Inner Transformation: The Journey to Giving More and Living Better with Stephen G. Post & Isaac Bentwich

We have been led to believe that life doesn’t come with a manual, but what if it did? What if the small synchronicities in life were a road map to spiritual healing? What if ancient texts could be used in the modern world to help our minds make sense of the interconnectedness of everything? Maybe, it’s possible to complete our inner transformation by giving more of ourselves in the service of others. To unravel the mystery of our spiritual beings in this physical life, Positive Psychology Podcast Host, Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two scientists and doctors who are on a quest to gain spiritual momentum by helping others find their spiritual path. Stephen G. Post is a master storyteller and doctor. He shares the personal synchronicities that have shaped his life. And, Isaac Bentwich, a scientist and yoga teacher explains why he translated the Bhagavad Gita and what the meditative guide means to him.

Stephen G. Post - Book: God and Love on Route 80: The Hidden Mystery of Human Connectedness

Isaac Bentwich M.D. - Book: Gita — A Timeless Guide for Our Time


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