Capitalizing Your Value: Know Your Worth and Flourish with Nicole Walters

Capitalizing Your Value: Know Your Worth and Flourish with Nicole Walters

Happiness is a by-product of our life journey, not a destination. When we are able to acknowledge happiness in simple moments, we release life’s pressure valve and allow ourselves to be the best we can be without self-judgment. Our value lies not in our ability to achieve goals or quotas. Our value is inherent. We wake up every day worthy of living the life we want. To hear from someone who has capitalized on her value, Positive Psychology Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with podcast host, speaker, and author Nicole Walters about inherent worthiness. Nicole shares the core principles from her book, Nothing is Missing: A Memoir of Living Boldly, how young people can capitalize on their value, and the beauty of finding happiness in moments.

Nicole Walters — Know Your Worth:


  • Nicole’s humble beginnings included a value system that continues to provide her inspiration today. {2:17}
  • Nicole describes how quitting her job allowed her to create the life she wanted to live. {4:15}
  • Happiness and purpose are not destinations they are states of being. {8:03}
  • In her book, Nothing is Missing: A Memoir of Living Boldly, Nicole stresses the importance of giving your best every moment. {11:42}
  • Nicole’s advice to young women trying to shape their future — Know Your Worth. {15:54}


About Lisa’s guest:

Nicole Walters is a former top-selling corporate executive who quit her six-figure sales job in front of ten thousand people, took what she knew, and built a million-dollar business in one year. Now the host of a popular podcast, running a multi-million-dollar business, and in-demand motivational speaker, Nicole is passionate about teaching everyday entrepreneurs how to own their power and trust they already have everything that they need to succeed.

Capitalizing Your Value: Know Your Worth and Flourish with Nicole Walters

“When we undergo adversity there are two roads we can take. One is you curl up in the corner and stew in the pity party. Or, you get busy and you go out in the world and forge ahead.”  - Lisa Cypers Kamen

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