sustainability models· Positive organization dynamics· Conducting...

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A New, Holistic Path to Healing and Lifelong Vitality with Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams and Stefanie Arend

In this week’s episode:• Fundamentals of well-being• Holistic practices for self-healing• Yin Yoga for restoration and...

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How to Cultivate Love, Peace and Compassion in a World Full of Pain and Restlessness with Dr. Ravi Chandra and Lama Palden Drolma

In this week’s episode:• Giving compassion to those we find challenging• Why we hold our breath when anxious• Social...

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Activating the Heart’s Intelligence: How to Reconnect to Your Inner Wisdom with Alethea Black and Howard Martin

In this week’s episode:· Quantum mechanics· Transformation through the heart· Accessing our inner GPS via...

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Entrepreneurs Who Think Big and Start Simple: How to Successfully Launch Your New Business with Jim Price

In this week’s episode: · Innovation in the start-up business model· Positively changing workplace imbalance· ...

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Restoring the Health and Power of Your True Self: How to Let Go of the Past so You Can Start Thriving Today with Dr. Christiane Northrup and Renee Linell

In this week’s episode:· How to get rid of an energy vampire· Replenishing the empath spirit· Effectively...

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Life-Changing Lessons to Live by: How to Laugh and Love Your Way to Sustainable Happiness with Dr. David Levy, Ph.D. and Tal Ben-Shahar

In this week’s episode: · Real relationships promote sustainable happiness· Gratification and joy from living in the...

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Investigating What’s Happening in American Politics and Taking Direct Action for Global Awakening with David Cay Johnston & Monk Yun Rou

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Authentic journalism and truth in reporting⦾ Compassionate communication⦾ How individuals can...

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The Science of Financial Success and the Art of Making Money with Ken Honda & Ramit Sethi

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Healthy appreciation of money⦾ Making your interests an investment⦾ How to take complete control...

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Listener Favorite: Finding Synchronicity: The Connection Between Spirituality, Positive Psychology, and Quantum Physics with Dr. Amit Goswami & Dr. Oliver Robinson

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Living in flow⦾ Misunderstandings about happiness⦾ Using intuition and intellect⦾ Personal...

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The Science of Happiness: Strategies for Life Satisfaction with Dr. Catherine Sanderson, Ph.D. & Dr. Jennifer Guttman

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The science of happiness⦾ Components of sustainable life satisfaction⦾ Using your thoughts to...

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Raising the Happiness Bar and Forging Financial Freedom for the World's Workers in Today's Economy with Sue Ashford & Ach Adhvaryu

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Best practices for navigating the gig economy⦾ Connection between worker wellbeing and customer...

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Strengthening Your Intuition for Guidance, Healing, and Happiness with Bill Bennett & Paul Selig

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Cultivating your intuition⦾ Tapping into your inner guide⦾ Releasing your prior programming⦾...

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Introducing Energy Medicine Yoga and Advanced Techniques for Optimal Health with Dominique Antiglio & Lauren Walker

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Sophrology⦾ Connection between religion, spirituality, and quantum physics⦾ How technology can...

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What It Means to Be Truly Alive: An Exploration of the Ideal Human Experience with Ami Dar & Chad Gabriel

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Finding true enjoyment in your human experience⦾ Connecting with others to promote generosity and...

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The Stuff That Shapes Who We Are and How to Make Positive Changes Stick with Wendy Wood Ph.D. & Bill Sullivan

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Changing habits successfully⦾ Hidden forces that make us who we are⦾ Creating long lasting...

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Home for the Holidays: The Art of Hosting and Creating an Atmosphere for Celebration with Jenni Kayne & Alex Hitz

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Finding your own style without being overly done-up⦾ What you should always have on hand for a...

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Powering the Supply Chain through Conscious Consumerism and Ethical Capitalism with Jane Mosbacher-Morris & Adam Waytz

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Changing the world through what we buy⦾ Aligning products with personal values⦾ Shared...

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Positivity, Productivity, and Potential in Company Culture: How to Change the DNA of Your Organization so You Can Grow with Aaron Dignan & Claudette Rowley

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Creating an atmosphere that fosters personal connection⦾ Culture challenges within today’s...

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Educating Couples to Get the Love They Want: How to Breakthrough the Woes and Sustain Intimate Relationships with Dr. Harville Hendrix, Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, & Dr. Gary Salyer

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ How early childhood love imprints on our brain⦾ Creating a sustainable loving partnership⦾...

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Happiness Meets Horror: Why People Enjoy Being Scared with S.A. Bradley & James Kendrick Ph.D.

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Why do we love to be scared by movies?⦾ Our attraction to the psychotic⦾ Differences in how each...

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Children Are Wired Differently: Nurturing Neurodiversity as a Natural Solution to Behavior Challenges with Dr. Nicole Beurkens & Debbie Reber

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The role of nutrition in creating good brain health for your child⦾ Advocating for your...

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The Power of Patience and the Science of Resilience: How We Create Our Own Success with Rich Karlgaard & Dr. Michael Ungar

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Advantages of hitting your stride later in life⦾ The science of resilience⦾ Resources for relief...

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The Journey from Grief to Healing: Finding Hope and Encouragement in Times of Loss with Dr. Gail Gross & Gary Roe

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Healing your life after loss⦾ Stages of grief⦾ Connecting with others during grief⦾ Expressing...

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Upgrading Modern Leadership and Company Culture for More Mindfulness, Compassionate Communication, and Joy with Rich Sheridan & Marc Lesser

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The difference between a boss and a leader⦾ Applying emotional intelligence to leadership⦾ What...

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Discovering the Power of Words and How Reading Aloud Impacts Our Hearts and Minds with Meghan Cox Gurdon & Tim Lomas

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The positive impact of reading aloud to young and old alike⦾ The connection between happiness and...

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Ageless Beauty: What Every Woman Over 40 Needs to Know About Mid-life Sex, Menopause, and More with Dr. Tara Allmen & Dr. Emily Schryer

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Perimenopause and menopause⦾ Why how we feel about ageing matters⦾ Living libido loca - managing...

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Nutrition and Mental Health: The Crucial Connection Between Your Brain and Your Gut with Dr. Gill Hart & Dr. Emeran Mayer

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Food intolerance vs food allergy⦾ The intimate relationship between the mind and the gut⦾ Gut...

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Dying Well in America: How to Find a Divine Path to the End of Life with Rev. Dr. Herbert Anderson & Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter MD

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Palliative care and the quality it brings to end of life⦾ Conversing about end of life wishes with...

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Practicing Positive Psychology and Mindfulness to Build Long-lasting, Loving Relationships with James Pawelski, Ph.D. and Suzie Pileggi Pawelski & Dr. Cheryl Fraser

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Rekindling a long term relationship⦾ Pitfalls to avoid so your relationship isn’t...

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The Truth about Self-awareness: How to Communicate Better at Home so You Can Succeed in Life with Dr. Tasha Eurich & Eric Maisel, PhD

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Increasing your internal and external awareness⦾ What true self-awareness really is⦾ How your...

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Sound Sleep and Sacred Rest: How to Restore Your Sanity and Sustain a Healthy Lifestyle with Dr. Meir Kryger & Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The difference between sleep and rest⦾ Different types of rest⦾ Exercise’s role in our...

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Approaching How We Care for People with Alzheimer’s Disease in a New Light of Hope with Dr. Gayatri Devi & Dr. Eitan Okun

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Reducing your risk of Alzheimer’s disease⦾ Best practices in supporting the patient⦾ The...

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The Aftermath of Trauma: How to Recover, Rewire, and Thrive in Our Relationships with the Self and Others with Dr. Tian Dayton & Dr. Michelle Stevens

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Healing from childhood trauma⦾ How childhood trauma affects self-regulation⦾ Insights about child...

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Exploring the Scientific Formula for Happiness, Transcendental Consciousness, and Enlightenment with Dr. Susan Shumsky & Leonard Perlmutter

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Transcendental Meditation⦾ Connecting with your inner guide⦾ The 4 Functions of the human mind⦾...

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The Mind and Body in Balance: What Modern Medicine Must Learn from Ancient Science with Tiffany Cruikshank & Ed Harrold

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Using your own energy for self-regulation⦾ Balancing mind and body through breathwork⦾ Medicinal...

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Releasing Emotional Clutter: The Power of Self-care to Improve Your Relationships at Work and at Home with Kate Northrup & Laura Carlin

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Using energy cycles to your advantage⦾ Decluttering for good⦾ Reaching peak efficiency⦾ Ending...

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Guiding Children to Live with Compassion: How Educators Can Teach Universal Love and Acceptance with Craig Pomranz & Ariane DeBonvoisin

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Self-discovery⦾ Being a supportive parent⦾ Skills needed by humanity⦾ Tuning in to essential...

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How to Keep the Rhythm: Music for Environmental Consciousness and Peaceful, Global Change with Ricky Kej & Jeff Oster

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Using creativity to impact social change⦾ Environmental awareness⦾ Resisting temptation to...

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The Art and Science of Love: How to Improve Your Most Important Relationships with Dr. John Gottman, Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, & Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Love’s chemical reaction in the brain⦾ Refiring the passion in long term love⦾ Predicting...

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The Man Crisis: What Misandry Means for the Future of Education, Politics, and Culture with Dr. Warren Farrell & Dr. Paul Nathanson

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Benefits of father’s parenting style⦾ Why boys are falling behind in America⦾ Creating a...

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Regain Mental Mastery and Stop Self- sabotaging Behavior by Reprogramming Your Monkey Mind for Success with JF Benoist & Todd Herman

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Breaking free from your past programming⦾ How self-perception affects actions⦾ Discovering your...

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Talk about Feeling Better: How Self-worth Improves Your Relationships and Beats Depression with Lori Gottlieb & Dr. Ron Frey

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Finding the right kind of therapy⦾ Interpersonal therapy⦾ A therapist’s view on therapy...

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Finding Your Tribe: The Importance of Building Strong Connections to Help Our Communities Thrive with Radha Agrawal & Dr. Ann Steiner

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Self-awareness⦾ Benefits of finding your tribe⦾ Healthy conflict⦾ Showing up for othersRadha...

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Listening to Your Inner Wisdom: How to Connect to the Power of Your Heart with Howard Martin & Lee McCormick

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Drawing from your core intelligence⦾ Stripping away long-held beliefs⦾ What science says about...

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Working Through Traumatic Experiences to Heal Your Heart, Mind, and Body with Dr. Peter Levine & Jackson MacKenzie

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Using somatic experiencing to heal from trauma⦾ PTSD symptoms and triggers⦾ Leaving a narcissist...

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Overcoming Adversity: Discover Your Authentic Self by Retraining Your Brain for Success and Sustainable Happiness with Amy Morin & Rachel Grant

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Building your mental muscle⦾ Stripping away past influences⦾ Differences between men and women in...

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Positive Business Building: Thriving Workplaces with a Culture of Joy with Rich Sheridan & Professor Gretchen Spreitzer

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Injecting positivity, flexibility and energy into your organization⦾ How humanity and business can...

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Finding Synchronicity: The Connection Between Spirituality, Positive Psychology, and Quantum Physics with Dr. Amit Goswami & Dr. Oliver Robinson

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Living in flow⦾ Misunderstandings about happiness⦾ Using intuition and intellect⦾ Personal...

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Tapping into Your Creative Brain to Reach Your Full Potential with Mike Long & Sam Bennett

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The role of dopamine in our lives⦾ Breaking free from conditional happiness⦾ How to raise your...

