Human beings require interpersonal relationships to be fulfilled in life. But many who suffer from bouts of depression find it difficult to take the necessary steps to get motivated or to communicate their needs with others. Researchers are studying how to create mindfulness techniques that can break cycles of depression for willing participants. To find out more about the mindfulness-healthy mind connection, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with two authors who promote being in the present moment and who practice mindful mental healthcare management. Dr. Stuart Eisendrath describes his alternative method to mindfully manage depression. And, Dr. Ronald Frey, whose book, Feeling Better: Beat Depression and Improve Your Relationships with Interpersonal Psychotherapy, shares his externally referenced relationship-based approach to overcoming depression.
About Lisa’s guests:
Dr. Stuart Eisendrath is a psychiatrist who cares for patients with depressive disorders. He leads groups in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to treat depression and anxiety. He was the UCSF Depression Center's founding director and is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences.
Ronald J. Frey, Ph.D. is a former acting chief psychologist for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and a registered forensic and clinical psychologist. He is the co-author of Feeling Better and the co-director of the Institute for Interpersonal Psychotherapy with Cindy Stulberg. Ron lives in Quebec.
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