Trauma Healing: Cycle-Breaking and Resilience-Building with Dr. Mariel Buqué PhD

Trauma Healing: Cycle-Breaking and Resilience-Building with Dr. Mariel Buqué PhD

What some people consider small stressors can trigger and overwhelm those whose biological and psychological makeup is foundationally built upon intergenerational traumas. Those with intergenerational traumas can be predisposed to heightened emotions that may not be widely understood by their societal circles. If you have witnessed someone’s reaction to a circumstance that didn’t appear to warrant it, it could be based on the person’s unique heritage and ancestry without them being aware of the factors at play.

To discover ways to break the cycle of intergenerational trauma and begin the healing process, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Columbia University-trained Psychologist and intergenerational trauma expert, Dr. Mariel Buqué.

From her book, Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma, Dr. Buqué shares her holistic healing approach, accessible healing tools, and how to access intergenerational resilience. 

Dr. Mariel Buqué — Trauma Healing:

  • How intergenerational trauma impacts lives. {2:57}
  • Tools for recognizing and managing intergenerational trauma from Dr. Buqué’s book, Break the Cycle. {6:10}
  • A holistic approach to healing intergenerational trauma is the integration of mind, body, and spirit. {16:17}
  • Along with intergenerational trauma, people can also lean into their intergenerational resilience. {22:58}

About Lisa’s guest:

Dr. Mariel Buqué is an Afro-Dominican, Columbia University-trained Psychologist, intergenerational trauma expert, and the author of the book Break the Cycle: a book that focuses on healing wounds of intergenerational trauma. Her clinical framework is holistic and infuses ancient and indigenous healing practices into a modern, comprehensive therapeutic approach. She additionally provides healing workshops to Fortune 100 companies including Google, Twitter, Capital One, and Facebook, and lectures within the psychology department of Columbia University. Dr. Buqué is widely sought out for her clinical expertise and trauma healing approach and has been featured on major media outlets including The Today Show, Good Morning America, and ABC News. She has been named as a School of Greatness’s 100 Greatest People Doing Good in 2022. 

Trauma Healing: Cycle-Breaking and Resilience-Building with Dr. Mariel Buqué PhD

“Intergenerational resilience is as powerful in our make-up as the trauma.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen

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