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The Science of Happiness: Strategies for Life Satisfaction with Dr. Catherine Sanderson, Ph.D. & Dr. Jennifer Guttman

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The science of happiness⦾ Components of sustainable life satisfaction⦾ Using your thoughts to...

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Caring for Mother Nature: Cultivating Sustainable Well-being in Today’s Changing Climate with Phyllis Stiles & Woody Tasch

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Investing in small, local farming communities⦾ Pollinator decline & why it matters⦾ How you...

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Strategic Communication that Builds Bridges and Activates Change with Justin Lee, Melanie Klein, & Marc Cordon

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Turning anger into positive change⦾ Listening in order to create strategic dialogue⦾ Building...

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Raising Emotionally Fit and Mentally Strong Kids with Dr. Stuart Shanker & Maureen Healy Ph.D.

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Building emotional health in children⦾ Difference between stress behavior and misbehavior⦾...

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Love and Desire: The Juiciness of Passion at Work, Play, and at Home with Saida Désilets Ph.D. & Dr. Lissa Rankin

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Cultivating your own desires⦾ Embracing internal divinity ⦾ True nature of desire⦾ Connecting...

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Living and Thriving Beyond Fear: Stress Less and Manage Uncertainty with Dean Sluyter & Martin Lang Ph.D.

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Ways of deflating fear⦾ How rituals can increase or decrease anxiety & fear⦾ Snapping out of...

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Meditation in Your Pocket: The Miracle of Mindfulness Apps for Better Living with Bill Gladstone, Jim Justice, & Anshul Koka

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Integration of collective consciousness into technology⦾ Using an app to raise your awareness and...

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Demystifying Depression: Surprising Symptoms and Unexpected Treatments with Dr. Margaret Rutherford & Johann Hari

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Expressing vulnerability to family & friends⦾ Selecting a therapist ⦾ Real causes of...

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Work Less and Get More Done: The Keys to Conscious Productivity with Dr. Bryan Robinson & Natalie Sisson

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Turning off work and turning on your life⦾ Creating conscious productivity⦾ Setting boundaries...

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Feeding Your Brain, Building Your Body: 21st Century Health and Fitness with Mark Mattson Ph.D. & Gillian Goerzen

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ What current research concludes about intermittent fasting⦾ Why compassion and self-acceptance...

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How to Blaze a Trail to Your Own Personal Best with John Brenkus & Doug Vermeeren

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Blazing your own trail⦾ Changing your perception of the inevitable “no”⦾ Universal...

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Honing Our Habits and Finessing Our Focus In The Digital Age with Chris Bailey & James Clear

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Ways to remain productive in this digital age⦾ Distraction tamers and focus fixers⦾ The...

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Listener Favorite Returns: Gut Check: Food for Thought About Your Diet and Health with Adam Brumberg & Dr. Gill Hart

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Best practice food decisions to keep you happy & healthy⦾ Food intolerance and gut health⦾...

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Listener Favorite Returns: Lessons on Longevity: Finding the Fountain of Youth with Dr. Valter Longo & Dr. Mario Martinez

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Common characteristics of centenarians⦾ The science of longevity⦾ Positive brain changes through...

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The Struggles of the Caregiver, the Search for a Cure: Two Responses to Alzheimer’s with Professor Eitan Okun & Simon McDermott

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Often overlooked Alzheimer's symptoms⦾ What current research concludes about prevention and cure⦾...

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Digital Dalliances and Interpersonal Civility: Socializing in the 21st Century with Luvvie Ajayi & Professor Russell Golman

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ How the internet can facilitate social change⦾ The good, bad and downright ugly about socializing...

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Clearing the Chaos to “Yes!”: How to Clean Up Your Parenting Style with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson & Julie Morgenstern

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The true meaning of discipline⦾ Time management while raising children⦾ Building a foundation...

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Afflicted and Addicted: Lusting to Feel Good and the Global Public Health Crisis of Substance Abuse with Dr. Daniel Z. Lieberman MD, Mike Long & Travis Lupick

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Dopamine’s role in desire⦾ The ADD/ADHD connection to addiction⦾ How one city handles the...

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Challenging Alcoholism: What Science Says and What Real People are Doing to Slay Alcohol Abuse with Dr. Lori Ducharme & Ruari Fairbarns

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Modern alcoholism treatments⦾ Moving past shame and stigma onto help⦾ Medically assisted...

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Anomalous Worlds: Exploring Parapsychology and Unexplained Psychic Phenomena with Prof. Eztel Cardeña & Rachel Stavis

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Parapsychology⦾ Unexplained Psychic Phenomena⦾ Nurturing a child who is connected to spirit⦾...

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The Quantum Entanglement of Everything: Where Science and Consciousness Converge with Dr Amit Goswami & Dr Brian C Wilson

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ How Quantum physics addresses the meaning and purpose of life⦾ The interrelation between science...

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Our Smartphones, Our Selves: How to Be a Happy Human in the Digital Era with Dr. Ravi Chandra & Amy Blankson

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Social media’s potential to brain hack⦾ Exercising compassion and finding...

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Media Mayhem: Truth, Lies, Perception and the Pursuit of Happiness with Dr. Judee Burgoon, Judge Jeanine Pirro, & David Cay Johnston

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ What truth is and when you know you’re hearing it⦾ The influence of perception on our ability...

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Invisibly Wounded: New Frontiers in Healing Trauma with Dr. Guy Macpherson, Terriann Walling & George Gerard

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Various types of trauma⦾ Healing the wounds of trauma⦾ Reformulation poetry⦾ Being a trauma...

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Hard Truths and Life Lessons: Hip Memoirs of Extraordinary Experiences with Neil Strauss & Tina Alexis Allen

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Ways family dynamics shape relationship choices⦾ Benefits of group therapy in addiction recovery⦾...

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The Heart of Consciousness: Where Science and Spirituality Converge with Dr. Eben Alexander, Karen Newell, & Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman

In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Using your conscious power to chart the course of your life⦾ Getting in touch with your neutral...

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Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG): Moving from Tragedy to Triumph with Kristine Carlson & Dr. Erica Miller

Original Air Date Wednesday, September 12, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ How surviving the holocaust made one woman strong...

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A Discomforted Mind: Demystifying Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with Lily Bailey & Dr. Elizabeth McIngvale

Original Air Date Wednesday, September 5, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ What OCD really is⦾ Helpful CBT and lifestyle...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite - Kitchen Wisdom: Exploring Food as Connection, Creation, and Celebration in the Heart of the Home with Kenji Lopez-Alt & Dan Pashman

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 29, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Mindfulness and the art of eating alone⦾ Eating for...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite - Launching Kids into Life: Supporting Our Children as They Transition Back to School and Beyond with Jessica Lahey & Julie Lythcott Haims

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 22, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Breaking free from overparenting⦾ Extolling resilience...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite- Love is The Secret Fuel For Enduring Partnerships with Dr. Stan Tatkin & Linda Carroll

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 15, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Fueling the fire of your enduring relationship⦾...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite - Beneath the Human Hood: The Brain is a Marvelous Machine with Dr Todd Kashdan and Don J Goewey

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 8, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ What is wholeness?⦾ Moving from comfort addiction to...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite- Making a Millennial Living: How the Gig Economy Offers Financial Opportunity with Natalie Sisson & Diane Mulcahy

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 1, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Running a successful business from anywhere across the...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite: Go Felicitate Yourself: Making Happiness Happen with Michelle Gielan & Rick Hanson

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 25, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Conditioning your brain into happiness⦾ Evolution of...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite - Bodies in Action: The Strength-Building and Soul-Sustaining Food Choices for Well-Being with Rebecca Scritchfield & Dr. Drew Ramsey

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 17, 2018 In this week’s episode you will learn about: ⦾ Food choices and mental health⦾ Fighting your...

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HHTR Flashback Favorite - Mental Illness: The Disease That Does Not Discriminate with Jamie Tworkowski & Dr. Adele Ryan McDowell

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 4, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Bridging the gap between traditional treatment and real...

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Constructive Conflict: Effectively Managing Change through Reverent Communication with Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes & Jonathan Robinson

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 27, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Top five things not to do when talking with your...

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Lessons on Longevity: Finding the Fountain of Youth with Dr. Valter Longo and Dr. Mario Martinez

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 20, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Programmed longevity and juventology⦾ You are not...

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Gut Check: Food for Thought About Your Diet and Health with Adam Brumberg and Dr. Gill Hart

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 13, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Food intolerance - symptoms and detection ⦾ What...

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Rebel Rousers and Shift-Stirrers: Why Positive Disruption is the Lemonade of Life with Daniel Burrus and Francesca Gino

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 6, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Anticipating instead of reacting ⦾ Principles of rebel...

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Peaceful Endings: Making Bold Choices about Life as We Age and Before We Go with Dr. Sam Harrington MD and Dr. Jessica Nutik Zitter MD

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 30, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Hospice, critical and palliative care medicine ⦾...

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Matchmaker Matchmaker Make Me a Match: Tales of Love and Romance with Cristina Pineda and Penrose Halson

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 23, 2018 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Matchmaker secrets to finding love⦾ Maintaining your soul...

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Appearances DO Matter: Good Design Does a Body and Soul Good with India Hicks, Pamela Pekerman and Sally Augustin PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 16, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Lifestyle branding⦾ Female entrepreneurship⦾ The science...

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Finding Your Flow: Why Wanderlust and Wonder Creates Happiness with Jon Levy and Mike Rucker PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 9, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The one drink hypothesis⦾ Fun's relationship to...

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Changing the World: Millennials Making a Difference with Zak Dychtwald, Vivi Tomasi and Fiona Rene

Original Air Date Wednesday, May 2, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Distinct differences between "New China" and "Old China"⦾...

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Financial Fitness: Money Management and Investment Strategies for a Secure Retirement with Danielle Town and Julie Jason

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 25, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Financial Fitness through education and financial...

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Mindful Magic: Meditation and the Maharishi with Dr Danny Penman and Dr Susan Shumsky

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 18, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Mindfulness - what it is and isn't⦾ What it's like to...

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Practical Spirituality: Lights, Camera, Have Your “Aha!” Moment with Agapi Stassinopoulos and Ken Baker

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 11, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Shifting from worry to joy⦾ Practical Spirituality⦾...

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Rest, Sleep and Restore Yourself to Better Health with Dr. Elliott Alpher & Dr Sandra Dalton Smith

Original Air Date Wednesday, April 4, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ The link between poor sleep and depression⦾ Why sleep...

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Modern Mind Hacking: We Are What We Consume with Dr Robert Lustig and Moran Cerf PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, March 28, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Consumer behavior⦾ Modern Mind Hacking⦾ Sugar...

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The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health

Original Air Date Wednesday, March 21, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Creating and maintaining internal wellness⦾ Finding a...

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Demystifying and Dialoguing About Alzheimer's and other Dementias with Dr Gayatri Devi and Dan Perkins

Original Air Date Wednesday, March 14, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Helping your child understand what's really going on⦾...

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Pop Culture Psych 101: Using the Silver Screen as a Vehicle for Self-Discovery with Travis Langley PhD and Lisa Bahar MFT

Original Air Date Wednesday, March 7, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Using pop culture in psychology⦾ Cinema therapy⦾ Free...

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Pussyhats and Other Symbols of Strength: Achieving and Maintaining Sexual and Civic Power with Krista Suh and Dr Jeanine Staples

Original Air Date Wednesday, February 28, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ The fragmented self and how to restore your inner...

