Nutritionally Dense Food Wisdom for Health and Well-Being with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne PhD

Podcast episode about food wisdom with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne.

Nutritional Science is a fairly new field of study relative to human existence. In the past, humans grew much of their food in and around where they lived, incorporating a variety of nutritionally dense plants and animals into their diet. Fast forward to today, when industrialization has changed how we feed ourselves, humans more often use satiation above nutrition to gauge our feeding needs.

To gain nuggets of nourishment about nutrients, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD. Sarah founded and is the New York Times best-selling author of Nutrivore: The Radical New Science for Getting the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat.

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne studies the effects of nutrients on our body chemistry and which foods contain the highest levels of nutrients relative to the daily value per calorie. Her Nutrivore scoring system offers simple food swap items and additions to create healthier meals for healthier humans.

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne PhD — Nutritional Science:

  • Nutritional Sciences investigate how food impacts human health and well-being. {3:00}
  • Sarah’s Nutrivore score is a mathematical calculation that translates to total nutrients per calorie. {7:01}
  • Industrialization has reduced the number of nutritionally rich foods the average person consumes. {14:17}
  • In Nutrivore: The Radical New Science for Getting the Nutrients You Need from the Food You Eat, Sarah identifies 12 foundational food families. {21:06}
  • Lisa gets nutrient-rich food-swap advice for her go-to favorite summer salad. {23:06}
  • Science-based recommended foods to keep the brain healthy. {29:43}

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About Lisa’s guest:

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, PhD is the founder of and a New York Times best-selling author. She creates educational resources to help people improve their day-to-day diet and lifestyle choices, empowered and informed by the most current evidence-based scientific research. With Nutrivore, Dr. Sarah has created a positive and inclusive approach to dietary guidance, based in science and devoid of dogma, using nutrient density and sufficiency as its basic principles: Nourishment, not judgment.

Podcast episode about food wisdom with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne.

“Superfoods were probably part of the average person's diet until industrialization." - Lisa Cypers Kamen

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