Healing the loneliness epidemic requires much more than bringing humans together. It is likely that you have felt disconnected from others even when in a crowded place. That disconnection comes from within ourselves. By nurturing our inner world we can create a strong foundation for building meaningful connections with others, and help us find contentment and love within ourselves.
To discover a clear pathway to love yourself, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with bestselling author, relationship expert, and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing process, Dr. Margaret Paul.
Margaret discusses how her 6-step Inner Bonding process leads to healing the soul and creates deeper bonds with ourselves and within our closest relationships.
Margaret Paul — Healing & Loving Yourself:
- The difference between loneliness and aloneness. {3:04}
- Healing the epidemic of loneliness with Inner Bonding®. {8:36}
- The soul and the ego are often at odds. {11:52}
- How to adopt healing intentions amidst narcissism and negativity. {15:58}
- The 6-step Inner Bonding® pathway. {22:26}
Meet Our Guest:
“Being enough, embracing that we are fabulous the way we are, warts and all, is a big step in adulting and being healthy.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen
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