Through and Beyond Trauma With Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Mike Monroe and Nicole Green of Team Rubicon

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:

  • New Treatments for War Trauma
  • Time Perspective Therapy
  • The Work of Team Rubicon
  • The Difference Team Rubicon Makes for Veterans and Disaster Relief
  • The Value of Veterans and Their Continued Service
Dr. Philip Zimbardo

Philip Zimbardo is one of the most distinguished living psychologists, having served as President of the American Psychological Association, designed and narrated the award winning 26-part PBS series, Discovering Psychology, and has published more than 50 books and 400 professional and popular articles and chapters, among them, Shyness, The Lucifer Effect, The Time Cure and The Time Paradox.

A professor emeritus at Stanford University, Dr. Zimbardo has spent 50 years teaching and studying psychology. He received his Ph.D. in psychology from Yale University, and his areas of focus include time perspective, shyness, terrorism, madness, and evil. Best-known for his controversial Stanford Prison Experiment that highlighted the ease with which ordinary intelligent college students could cross the line between good and evil when caught up in the matrix of situational and systemic forces.

Dr. Zimbardo is currently lectures worldwide and is actively working to promote his non-profit The Heroic Imagination Project His current research looks at the psychology of heroism.

You can learn more about Dr. Zimbardo here.


 Mike Monroe

Nicole Green

Team Rubicon seeks to provide our veterans with three things they lose after leaving the military: a purpose, gained through disaster relief; community, built by serving with others; and self-worth, from recognizing the impact one individual can make. Coupled with leadership development and other opportunities, TR also aims to “bridge the gap” between military and civilian life.

Mike Monroe served as an infantry officer in the U.S. Marine Corps for twelve years.  Highlights of his tenure include leadership positions within an infantry battalion, staff assignments at the Division and USMC Headquarters level, serving as a Platoon Commander with 1st Force Reconnaissance Company (USMC Special Operations), and being selected as the USMC exchange officer to the British Royal Marine Commandos.  Upon leaving the military, Mike worked for the CIA.  Following the CIA, Mike relocated to New York City where he started his own fitness and training company.  After successfully building his own business, Mike felt a strong calling to serve again.  In 2010 he re-entered government service working for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).   His work at DIA led to a deployment to Afghanistan as part of a special task force supporting the U.S. Special Operations Command.  Following the DIA, Mike joined the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) where he worked in a countermeasures office, focusing on vulnerabilities within transportation systems.  Mike currently serves as the Division One Administrator for Team Rubicon (TR).   Before joining TR, Mike’s passion led him to service at Points of Light where he was responsible for building programs that help veterans, military members and their families.

Nicole Green is currently the Division Two Administrator at Team Rubicon, where she focuses on the organization’s growth and operations in the western United States. Team Rubicon is a disaster relief non-profit that unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams.  She is a US Air Force veteran who served as an intelligence officer for four years and deployed to Iraq in 2003.

After her military service she moved to Russia, where she taught English for one year and discovered a passion for communication. Upon returning to the US, Nicole joined a small company as the VP of Business Development and built a Critical Thinking course for the Army.  From there, she was recruited to work as a strategy consultant for Deloitte.  After volunteering with Team Rubicon, Nicole was inspired to move west and put her business and training skills to work on behalf of the veteran community.  Nicole is from Atlanta, GA and holds a BS from the US Air Force Academy in Political Science and an MA in Diplomacy from Norwich University.

You can learn more about Team Rubicon here.

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