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Listener Favorite Returns: Developing Discernment: Uncovering Misinformation and Lies in Government and Media with Ed Brodow and Gene Stone

Original Air Date Wednesday, February 21, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Recognizing media spin⦾ Supporting freedom of speech...

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A Valentine’s Day Special: Living in Love, Being in Love, Making Love with Dr James and Suzann Pawelski and Dr Saida Désilets

Original Air Date Wednesday, February 14, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Living in love - Aristotelian style⦾ Sexual...

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Faithful, Healthy, and Wise: Get Well and Get Smart Being a Spiritual Being with Jeff Anderson Md, PhD and Dr Anna Yusim

Original Air Date Wednesday, February 7, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Changes in brain activity when feeling spiritually...

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Hey, Mom! Burned Out? How to Recharge and Fall Back in Love with Your Life with Lisa Druxman and Tammy Halton Pardee

Original Air Date Wednesday, January 31, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Falling back in love with motherhood⦾ Creating the...

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Every Day Is Earth Day: Planning a Future of Sustainable Energy with Dr Michael Mann & Rebecca Otto

Original Air Date Wednesday, January 24, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Minnesota Powered Plan⦾ Climate change basics⦾ How...

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Healthful Transitions: Moving Towards Emotional and Physical Fitness with Dr William Pullen and Christmas Abbott

Original Air Date Wednesday, January 17, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Keys to developing emotional and physical fitness⦾...

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Surprise! Humility and Heart Wins in the Workplace with Todd Davis and Sheila Heen

Original Air Date Wednesday, January 10, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Leading with humility and heart in the workplace and...

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Backstage and in the Spotlight, Living the Dream in the Performance Arts with Normand Latourelle, Fiona Hawkins & Jeff Oster

Original Air Date Wednesday, January 3, 2018In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Reinventing the performance arts⦾ Successful solo...

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What's in Store for 2018? Follow Your Stars with Chris Flisher and Larry Schwimmer

Original Air Date Wednesday, December 27, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Following your stars: using your chart as a personal...

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How Secrets and Shame Make All of Us Sick: Spotlight on Mental Illness with Dr Patrick Corrigan and David Liete

Original Air Date Wednesday, December 20, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Secrets and shame associated with mental illness⦾ How...

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Choosing Joy, Choosing Love with Doug Abrams and Scott Stabile

Original Air Date Wednesday, December 13, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Choosing to find joy and love during these uncertain...

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Earn Globally Learn Locally, : New Partnerships, Greater Innovations in the New Economy with Helena Norberg-Hodge and Jonathan Starr

Original Air Date Wednesday, December 6, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Creating and maintaining a successful school system in...

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Moving from Chaos to Clarity: Un-effing yourself to get over it and on with it! with Gary John Bishop & Christine Hassler

Original Air Date Wednesday, November 29, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾Un-effing yourself to get over it and on with it⦾...

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Sexy Through the Ages: Maintaining Your Love Life After Midlife with Dr Lori Brotto & Dr Emily Schryer

Original Air Date Wednesday, November 22, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Maintain your sexy as you age⦾ Keeping positive...

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Creating Legends and Family Lore: Why Storytelling Traditions Persist with Nick Baum & Amy Hale Auker

Original Air Date Wednesday, November 15, 2017 In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Preserving family memories⦾ Using the art of...

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Very Special Forces: Women Soldiers in Combat and at Home with Mariette Kalinowski & Colonel (Ret) Elspeth C. Ritchie

Original Air Date Wednesday November 1, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Redefining women's roles & capabilities⦾ Additional...

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Everyone Is Stressed Out and Tired: Channel That Energy, Strengthen Your Body & Sharpen Your Mind with Dr Kelly McGonigal and Tony Horton

Original Air Date Wednesday November 1, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about: ⦾ Self compassion and the basis for meaningful change⦾ 11...

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Forget About What Your Mother Said: Why Talking to Strangers is Good for You with Amy Morin MA and Kio Stark

Original Air Date Wednesday October 25, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ The emotional benefits of talking with strangers⦾ How to...

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Calming Yourself, Calming Others: Self-Awareness and Diplomacy in These Less Civil Times with Dr Tasha Eurich and Douglas Noll JD, MA

Original Air Date Wednesday October 18, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ What real self-awareness is and why it's so important⦾...

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You and Your Money: You Can't Buy Happiness -- But How Would Financial Security Feel? with Harry S Dent Jr and T.R. Reid

Original Air Date Wednesday October 11, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Predicting a financial bubble & when it will crash⦾...

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You Don't Have Do Too Much to Get More Done: Simple Steps to Making Change Happen with Liz Wiseman and Jay Papasan

Original Air Date Wednesday October 4, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Dealing with diminishers and minimizing their impact⦾...

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Communication Brush-Up: The Art of Getting Through to Anyone with Eric Maisel & Sarah

Original Air Date Wednesday September 27, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Identifying and talking to difficult people without...

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Sexy Beasts: Delving Into the Differences Between Men and Women with Dr Helen Fisher & Nina Hartley

Original Air Date Wednesday September 20, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ The difference between sexual fantasy and sexual...

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Sleep Hygiene and Wellness: Why Sleeping is Good for the Soul with Dr. Meir Kryger & Jim Brickman

Original Air Date Wednesday September 13, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Finding calm amidst life's chaos⦾ Sleep deprivation's...

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Treat It Like Just Another Health Issue: Taking Mental Illness Out of the Closet with Dr. Patrick Corrigan & David Leite

Original Air Date Wednesday September 6, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Stigma as it relates to mental illness⦾ How the early...

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Examining Tribal Medicine as Alternative Treatments for Addiction & Mental Illness with Rachel Harris PhD & Dr Ocatvio Rettig Hinojosa

Original Air Date Wednesday August 30, 2017In this week's episode you will learn about:⦾ Therapeutic benefits of ancient medicines⦾ 5-MeO-DMT as...

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Sound Eating and Wholesome Thinking: Habits to Keep You Healthy with Dr Lissa Rankin and Dr. John La Puma

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 23, 2017In this week's show you will learn about:⦾ The truth about your health beliefs & habits⦾ Creating...

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Spiritual Euphoria: The Neuroscience of Your Brain on God with Dr. Pamela Peeke & Dr. Jeffrey Anderson

Original air date Wednesday, August 16, 2017In this week's show you will learn about:Religious neuroscienceBrain networks involved in spiritual...

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Women: Heroes at the Hearth, Heroes Making History With Deb DeWitz & Kate Quinn

Original Air Date August 9, 2017Unsung heroines of World War ISharegiving - what is it and why is it important?Female sexuality during times of...

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The Quest for Consciousness--Investigating the Inner-Landscape with Don Jose Ruiz & Steve Taylor PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, August 2, 2017In this week's show you will learn about:What is means to be enlightened or awakenedUsing Toltec wisdom to...

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Having It All and Being Super-Productive Without Running Yourself Ragged with William Ury & Charles Duhigg

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 26, 2017In this week's show you will learn about:Breaking the destructive cycle of conflictGenerating motivation in...

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What Does It Mean to be Muslim? Facts vs. Misconceptions About Islam with Haroon Moghul & Dalia Mogahed

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 19, 2017In this week's radio show you will learn about:How women can and should work together to empower each...

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The Mind-Brain Connection with Dr Dan Siegel & Dr James Doty

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 12, 2017In this week's radio show you will learn about:How science defines what the mind isNeuroplasticityHow...

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Our Brothers' Keeper: Does the US Belong in Other Countries' Wars? with Steven Kinzer & Dr Daniel Rothbart

Original Air Date Wednesday, July 5, 2017In this week's radio sh ow you will learn about:Why has the United States intervened so often in foreign...

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Growing Healthy Habits: Live Longer, Live Younger with Dr Sharon Bergquist & Susan Pierce Thompson PhD

Original Air Date Wednesday, June 28, 2017During this week's radio show you will learn about:Bridging the willpower gapHow the brain blocks weight...

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Summer Eats: Cooking With Your Heart and Your Head with Kenji Lopez-Alt & Cara Mangini

Original Air Date June 21, 2017During this week's radio show you will learn about:Using sound as a guideline for proper cutting & cooking...

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Wild About Wonder Woman: Lassoing & Unleashing Your Inner Super Hero with Travis Langley and Dr. Philip Zimbardo

Original Air Date June 14, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The role of culture and gender in personal empowermentHow...

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Yoga for Everybody with Leonard Perlmutter & Jessamyn Stanley

Airs June 7, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Yoga truly is for all body sizes & typesThe science of yogaChanging your...

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Divorcing Happily Ever After with Erik Newton & Jill Sockwell

Airs May 31, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Taming temporary chaos brought on by divorceThe golden keys of acceptance,...

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Resilience and Salvation: Overcoming Child Abuse with Dr Michelle Stevens, Rosie Maloney & Regina Calcaterra

Airs May 24, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The dysfunction of our foster care system & what can be...

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Not Your Grandfather's 9-5 Job: Taking Care of Business on Your Own Terms with Diane Mulcahy & Kym Martin

Air Date: Wednesday, May 17, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Creating your own securityLaunching back in after a...

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News from the Front: Solving the Puzzle of Living With Parkinson's with Dr Michael Okun & Mileha Soneji

Air Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Helping Parkinson's patients retain their...

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Addicted to Numbing Through Pleasure Seeking with Arnie Wexler and Keith Whyte

Air Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:What is problem gambling?Scientific findings that give...

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Everything in Moderation: Achieving Balance through Recovery with Dr Gabor Maté & Turney Duff

Air Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why serenity matters more than happinessWhat destination...

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Hey, Baby, What's Your Sign? Astrology & Mercury Retrograde with Chris Flisher and Larry Schwimmer

Air Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Inspiring curiosity through astrologyWhat happens during...

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Listener Favorite Returns: Love After Love, Love After Loss with Kristine Carlson and Susan Anderson

Original Air Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Steps to recover after heartbreak and painful...

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Your Body: An Owner's Manual for Optimal Performance with Dr Sharon Bergquist and Rebecca Scritchfield RD

Air Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Transforming your health from the inside outProperly...

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A Positive Prescription - Hit the Re-Set Button and Find Wellness with Dr Samantha Boardman & Dr Peter Borten

Air Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Incorporating wellness into all aspects of lifeConnecting...

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Repairing, Rebuilding or Renewing: Jumpstart Your Spiritual Life with Rabbi Sherre Hirsch & Dave Schmelzer

Air Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Using faith-based rituals to wake up and pull out of the...

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Celebrating the United Nations' International Day of Happiness & the Practice of Sustainable Well-being with Guest Host Michelle Gielan & Maher Nasser

Air Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The United Nations International Day of HappinessLisa's...

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Your Gut & Your Brain: New Frontiers in Healing Psychic Pain with Dr Jennifer Perusini & Dr Emeran Mayer

Air Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:PsychobioticsHow a bio-marker is being used to diagnose and...

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Why Is Science a Political Issue? Encouraging Enlightenment with Shawn Otto & Lawrence Krauss

Air Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The ideological war on scienceLessons we can draw from the...

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Making Peace with Your Mind and Shattering the Illusion of Separation with Lama Surya Das and Mark Coleman

Making peace with and silencing your inner critic; Using meditation to connect with yourself and othersAir Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2017During...

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The Art of Seduction: Charisma, Sensuality and Presence with Chen Lizra and Belle Linda Halpern

Charm, connect & entice your way to success Air Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Getting...

