This episode is about ethical buying decisions and embracing our shared humanity to create a better world. When companies focus on products, the human factor is often an afterthought. But markets are ultimately driven by consumer demand and consumers are human. When we humans make buying decisions that align with our values we can change the world, we can influence election outcomes, and we can enrich the lives of others. To uncover the potential of this new way of spending currency, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors about building strong connections and how to be compassionate while spending our time and money. Guests, Jane Mosbacher-Morris assists consumers with finding companies who align with their values and Adam Waytz shares suggestions on how we can all avoid the dehumanization currently afoot in today’s culture.
Jane Mosbacher-Morris Book: Buy the Change You Want to See: Using Your Purchasing Power to Make the World a Better Place
Adam Waytz Book: The Power of Human: How Our Shared Humanity Can Help Us Create a Better World
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