During this week’s radio show you will learn about:
- International Happiness Day – March 20
- The Use of Happy Maps
- Project +
- Natural Anti-Depressants
- Positive Perscription

Daniele Quercia is a scientist at Yahoo Labs in Barcelona. He has been named one of Fortune magazine’s 2014 Data All-Stars, and spoke about “happy maps” at TED. He is interested in the relationship between online and offline worlds, and his work has been focusing in the areas of data mining, computational social science, and urban informatics. Before Yahoo, he was a Horizon senior researcher at The Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge and was Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his PhD from UC London. His thesis was sponsored by Microsoft Research Cambridge and was nominated for BCS Best British PhD dissertation in Computer Science.
You can learn more about Daniele here.
Jean Timsit, born 1961, is a painter and art photographer who lives and works in Paris, France. He has practiced black and white photography for forty years and has trained himself to master all its technical aspects, including printing, which he sees as an integral part of the creative process.
He begun 1985 drawing and painting in 1985. He received a rich and varied training: at the Louvre, later in California, with Betty Edwards, at Stanford University, at The Pacific Art League (Palo Alto). He also extensively studied specific techniques of the old masters in oil paint, encaustic and egg emulsion with Patrice de Pracontal and André Fisch in Paris.
Jean Timsit exhibited his paintings and photography at the National Museum for Asian Arts, Guimet, Paris, at the Modern Book Gallery (San Francisco), at The Gold Coast Gallery (New York) and was recently invited as an artist in residence at the Festival APART (St Remy de Provence)
In an earlier professional life, Jean Timsit was an International business lawyer, specializing in dispute resolution and mediation. He received his training at HEC school of management, Paris, and joined the Paris bar in 1985.
He has worked as a full time professional artist since 2006. He photographs exclusively in black and white, using only film and traditional wet laboratory techniques, pushing the limits of those now mostly forgotten practices. He produces his own chemicals, when those are not available anymore. He paints mostly in Oil, but also uses egg emulsion, mixed techniques and water based or encaustic paints. He produces some of his own paints and mediums. His approach to painting is slow and detailed. The same goes for his photography, even though photography is relatively faster by nature.
Jean Timsit also created and runs a scientific research group around the themes of happiness (Project +) and is part of the United Nations Expert Group on this topic. He publishes, with his group, in scientific journals. He sees this work as an integral part of his expression, art and science illuminating each other.
Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. is a psychologist, speaker and author who has published numerous articles, chapters, and blogs, including his newest book Uncovering Happiness: Overcoming Depression with Mindfulness and Self-Compassion (Order Now and Get the Promo Offer), the bestselling books The Now Effect: How This Moment Can Change the Rest of Your Life and A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook, foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn. He synthesizes the pearls of traditional psychotherapy with a progressive integration of mindfulness to achieve mental and emotional healing. He has his private practice in West Los Angeles, California.
You can learn more about Elisha here.
Samantha Boardman MD is the founder of PositivePrescription.com, a website that shares actionable insights from psychiatry and psychology with readers. She is a Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry and Public Health and an Attending Psychiatrist at Weill-Cornell Medical College. Dr. Boardman is a contributing writer to Everyday Health, The Tory Burch Blog, Acculturated.com, Modern Luxury, Self.com and the Huffington Post. She has written for Harper’s Bazaar and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Avenue Magazine, GG Magazine and Style.com. Dr. Boardman is a frequent guest expert on the Today Show discussing current psychology topics as they pertain to everyday life. Dr. Boardman is a member of the Board of Trustees of Metropolitan Museum of Art, a board member of Citymeals-on-Wheels, a committee member for the New York Presbyterian Lying-in Hospital, a council member for New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell, and a council member for Woman and Science, Rockefeller University. She received her B.A. from Harvard University, an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and an M.A. in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She lives and works in New York City.
You can learn more about Samantha here.