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Romance for Realists with Dr Jenn Mann and Erik Newton

Intimate relationship maintenance for the happiest, healthiest life together Air Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2017During this week’s radio show...

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A Heaping Helping of Comfort Food with Christy Jordan and Raghavan Iyer

Food is more than fuel - it nourishes the body and soulAir Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn...

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Developing Discernment: Uncovering Misinformation and Lies in Government and Media with Ed Brodow and Gene Stone

Air Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Seeing through media spinHow to support freedom of...

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Raising Capable, Prepared Adults in the Twenty First Century with Julie Lythcott-Haims and Dr Oliver Robinson

Air Date: Wednesday, January 18, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How a crisis unfolds in children and teensWhy the...

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Creating Excellent Health and Social Connections for Vibrant Aging with Dr Sharon Bergquist and Dr Leslie Martin

Air Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Diseases commonly associated with ageing and how to...

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What's Happening in 2017? Predictions for the Future That Are Sure to Color Your World with Joyce Gioia and Leatrice Eisemann

Air Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2017During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The psychology of colorHow organizations will focus on...

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Full Speed Ahead: Creating Unshakable Inner Peace to Thrive and Press On in Any Environment with Dr Emma Seppälä & David Essel

Air Date: Wednesday, December 28, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why creating a fulfilling, anxiety-free life is within...

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Better Understanding for All: How to Clearly See & Hear Others Regardless of Your Personal Views with Nic Askew & Ben Mathes

Air Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Using photography to connect with othersMeaningful...

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Building Resilient and Fulfilling Intimate Relationships with Dr Stan Tatkin and Dr Bernie Siegel

Air Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Getting the best results from datingWhy dating is...

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Becoming Yourself by Living Your Truth with Marianne Williamson and Dr Gail Brenner

Air Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The antidote to compulsive thinkingSurrendering your...

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Mindful Solutions to Chronic Pain with Dr Danny Penman and Dr Jeffrey Greason

Air Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Finding peace in a frantic worldThe advantage of...

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Giant Strides with Tiny Chips: Why Nanotechnology is the Next Big Thing with Dr James Mault and Dr Heather Clark

Air Date: Wednesday, November 23, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Nanotechnology - what it is and how it can benefit...

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Teaching Our Children to Find Genuine Connection in an Overly Connected World with Dr Michele Borba and Dr Shauna Shapiro

Air Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Cultivating optimism to build resilience in childrenWhy...

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Discovering New Worlds Inside and Out with Dylan Thuras, Will Arntz & Dierdre Hade

Turning dashed plans and unpleasant surprises into a journey of self-discovery; Journey with Atlas Obscura to scarcely known, rarely seen placesAirs...

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Food Glorious Food: A Smokin’ Hot Bountiful Harvest of Edible Riches with Steven Raichlen and Cara Mangini

Original Air Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Surprising ingredients you can and should...

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Fit & Healthy for the Long Haul: Beyond Surviving to Thriving with Dr Pamela Peeke and Dr Eva Selhub

Original Air Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why the strong don't always survive and...

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Love After Love, Love After Loss with Kristine Carlson and Susan Anderson

Original Air Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Steps to recover from a painful abandonmentHow...

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Romantic Partnerships: How Slow & Mindful Loving Builds Thriving Relationships with Helen Fisher PhD and Dr Cheryl Fraser

Airs: Wednesday, October 12, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Passion triangle - what is it and why is it...

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Solutions for Anxiety: Relief through Awareness & Self-Care with Dr Arthur Ciaramicoli and Dr Reid Wilson

Original Air Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Ridding yourself of old negative...

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The Architecture of Life: Breaking & Changing Habits for a Better Version of You with Michael Weinberger and Gretchen Rubin

Original Air Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:A formula for happinessWhy you should bother...

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Want change...VOTE: Why & How the Upcoming Election Needs YOU! With Chris Carson and Nate Kaplan

Original Air Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why you are important in this...

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The Exquisite Magic of Feeling Seen, Heard & Understood with Ben Mathes & Nic Askew

Original Air Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How photography affects the one behind the...

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Approaching Wholeness & Perspective Shifting through the Power of the Personal Narrative with Mark Nepo & Jen Grisanti

Original Air Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Remaining open while sufferingSurrendering to...

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Courageously Earnest Conversations About Life & Death with Amy Wallace & Dannion Brinkley

Airs Wednesday, August 31, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Talking about death - why it is importantHow to find peace and...

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The Gifts & Challenges of Failure—How and Why We Learn from Our Mistakes with Amy Edmondson & Jessica Lahey

Original Air Date: August 24, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why failure is not only necessary, it's good!The essential...

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Harvesting Healthy Habits for the Good Life with Ben Dolnick and Dr Amy Johnson

Original Air Date: August 17, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to refine your inner clockThe secret to making...

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Entrepreneurial Hook-Ups: Making Conscious & Impactful Professional Connections with Jessica Alter and Matt Nolan

Original Air Date: August 10, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:New methods of collaboration yielding tremendous resultsWhy...

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Creating an Uncontested Market Space through Blue Ocean Strategy: Make the Competition Irrelevant with Dr. Zunaira Munir & Dave Schmelzer

Original Air Date: August 3, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Blue Ocean Strategy - what it is and how it can benefit...

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Compassionate Global Citizenry: Social Action for A Better Life & World with Madge Thomas & Sanah Jivani

Original Air Date: July 27, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Ways to be a global citizenWays to make a difference for...

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Developing Inner & Outer Strength for All: Emotional and Physical Fitness with Amy Edelstein & Rupa Mehta

Airs Wednesday, July 20, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Fostering kindness and self-assurance in our youthMindfulness...

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Training for Peak Performance Through the Inner Game of Self-Mastery with Tim Gallwey and Tony Horton

Original Air Date: July 13, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The new way to learn excellenceWhy trusting yourself is...

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The Science of Happiness...So Much More Than Just Positive Thinking with David Essel and Dr Emma Seppälä

Original Air Date: July 6, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Keys to creating successIs positive thinking simply a myth?How...

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No B.S. Spirituality: Heartfelt Wisdom & Truth for the Emotional Explorer with Dr. Alex Lickerman and Chris Grosso

Original Air Date: June 29, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to practice compassionate spiritual discernmentThe...

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Making Betters Doctors & Building Better Medical Bedside Manner with Dr. Ryan Gray & Dr. Helen Riess

Original Air Date: June 22, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The biggest challenges faced by med studentsHow mentoring of...

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Skilled Habits of Self-Mastery: Promoting Permanent & Perpetual Positive Change with Dr. Jason Selk & Charles Duhigg

Original Air Date: June 15, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to avoid typical daily distractions and interruptionsWhat...

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The Age of Conscious Transformation & Personal Transcendence with Sperry Andrews and Jared Rosen

Original Air Date: June 8, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How conscious conversation reveals what humanity has been...

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Rebooting & Rewiring Our Relationships with Substance Abuse Recovery

With Erica Spiegelman and Dr. Tian DaytonOriginal Air Date: June 1, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The role relating to...

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New Hope for Mood Management and Mental Health: Confronting, De-Stigmatizing & Dealing with Depression

Original Air Date: May 25, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Breakthrough approaches to treating depressionThe paradigm...

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Busy, Stressed and Food Obsessed

Original Air Date: May 18, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:What's really behind your food cravings?Eating...

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Conscious Caregiving & Dying-The Last Frontiers of Life

Original Air Date: May 11, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:A New Vision for End of Life Care Including Pailliative and...

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Know Your Purpose + Make It Happen: Attention. Intention. Action. Repeat

With Dan Millman and Stever RobbinsAirs Wednesday, May 4, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why We Are Here to Fulfill Four...

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The Heart of the Matter: Relationships and Bringing the Sexy Sizzle Back

With Michaela Boehm and Beatty CohanAirs Wednesday, April 27, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to Define IntimacyWhat...

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Less Stress = More Happy: Capturing Control of the Human Dashboard-- Our Minds

With Don J. Goewey & Dr. Sandra ScheinbaumAirs Wednesday, April 20, 2016During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Five...

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Redefining and Rebooting Our Relationship with The Mighty Dollar— Resources & Retirement for Real People

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to Make Your Money Grow and Get Your Expenses Under ControlWhy Eating Better and...

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Life On-Purpose & The Quest for Meaning Along The Way

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Reframing and Retextualizing Your ExperiencesRediscovering the Lost Spiritual History of the...

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Future-Tripping: Exploring Dynamic Pathways of Industry & Technology of Tomorrow

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Buckminster Fuller’s 56 Year Personal ExperimentThe Essence of Fuller’s Unique...

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Loneliness: A Modern Emotional Epidemic & What We Can Do About It With Kira Asatryan and Dr. Joel Levey

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Best Place to Begin Creating Inner HarmonyWhy Loneliness is si Pervasive in our Society...

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Eating Our Way to Happiness through Healthy Foods & Creative Cooking

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Dispelling Long Held Cooking MythsPhilosophy of Recipe DevelopmentHow the Health of Your Gut...

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think & Feel— Managing the Mind, Sometimes with F-Bombs

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why Paying Attention to Feelings Doesn’t Always Lead to Solid DecisionsHow to Feel Your...

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Finding Peace, Mindfulness & Practicality in Old-Fashioned Community Hobbies

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Great Joy in Creating Something to Give to OthersThe Connection Between Charities and...

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Awakening the Hardiness of the Modern Day Super Hero Living Within Us All

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Rethinking Mental Health DisordersTips For Parents With Struggling ChildrenConnecting With...

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Listener Favorite Returns! Serving Up Deliciousness: Eat Passionately, Live Well & Let Longevity Flourish With Dan Buettner and Dan Pashman

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Blue Zones and What They Can Teach UsWhy Going Blue Can Make Us Healthier and HappierGetting...

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Holiday Sacred Space and the Art of Standing in Line With Rivvy Neshama and David Andrews

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to Find Your Sacred Space and Center in the Midst of Holiday MadnessHow to Connect with...

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Brain Happy With Dr. Alex Korb and Dr. Dan Siegel

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Neurochemistry of DepressionThe Elements of Positive NeuroscienceOur Brain on...

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The Adult Coloring Book Craze: Therapy and Play With Johanna Basford and Dr. Ben Michaelis

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Insight from Best-Selling Adult Coloring Book Author Johanna BasfordTherapy and Play Through...

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Tradition and Food: Connecting over the Table With Dan Pashman and Suzanne Cope

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How the Act of Thanks is Shown Through Food and CookingEngaging All Our Senses Through...

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Mythology and the Hero’s Journey With Carol Pearson and Robert Walter

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Eleusinian Mysteries and How They Apply TodayUsing the Legendary Stories of Mythology to...

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Military Morale: A Celebration for Veteran’s Day With Sandra Beck and MC1(AW) Andrea Perez and Petty Officer Angela Gingerich of the Blue Angels

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Needs of Veterans Before, During and After ServiceRaising Awareness of your Local...

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Transition is a Way of Life With Mark Nepo and Sherre Hirsch

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Embracing Transition and Approaching WholenessJourney Through Suffering and Finding JoyWhat...

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Just a Job or Purpose: A Look at our Work With Barry Schwartz and Po Bronson

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Why We WorkDoes Anybody Want to Work?Happy and the WorkplaceThe Universal Question all People...

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Storytelling and Memories in the Digital Now With Richard Grant and Fi Glover

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Start and Journey of LifetilePreserving a Life DigitallyCapturing the Most Important...

