Out of Sorts and on the Edge with Dr. Meg Arroll

Out of Sorts and on the Edge with Dr. Meg Arroll

Have you ever been frustrated while driving? There was no major accident, and no one walked out in front of you, but the driver ahead of you kept changing speed for no reason, and you wonder why this has to happen every day. Agh! Research shows that these chronic irritations or tiny traumas can build up in our system and cause more disruption than a major life trauma.

To discover how to recover and repair from chronic stressors, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with psychologist, scientist, and author specializing in health and well-being, Dr. Meg Arroll.

From her book, Tiny Traumas: When You Don’t Know What’s Wrong, But Nothing Feels Quite Right, Dr. Arroll shares her three-step process for building a strong psychological immune system by resetting and rebooting when we feel out of sorts.

Dr. Meg Arroll — On Edge:

  • Examples of ‘little t’ traumas and their prolonged impact on physical and psychological health. {2:42}
  • Dr. Arroll’s 3-stage process to reset and reboot when you feel out of sorts. {9:28} 
  • Integrating tiny triumphs into life is the dynamic third step of Dr. Arroll’s process. {24:03}
  • Building a strong psychological immune system. {25:36}

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About Lisa’s guest:

Dr. Meg Arroll (PhD, CPsychol, CSci, AFBPsS, FHEA, MISCPAccred) is a psychologist, scientist, and author specializing in health and well-being. Dr. Meg’s solution-focused approach gives practical tips and strategies for life’s tricky problems. She is usually based in London, where she’s a regular contributor to BBC Radio, the Daily Mail, and more.

Out of Sorts and on the Edge with Dr. Meg Arroll

“It's ok to have a moment of de-compensation. It might actually be good for us.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen

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