Entrepreneurial Hook-Ups: Making Conscious & Impactful Professional Connections with Jessica Alter and Matt Nolan

harvesting happiness

Original Air Date: August 10, 2016

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:

  • New methods of collaboration yielding tremendous results
  • Why having the right people on your team trumps a good idea
  • How to connect with the right people to help your goal become reality
  • Using technology to cross social divide


Jessica Alter is the Cofounder & CEO of FounderDating, the premier network for entrepreneurs and advisors to connect, share and help one and other.  Previously, Jessica led Business Development and was GM of Platforms at Bebo (Acquired by AOL).  Prior to Bebo Jessica worked in business development at Hands-On Mobile.  She is also a mentor at 500 Startups.  She holds a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from University of Michigan and an MBA from Harvard Business School. More here

Matthew Nolan is a social entrepreneur and technologist. He is the founder of four successful companies including Verona, a swipe app aimed at world peace which introduces people who want to cross a social divide. Verona most recently won Fast Companies “Most Innovative Company of 2016” award and was honored by the Webby awards. More here

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