Harvesting Happiness is proud to partner with the researchers and scholars at the Mental Immunity Project (MIP) and Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE).
Listen to two separate 9-part Harvesting Happiness podcast productions that explore the emerging science of cognitive immunology. Both unique series examine how and why disinformation, conspiracy theories, and media propaganda are used to undermine critical thinking and common sense. This impacts how we think and behave as well as our collective well-being.
This episode is #9 of 9 on our flagship podcast. Find nine More Mental Fitness by Harvesting Happiness bonus sessions available exclusively on Substack and Medium.
In the last 20 years, humans have developed a set of mental challenges for themselves unlike any other in human history. The internet age has created a vast array of complications that our minds have not yet adapted to or evolved to process. Bad actors and those who wish to hijack the human mind and spirit have designed methodologies that manipulate traditional cognitive functions to push their agendas.To learn more about how can we protect ourselves and strengthen our mental immunity, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the award-winning author of Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think and founder of the Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE) about the science of mental immunity.
Andy Norman — The Science of Mental Immunity:
- The human mental immune system functions in a similar fashion to the physical immune system. {3:12}
- The role of doubt in the mind's immune system. {6:07}
- Conspiracy theories and bad actors weaponize disinformation to hijack minds. {9:51}
- Humans, for the most part, want the same things for themselves. {19:23}
- Having a good conversation is an art form. {26:25}
This episode of Harvesting Happiness Talk Radio is sponsored by:
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About Lisa’s guest:
Andy Norman is the award-winning author of Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think. His work has appeared in Scientific American, Psychology Today, Psychiatric Times, Skeptic, Free Inquiry, and The Humanist. He has appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience, NPR, and The BBC’s Naked Scientist. His research illuminates the evolutionary origins of human reasoning, the norms that make dialogue fruitful, and the workings of the mind’s immune system. He champions the emerging science of mental immunity as the antidote to disinformation, propaganda, hate, and division. He is the founder of the Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative (CIRCE), a global think-tank leading the effort to inoculate humanity against cognitive contagion.
This episode is #9 of 9 on our flagship podcast. Find nine More Mental Fitness by Harvesting Happiness bonus sessions available exclusively on Substack and Medium.
“If we ask someone who holds an opposing view, or a conspiratorial view, what they want out of their lives and what matters to them, it will not be different than what we feel." - Lisa Cypers Kamen
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