Dr. Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University, and a leading expert in the new field of "science-help." She is passionate about translating cutting-edge research from psychology, neuroscience, and medicine into practical strategies for health, happiness, and personal success.
Her most recent book, The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It , explores the latest research on motivation and temptation, as well as what it takes to transform habits, persevere at challenges, and make a successful change.To learn more about Kelly and her work, visit: http://kellymcgonigal.com/
Find your Happiness with Lisa Cypers Kamen every Wednesday at 9 am PST/12 pm EST on www.toginet.com/shows/harvestinghappiness ! For more information, visit Lisa's websites, www.hh4heroes.org, www.harvestinghappinesstalkradio.com , and http://harvestinghappiness.com
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