Making Space for Joy: Declutter and Flourish with Tracy McCubbin

Podcast episode about declutter and joy with Tracy McCubbin and positive psychology expert Lisa Cypers Kamen

When you look around your space, what do you see? Is there a corner that seems a bit overcrowded? Is there a pile you’ve been meaning to tackle but can’t find the right time? Would you perhaps enjoy parking your car in the garage for extra comfort on cold or rainy days? To discover the art of lightening the load to uncover happiness, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with declutter queen, Tracy McCubbin. Tracy is the founder of dClutterly, a business that helps people find joy in removing all the ‘stuff’ that no longer brings them joy. She shares the 5-minute decluttering challenge and how she helps people save money, organize, and flourish. 

Tracy McCubbin — Making Space for Joy:

  • Tracy describes our habits, acquisition cycle, and what we are seeking through the stuff we buy and collect. [3:38] 
  • In her book, Make Space for Happiness: How to Stop Attracting Clutter and Start Magnetizing the Life You Want, Tracy highlights the human connections and actions that can get us closer to true happiness. [8:14]
  • Tracy explains why keeping too many things from someone who has transitioned isn’t keeping their memory alive. [11:32]
  • Tracy’s 5-minute decluttering challenge makes space for joy. [18:13]
  • Tracy gives everyone permission to let go of the stuff that doesn’t bring us happiness. [27:44]

About Lisa’s guest:

Tracy McCubbin has always described herself as “obsessive-compulsive-delightful”, and who knew that trait could be turned into a booming business? While working for a major television director in Los Angeles, Tracy discovered she had the ability to see through any mess and clearly envision a clutter-free space. Tracy soon found more and more people were asking her for help. Before she knew it, dClutterfly was born. Twelve years later Tracy decided to take what she had learned and write a book to help others deal with clutter and is the author of the newly published book Making Space, Clutter-Free: The Last Book on Decluttering You'll Ever Need. In addition to Tracy’s impressive organizational skills, she grew up with family members who hoarded and knows first hand the effect of accumulating so many possessions extends beyond the home’s walls.
Making Space for Joy: Declutter and Flourish with Tracy McCubbin
“Happiness really isn’t in the stuff. We do get a little dopamine sugar rush when we shop." - Lisa Cypers Kamen
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