Navigating the Healthcare System: Education, Empowerment, and Advocacy for All with Dr. Dennis Deruelle & Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni

Have you ever been given an out-of-network medical bill you thought was covered by your healthcare plan? Did you jump through hoops to try and resolve it only to learn it wasn’t covered because you were traveling? Navigating our constantly-changing modern healthcare model takes resolve and is not for the faint of heart. To unlock the secrets and get tips right from the source, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two doctors who work to simplify the system for the public. Dr. Dennis Deruelle uses football as the overarching theme in his book, Your Healthcare Playbook: Winning the Game of Modern Medicine, to untangle the sometimes convoluted healthcare system. And, men’s health expert, Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni unpacks the confusing world of prescription medication.

Dennis P. Deruelle M.D., F.H.M.

Book: Your Healthcare Playbook: Winning the Game of Modern Medicine 

My Doc Replay Website

Dr. Deruelle on Facebook

Dr. Salvatore Giorgianni  

Mens Health Network Website

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