Positive Perspective and Habit Breaking: How to Positively Change Your Mind with Nicole Vignola, MSc

Positive Perspective and Habit Breaking: How to Positively Change Your Mind with Nicole Vignola, MSc

Humans inherently have a negativity bias. Our brains prioritize negative stimuli as compared to positive stimuli. And while it may have served us well in the past, today, it only serves to increase anxiety and worry. Research shows that we can rewire our brains to acknowledge the negative and change our perception of it, but it takes practice.

To guide us through the practice of positively changing our minds, Harvesting Happiness Podcast host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with Neuroscientist and organizational consultant Nicole Vignola.

Nicole shares strategies for transforming negative habits into positive perspectives from her book, Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts, and Create Lasting Change. She describes the benefits of a growth mindset and the importance of emotions and gratitude.

Nicole Vignola — A Positive Perspective: 

  • EMDR and the amygdala. {4:08}
  • Making a positive change for negativity bias. {7:27}
  • In Rewire, Nicole’s perspective of distress and eustress are highlighted. {10:46}
  • The power of human emotions. {14:32}
  • Gratitude and the effect of brain chemicals. {19:25}
  • Strategies to change your perspective and mind. {24:45}
  • Hacks that empower us to make positive change. {30:59}

Meet Our Guest:

Neuroscientist and organizational consultant Nicole Vignola MSc specializes in making neuroscience tangible for the masses. Through her established platform, she provides her millions of followers with practical tools and science-backed methods to improve mental health, optimize reflexes, and reach peak mental performance to enhance their daily lives.
Book: Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts and Create Lasting Change
Positive Perspective and Habit Breaking: How to Positively Change Your Mind with Nicole Vignola, MSc
“Humans are a resilient lot. By nature, we have the ability to overcome and move forward.” - Lisa Cypers Kamen
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