The Healing Power of Music with guests Tina Haynes and Graham Iddon of Raving Wild on Wed Aug 20

During this weeks radio show you will learn about:

  • CAMMO and the work they do
  • Music Therapy and what it does for those with PTSD
  • CAMMO’s work with veterans, service members and their families
  • The importance of music as an expression of thought
  • Raising awareness of depression through music
Tina Haynes

Tina Haynes is a board certified music therapist and a licensed creative arts therapist with over 34 years experience providing music therapy services to hospitalized veterans at the Tennessee Valley Healthcare System VA in Murfreesboro, TN.  Her undergraduate degree in music therapy was earned at Arizona State University and she is about to complete a master’s degree in music therapy with an emphasis in neurologic music therapy from Colorado State University.  She also has specialty training in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music™.

Tina has worked in inpatient and outpatient mental health, PTSD, substance abuse, pain management, and dementia/Alzheimer’s.  She trains music therapy interns and practicum students, nursing students, psychology interns, occupational therapy students, and is now training doctors in integrative medicine practices.  She has made numerous local, state, and national presentations about stress management and psychiatry.

Tina has served as President of the Southeastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association and the Tennessee Association for Music Therapy, co-chair of the AMTA National Ethics Board, chair of the Exam Committee for the Certification Board for Music Therapists, and national chairperson for the VA National Music Festival for Hospitalized Veterans. Some of her professional awards include the Under Secretary of Health’s Award, special commendations from the chief Medical Director in VA Central Office and the President’s Commission of Employment for the Handicapped and the Outstanding Professional Service award from the Southeastern Region of AMTA.

You can learn more about Tina and CAMMO here.

Raving Wild

Raving Wild is a singer songwriter based primarily in Buckinghamshire, UK.

He’s been performing for over 10 years both locally and nationally, constantly writing new material and playing various venues such as Pinewood Studios and Brixton Jam along with appearances on BBC Introducing and as a feature musician in The National Student.

You can learn more about Raving Wild here.

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