Creating a Happy Ending with guests Betsy Trapasso and Jeff Jorgenson March 5th at 12 pm EST
During this weeks radio show you will learn about:
  • what Betsy does as an end of life guide
  • the documentary – Bringing Death to Life
  • Betsy’s role as the hostess of Death Cafe Los Angeles
  • Seattle’s only green funeral home
  • how Jeff creates celebrations around a life well lived
Listen in this Wednesday at 9 am PST / 12 pm EST to listen live to Lisa interview the guests below! 
You can listen live every week here:


betsy trapassoAs an end of life guide, Betsy Trapasso, assists the dying in making a peaceful transition from this world. Betsy is the hostess of Death Cafe Los Angeles where people gather to talk about death and life while enjoying the amazing food and cultures of the City.

Betsy’s passion is to change how we view death in the United States and that people may be less afraid of dying if they learn about other cultures that view death as a natural part of life. She is producing a feature length documentary about the death views, rituals, and ceremonies of other cultures and countries.

You can read more about Betsy here.


Jeff JorgensonIn earlier years, Jeff Jorgenson worked in the aviation industry having secured a Bachelors of Science in Aeronautics and a Master of Science in Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. It was a wonderful twist in life that brought him to work in the cremation and burial profession both in the pre-arrangement area as well as a licensed funeral director.

This hybrid of technical and old world trade that unlatched the idea that end of life service needed to come to the client families with a new and different approach. Graduate work on environmental impacts of greenhouse gasses as well as supply chain management and logistics made it clear that it was time to take these skills and apply them to his love of end of life practices to make them greener and more approachable and affordable for families.

You can read more about Jeff here.

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