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Broadcasting HAPPY With Michelle Gielan, Whitney Reynolds, Mika Kim and Claudia Chan

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:What It Means to Broadcast HappyPowerhouse Women and Positive Work in Media and BusinessHappy...

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Let’s talk about S-E-X and Intimacy With Linda Carroll and Michaela Boehm

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Sexual Cycles and LoopsHow Couples of Different Sexual Desire Levels ReconcileThe Power...

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Tantra for the Western World – A Simply Sacred Practice for All With Marc Allen and Ramesh Bjonnes

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Real Meaning of the Word TantraThe Value of Tantra in Western CivilizationHow Tantra Can...

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The Path to Organization With Daniel Levitin and Paula Rizzo

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How our Minds Work with Information OverloadThe Scientific Reasons Against Multi-TaskingWhy...

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The Power of Music and Dance With Sara Agah and Teresa Taylor

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Do It For The Love Foundation and its PurposeThe Connection Between Music and HopeThe...

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Education Pioneers Leading the Way With James Tynan of Khan Academy and Shanna Peeples

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Khan Academy’s Mission and Work Outside of the ClassroomThe Importance of Teaching...

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Discovering Heroes in Disastrous Situations With Suzanne Bernier and Alan Monroe

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Learn about the Hidden HeroesWhat to Learn From Those Who Step Up in the Face of...

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Reclaim Productivity, Reclaim Life With Ari Meisel and Josh Davis

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Leverage MethodWhat does Optimize, Automate, Outsource mean?Reclaiming Your Life from...

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Music in our Life: Medicine and Wellbeing With Derek Beres and Joanne Loewy

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Connection Between Music and YogaWhat Music and Movement Do TogetherExploring Music...

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The Future of Food With Dickson Despommier and James Holtslag and Trey Nichols

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Vertical Farm and Changing the Landscape of Urban CommunitiesHow to Make the Transition...

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Independence from Injustice: A Look at Our Legal System With Adam Benforado and Bryan Stevenson

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Identifying the Flaws and Initiating Change Within the US Legal SystemWhy the Letter of the...

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Courage, Joy and Leading by Example with Gabi Ury and Nancy Belmont

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:16 year old Guinness Book World Plank Record Holder Gabi UryTackling the Biggest Obstacles to...

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Habits for Productivity, Habits for Happiness With Gretchen Rubin and Neil Fiore

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Habits that Contribute to our HappinessLearning Ourselves Before Changing HabitsThe Study of...

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Negotiation and Flow: A Look At Our Performance With William Ury and Steven Kotler

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Process of Negotiating with OurselvesThe Fundamental Steps to Getting to YesHow Flow...

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The Tough Talk on Suicide: Finding Hope and Help With Adele McDowell and Chris Neiweem

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Difficulty in Talking About SuicideThe Global View of SuicideFinding Peace After...

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Eating for Life, Eating for Joy With Dan Buettner and Dan Pashman

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Meaning of Blue Zone EatingBlue Zones Across the GlobeGetting the Perfect Deliciousness...

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Cravings: Give in or Win With Alex Jamieson and Nina Hartley

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Should we Fight our Cravings or Honor ThemThe Root Cause of CravingsThe Overlap between...

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The Good Divorce With Karyl McBride and Angela Hallier

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Encountering the Battle of DivorceHow to Co-Parent with a NarcissistStrategies and Tips to...

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The Modern Altruistic Life With Stephen Post and Dana Klisanin

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Biological Effects of AltruismThe Helpers HighAltruism and CyberspaceDigital Altruism and...

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Veterans and Mindfulness With Richard Miller and Lee Lesser

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Work iRest does with VeteransThe iRest Program for Healing PTSDThe Foundational Work...

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A Conversation with Tom Shadyac

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Tom’s story from Hollywood to big heart.Tom’s film, I AMThe healing impact of I...

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Lessons in Gratitude With Nina Lesowitz and Emiliana Simon-Thomas

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Realizing your Greatest Longings through Cultivating ThankfulnessTips and Practices for...

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Transformations: Soul and Purpose With Barbara DeAngelis and Marney Makridakis

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Soul Shifts and Personal GrowthEmotional FreedomBlending Play and PurposeThe Role of Momentum...

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Love and Medicine with Bernie Siegel

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Feeding the hungry heartFood as medicineNegative emotions as cancerHow unconditional joy...

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Women and Trauma With Rosemary Sword and Angela Martindale

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Brain and TraumaThe Number of Women who Experience Traumatic EventsWhy Women are More...

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International Happiness Day With Daniele Quercia, Jean Tismit, Elisha Goldstein and Samantha Boardman

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:International Happiness Day – March 20The Use of Happy MapsProject +Natural...

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Mindful Meditation With David Gelles and Sara Lazar

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The new uses of mindful meditation in the Western WorldHow large corporations are integrating...

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Logic, Reason and Philosophy With Eyal Winter and Rebecca Goldstein

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The emotion in logic and why our instincts are not irrationalHow we create emotional rules to...

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Breaking Down Narcissism With Jeffrey Kluger and Jean Twenge

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Narcissist in the Workplace, Bedroom and RelationshipsThe New Book “The Narcissist Next...

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Through and Beyond Trauma With Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Mike Monroe and Nicole Green of Team Rubicon

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:New Treatments for War TraumaTime Perspective TherapyThe Work of Team RubiconThe Difference...

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LOVE is in the Air: Love Cycles and Chemistry With Linda Carroll and Dr. Helen Fisher

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Looking at Love CyclesThe Questions to Ask in a Committed RelationshipThe Effect of Love on...

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LOVE is in the Air: Relationships and Communication With Gina Vucci and Alison Armstrong

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Using the Mirror of RelationshipsBalancing Closeness and IndependenceBecoming Aware of Our...

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Methods of Self Mastery With Lisa Machenberg and David Meketon

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Tips for Self-HypnosisHow to Hack Your Brain for Positive ChangesSelf-Hypnosis and...

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Happiness and the Greater Good: The Power of Giving Back With Congressman Marty Russo and Anthony Melikhov

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Creating a personal State of the Union for your lifeLearn to identify your own values and...

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#DefineBrave = The Courage to Stand in Truth & Express Freedom With Katie Kozloff, Jaspen Boothe, Pat Cruz, Lisa Moreno-Dickinson and Jennifer Walsh

During this week's radio show you will learn about:The #DefineBrave Campaign from Katie K ActivePersonal Stories of Overcoming AdversityWomen...

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Spark and Balance in the New Year With Chris “SparkGuy” Downie and Christine Carter

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to Set Challenges for 2015The Secret to Keeping ResolutionsLearn about Spark People and...

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A Listener Favorite Returns! Goals + Gratitude = Happy Holidays with Less Stress With Kimberly Rinaldi

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to take our goalsAdd gratitudeReduce holiday stressThe New year is upon us. Have you made...

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The Science of Miracles and Angels With Dr. Bernie Siegel, Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How Change Can Open the Door for MiraclesHow to Welcome Grace into our LivesWhat We Can Learn...

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Feel Good Inside and Out for the Holidays With Dr. Jessica Wu and Polly Campbell

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Healthy Eating Around the HolidaysThe Ten Commandments of Holiday Eating for Healthy...

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Modern Heroism with Dr. Philip Zimbardo and Ervin Staub

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Heroic Imagination ProjectRedefining Heroism in the 21st CenturyUniversal Human...

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Practicing Gratitude with Andy Hayes and Lisa Wimberger

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:Defining Moments That MatterTools and Techniques to Practice Gratitude DailyWhat Gratitude...

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Conscious Capitalism with Jonathan Fields and Woody Tasch

During this week's radio show you will learn about:The Good Life ProjectMaker-centric Business and Aligned EntrepreneurshipSlow Money PrinciplesThe...

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Supporting Our Veterans with Dennis Davis and Vice Admiral Norb R. Ryan Jr., USN-Retired

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:The Challenges and Stigma Associated with Returning Home From WarWhy Post-Traumatic Stress...

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Empowering Your Health with guests Bertrand Babinet and Talia Fuhrman on Wed Nov 5

During this week’s show you will learn about:The Five Dynamics of HealthHealth Care vs Disease CarePsycho-Spiritual HealthThe role loving your...

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Uncovering the Mask of Mental Illness with guests Ross Szabo and Ellen Forney on Wed Oct 29

During this week’s show you will learn about:The disguise those with mental illness wearThe Human Power ProjectThe changes needed in mental...

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Playing With Your Mind with guests Mario Martinez and Erin Olivo on Wed Oct 15

During this week’s show you will learn about:What enables change in your lifeThe biocognitive approachThe MindBody CodeThe Emotion Mind vs the...

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The Upside of the Dark Side with guests Robert Biswas-Diener and Todd Kashdan on Wed Oct 8

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Comfort addictionSome advantages of narcissismSome limits of kindnessWhy you should be your...

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How Do We Relate to Food with guests Jenni Schaefer and Dr. Drew Ramsey

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Eating Disorders and how they change our relationship to foodWhat role negative body image...

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The Art and Joy of Relationships with guests Dr. Julia Colwell and Dr. Jacquie Del Rosario

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How to be a conscious partnerPower struggles and the blame gameRelationship ingredientsFrom...

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Unlocking Creativity and Genius with guests Michael J Gelb and Dr. Srini Pillay on Wed Sept 17

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:How Qi is the real secret of creativity.What mind mapping is and what it has to do with...

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Prayer, Intuitive Intelligence, and Creativity with guests Celeste Yacoboni and Elaine Clayton on Wed Sept 10

During this week’s show you will learn about:The power of appreciation in blessing.Research on the connection between healing andprayer.The...

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You Are What You Eat: Nutrition and Well Being with guests Dr. John La Puma and Dr. Suhas G. Kshirsagar

During this week’s show you will learn about:Men’s nutrition and healthHow men’s health benefits womenAyurvedaDigestive...

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Geeks, Apps and Buddha with guests Vincent & Emily Horn and Rohan Gunatillake

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Buddhist Geeks and what they do for the global communityMindhackersWhere spirituality is headed with...

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The Healing Power of Music with guests Tina Haynes and Graham Iddon of Raving Wild on Wed Aug 20

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:CAMMO and the work they doMusic Therapy and what it does for those with PTSDCAMMO’s work with...

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Happiness in the Work Place with guests Michelle Gielan and Jim Donovan on Wed Aug 13

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:The role of optimism in our success and happinessHow to define success in our work livesMethods to...

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Culture Check In: Tech and Beauty with guests Anna Akbari and Robin Rice on Wed Aug 6th

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:How technology can help us find flowThe future of “digital” happinessThe role of...

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En*theos and Optimizing Life, Business and the World with guests Brian Johnson and Steve Chandler on Wed July 30 at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:en*theosOptimal LivingOptimal BusinessConscious CapitalismHow to be a WarriorBrian is the...

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Constructive Wallowing and Mindful Emotion with guests Tina Gilbertson and Dr. Thomas Bien, Wed July 23

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:What is constructive about wallowing?Fear of our own emotionsIs anger really toxic?Buddha’s...

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Exploring Addiction with guests Noah Levine and Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, Wed July 16

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Well-being and addiction recovery through Buddhist Meditation.Refuge RecoveryDigital Detoxes: Do...

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Modern Day Meditation with guests Dan Harris and Suze Yalof Schwartz on July 9th

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:How meditation and a high profile, high stress job can mixSteps to admit you need help with your...

