Sometimes, navigating our next steps can be complicated, and discernment is not always easy. Approaching problems from a different perspective can help us to gain clarity on a situation and when done so with intention, can become a sacred journey of self-discovery. Through discernment, we listen to the desires of the soul, allowing them to guide us toward choices that resonate with our authentic selves. This inner listening is crucial for identifying our true needs and values, ensuring that our next steps are not merely practical but deeply aligned with our core being, ultimately honoring the integrity of our whole self.
To guide us through navigating decisions and discerning the next steps of our journey, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with a Wall Street Journal best-selling author of six books and podcast host, Emily P. Freeman.
Emily describes the journey of discernment that allows our inner guidance system to separate our decision-making process from external influences. She offers a transformative practice that allows us to honor ourselves, slow down the assessment process, and weed out red flags.
Emily P Freeman — A Journey of Discomfort:
- Wading through discomfort is part of the decision process. {4:00}
- A journey of discernment. {10:12}
- What to do when things need to change. {12:00}
- How to cultivate better discernment in life. {17:46}
- Listening feeds the soul of the speaker and listener. {22:26}
- Slowing down the assessment process. {25:42}
Meet Our Guest:
Emily P Freeman holds a master's degree in Spiritual Formation and Leadership from Friends University. She is driven to offer spiritual companionship and discernment to anyone struggling with decision fatigue.
Emily is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of six books. Her latest book How to Walk into a Room: The Art of Knowing When to Stay and When to Walk Away helps readers uncover when to move on.
“Asking the question might just open the door to the answer.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen
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