Psychology of Money: Finessing Financial Security with Michelle Singletary & Scott Nations

Michelle Singletary & Scott Nations

These days, more often than not, financial market headlinesinclude the terms ‘market crash’, ‘bubble bursting’, ‘inflation’, or‘downturn’. What do these terms mean for long-term investors orfor those who don’t invest but are impacted by job loss oreconomic hardship? How can everyday Americans attain enoughfinancial security to be happy? To get expert advice about stayingfinancially healthy, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa CypersKamen speaks with two economic experts who talk about thepsychology of money and how to achieve financial security.Michelle Singletary is a well-known financial advisor and asyndicated columnist for the Washington Post and other high-profile news outlets. She discusses tips for creating a savingscushion in the event of an emergency and how financial securitymeans paying for basic needs first. The information is from herbook,What to Do with Your Money When Crisis Hits: A SurvivalGuide. Scott Nations is the president of a financial firm and aregular contributor to CNBC. He talks about his book,The AnxiousInvestor: Mastering the Mental Game of Investing,and the humanbehaviors that lead us to either be averse to risk or embrace it. 

About Lisa’s guests:

Michelle Singletary is a syndicated columnist for TheWashington Post and her award-winning column, "The Color ofMoney," appears twice a week in dozens of newspapers acrossthe country. She is a frequent contributor to NPR and regularlyappears on CNN’s weekend editions of New Day, CNN Newsroom,and The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. In 2020, TheWashington Post celebrated her long and distinguished career atthe paper with the Eugene Meyer Award, its highest journalistichonor. Singletary earned a master's degree in business andmanagement from Johns Hopkins University. Currently, she lives inMaryland with her husband and three children.

Scott Nations is the president of NationsShares, a financial firmthat specializes in market volatility analysis. He was a regularcontributor to CNBC, where he discussed markets and otherinvestment topics. He is the author ofA History of the UnitedStates in Five Crashes, as well as two technical books for optiontraders,Options Math, andThe Complete Book of Option Spreadsand Combinations. He is based in Chicago.

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