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The Pursuit of Happiness with guests Former Congressman Marty Russo and Douglas Kmeic on Wed July 2 at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Happiness as a fundamental part of the foundation of Declaration of IndependenceThe pursuit of...

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The Brain: How does it perceive humor and happiness? with guests Joel Warner and Rick Hanson

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Theories of humorWhat is a sense of humorHumor in dark and troubling timesWhy we laughThe benefit of...

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Methods of Happiness with Barry Dennis and Daniel Parmeggiani Wed June 18

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:ChotchkyThe creation of wantingThe 3LP’sAre we all innocent?The perception of...

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Celebrating Fathers with guests Keith Zafren and Jeremy Hilton Wed June 11

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:The Great Dad’s ProjectWhat stands in the way of becoming a great parentFather...

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What Role Does Money Have in Sex, Love and Happiness? Wed June 4 at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Happy Money and getting the most from your spendingThe science of spendingWhy following your money...

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Exploring Mental Illness with guests David Granirer and Wendy Williamson & Honora Rose Wed May 28th at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Stand Up For Mental HealthChanging public attitude towards mental illnessHow comedy can be...

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Parenting Perspectives with guests Richard Greenberg and Kristine Carlson Wed May 21st at 12pm EST

Richard Greenberg is a father of four and the author of “Raising Children That Other People Like to be Around”. A native of Los Angeles,...

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Inspiration with guest Gail Lynne Goodwin and JD Messinger

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Inspire Me TodayHow to focus on the “What” and the “Why” and let go of the...

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Military Wellness and Sleep Health with guests Sarah Plummer and Dr. Raymond Hall

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Stress reductionResiliency buildingPeak performance through healthHow sleep affects wellnessThe...

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Sleep & Wellness: We Welcome the Speakers for the 2014 ASBA Sleep & Wellness Conference Wed April 30th, 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:The importance of sleep to healthWhat gets in the way of good sleepHow nutrition feeds into sleep...

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Social Entrepreneurship with guests Shirin Salemnia and Miki Agrawal

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Having a dream jobBeing a female in the gaming industryLosing the passionMaking room for positive...

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Intimacy, Sexuality and Desire with guests Michael Russer and Ande Lyons, April 16th at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:How important communication about intimacy is between couplesSimple steps that couples can take...

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The Intenders and Unveiling Peace with guests Tony Burroughs and Susan Sosbe, April 9th at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Is there a key to becoming self-empowered?The Intention Process The Code and its originsUnderstand...

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Fashion, Creature Comforts and Spirituality…Does it Work? with Guest Shannon Bindler, April 2 at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Is being materialistic a bad thing?Why do we need physical things to remind us of our spiritual...

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Creativity and Trauma with guests Mike Liguori and Jessie Kahnweiler, March 26th at 12pm EDT

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Veterans Mental HealthWriting and Power of StorytellingHow making a film based on rape brought with...

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Lessons in Joyful Living with guests Larry Broughton and Carl Honoré March 19th at 12pm EDT

During this week’s show, you’ll learn about:entrepreneurUPRISING2014Flashpoints/Flashpoints for achievers journalCrisis of TrustNo higher...

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Women and Connectivity with guests Beate Chelette and Frankie Lee Slater March 12th at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:Understanding Women in 5 Simple StepsA Woman’s MindThe alliances of A Circle of Women and The...

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Creating a Happy Ending with guests Betsy Trapasso and Jeff Jorgenson March 5th at 12 pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:what Betsy does as an end of life guidethe documentary – Bringing Death to LifeBetsy’s...

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Sleep Wellness and How it Pertains to Health and Wellbeing with guests Lauri Loewenberg and Rudy Mettia February 19th at 12 pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn:how to figure out your dreams in 3 easy stepsthe most common dreams and what they mean5 fascinating facts...

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Relationships & Valentines Day With Guest Charles Orlando February 12th at 12 pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:setting expectationscommunication techniquesidentifying red flagsListen in this Wednesday at 9 am...

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The Creative Process is Music and Life with guests Cable Car and Amber Krzys February 5th at 12 pm EST

During this weeks radio show you hear from Cable Car about:the reason we feel the desire to continuously createaccomplishing a life dreamthe...

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Women In Media with guests Kirsty Spraggon and Kate Neligan January 29 at 12 pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:the ripple effect of sharinghow sharing your story can give others hopewhy we need more conscious...

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Feminism and Betrayal with guests Phyllis Chesler, Paula J. Caplan, and Jennifer Gomez January 22 at 12 pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:female aggression towards other femalesforced marriagecompetition between co-wivesglass ceilings in...

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Non Traditional Help for Veterans with guests Deborah Lewis and Mallory Lewis January 15 at 12 noon ET

Deborah Lewis launched Channel Productions in 2010 to create the first directories of their kind specializing in creative style videos that captured...

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The Brain Science of Happiness with guests James Olson and Rick Hanson January 8 at 12 noon ET

James Olson is the author of The Whole-Brain Path to Peace:The Role of Left- and Right-Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of...

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SPECIAL ENCORE PRESENTATION with Dr. Lissa Rankin January 1 at 12 NOON ET

Lissa Rankin, M.D. is a physician whose research led her to discover that our bodies have natural self-repair mechanisms that can be activated or...

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Goals + Gratitude = Less Holiday Stress with guest Kimberly Rinaldi December 18 at 12 noon ET

The New year is upon us. Have you made you New Year's Resolutions yet? Do you stick with them longer than a week? Are you giving gratitude for even...

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Manifesting Our Intentions with guests Anodea Judith and Tony Burroughs December 11 at 12 noon ET

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is an innovative thinker, best-selling author, world renowned teacher, and former therapist whose work addresses both personal...

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The Brain Science of Happiness with guests James Olson and Rick Hanson December 4 at 12 noon ET

James Olson is the author of The Whole-Brain Path to Peace:The Role of Left- and Right-Brain Dominance in the Polarization and Reunification of...

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Getting Things Done with guest David Allen November 27 at 12 noon ET

David Allen is an author, consultant, international lecturer, and founder and chairman of the David Allen Company. He is widely recognized as the...

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How do you Give Thanks?

Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Thank You in Any Language is Good for Your Health=Global Gratitude GatheringEach of us...

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Children of War with guests Bryan Single,Jane Ekayu, and Cynthia Travis November 20 at 12 noon ET

Bryan Single is the director and producer of "Children of War", an award-winning documentary filmed in Uganda over a period of three years which...

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Health, Wellness, and Happiness November 13 at 12 noon ET

Dr. Syed Nabi is a Sleep Specialist and a regular contributor to Sleep & Wellness Magazine. He is Board Certified as a fellow of the American...

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Change a Child’s Life with guest Bill King November 6 at 12 noon ET

Bill King is a writer, speaker, certified trainer and mentor. A master of designing and implementing processes to simplify complex issues with...

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CEO of Spirtuality with guest JD Messinger October 30 at 12 noon ET

JD Messinger is a modern day visionary whose credentials are reminiscent of a renaissance man. He is a fireman, CEO of Ernst & Young Consulting,...

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Leadership with guests Larry Broughton and Chip Conley October 23 at 12 noon ET

Larry Broughton is an Award-winning serial entrepreneur, best-selling author and former Special Forces Operator (The Green Berets) Larry is here to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Ellen Langer and Dr. Mario Martinez October 16 at noon ET

Ellen Langer is a Yale PhD, Harvard Professor of Psychology, and artist. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and three Distinguished...

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Sexuality and Body Image with Michael Russer and Bonnie Gayle October 9th at 12 NOON ET

When Michael Russer was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in September of 2011, he began a year-long personal transformation that included, radical ...

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Breast Cancer Awareness Show, Dr. Parva, Melissa Bollman-Jenkins, and Antoine Dunn October 2 at 12 noon ET

Dr. Behzad Parva is the head of Parva Plastic Surgery in Northern Virginia, specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic breast care focused on the...

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Military Families: Restoring Wellness after War with guests Rebecca Summers and Jody Bremer September 25 at 12 noon ET

Rebecca Summers earned her commission as a Naval Officer in May 2000 and was designated a Surface Warfare Officer upon completion of initial training...

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Love+Relationships=giving+getting what you need! with guests Sharon Cunningham and Charles J. Orlando September 18th at 12 noon ET

Leaving a long corporate career behind her, The Single Ladies Café was founded by Miss Sharon Cunningham, known by her radio personality Miss...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Aoife O'Leary and Kate Northrup September 11 at 12 noon ET

Aoife O'Leary hails from Dublin, Ireland. A singer and songwriter, she followed her passion, touring the States and Europe with her band, Moth...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes David Allen September 4 at 12 noon ET

David Allen is an author, consultant, international lecturer, and founder and chairman of the David Allen Company. He is widely recognized as the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes John Gornik and Gregorio Elias from Bead Relief and Paul Goodman and Griffin Thall from Pura Vida Bracelets August 28 at 12 noon ET

John Gornik and Gregorio Elias are two friends who's desire to help others sparked a business that follows an honorable business model. They are a...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Kelly Muldoon, Dr. Kay McElvey, and Tanya Geisler August 21 at 12 noon ET

Kelly Muldoon from Soulfully Successful Women knows intimately what the journey to living a life and creating a business around your purpose and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Darrin McMahon August 14 at 12 noon ET

Darrin M. McMahon is the Ben Weider Professor of History at Florida State University. Educated at the University of California, Berkeley and Yale,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Kita Szpak and Tara Kennedy-Kline August 7 at 12 noon ET

Kita Szpak is a speaker and author. In 2010 shoe co-wrote Tipping Point to Happiness, undertook a U.S. radio campaign, and earned the title of...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Linda Stewart and Roko Belic July 31 at 12 noon ET

Linda is a regular contributor to Inspired World Magazine and is the author of "The Little Book of Transformation: 3 Steps to Create Your Ideal Life"....

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Monika Korra and Bob Delaney July 24 at 12 noon ET

Monika Korra is a native of Loten, Norway. In 2008 she was offered a 100% running scholarship at Southern Methodist University. She earned a B.S. in...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Julie Daquelente and Dr. Christine Carter July 17 at 12 noon ET

A sociologist and happiness expert at UC Berkeley\'s Greater Good Science Center, Christine Carter, Ph.D. is the author of RAISING HAPPINESS: 10...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes John O'Connor and Steve D'Annunzio July 10 at 12 noon ET

John O\'Connor is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who has been involved in the financial services industry since 1978 and has been a CFP since...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sandra Beck and Linda Franklin July 3rd at 12 noon ET

Sandra Beck is the host of three radio shows: Military Mom Talk Radio, Motherhood Talk Radio, and Powered Up Talk Radio, with Linda Franklin....

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Jonathan Haidt June 26th at 12 noon ET

Dr. Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist at the NYU-Stern School of Business. His research examines the intuitive foundations of morality, and how...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Caitlin Doughty and Betsy Trapasso June 12 at 12 noon ET

Called \"America\'s (Kinda Dark) Sweetheart\"by the Huffington Post, 28-year-old Caitlin Doughty was born and raised on the sunny shores of Oahu,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Lissa Rankin June 5th at 12 noon ET

Lissa Rankin, M.D. is a physician whose research led her to discover that our bodies have natural self-repair mechanisms that can be activated or...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener and Cheryl Hunter May 29 at 12 noon ET

Dr. Biswas-Diener is widely known as the \"Indiana Jones of Positive Psychology\" because his research on happiness has taken him to such far-flung...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Naomi Kryske and Jody Bremer May 22 at 12 noon EDT

Naomi Kryske is a Hurricane Katrina survivor whose fear and helplessness in the devastating Category 5 storm gave her insight into traumatic stress....

