Logging Off: Life, Death, and Caretaking Our Digital Footprints with Abbey Schneiderman, Gene Newman, Adam Seifer & Cianna Stewart

Abbey Schneiderman, Gene Newman, Adam Seifer & Cianna Stewart

Are you one of the many people who stray away from talking about your death? If so, you may be making the grieving process more difficult for those you love. From the minutiae of notifying friends and extended family to logging off your myriad of internet accounts the people managing your affairs and assets after you die, have a big responsibility. To put to rest which details are necessary for the death process and what information benefits the overseers of your estate most, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with four people in the estate planning space. Abbey Schneiderman, Gene Newman, and Adam Seifer co-authored, In Case You Get Hit by a Bus: How to Organize Your Life Now. They discuss key information from the book and share personal stories of what can happen to the living after a death. The Host of the Dying Kindness podcast, Cianna Stewart talks about trends in the industry of death, the emergence of death doulas, and the compounded grief little or no death planning can cause after death. 

About Lisa’s guests: 

Abby Schneiderman, co-founder, and co-CEO of Everplans is an industry expert in the areas of digital estate planning, technology, and consumerism, and is a Forbes.com contributor.

Adam Seifer, co-founder, and co-CEO of Everplans has helped create multiple online communities and networks. He is an inventor on the social networking patent now owned by Linked-In.

Gene Newman serves as Everplan’s editorial and education director and has spent his career as a writer and content leader.

Book: In Case You Get Hit by a Bus: How to Organize Your Life Now

Cianna P. Stewart produces and hosts Dying Kindness, a podcast for people who are going to die someday. The goal is to help people make key decisions now in order to be kinder to those they’ll leave behind.


This episode of Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio is sponsored by: 

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