Tune-In: Sound Therapy for Ear and Brain Vitality with Rafaele Joudry MSC

Tune-In: Sound Therapy for Ear and Brain Vitality with Rafaele Joudry MSC

Studies indicate that listening to music not only reduces anxiety and enhances overall well-being but also triggers activity in ten distinct brain centers. And, among the twelve cranial nerves connecting our brain to our sensory systems, ten are linked to auditory perception, making the ears a gateway to the brain. 

Learn how to fine-tune and revitalize brain function through sound. Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the co-developer of a home-based Sound Therapy system and best-selling author Rafaele Joudry.

Rafaele explains the concept of sound therapy, its treatment process, and the benefits of its use to heal the brain, increase well-being, and fight depression and anxiety.

Rafaele Joudry MSC — Sound Therapy:

  • How does Tomatis Sound Therapy activate the ear and recharge the brain? {2:09}
  • Sound Therapy builds connections between the two sides of the brain to enhance performance. {7:25}
  • How does sound therapy passively heal an injured brain? {13:39}
  • Strains of sound therapy enhance brain function and activate the vagus nerve. {21:23} 

About Lisa’s guest:

Rafaele Joudry MSC was the co-developer of a home-based Sound Therapy system that enhances ear and brain performance. She has authored three best-selling books and has been researching and developing the program for over three decades. She has trained hundreds of practitioners and the method has helped thousands of listeners to enhance their lives.

Tune-In: Sound Therapy for Ear and Brain Vitality with Rafaele Joudry MSC

“When both sides of the brain are firing we end up performing better.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen 

For more inspiration visit www.harvestinghappiness.com!

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