Your Gut & Your Brain: New Frontiers in Healing Psychic Pain with Dr Jennifer Perusini & Dr Emeran Mayer

Air Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017

During this week’s radio show you will learn about:

  • Psychobiotics
  • How a bio-marker is being used to diagnose and treat PTSD
  • Communication between the mind and the gut
  • New research and developments in the treatment of PTSD

Jennifer Perusini PhD

Jennifer Perusini earned her B.A. in Neuroscience at Barnard College of Columbia University. She then received her Ph.D. in Behavioral Neuroscience at UCLA under the direction of Dr. Michael Fanselow, where she studied the mechanisms underlying Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Recently, she completed her post-doctoral fellowship at Columbia University in the Departments of Psychiatry and Integrative Neuroscience, where her research focused on rodent models of aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Perusini is now founder and CEO of Neurovation Labs, a biotech company developing PTSD diagnostics and treatments. More here

Emeran Mayer, MD

Dr. Emeran Mayer received is MD/PhD degree from the Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich, Germany, did his residency at the Vancouver General Hospital in Vancouver, Canada, and his GI fellowship training at the UCLA/VA Wadsworth Training Program. Dr. Mayer has a career long interest in clinical and research aspects of brain body interactions, with a longstanding focus on brain gut interactions in health and disease. Besides being a widely recognized expert for functional GI disorders, he is also recognized as one of the leading investigators in the world of chronic visceral pain and of the brain gut axis. More here

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