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Ellen Langer May 15th at 12 noon EDT

Ellen Langer is a Yale PhD, Harvard Professor of Psychology, and artist. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and three Distinguished...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Jamie Catto May 8 at 12 noon EDT

Jamie Catto co-produced and directed the double Grammy nominated film ‘1 Giant Leap\' which encountered high profile writers, thinkers,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Tim Freke April 30 at 12 noon EDT

Tim Freke is a \'standup philosopher\' who makes profound ideas fun and easily accessible. He is an internationally respected authority on world...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Bryan Single, Jane Ekayu, and Cinthia Travis April 24th at 12 NOON EDT

Bryan Single is the director and producer of \"Children of War\", an award-winning documentary filmed in Uganda over a period of three years which...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Ashley Michelle Williams and Kirsty Spraggon April 17th at 12 NOON EDT

Ashley Michelle Williams is a world-traveled multimedia journalist who currently works at WBAL as a multimedia reporter/ web producer, contributing to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Ira Israel and Dr. Richard Davidson April 10th at 12 NOON EDT

Psychotherapist Ira Israel is the author of \"Mindfulness for Urban Depression DVD,\" \"Mindfulness Meditations for Anxiety DVD\" and \"Yoga for...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Eric Handler of Positively Positive April 3rd at 12 NOON EDT

An innovator in the field of personal growth and transformative thinking, Eric Handler is the co-founder of Positively Positive -- an online...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Rex Pratt and Paula Caplan March 26 at 12 NOON EDT

Rex Pratt has been involved in various film and video projects over the past decade. His interest in a project is always based upon the ability of the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Danielle LaPorte March 20th at 12 noon EDT

Danielle LaPorte is the outspoken creator of The Desire Map, author of The Fire Starter Sessions, and co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. She...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes John C. Havens March 13th at 12 noon EST

John C. Havens is Founder of the H(app)athon Project, a contributing writer for Mashable, and author of, H(app)y - The Value of Well-Being in a...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Janice Kamenir-Reznik, Naama Haviv, and Julie Bram of Jewish World Watch March 6th at 12 noon EST

Janice Kamenir-Reznik is Co-founder and President of Jewish World Watch (JWW), an organization she co-founded with Rabbi Harold Schulweis to mobilize...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sallie Culbreth, Patricia Lee Stotter, and BriGette McCoy February 27 at 12 NOON EST

Sallie Culbreth is the founder of Committed to Freedom - a non-profit organization that facilitates holistic empowerment and spiritual tools to help...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes James Clear February 20th at 12 NOON EST

James Clear is on a mission to make the world well and the founder of The Art of Becoming Better. He is an entrepreneur, writer, and travel...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Danielle LaPorte February 13th at 12 noon EST

Danielle LaPorte is the outspoken creator of The Desire Map, author of The Fire Starter Sessions, and co-creator of Your Big Beautiful Book Plan. She...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Kathy Kinney and Dr. Benjamin La Brot February 6th at 12 noon EST

Kathy Kinney is best known for her iconic role as Mimi Bobeck on the long running The Drew Carey Show. She has acted in over a dozen films and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Claire Wineland and Eric Lumiere January 30th at 12 noon EST

Claire Wineland was born with cystic fibrosis or \"CF\", a genetic disease that causes excessive mucus secretions and collection, especially in the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sarah Steffen and Shanna McCord January 23rd at 12 noon EST

Sarah Steffen is the Marketing Coordinator at Habitat for Humanity for San Fernando/Santa Clarita Valleys. She attended San Diego State University and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Bekah Eden and David Ari Leon January 16th at 12 noon EST

Virginia Beach singer/songwriter, musician and recording artist, Bekah Eden emerges twenty-seven years later from the confines of farm life to share...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sophie Chiche and Shannon Bindler January 9th at 12 noon EST

Sophie Chiche is the founder and curator of lifebyme.com, a website gathering eclectic people answering the question, \"what is most meaningful to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Adam Leipzig and Laurel Airica January 2nd at 12 noon est

Adam Leipzig has overseen more than 25 movies as a producer, executive, and distributor, including March of the Penguins and Dead Poets Society, and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Presents a Special ENCORE Broadcast with Agapi Stassinopoulos December 26

Agapi Stassinopoulos is the author of the best-selling book: Unbinding the Heart, where readers embark on an inspiring journey of inner exploration...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Presents a Special ENCORE Broadcast with Sophie Chiche December 19

Sophie Chiche is the founder and curator of lifebyme.com, a website gathering eclectic people who are answering the question, \"What is most...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Jodi Delaney and Debbie Gregory December 12th at 12 noon EST

Jodi Delaney is the Founder of Yatra Yoga International (YYI) and VetsYoga. Jodi combined her passions for yoga and travel with YYI, facilitating yoga...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Mark Harradine and Leah Jantzen December 5th at 12 noon est

Mark Harradine teaches Conscious Leadership to leaders who want to profoundly impact their world for a greater good, by raising consciousness for...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Daniel Chidiac November 28th at 12 noon EST

Daniel Chidiac is the Author of \"Who Says You Can\'t? YOU DO: How to unchain your greatness within and take instant charge of your life.\" He has...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Gina Ross and Debbie Gregory November 21st at 12 noon est

Gina Ross, MFCC, is founder and president of International Trauma-Healing Institute in the United States and Israel. An internationally respected...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Presents a Special Encore Broadcast with Arun Gandhi November 14th at 12 noon EST

Born in 1934 in Durban, South Africa as the grandson of Mohandas K. \"Mahatma\" Gandhi, Arun Gandhi grew up under the discriminatory apartheid laws...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Catherine Ryan Hyde and Charley Johnson November 7th at 12 noon EST

Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of 18 published and forthcoming books. Her newest releases are When You Were Older, Don\'t Let Me Go, Jumpstart the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Tim Freke October 31st at 12 noon est

Tim Freke is a \'standup philosopher\' who makes profound ideas fun and easily accessible. He is an internationally respected authority on world...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Scott Carlin and Gotham Chopra October 24th at 12 noon est

Scott Carlin is a recognized leader in television. With over 30 years experience, he was responsible for original, record-breaking deals for The...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Yariv Lerner October 17th at 12 noon EST

Yariv Lerner is the founder of Udaya Entertainment and producer of purpose-driven cinematic film for yoga, meditation, and wellbeing coaching, with an...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Kelly McGonigal October 10th at 12 noon est

Dr. Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, and a leading expert in the new field of \"science-help.\" She is...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Agapi Stassinopoulos October 3rd at 12 noon EST

Agapi Stassinopoulos is the author of the best-selling book: Unbinding the Heart, where readers embark on an inspiring journey of inner exploration to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Don Joseph Goewey September 26th at 12 noon est

Don Joseph Goewey has had a long career in human potential. He\'s been an executive at Stanford University Medical School and worked closely with two...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Martin Papazian, Michele Rosenthal, Jenny Andrews, and Debbie Gregory September 19th at 12 noon EST

Martin Papazian is an actor, writer, and director of feature films. Previously, Martin directed the award winning short film IN THE WIND, about a...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Austin Vickers September 12 at 12 noon EST

Austin Vickers is the writer and producer of People v. The State of Illusion, a docudrama based on his work and the science and power of perception...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Wayne Hankin and Jeffrey Pflaum September 5th at 12 noon EST

Wayne Hankin is a period instrument specialist who has played 400 different instruments over a 30 year career. Specializing in medieval, renaissance,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Barry Schwartz August 29th at 12 noon EST

Barry Schwartz has been a professor of psychology at Swarthmore College, in Pennsylvania since receiving his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sallie Culbreth August 22nd at 12 noon EST

Sallie Culbreth is the founder of Committed to Freedom Ministries, which offers retreats, seminars, and resources for survivors of...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Bonnie Carroll and Debbie Gregory August 15

Bonnie Carroll is the president and founder of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), the national organization offering comfort and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sophie Chiche August 8th at 12 noon est

Sophie Chiche is the founder and curator of lifebyme.com, a website gathering eclectic people who are answering the question, \"What is most...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Kenneth Cloke August 1st at 12 noon EST

Kenneth Cloke is the Director of the Center for Dispute Resolution, where he has served as a mediator, arbitrator, attorney, coach, consultant and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Gail Goodwin July 25th at 12 NOON EST

Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of InspireMeToday.com, bringing the best inspiration to the world. With members in more than 120 countries,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Jerry Yellin and Debbie Gregory July 18th at 12 NOON EST

Jerry Yellin, a distinguished veteran of World War II, is the author of \"The Resilient Warrior,\" and co-chair of the David Lynch Foundation\'s new...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. O. Raye Adkins July 11th at 12 NOON EST

For more than 35 years, Adkins has participated in the education of children of poverty, working in all levels of public education (elementary,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Benjamin LaBrot July 4th at 12 NOON EST

Dr. Benjamin La Brot is a native Southern Californian who learned to swim before he could walk. He has worked on sport and commercial fishing boats,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Debbie Gregory and Patricia Stotter June 27th at 12 NOON EST

As both the CEO of MilitaryConnection.com and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA), Debbie Gregory covers all...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Valerie Sheppard June 20th at 12 NOON EST

Known as The Sherpa of Happiness, Valerie Rene Sheppard is Founder and CEO of Source Power, a boutique leadership, business strategy and branding...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Linda Cohen June 13th

The acclaimed author of 1,000 Mitzvahs: How Small Acts of Kindness Can Heal, Inspire and Change Your Life, Linda Cohen writes, speaks and consults...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Amir Zoghi and Lynn Robinson June 6th

An internationally renowned speaker on self-awareness and human potential, Amir Zoghi uses his modern age philosophies to teach others how to embody...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Mary Cimiluca and Alexander Vesely May 30th

As Chief Executive Officer of Noetic Films, Mary Cimiluca is devoted to producing films with depth, substance and meaning alongside friend and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Greg Louganis May 23rd

An Olympic Medal winner, five-time world champion, competitive diving legend Greg Louganis has long been celebrated for his spirit of sportsmanship...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Debbie Gregory, Tara Wise, and Rick Collins May 16th

As both the CEO of MilitaryConnection.com and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA), Debbie Gregory covers all...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Douglas Kmiec May 9th at 12:00pm EST

Douglas W. Kmiec is an American legal scholar, author, and former U.S. ambassador. He is the Caruso Family Chair and Professor of Constitutional Law...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener May 2nd

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener is widely known as the \"Indiana Jones of Positive Psychology\" because his research on happiness has taken him to such...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Jenn Lim April 18th

Jenn Lim is the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of Delivering Happiness, a company she and Tony Hsieh ,CEO of Zappos, co-created to inspire happiness...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Ash Adams, Alison Lighthall , and Debbie Gregory April 11th

Ash Adams is a multi award- winning filmmaker and actor who has starred in television shows such as: Ryans Hope-,Thunderboat Row and Acapulco Bay. ...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Bill Cloke April 4th

Dr. Bill Cloke has over 30 years\' experience as a licensed psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist in Los Angeles. He has continued to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sallie Culbreth March 28th

Meet Sallie Culbreth. Unfortunately, Sallie\'s story is not very unusual. No explicit sensational descriptions distinguish her experiences of sexual...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Back Charley Johnson March 21st

