Courage, Joy and Leading by Example with Gabi Ury and Nancy Belmont

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:

  • 16 year old Guinness Book World Plank Record Holder Gabi Ury
  • Tackling the Biggest Obstacles to Live Passionately
  • Courage Walls and Their Communities
  • The Interplay of Courage and Joy
  • The Power of Declaration

Gabi Ury

Gabi Ury, a 16-year-old high school junior, is the world’s planking champion (female), as certified by the Guinness Book of World Records. Born with special needs that affect her spine, feet, and gluts, she decided to break the world record in order to raise money and awareness for the Children’s Hospital Colorado where she had most of her fourteen major surgeries. She doubled the existing the world record for holding the abdominal plank, a core strengthening exercise, with a time of one hour and twenty minutes.

You can learn more about Gabi here.


nancy belmont

Nancy Belmont is the creator of the "Courage Wall," a community project that catapulted to the national and international stage just a week after the project's launch. The Courage Wall has been covered by the TODAY Show, Al Jazeera, ABC, Forbes and the Washington Post, sparking the conversation on courage and fear in millions around the globe. A 8' x 20' chalkboard that reads, "I wish I had the courage to..." invites passers-by to confront the fears that hold them back from living big, authentic lives.

For the past 15 years, Nancy has run Belmont, Inc. a brand- and culture-building agency. As a leadership coach and organizational community builder, Nancy works with leaders to define who they are, what they stand for and how they want to show up in the world. She coaches and facilitates groups and runs workshops on topics related to branding, culture, courage, values and joy. She also recently launched a product line on Etsy featuring inspirational tools to help people live big. 

Nancy works with Fortune 500 executives, SES leaders in the federal government, senior level officers in the U.S. military and executive directors of non-profits as a coach, creative consultant and team facilitator. She is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching program and holds an ACC certification from the International Coach Federation. 

You can learn more about Nancy here

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