Entangled: Neurodynamics & Technology with Carl D Marci MD

Entangled: Neurodynamics & Technology with Dr Carl D Marci MD

Study after study suggests that human brain development is greatly diminished by the use of digital media. One such study shows that for every hour of media a child consumes per day under the age of three, the risk of ADHD at age seven goes up by 10%. As new technologies, including AI, emerge, what can be done to protect mental health and brain development against them? For insights about the effect of technology on neurodynamics, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a leader in the fields of social and consumer neuroscience, Psychiatrist Dr. Carl D. Marci. Dr. Marci shares research about the effects of social media and new technologies on a developing brain and unpacks the central tenets of his newest book, REWIRED: Protecting Your Brain in the Digital Age.

Carl D. Marci MD — Neurodynamics & Technology:

  • As our brains are rewired by new technologies, are we susceptible to hidden agendas? {2:09}
  • How are children’s brains affected by exposure to digital media? {7:20}
  • How do technology, social media, and multitasking affect the teenage brain? {16:03}
  • What is Social Identity theory, and what are the positives and negatives of social media? {26:04}
  • What is the impact of AI on neurodynamics? {30:49}
  • Is there a correlation between a small hippocampus and mental health disease? {33:11}

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About Lisa’s guest:

Carl D. Marci, MD, a leader in the fields of social and consumer neuroscience is the Chief Medical Officer at Cava Capital and was formerly the Chief Neuroscientist at the Nielsen Company. He is also on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and is a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Entangled: Neurodynamics & Technology with Dr Carl D Marci MD

Too much media consumption is not good for us. We need to be having more interrelationships rather than one-sided, or voyeuristic relationships we get from social media." - Lisa Cypers Kamen 

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