The concept of Pay it Forward dates back to ancient Greece in 317 BC. The model was used as a key plot element of the play Dyskolos, (a title which...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Arun Gandhi March 14th

Born in 1934 in Durban, South Africa, Arun is the fifth grandson of India\'s legendary leader, Mohandas K. \"Mahatma\" Gandhi. Growing up under the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Chelo Alvarez-Stehle March 7th

Chelo Alvarez-Stehle is a journalist, documentary and new media producer who has worked for over 14 years exposing stories of human trafficking...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Bob Nilsson February 29th

Giving service to others is not only good for the recipient, but it is also heartwarming for the giver. When you feel like you are at your lowest...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Jsu Garcia February 22nd

Determined to be an actor, Garcia migrated to Hollywood and moved into a friend\'s basement. Jsu\'s first break came when he auditioned for the TV...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Alan Gettis February 15th

There was something missing. Although he had degrees from four different universities and was schooled in psychodynamic, supportive, and cognitive...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Ben Utecht and Chrissy Carew February 8th

We are born with gifts. We all possess our own unique qualities, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. Our greatest gift is the gift of knowing. Knowing...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. James Roberts February 1st

The American Dream was founded on the belief that anyone dedicated to thrift and hard work could create opportunities and achieve a better life. Now...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Lisa Steadman January 25th

Did you make a New Year\'s resolution for 2012? Have you already broken it? Are you still sticking with it? Maybe you didn\'t even make a resolution...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Chris Waddell January 18th

This week we explore the depth and width of resilience of the human condition. We will discover how to overcome adversity and stress, and live the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Charley Johnson January 11th

The concept of Pay it Forward dates back to ancient Greece in 317 BC. The model was used as a key plot element of the play Dyskolos, (a title which...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Kenneth Cloke January 4th

Visit Kenneth Cloke at www.kennethcloke.com for more information.Nothing gives Happiness like a Free Holiday...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Bekah Eden,Terence Davis, Hannah Mulholland, and Abe McDonald December 28th

In the midst of the Holiday Season, slow down, count your blessings, take time to reflect, enjoy your family and friends, and remember the reason for...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Chrissy Carew and Ben Utecht December 21st

The world is upside down. Many of us are out in the world trying to survive and we are barely making it. We live as if we were islands. We retreat,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Rudy Wietfeldt December 14th

Death is unexpected. Death is horrific. Death is sudden. Death is part of life. It is the part of life as we don\'t ever want to happen. It is the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick December 7th

Unresolved issues are like volcanoes. They fester inside us until the heat is so hot, we erupt. They spew out and descend down the sides of our...

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Harvesting Happiness Welcomes Chrissy Carew, Insightful Player and Ben Utecht, Former NFL Player November 30th

The world is upside down. Many of us are out in the world trying to survive and we are barely making it. We live as if we were islands. We retreat,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Ushers in The Holiday Season Through Music with Bekah Eden,Terence Davis, Hannah Mulholland, and Abe McDonald November 23rd

Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks and gratitude. When we give thanks, we are expressing our love and happiness towards others. This week , as...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Wayne Harkin November 16th

WAYNE HANKIN is a period instrument specialist and has played 400 different instruments over a 30 year career. Specializing in medieval,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Tami Cromar November 9th

Tami CromarFounder of RubySnap As an architectural designer, cookies and baking were a side note in Tami Cromar\'s life. When she wanted to a little...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Bill Cloke November 2nd

Dr. Bill Cloke has over 30 years’ experience as a licensed psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist in Los AngelesHe has continued to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Alan Gettis October 26th

There was something missing. Although he had degrees from four different universities and was schooled in psychodynamic, supportive, and cognitive...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Alison Lighthall October 19th

Alison Lighthall, RN, BSN, MSN, a former Captain in the US Army Nurse Corps, is an expert in posttraumatic stress, combat stress, military suicide,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Fuzzy Manning October 12th

Fuzzy Manning is the Founder & CEO of PTS Treatment. He is a recognized international alternative clinician, therapist, and speaker who mends...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Barry Fixler of Semper Cool October 5

Barry Fixler is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam in 1967 and 1968 and fought on Hill 861-A during the legendary Siege of Khe Sanh....

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Chaney Weiner and the Veterans Preservation CorpsSeptember 28

Chaney Weiner is a sought after authority on human potential and personal development. He is the founder of the Chaney Institute of Human ...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Deva Premal and Miten September 21

Deva Premal and Miten met in India in 1990 and soon began a journey into love and creativity that has taken their inspiring blend of song, mantra...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Debbie Gregory of Military Connection, September 14th

As both the CEO of MilitaryConnection.com and the founder of the Veteran and Military Business Owners Association (VAMBOA), Debbie Gregory covers all...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Raquel Reyna September 7

Raquel Reyna is an emotional eating specialist and weight loss expert. She has been in the business of weight loss for the last 10 years and has...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Linda Franklin August 31

The Real Cougar Woman is a 5-carat diamond with each of the 5-carats representing an essential facet of her life. The 5-carats are: health, beauty,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Chitoka Webb August 24

Chitoka Webb is a successful business owner, motivational speaker and author who lives in Hendersonville, TN.Raised by her single mother, Webb grew up...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Suzanne Jauchius August 17

Suzanne Jauchius is a professional psychic, author and radio personality. When she was 40, she walked away from “the perfect life” that...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Adonis Ellinas August 10

Adonis holds two degrees from British Universities, one in Marketing and one in Interior Design. He is using Marketing to promote Health, Joy,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Evelyn Gray August 3

Evelyn serves the residential, small-based businesses, and the corporate marketplace with on-site organizing, consulting, coaching, seminars, and...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Marla Tabaka July 27

Life Coach, Marla Tabaka is The Million-Dollar Mindset Coach and specializes in coaching women business owners who are ready to embrace their full...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, authors of Loyalty To Your Soul, July 20

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are founders of the University of Santa Monica, a small, private graduate school offering master’s degree programs...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Don Jose Ruiz July 13

don Jose Ruiz grew up in a world where anything was possible. From the moment he could speak, he became an apprentice of his nagual (shaman) father,...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Jessica Wu July 6

Dr Jessica Wu is a board-certified dermatologist practicing in Los Angeles, California. She received her medical degree from Harvard Medical School...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Meg Pier June 29

ViewfromthePier.com, an online oasis for those seeking self-discovery and a sense of wonder through the prism of travel, celebrated its second...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Hosted by Lisa Cypers Kamen Welcomes Author Robert Rowland Smith, June 22

Robert Rowland Smith was, for seven years, a Prize Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, where his work on philosophy, literature and psychoanalysis...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Patricia Spadaro

Patricia Spadaro is the award-winning author of the book Honor Yourself: The Inner Art of Giving and Receiving and other popular works on personal...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Sgt. Andy Brandi June 8

Sgt. Andy Brandi\'s mission is simple: changing and saving lives. By helping each and every Warrior understand they’ve walked off the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dr. Bill Cloke June 1

Dr. Bill Cloke has over 30 years’ experience as a licensed psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist in Los AngelesHe has continued to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Dan Cook, founder of Rivers of Recovery May 25

Rivers of Recovery (ROR) is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. ROR delivers direct support to physically and psychologically injured combat...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio with Lisa Kamen features the Veterans Preservation Corp., May 18

Four Los Angeles based partner companies and organizations have come together to for the Veterans Preservation Corp. Each partner brings a niche...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Jennifer Hancock May 11

Jennifer Hancock is a resident of Manatee County FL and is the former executive director for the Humanists of Florida Association. In addition to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Frank Clyton May 4

Frank Clayton is a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in Happiness. He has a thriving private practice in Salt Lake City and teaches a...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Steven Shaps April 27

He specializes in the practice of Anger Management, Stress management and Somatic psychology. He works with individuals, couples, and families as well...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Nancy Sherman, April 20

Author of \"The Untold War\", Nancy Sherman writes, \"My introduction to the psyche of the soldier, in a sense, goes back to my father and my...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Lori Fields of Real Beuty Is April 13th

Lori Fields is a NYS Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Internet entrepreneur, leader, visionary, health & fitness enthusiast and Founder of the...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes George Resch of Happy Is The New Rich April 6th

George is motivated by light bulbs, or light bulb moments, as it turns out. He loves having them himself, but even more so, he loves watching the bulb...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Janine Wilburn of Touch.Nology, March 30th

In 2005, Janine Wilburn co-founded and became the Chief Creative Officer of Touch.Nology Holdings LLC – a socially responsible, Communications...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Gail Goodwin of Inspire Me Today, March 23

Gail Lynne Goodwin is the founder of InspireMeToday.com, bringing the best inspiration to the world. With members in more than 120 countries,...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Lynn Zavaro, March 16th

Lynn Zavaro has emerged as a leading voice in the art of guiding others to know themselves and create the life they’ve always envisioned. She...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Nic Askew of Soul Biographies, March 9th

Nic makes films. Short, black and white. Far beyond simple. Films that show people stark nakedas they are. Films made with a pace that makes little...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, authors of Loyalty To Your Soul

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are founders of the University of Santa Monica, a small, private graduate school offering master\'s degree programs in...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, authors of Loyalty To Your Soul, March 2nd

Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are founders of the University of Santa Monica, a small, private graduate school offering master\'s degree programs in...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Jeff Brown February 23, 2011

A former criminal lawyer and psychotherapist, Jeff Brown is the author of “Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation,” recently published by...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio welcomes John Rola of Strumming For Vets, February 16

Most of you are aware of the sacrifices our Veterans have made for us. What many people are not aware of is the continuing sacrifices vets face when...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio welcomes Lou Paget, Sex Educator

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Dr. Bill Cloke, February 2, 2011

Dr. Bill Cloke has over 30 years’ experience as a licensed psychotherapist and marriage and family therapist in Los AngelesHe has continued to...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Master Peter Hill January 26, 2011

Peter Hill offers an integrative arts program called G.E.T. I.T. The acronym is based on sun tzu’s “art of war” fundamental phrase...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Sgt. Andy Brandi, USMC, January 19th

Sgt. Andy Brandi\'s mission is simple: changing and saving lives. By helping each and every Warrior understand they’ve walked off the...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Sue Lynch of There & Back Again, January 12th

This week Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio welcomes Sue Lynch of There & Back Again; a non-profit reintegration program offered at no cost to...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Kimberly Trapp of MyThreeThings.org, January 5th

This week Lisa welcomes Kimberly Trapp to ring in the new year on Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio to share her project encouraging people to release...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Dr. Mark Setton, Pursuit of Happiness, December 15th

This week on Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio, Lisa is joined by Dr. Mark Setton from The Pursuit of Happiness; a group of educators from various...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Michael Chase of The Kindness Center, December 8

On the next Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio program, Lisa welcomes Michael Chase of the Kindness Center. Michael began The Kindness Center with the...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Patrick Combs, December 1

Join Lisa this week as she welcomes Patrick Combs, author, speaker and success coach. Patrick\'s mission is \"sharing success - teaching people to...

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Harvesting Happiness Radio Welcomes Sandra Beck of Motherhood Incorporated

Empowerment, this is the through line through all of Sandra Beck’s work. Whether she is coaching a company owner to a million dollar commission...

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Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio Welcomes Grateful Nation of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, November 17

Lisa Cypers Kamen launches Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio with guests Kelly Wallace, Associate Director of Marketing, and Erin Wholey, Director of...

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Email: hhtalkradio@gmail.com