Self-Confident Modern Lov Romance, Connection, and Well-Being with Amanda Gesselman PhD

Self-Confident Modern Lov Romance, Connection, and Well-Being with Amanda Gesselman PhD

* This episode explores human sexuality and is intended for mature listeners.

In our increasingly isolated world, online dating has become a prevalent avenue for finding romance. While self-confident individuals often leverage these platforms to strategically navigate potential partnerships, others may use them, and related platforms such as cam sites, as a means to develop the emotional and social skills necessary for offline relationships and well-being.

To get the down-and-dirty details of the impact of technology on modern love, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with the Head of Research Analytics at the famous Kinsey Institute, Dr. Amanda Gesselman.

Amanda discusses statistics and research data about the intersection of humanity and technology in matters of the heart and mind. She also offers her unique insights about the healing power of electronically-driven connections.

Amanda Gesselman — Self-Confident Modern Love: 

  • Online dating apps are the #1 place people meet their partners. {5:04}
  • Technology is not advanced enough to facilitate modern love perfectly. {8:19}
  • Studies show that cam sites reduce loneliness, provide mental relief, and build connection-based skills. {11:50}
  • Satisfying romantic relationships increases well-being and offers physical benefits. {25:26}
  • People in a secure romance are self-confident and live longer.  {30:40}

Meet Our Guest:

Dr. Amanda Gesselman, PhD, is a social-developmental psychologist specializing in advanced research methods and statistics at the Kinsey Institute, where she is the Head of the Research Analytics and Methodology Core and is the inaugural Anita Aldrich Endowed Research Scientist at Indiana University. Her research explores modern trends in romantic and sexual relationships, the impact of close relationships on health and well-being, and the role of technology in fostering meaningful connections.
Dr. Gesselman’s work is widely published in peer-reviewed journals and has gained international attention from major media outlets like TIME, VICE, and Netflix’s Explained.
Self-Confident Modern Love: Romance, Connection, and Well-Being with Amanda Gesselman PhD
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