The Intenders and Unveiling Peace with guests Tony Burroughs and Susan Sosbe, April 9th at 12pm EST

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:

  • Is there a key to becoming self-empowered?
  • The Intention Process 
  • The Code and its origins
  • Understand the nature of suffering
  • Recognizing our own responsibilities for world peace
  • Unveiling our peace

Tony Burroughs is an author, storyteller, and co-founder of The Intenders of the Highest Good, a grassroots community movement with Intenders Circles in countries all over the world.  He was a gentleman farmer in Hawaii until 17 years ago when he and three friends created their first Intenders Circle.

Tony is the author of the popular daily email messages called The Bridge at and has written nine books. Tony’s newest book isGet What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions His latest endeavor is The Vision Alignment Project.

You can learn more about Tony here.

Susan Sosbe

Susan Sosbe was born in London in 1946. She is a trained nurse and teacher and has lived in Norway, Kuwait and France. Nursing was the only acceptable channel at the time for the healing gift that Susan had since childhood. After the death of her husband, doors opened almost inexplicably – allowing her to use her gift to its full potential for both humans and animals. She has worked with the terminally ill and dying, whilst working as a healer in a hospice.

From an early age Susan has ‘felt’ the suffering of others but it wasn’t until she had a profound  spiritual experience during her own struggle with life changing chronic illness, that she suddenly understood the true nature of suffering – of all mankind. Later, seemingly marking a new phase to her spiritual journey, Susan responded to a moment of spontaneity, moving to France with her four dogs and two cats, but the real purpose of that relocation was yet to be revealed.

One day, in the stillness of the forest, Susan was made to realize how every tiny part of her life had come together like a jigsaw. She had come full circle and all the doors that were previously closed to her would magically be opened. Through her writing and talks, Susan now dedicates her life to the humble role as messenger of Peace and Healing. Her first book “Reflections – Beyond Thought,” was published this year – after responding to ‘a moment of spontaneity’ when she returned to England.

Susan is a luminary for

You can learn more about Susan here.

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