The Happiness Tuneup: Recipes for the Good Life with Stephanie Harrison MA

The Happiness Tuneup: Recipes for the Good Life with Stephanie Harrison MA

Consider that everything you’ve been told about happiness is wrong. Happiness isn’t a new car, changing an insurance provider, or a crystal clear cellphone connection. Those are marketing messages designed to make us feel our choices aren’t good enough. There is no one-size-fits-all for happiness. Happiness is about living our truth and accepting ourselves as we are.


Happiness is available to us regardless of external circumstances.


To find out how to get a happiness tuneup for life, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with an expert in the science of happiness and the creator of the New Happy philosophy, Stephanie Harrison. 


Stephanie shares the three big lies Western society tells us about our ability to obtain happiness, why she preaches happiness to everyone she meets, and how being happy doesn’t mean being perfect.

Stephanie Harrison — A Happiness Tuneup: 

  • 3 big lies society tells us about happiness. {2:13}
  • Unhappiness breeds positive psychology students. {4:02}
  • Give yourself a happiness tuneup. {21:02}
  • Stephanie shares minimalist visual art to demonstrate her happiness and her New Happy philosophy. {25:06}

Meet Our Guest:

Stephanie Harrison is a renowned expert in the science of happiness and the creator of the New Happy philosophy. She has a master’s degree in positive psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, where she later taught. The author of New Happy: Getting Happiness Right in a World That's Got It Wrong, Stephanie’s work has been featured in Forbes and Harvard Business Review.

The Happiness Tuneup: Recipes for the Good Life with Stephanie Harrison MA

“One can go through difficult times. One can even experience trauma and setbacks and still find this happy place.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen


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